 *  PsychGSPlaybackRate() - Start- and stop movieplayback, set playback parameters.
 *  moviehandle = Movie to start-/stop.
 *  playbackrate = zero == Stop playback, non-zero == Play movie with spec. rate,
 *                 e.g., 1 = forward, 2 = double speed forward, -1 = backward, ...
 *  loop = 0 = Play once. 1 = Loop, aka rewind at end of movie and restart.
 *  soundvolume = 0 == Mute sound playback, between 0.0 and 1.0 == Set volume to 0 - 100 %.
 *  Returns Number of dropped frames to keep playback in sync.
int PsychGSPlaybackRate(int moviehandle, double playbackrate, int loop, double soundvolume)
    int			dropped = 0;
    GstElement		*theMovie = NULL;
    if (moviehandle < 0 || moviehandle >= PSYCH_MAX_MOVIES) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid moviehandle provided!");
    // Fetch references to objects we need:
    theMovie = movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].theMovie;    
    if (theMovie == NULL) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid moviehandle provided. No movie associated with this handle !!!");
    if (playbackrate != 0) {
        // Start playback of movie:

	// Set volume and mute state for audio:
	g_object_set(G_OBJECT(theMovie), "mute", (soundvolume <= 0) ? TRUE : FALSE, NULL);
	g_object_set(G_OBJECT(theMovie), "volume", soundvolume, NULL);

	// Set playback rate:
        movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].loopflag = loop;
        movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].last_pts = -1.0;
        movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].nr_droppedframes = 0;
	movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].rate = playbackrate;
	movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].frameAvail = 0;
	movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].preRollAvail = 0;

	// Start it:
	PsychMoviePipelineSetState(theMovie, GST_STATE_PLAYING, 10.0);
	PsychGSProcessMovieContext(movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].MovieContext, FALSE);
    else {
	// Stop playback of movie:
	movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].rate = 0;
	PsychMoviePipelineSetState(theMovie, GST_STATE_PAUSED, 10.0);
	PsychGSProcessMovieContext(movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].MovieContext, FALSE);

        // Output count of dropped frames:
        if ((dropped=movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].nr_droppedframes) > 0) {
            if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity()>2) {
		printf("PTB-INFO: Movie playback had to drop %i frames of movie %i to keep playback in sync.\n", movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].nr_droppedframes, moviehandle);

 *  PsychGSGetTextureFromMovie() -- Create an OpenGL texture map from a specific videoframe from given movie object.
 *  win = Window pointer of onscreen window for which a OpenGL texture should be created.
 *  moviehandle = Handle to the movie object.
 *  checkForImage = true == Just check if new image available, false == really retrieve the image, blocking if necessary.
 *  timeindex = When not in playback mode, this allows specification of a requested frame by presentation time.
 *              If set to -1, or if in realtime playback mode, this parameter is ignored and the next video frame is returned.
 *  out_texture = Pointer to the Psychtoolbox texture-record where the new texture should be stored.
 *  presentation_timestamp = A ptr to a double variable, where the presentation timestamp of the returned frame should be stored.
 *  Returns true (1) on success, false (0) if no new image available, -1 if no new image available and there won't be any in future.
int PsychGSGetTextureFromMovie(PsychWindowRecordType *win, int moviehandle, int checkForImage, double timeindex,
			     PsychWindowRecordType *out_texture, double *presentation_timestamp)
    GstElement			*theMovie;
    unsigned int		failcount=0;
    double			rate;
    double			targetdelta, realdelta, frames;
    // PsychRectType		outRect;
    GstBuffer                   *videoBuffer = NULL;
    gint64		        bufferIndex;
    double                      deltaT = 0;
    GstEvent                    *event;

    if (!PsychIsOnscreenWindow(win)) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Need onscreen window ptr!!!");
    if (moviehandle < 0 || moviehandle >= PSYCH_MAX_MOVIES) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid moviehandle provided.");
    if ((timeindex!=-1) && (timeindex < 0 || timeindex >= 10000.0)) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid timeindex provided.");
    if (NULL == out_texture && !checkForImage) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_internal, "NULL-Ptr instead of out_texture ptr passed!!!");
    // Fetch references to objects we need:
    theMovie = movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].theMovie;
    if (theMovie == NULL) {
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid moviehandle provided. No movie associated with this handle.");

    // Allow context task to do its internal bookkeeping and cleanup work:
    PsychGSProcessMovieContext(movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].MovieContext, FALSE);

    // If this is a pure audio "movie" with no video tracks, we always return failed,
    // as those certainly don't have movie frames associated.

    if (movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].nrVideoTracks == 0) return((checkForImage) ? -1 : FALSE);

    // Get current playback rate:
    rate = movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].rate;

    // Is movie actively playing (automatic async playback, possibly with synced sound)?
    // If so, then we ignore the 'timeindex' parameter, because the automatic playback
    // process determines which frames should be delivered to PTB when. This function will
    // simply wait or poll for arrival/presence of a new frame that hasn't been fetched
    // in previous calls.
    if (0 == rate) {
        // Movie playback inactive. We are in "manual" mode: No automatic async playback,
        // no synced audio output. The user just wants to manually fetch movie frames into
        // textures for manual playback in a standard Matlab-loop.

	// First pass - checking for new image?
	if (checkForImage) {
		// Image for specific point in time requested?
		if (timeindex >= 0) {
			// Yes. We try to retrieve the next possible image for requested timeindex.
			// Seek to target timeindex:
			PsychGSSetMovieTimeIndex(moviehandle, timeindex, FALSE);
		else {
			// No. We just retrieve the next frame, given the current position.
			// Nothing to do so far...

		// Check for frame availability happens down there in the shared check code...

    // Should we just check for new image? If so, just return availability status:
    if (checkForImage) {
	if ((((0 != rate) && movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].frameAvail) || ((0 == rate) && movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].preRollAvail)) &&
	    !gst_app_sink_is_eos(GST_APP_SINK(movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].videosink))) {
		// New frame available. Unlock and report success:
		//printf("PTB-DEBUG: NEW FRAME %d\n", movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].frameAvail);

	// Is this the special case of a movie without video, but only sound? In that case
	// we always return a 'false' because there ain't no image to return. We check this
	// indirectly - If the imageBuffer is NULL then the video callback hasn't been called.
	if (oldstyle && (NULL == movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].imageBuffer)) {

	// None available. Any chance there will be one in the future?
        if (gst_app_sink_is_eos(GST_APP_SINK(movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].videosink)) && movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].loopflag == 0) {
		// No new frame available and there won't be any in the future, because this is a non-looping
		// movie that has reached its end.
        else {
		// No new frame available yet:
		//printf("PTB-DEBUG: NO NEW FRAME\n");

    // If we reach this point, then an image fetch is requested. If no new data
    // is available we shall block:

    // printf("PTB-DEBUG: Blocking fetch start %d\n", movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].frameAvail);

    if (((0 != rate) && !movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].frameAvail) ||
	((0 == rate) && !movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].preRollAvail)) {
	// No new frame available. Perform a blocking wait:
	PsychTimedWaitCondition(&movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].condition, &movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].mutex, 10.0);

	// Recheck:
	if (((0 != rate) && !movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].frameAvail) ||
	    ((0 == rate) && !movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].preRollAvail)) {
		// Game over! Wait timed out after 10 secs.
		printf("PTB-ERROR: No new video frame received after timeout of 10 seconds! Something's wrong. Aborting fetch.\n");

	// At this point we should have at least one frame available.
        // printf("PTB-DEBUG: After blocking fetch start %d\n", movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].frameAvail);

    // We're here with at least one frame available and the mutex lock held.

    // Preroll case is simple:
    movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].preRollAvail = 0;

    // Perform texture fetch & creation:
    if (oldstyle) {
	// Reset frame available flag:
	movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].frameAvail = 0;

	// This will retrieve an OpenGL compatible pointer to the pixel data and assign it to our texmemptr:
	out_texture->textureMemory = (GLuint*) movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].imageBuffer;
    } else {
	// Active playback mode?
	if (0 != rate) {
		// Active playback mode: One less frame available after our fetch:
		if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity()>4) printf("PTB-DEBUG: Pulling from videosink, %d buffers avail...\n", movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].frameAvail);

		// Clamp frameAvail to queue lengths:
		if ((int) gst_app_sink_get_max_buffers(GST_APP_SINK(movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].videosink)) < movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].frameAvail) {
			movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].frameAvail = gst_app_sink_get_max_buffers(GST_APP_SINK(movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].videosink));

		// This will pull the oldest video buffer from the videosink. It would block if none were available,
		// but that won't happen as we wouldn't reach this statement if none were available. It would return
		// NULL if the stream would be EOS or the pipeline off, but that shouldn't ever happen:
		videoBuffer = gst_app_sink_pull_buffer(GST_APP_SINK(movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].videosink));
	} else {
		// Passive fetch mode: Use prerolled buffers after seek:
		// These are available even after eos...
		videoBuffer = gst_app_sink_pull_preroll(GST_APP_SINK(movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].videosink));

	// We can unlock early, thanks to videosink's internal buffering:

	if (videoBuffer) {
		// Assign pointer to videoBuffer's data directly: Avoids one full data copy compared to oldstyle method.
		out_texture->textureMemory = (GLuint*) GST_BUFFER_DATA(videoBuffer);

		// Assign pts presentation timestamp in pipeline stream time and convert to seconds:
		movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].pts = (double) GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP(videoBuffer) / (double) 1e9;
			deltaT = (double) GST_BUFFER_DURATION(videoBuffer) / (double) 1e9;
		bufferIndex = GST_BUFFER_OFFSET(videoBuffer);
	} else {
		printf("PTB-ERROR: No new video frame received in gst_app_sink_pull_buffer! Something's wrong. Aborting fetch.\n");
	if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity()>4) printf("PTB-DEBUG: ...done.\n");

    // Assign presentation_timestamp:
    if (presentation_timestamp) *presentation_timestamp = movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].pts;

    // Activate OpenGL context of target window:

    // Explicitely disable Apple's Client storage extensions. For now they are not really useful to us.

    // Build a standard PTB texture record:
    PsychMakeRect(out_texture->rect, 0, 0, movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].width, movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].height);    
    // Set NULL - special texture object as part of the PTB texture record:
    out_texture->targetSpecific.QuickTimeGLTexture = NULL;

    // Set texture orientation as if it were an inverted Offscreen window: Upside-down.
    out_texture->textureOrientation = 3;
    // We use zero client storage memory bytes:
    out_texture->textureMemorySizeBytes = 0;

    // Textures are aligned on 4 Byte boundaries because texels are RGBA8:
    out_texture->textureByteAligned = 4;

	// Assign texturehandle of our cached texture, if any, so it gets recycled now:
	out_texture->textureNumber = movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].cached_texture;

    // Let PsychCreateTexture() do the rest of the job of creating, setting up and
    // filling an OpenGL texture with content:

	// After PsychCreateTexture() the cached texture object from our cache is used
	// and no longer available for recycling. We mark the cache as empty:
	// It will be filled with a new textureid for recycling if a texture gets
	// deleted in PsychMovieDeleteTexture()....
	movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].cached_texture = 0;

    // Detection of dropped frames: This is a heuristic. We'll see how well it works out...
    // TODO: GstBuffer videoBuffer provides special flags that should allow to do a more
    // robust job, although nothing's wrong with the current approach per se...
    if (rate && presentation_timestamp) {
        // Try to check for dropped frames in playback mode:

        // Expected delta between successive presentation timestamps:
        targetdelta = 1.0f / (movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].fps * rate);

        // Compute real delta, given rate and playback direction:
        if (rate > 0) {
            realdelta = *presentation_timestamp - movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].last_pts;
            if (realdelta < 0) realdelta = 0;
        else {
            realdelta = -1.0 * (*presentation_timestamp - movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].last_pts);
            if (realdelta < 0) realdelta = 0;
        frames = realdelta / targetdelta;
        // Dropped frames?
        if (frames > 1 && movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].last_pts >= 0) {
            movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].nr_droppedframes += (int) (frames - 1 + 0.5);

        movieRecordBANK[moviehandle].last_pts = *presentation_timestamp;

    // Unlock.
    if (oldstyle) {
    } else {
	videoBuffer = NULL;
    // Manually advance movie time, if in fetch mode:
    if (0 == rate) {
        // We are in manual fetch mode: Need to manually advance movie to next
        // media sample:
	event = gst_event_new_step(GST_FORMAT_BUFFERS, 1, 1.0, TRUE, FALSE);
	gst_element_send_event(theMovie, event);

	// Block until seek completed, failed, or timeout of 30 seconds reached:
        gst_element_get_state(theMovie, NULL, NULL, (GstClockTime) (30 * 1e9));

 *      PsychGSCreateMovie() -- Create a movie object.
 *      This function tries to open a moviefile (with or without audio/video tracks)
 *      and create an associated movie object for it.
 *      win = Pointer to window record of associated onscreen window.
 *      moviename = char* with the name of the moviefile.
 *      preloadSecs = How many seconds of the movie should be preloaded/prefetched into RAM at movie open time?
 *      moviehandle = handle to the new movie.
void PsychGSCreateMovie(PsychWindowRecordType *win, const char* moviename, double preloadSecs, int* moviehandle)
    GstCaps                     *colorcaps;
    GstElement			*theMovie = NULL;
    GMainLoop			*MovieContext = NULL;
    GstBus			*bus = NULL;
    GstFormat			fmt;
    GstElement      *videosink;
    gint64			length_format;
    GstPad			*pad, *peerpad;
    const GstCaps		*caps;
    GstStructure		*str;
    gint			width,height;
    gint			rate1, rate2;
    int				i, slotid;
    GError			*error = NULL;
    char			movieLocation[FILENAME_MAX];
    psych_bool			trueValue = TRUE;
    char			msgerr[10000];
    char			errdesc[1000];
    psych_bool			printErrors;

    // Suppress output of error-messages if moviehandle == 1000. That means we
    // run in our own Posix-Thread, not in the Matlab-Thread. Printing via Matlabs
    // printing facilities would likely cause a terrible crash.
    printErrors = (*moviehandle == -1000) ? FALSE : TRUE;
    // Set movie handle to "failed" initially:
    *moviehandle = -1;

    // We start GStreamer only on first invocation.
    if (firsttime) {        
        // Initialize GStreamer: The routine is defined in PsychVideoCaptureSupportGStreamer.c
		PsychGSCheckInit("movie playback");
        firsttime = FALSE;

    if (win && !PsychIsOnscreenWindow(win)) {
        if (printErrors) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Provided windowPtr is not an onscreen window."); else return;

    if (NULL == moviename) {
        if (printErrors) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_internal, "NULL-Ptr instead of moviename passed!"); else return;

    if (numMovieRecords >= PSYCH_MAX_MOVIES) {
        *moviehandle = -2;
        if (printErrors) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Allowed maximum number of simultaneously open movies exceeded!"); else return;

    // Search first free slot in movieRecordBANK:
    for (i=0; (i < PSYCH_MAX_MOVIES) && (movieRecordBANK[i].theMovie); i++);
    if (i>=PSYCH_MAX_MOVIES) {
        *moviehandle = -2;
        if (printErrors) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Allowed maximum number of simultaneously open movies exceeded!"); else return;

    // Slot slotid will contain the movie record for our new movie object:

    // Zero-out new record in moviebank:
    memset(&movieRecordBANK[slotid], 0, sizeof(PsychMovieRecordType));
    // Create name-string for moviename: If an URI qualifier is at the beginning,
    // we're fine and just pass the URI as-is. Otherwise we add the file:// URI prefix.
    if (strstr(moviename, "://") || ((strstr(moviename, "v4l") == moviename) && strstr(moviename, "//"))) {
	snprintf(movieLocation, sizeof(movieLocation)-1, "%s", moviename);
    } else {
	snprintf(movieLocation, sizeof(movieLocation)-1, "file:///%s", moviename);
    strncpy(movieRecordBANK[slotid].movieLocation, movieLocation, FILENAME_MAX);
    strncpy(movieRecordBANK[slotid].movieName, moviename, FILENAME_MAX);

    // Create movie playback pipeline:
    theMovie = gst_element_factory_make ("playbin2", "ptbmovieplaybackpipeline");

    // Assign name of movie to play:
    g_object_set(G_OBJECT(theMovie), "uri", movieLocation, NULL);

    // Connect callback to about-to-finish signal: Signal is emitted as soon as
    // end of current playback iteration is approaching. The callback checks if
    // looped playback is requested. If so, it schedules a new playback iteration.
    g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(theMovie), "about-to-finish", G_CALLBACK(PsychMovieAboutToFinishCB), &(movieRecordBANK[slotid]));

    // Assign message context, message bus and message callback for
    // the pipeline to report events and state changes, errors etc.:    
    MovieContext = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
    movieRecordBANK[slotid].MovieContext = MovieContext;
    bus = gst_pipeline_get_bus(GST_PIPELINE(theMovie));
    // Didn't work: g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT(bus), "message::error", G_CALLBACK(PsychMessageErrorCB), NULL);
    //              g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT(bus), "message::warning", G_CALLBACK(PsychMessageErrorCB), NULL);
    gst_bus_add_watch(bus, PsychMovieBusCallback, &(movieRecordBANK[slotid]));

    // Assign a fakesink named "ptbsink0" as destination video-sink for
    // all video content. This allows us to get hold of the video frame buffers for
    // converting them into PTB OpenGL textures:
    videosink = gst_element_factory_make ("appsink", "ptbsink0");
    if (!videosink) {
	printf("PTB-ERROR: Failed to create video-sink appsink ptbsink!\n");
	PsychGSProcessMovieContext(movieRecordBANK[slotid].MovieContext, TRUE);
	PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_system, "Opening the movie failed. Reason hopefully given above.");

    movieRecordBANK[slotid].videosink = videosink;

    // Our OpenGL texture creation routine needs GL_BGRA8 data in G_UNSIGNED_8_8_8_8_REV
    // format, but the pipeline usually delivers YUV data in planar format. Therefore
    // need to perform colorspace/colorformat conversion. We build a little videobin
    // which consists of a ffmpegcolorspace converter plugin connected to our appsink
    // plugin which will deliver video data to us for conversion into textures.
    // The "sink" pad of the converter plugin is connected as the "sink" pad of our
    // videobin, and the videobin is connected to the video-sink output of the pipeline,
    // thereby receiving decoded video data. We place a videocaps filter inbetween the
    // converter and the appsink to enforce a color format conversion to the "colorcaps"
    // we need. colorcaps define the needed data format for efficient conversion into
    // a RGBA8 texture:
    colorcaps = gst_caps_new_simple (   "video/x-raw-rgb",
					"bpp", G_TYPE_INT, 32,
					"depth", G_TYPE_INT, 32,
					"alpha_mask", G_TYPE_INT, 0x000000FF,
					"red_mask", G_TYPE_INT,   0x0000FF00,
					"green_mask", G_TYPE_INT, 0x00FF0000,
					"blue_mask", G_TYPE_INT,  0xFF000000,

    // Old style method: Only left here for documentation to show how one can create
    // video sub-pipelines via bin's and connect them to each other via ghostpads: 

    GstElement *videobin = gst_bin_new ("video_output_bin");
    GstElement *videocon = gst_element_factory_make ("ffmpegcolorspace", "color_converter");
    gst_bin_add_many(GST_BIN(videobin), videocon, videosink, NULL);

    GstPad *ghostpad = gst_ghost_pad_new("Video_Ghostsink", gst_element_get_pad(videocon, "sink"));
    gst_element_add_pad(videobin, ghostpad);

    gst_element_link_filtered(videocon, videosink, colorcaps);

    // Assign our special videobin as video-sink of the pipeline:
    g_object_set(G_OBJECT(theMovie), "video-sink", videobin, NULL);

    // New style method: Leaves the freedom of choice of color converter (if any)
    // to the auto-plugger.

    // Assign 'colorcaps' as caps to our videosink. This marks the videosink so
    // that it can only receive video image data in the format defined by colorcaps,
    // i.e., a format that is easy to consume for OpenGL's texture creation on std.
    // gpu's. It is the job of the video pipeline's autoplugger to plug in proper
    // color & format conversion plugins to satisfy videosink's needs.
    gst_app_sink_set_caps(GST_APP_SINK(videosink), colorcaps);

    // Assign our special appsink 'videosink' as video-sink of the pipeline:
    g_object_set(G_OBJECT(theMovie), "video-sink", videosink, NULL);

    // Get the pad from the final sink for probing width x height of movie frames and nominal framerate of movie:	
    pad = gst_element_get_pad(videosink, "sink");

    PsychGSProcessMovieContext(movieRecordBANK[slotid].MovieContext, FALSE);

    // Should we preroll / preload?	
    if ((preloadSecs > 0) || (preloadSecs == -1)) {
	// Preload / Preroll the pipeline:
	if (!PsychMoviePipelineSetState(theMovie, GST_STATE_PAUSED, 30.0)) {
		PsychGSProcessMovieContext(movieRecordBANK[slotid].MovieContext, TRUE);
		PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "In OpenMovie: Opening the movie failed. Reason given above.");
    } else {
	// Ready the pipeline:
	if (!PsychMoviePipelineSetState(theMovie, GST_STATE_READY, 30.0)) {
		PsychGSProcessMovieContext(movieRecordBANK[slotid].MovieContext, TRUE);
		PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "In OpenMovie: Opening the movie failed. Reason given above.");

    // Query number of available video and audio tracks in movie:
    g_object_get (G_OBJECT(theMovie),
               "n-video", &movieRecordBANK[slotid].nrVideoTracks,
               "n-audio", &movieRecordBANK[slotid].nrAudioTracks,

    // We need a valid onscreen window handle for real video playback:
    if ((NULL == win) && (movieRecordBANK[slotid].nrVideoTracks > 0)) {
        if (printErrors) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "No windowPtr to an onscreen window provided. Must do so for movies with videotrack!"); else return;
    PsychGSProcessMovieContext(movieRecordBANK[slotid].MovieContext, FALSE);

    PsychInitCondition(&movieRecordBANK[slotid].condition, NULL);

    if (oldstyle) {
	// Install the probe callback for reception of video frames from engine at the sink-pad itself:
	gst_pad_add_buffer_probe(pad, G_CALLBACK(PsychHaveVideoDataCallback), &(movieRecordBANK[slotid]));
    } else {
	// Install callbacks used by the videosink (appsink) to announce various events:
	gst_app_sink_set_callbacks(GST_APP_SINK(videosink), &videosinkCallbacks, &(movieRecordBANK[slotid]), PsychDestroyNotifyCallback);

    // Drop frames if callback can't pull buffers fast enough:
    // This together with the max queue lengths of 1 allows to
    // maintain audio-video sync by framedropping if needed.
    gst_app_sink_set_drop(GST_APP_SINK(videosink), TRUE);

    // Only allow one queued buffer before dropping:
    gst_app_sink_set_max_buffers(GST_APP_SINK(videosink), 1);

    // Assign harmless initial settings for fps and frame size:
    rate1 = 0;
    rate2 = 1;
    width = height = 0;

    // Videotrack available?
    if (movieRecordBANK[slotid].nrVideoTracks > 0) {
	// Yes: Query size and framerate of movie:
	peerpad = gst_pad_get_peer(pad);
	if (caps) {

		/* Get some data about the frame */
		rate1 = 1; rate2 = 1;
		gst_structure_get_fraction(str, "pixel-aspect-ratio", &rate1, &rate2);
		movieRecordBANK[slotid].aspectRatio = (double) rate1 / (double) rate2;
		rate1 = 0; rate2 = 1;
		gst_structure_get_fraction(str, "framerate", &rate1, &rate2);

	 } else {
		printf("PTB-DEBUG: No frame info available after preroll.\n");	

    if (strstr(moviename, "v4l2:")) {
	// Special case: The "movie" is actually a video4linux2 live source.
	// Need to make parameters up for now, so it to work as "movie":
	rate1 = 30; width = 640; height = 480;
	movieRecordBANK[slotid].nrVideoTracks = 1;

	// Uglyness at its best ;-)
	if (strstr(moviename, "320")) { width = 320; height = 240; };

    // Release the pad:

    // Assign new record in moviebank:
    movieRecordBANK[slotid].theMovie = theMovie;
    movieRecordBANK[slotid].loopflag = 0;
    movieRecordBANK[slotid].frameAvail = 0;
    movieRecordBANK[slotid].imageBuffer = NULL;

    *moviehandle = slotid;

    // Increase counter:

    // Compute basic movie properties - Duration and fps as well as image size:
    // Retrieve duration in seconds:
    fmt = GST_FORMAT_TIME;
    if (gst_element_query_duration(theMovie, &fmt, &length_format)) {
	// This returns nsecs, so convert to seconds:
    	movieRecordBANK[slotid].movieduration = (double) length_format / (double) 1e9;
	//printf("PTB-DEBUG: Duration of movie %i [%s] is %lf seconds.\n", slotid, moviename, movieRecordBANK[slotid].movieduration);
    } else {
	movieRecordBANK[slotid].movieduration = DBL_MAX;
	printf("PTB-WARNING: Could not query duration of movie %i [%s] in seconds. Returning infinity.\n", slotid, moviename);

    // Assign expected framerate, assuming a linear spacing between frames:
    movieRecordBANK[slotid].fps = (double) rate1 / (double) rate2;
    //printf("PTB-DEBUG: Framerate fps of movie %i [%s] is %lf fps.\n", slotid, moviename, movieRecordBANK[slotid].fps);

    // Compute framecount from fps and duration:
    movieRecordBANK[slotid].nrframes = (int)(movieRecordBANK[slotid].fps * movieRecordBANK[slotid].movieduration + 0.5);
    //printf("PTB-DEBUG: Number of frames in movie %i [%s] is %i.\n", slotid, moviename, movieRecordBANK[slotid].nrframes);

    // Define size of images in movie:
    movieRecordBANK[slotid].width = width;
    movieRecordBANK[slotid].height = height;

    // Ready to rock!
int PsychFinalizeNewMovieFile(int movieHandle)
	int myErr = 0;
	GError *ret = NULL;

	PsychMovieWriterRecordType* pwriterRec = PsychGetMovieWriter(movieHandle, FALSE);

	if (NULL == pwriterRec->ptbvideoappsrc) return(0);

	// Release any pending buffers:
	if (pwriterRec->PixMap) gst_buffer_unref(pwriterRec->PixMap);
	pwriterRec->PixMap = NULL;

	PsychGSProcessMovieContext(pwriterRec->Context, FALSE);

	// Send EOS signal downstream:
	g_signal_emit_by_name(pwriterRec->ptbvideoappsrc, "end-of-stream", &ret);
	if (pwriterRec->ptbaudioappsrc) g_signal_emit_by_name(pwriterRec->ptbaudioappsrc, "end-of-stream", &ret);

	// Wait for eos flag to turn TRUE due to bus callback receiving the
	// downstream EOS event that we just sent out:
	while (!pwriterRec->eos) {
		PsychGSProcessMovieContext(pwriterRec->Context, FALSE);

	// Yield another 10 msecs after EOS signalled, just to be safe:
	PsychGSProcessMovieContext(pwriterRec->Context, FALSE);

	// Pause the encoding pipeline:
	if (!PsychMoviePipelineSetState(pwriterRec->Movie, GST_STATE_PAUSED, 10)) {
		if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 0) printf("PTB-ERROR: Failed to pause movie encoding pipeline at close time!!\n");

	PsychGSProcessMovieContext(pwriterRec->Context, FALSE);

	// Stop the encoding pipeline:
	if (!PsychMoviePipelineSetState(pwriterRec->Movie, GST_STATE_READY, 10)) {
		if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 0) printf("PTB-ERROR: Failed to stop movie encoding pipeline at close time!!\n");

	PsychGSProcessMovieContext(pwriterRec->Context, FALSE);
	// Shutdown and release encoding pipeline:
	if (!PsychMoviePipelineSetState(pwriterRec->Movie, GST_STATE_NULL, 10)) {
		if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 0) printf("PTB-ERROR: Failed to shutdown movie encoding pipeline at close time!!\n");

	PsychGSProcessMovieContext(pwriterRec->Context, FALSE);
	pwriterRec->Movie = NULL;

	if (pwriterRec->ptbvideoappsrc) gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(pwriterRec->ptbvideoappsrc));
	pwriterRec->ptbvideoappsrc = NULL;

	if (pwriterRec->ptbaudioappsrc) gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(pwriterRec->ptbaudioappsrc));
	pwriterRec->ptbaudioappsrc = NULL;

	// Delete video context:
	if (pwriterRec->Context) g_main_loop_unref(pwriterRec->Context);
	pwriterRec->Context = NULL;

	// Decrement count of active writers:

	// Return success/fail status:
	if ((myErr == 0) && (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 3)) printf("PTB-INFO: Moviehandle %i successfully closed and movie written to filesystem.\n", movieHandle);

	return(myErr == 0);
int PsychCreateNewMovieFile(char* moviefile, int width, int height, double framerate, char* movieoptions)
	PsychMovieWriterRecordType*             pwriterRec = NULL;
	int                                     moviehandle = 0;
	GError                                  *myErr = NULL;
	char*                                   poption;
	char                                    codecString[1000];
	char                                    launchString[10000];
	int                                     dummyInt;
	float                                   dummyFloat;
	char                                    myfourcc[5];
	psych_bool                              doAudio = FALSE;

	// Still capacity left?
	if (moviewritercount >= PSYCH_MAX_MOVIEWRITERDEVICES) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Maximum number of movie writers exceeded. Please close some first!");

	// Find first free (i.e., NULL) slot and assign moviehandle:
	while ((pwriterRec = PsychGetMovieWriter(moviehandle, TRUE)) && pwriterRec->Movie) moviehandle++;

	if (firsttime) {
		// Make sure GStreamer is ready:
		PsychGSCheckInit("movie writing");
		firsttime = FALSE;

	// Store movie filename:
	strcpy(pwriterRec->File, moviefile);

	// Store width, height:
	pwriterRec->height  = height;
	pwriterRec->width   = width;
	pwriterRec->eos     = FALSE;

	// If no movieoptions specified, create default string for default
	// codec selection and configuration:
	if (strlen(movieoptions) == 0) {
		// No options provided. Select default encoder with default settings:
		movieoptions = strdup("DEFAULTenc");
	} else if ((poption = strstr(movieoptions, ":CodecSettings="))) {
		// Replace ':' with a zero in movieoptions, so it gets null-terminated:
		movieoptions = poption;
		*movieoptions = 0;

		// Move after null-terminator:

		// Replace the ':CodecSettings=' with the special keyword 'DEFAULTenc', so
		// so the default video codec is chosen, but the given settings override its
		// default parameters.
		strncpy(movieoptions, "DEFAULTenc    ", strlen("DEFAULTenc    "));

		if (strlen(movieoptions) == 0) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid (empty) :CodecSettings= parameter specified. Aborted.");
	} else if ((poption = strstr(movieoptions, ":CodecType="))) {
		// Replace ':' with a zero in movieoptions, so it gets null-terminated
		// and only points to the actual movie filename:
		movieoptions = poption;
		*movieoptions = 0;

		// Advance movieoptions to point to the actual codec spec string:
		movieoptions+= 11;

		if (strlen(movieoptions) == 0) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid (empty) :CodecType= parameter specified. Aborted.");

	// Assign numeric 32-bit FOURCC equivalent code to select codec:
	// This is optional. We default to kH264CodecType:
	if ((poption = strstr(movieoptions, "CodecFOURCCId="))) {
		if (sscanf(poption, "CodecFOURCCId=%i", &dummyInt) == 1) {
			pwriterRec->CodecType = dummyInt;
			if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 3) printf("PTB-INFO: Codec with FOURCC numeric id %i [%" GST_FOURCC_FORMAT "] requested for encoding of movie %i [%s].\n", dummyInt, GST_FOURCC_ARGS(dummyInt), moviehandle, moviefile);
			if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 1) printf("PTB-WARNING: Codec selection by FOURCC not yet supported. FOURCC code ignored!\n");            
		else PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid CodecFOURCCId= parameter provided in movieoptions parameter. Parse error!");

	// Assign 4 character string FOURCC code to select codec:
	if ((poption = strstr(movieoptions, "CodecFOURCC="))) {
		if (sscanf(poption, "CodecFOURCC=%c%c%c%c", &myfourcc[0], &myfourcc[1], &myfourcc[2], &myfourcc[3]) == 4) {
			myfourcc[4] = 0;
			dummyInt = (int) GST_STR_FOURCC (myfourcc);
			pwriterRec->CodecType = dummyInt;
			if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 3) printf("PTB-INFO: Codec with FOURCC numeric id %i [%" GST_FOURCC_FORMAT "] requested for encoding of movie %i [%s].\n", dummyInt, GST_FOURCC_ARGS(dummyInt), moviehandle, moviefile);
			if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 1) printf("PTB-WARNING: Codec selection by FOURCC not yet supported. FOURCC code ignored!\n");            
		else PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid CodecFOURCC= parameter provided in movieoptions parameter. Must be exactly 4 characters! Parse error!");

	// Assign numeric encoding quality level:
	// This is optional. We default to "normal quality":
	if ((poption = strstr(movieoptions, "EncodingQuality="))) {
		if ((sscanf(poption, "EncodingQuality=%f", &dummyFloat) == 1) && (dummyFloat >= 0) && (dummyFloat <= 1)) {
			// Map floating point quality level between 0.0 and 1.0 to 10 discrete levels:
			if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 3) printf("PTB-INFO: Encoding quality level %f selected for encoding of movie %i [%s].\n", dummyFloat, moviehandle, moviefile);

			// Rewrite "EncodingQuality=" string into "VideoQuality=" string, with proper
			// padding:      "EncodingQuality="
			// This way EncodingQuality in Quicktime lingo corresponds to
			// VideoQuality in GStreamer lingo:
			strncpy(poption, "   Videoquality=", strlen("   Videoquality="));
		else PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Invalid EncodingQuality= parameter provided in movieoptions parameter. Parse error or out of valid 0 - 1 range!");

	// Check for valid parameters. Also warn if some parameters are borderline for certain codecs:
	if ((framerate < 1) && (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 1)) printf("PTB-WARNING:In CreateMovie: Negative or zero 'framerate' %f units for moviehandle %i provided! Sounds like trouble ahead.\n", (float) framerate, moviehandle);
	if (width < 1) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "In CreateMovie: Invalid zero or negative 'width' for video frame size provided!");
	if ((width < 4) && (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 1)) printf("PTB-WARNING:In CreateMovie: 'width' of %i pixels for moviehandle %i provided! Some video codecs may malfunction with such a small width.\n", width, moviehandle);
	if ((width % 4 != 0) && (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 1)) printf("PTB-WARNING:In CreateMovie: 'width' of %i pixels for moviehandle %i provided! Some video codecs may malfunction with a width which is not a multiple of 4 or 16.\n", width, moviehandle);
	if (height < 1) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "In CreateMovie: Invalid zero or negative 'height' for video frame size provided!");
	if ((height < 4) && (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 1)) printf("PTB-WARNING:In CreateMovie: 'height' of %i pixels for moviehandle %i provided! Some video codecs may malfunction with such a small height.\n", height, moviehandle);

	// Full GStreamer launch line a la gst-launch command provided?
	if (strstr(movieoptions, "gst-launch")) {
		// Yes: We use movieoptions directly as launch line:
		movieoptions = strstr(movieoptions, "gst-launch");
		// Move string pointer behind the "gst-launch" word (plus a blank):
		movieoptions+= strlen("gst-launch ");
		// Can directly use this:
		sprintf(launchString, "%s", movieoptions);

		// With audio track?
		if (strstr(movieoptions, "name=ptbaudioappsrc")) doAudio = TRUE;
	else {
		// No: Do our own parsing and setup:

		// Find the gst-launch style string for codecs and muxers:
		if (!PsychGetCodecLaunchLineFromString(movieoptions, &(codecString[0]))) {
			// No config for this format possible:
			if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 0) printf("PTB-ERROR:In CreateMovie: Creating movie file with handle %i [%s] failed: Could not find matching codec setup.\n", moviehandle, moviefile);
			goto bail;
		// With audio track?
		if (strstr(movieoptions, "AddAudioTrack")) doAudio = TRUE;
		// Build final launch string:
		if (doAudio) {
			// Video and audio:
			sprintf(launchString, "appsrc name=ptbvideoappsrc do-timestamp=0 stream-type=0 max-bytes=0 block=1 is-live=0 emit-signals=0 ! capsfilter caps=\"video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)32, depth=(int)32, endianess=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)16711680, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)255, width=(int)%i, height=(int)%i, framerate=%i/1 \" ! videorate ! ffmpegcolorspace ! %s ! filesink name=ptbfilesink async=0 location=%s ", width, height, ((int) (framerate + 0.5)), codecString, moviefile);
		} else {
			// Video only:
			sprintf(launchString, "appsrc name=ptbvideoappsrc do-timestamp=0 stream-type=0 max-bytes=0 block=1 is-live=0 emit-signals=0 ! capsfilter caps=\"video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)32, depth=(int)32, endianess=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)16711680, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)255, width=(int)%i, height=(int)%i, framerate=%i/1 \" ! videorate ! ffmpegcolorspace ! %s ! filesink name=ptbfilesink async=0 location=%s ", width, height, ((int) (framerate + 0.5)), codecString, moviefile);
	// Create a movie file for the destination movie:
	if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 3) {
		printf("PTB-INFO: Movie writing pipeline gst-launch line (without the -e option required on the command line!) is:\n");
		printf("gst-launch %s\n", launchString);

	// Build pipeline from launch string:
	pwriterRec->Movie = gst_parse_launch((const gchar*) launchString, &myErr);
	if ((NULL == pwriterRec->Movie) || myErr) {
		if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 0) {
			printf("PTB-ERROR: In CreateMovie: Creating movie file with handle %i [%s] failed: Could not build pipeline.\n", moviehandle, moviefile);
			printf("PTB-ERROR: Parameters were: %s\n", movieoptions);
			printf("PTB-ERROR: Launch string was: %s\n", launchString);
			printf("PTB-ERROR: GStreamer error message was: %s\n", (char*) myErr->message);

		      // Special tips for the challenged:
		      if (strstr(myErr->message, "property")) {
			      // Bailed due to unsupported x264enc parameter "speed-preset" or "profile". Can be solved by upgrading
			      // GStreamer or the OS or the VideoCodec= override:
			      printf("PTB-TIP: The reason this failed is because your GStreamer codec installation is too outdated.\n");
			      printf("PTB-TIP: Either upgrade your GStreamer (plugin) installation to a more recent version,\n");
			      printf("PTB-TIP: or upgrade your operating system (e.g., Ubuntu 10.10 'Maverick Meercat' and later are fine).\n");
			      printf("PTB-TIP: A recent GStreamer installation is required to use all features and get optimal performance.\n");
			      printf("PTB-TIP: As a workaround, you can manually specify all codec settings, leaving out the unsupported\n");
			      printf("PTB-TIP: option. See 'help VideoRecording' on how to do that.\n\n");

		goto bail;

	// Get handle to ptbvideoappsrc:
	pwriterRec->ptbvideoappsrc = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(pwriterRec->Movie), (const gchar *) "ptbvideoappsrc");
	if (NULL == pwriterRec->ptbvideoappsrc) {
		if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 0) printf("PTB-ERROR: In CreateMovie: Creating movie file with handle %i [%s] failed: Could not find ptbvideoappsrc pipeline element.\n", moviehandle, moviefile);
		goto bail;

	// Get handle to ptbaudioappsrc:
	pwriterRec->ptbaudioappsrc = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(pwriterRec->Movie), (const gchar *) "ptbaudioappsrc");
	if (doAudio && (NULL == pwriterRec->ptbaudioappsrc)) {
		if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 0) printf("PTB-ERROR: In CreateMovie: Creating movie file with handle %i [%s] failed: Could not find ptbaudioappsrc pipeline element.\n", moviehandle, moviefile);
		goto bail;

	pwriterRec->Context = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
	pwriterRec->bus = gst_pipeline_get_bus (GST_PIPELINE(pwriterRec->Movie));
	gst_bus_add_watch(pwriterRec->bus, (GstBusFunc) PsychMovieBusCallback, pwriterRec);

	// Start the pipeline:
	if (!PsychMoviePipelineSetState(pwriterRec->Movie, GST_STATE_PLAYING, 10)) {
		if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 0) printf("PTB-ERROR: In CreateMovie: Creating movie file with handle %i [%s] failed:  Failed to start movie encoding pipeline!\n", moviehandle, moviefile);
		goto bail;

	PsychGSProcessMovieContext(pwriterRec->Context, FALSE);

	// Increment count of open movie writers:
	if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 3) printf("PTB-INFO: Moviehandle %i successfully opened for movie writing into file '%s'.\n", moviehandle, moviefile);

    // Should we dump the whole encoding pipeline graph to a file for visualization
    // with GraphViz? This can be controlled via PsychTweak('GStreamerDumpFilterGraph' dirname);
    if (getenv("GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR")) {
        // Dump complete encoding filter graph to a .dot file for later visualization with GraphViz:
        printf("PTB-DEBUG: Dumping movie encoder graph for movie %s to directory %s.\n", moviefile, getenv("GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR"));
        GST_DEBUG_BIN_TO_DOT_FILE_WITH_TS(GST_BIN(pwriterRec->Movie), GST_DEBUG_GRAPH_SHOW_ALL, "PsychMovieWritingGraph");

	// Return new handle:

	if (pwriterRec->ptbvideoappsrc) gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(pwriterRec->ptbvideoappsrc));
	pwriterRec->ptbvideoappsrc = NULL;

	if (pwriterRec->ptbaudioappsrc) gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(pwriterRec->ptbaudioappsrc));
	pwriterRec->ptbaudioappsrc = NULL;

	if (pwriterRec->Movie) gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(pwriterRec->Movie));
	pwriterRec->Movie = NULL;

	if (pwriterRec->Context) g_main_loop_unref(pwriterRec->Context);
	pwriterRec->Context = NULL;

	// Return failure:
psych_bool PsychAddAudioBufferToMovie(int moviehandle, unsigned int nrChannels, unsigned int nrSamples, double* buffer)
	PsychMovieWriterRecordType* pwriterRec = PsychGetMovieWriter(moviehandle, FALSE);

	GstFlowReturn       ret;
	float*              fwordptr;
	float               v;
	unsigned int        n, i;
	GstBuffer*          pushBuffer;
	// Child protection: Audio writing enabled for this movie?
	if (NULL == pwriterRec->ptbaudioappsrc) {
		PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Tried to add audio data to a movie which was created without an audio track.");
	// nrChannels and nrSamples are already validated by high level code.
	// Just calculate total sample count and required buffer size:
	n = nrChannels * nrSamples;
	// Create GstBuffer for audio data:
	pushBuffer = gst_buffer_try_new_and_alloc(n * sizeof(float));

	// Out of memory condition!
	if (NULL == pushBuffer) {
		PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_outofMemory, "Out of memory when trying to add audio data to movie! (Part I)");

	// Double-check:
	if (NULL == GST_BUFFER_DATA(pushBuffer)) {
		PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_outofMemory, "Out of memory when trying to add audio data to movie! (Part II)");
	// Convert and copy sample data:
	fwordptr = (float*) GST_BUFFER_DATA(pushBuffer);
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		// Fetch and convert from double to float:
		v = (float) *(buffer++);;

		// Clip:
		if (v < -1.0) v = -1.0;
		if (v > +1.0) v = +1.0;

		// Push to float buffer:
		*(fwordptr++) = v; 
	// Add encoded buffer to movie:
	g_signal_emit_by_name(pwriterRec->ptbaudioappsrc, "push-buffer", pushBuffer, &ret);

	// Unref it - it is now owned and memory managed by the pipeline:
	pushBuffer = NULL;

	if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK) {
		// Oopsie! Error encountered - Abort.
		if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 0) printf("PTB-ERROR:In AddAudioBufferToMovie: Adding current audio buffer to moviehandle %i failed [push-buffer returned error code %i]!\n", moviehandle, (int) ret);

	// Do a bit of event processing for handling of potential GStreamer messages:
	PsychGSProcessMovieContext(pwriterRec->Context, FALSE);

	if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 5) printf("PTB-DEBUG:In AddAudioBufferToMovie: Added new audio buffer to moviehandle %i.\n", moviehandle);

	// Return success:
int PsychAddVideoFrameToMovie(int moviehandle, int frameDurationUnits, psych_bool isUpsideDown)
	PsychMovieWriterRecordType* pwriterRec = PsychGetMovieWriter(moviehandle, FALSE);
    GstBuffer*          refBuffer = NULL;
    GstBuffer*          curBuffer = NULL;
	GstFlowReturn       ret;
	int                 x, y, w, h;
	unsigned char*		pixptr;
	unsigned int*		wordptr;
	unsigned int		*wordptr2, *wordptr1;
	unsigned int		dummy;
    int                 bframeDurationUnits = frameDurationUnits;
	if (NULL == pwriterRec->ptbvideoappsrc) return(0);
	if (NULL == pwriterRec->PixMap) return(0);

	if ((frameDurationUnits < 1) && (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 1)) printf("PTB-WARNING:In AddFrameToMovie: Negative or zero 'frameduration' %i units for moviehandle %i provided! Sounds like trouble ahead.\n", frameDurationUnits, moviehandle);

    pixptr   = (unsigned char*) GST_BUFFER_DATA(pwriterRec->PixMap);
    wordptr  = (unsigned int*)  GST_BUFFER_DATA(pwriterRec->PixMap);

	// Draw testpattern: Disabled at compile-time by default:
	if (FALSE) {
		for (y = 0; y < pwriterRec->height; y++) {
			for (x = 0; x < pwriterRec->width; x++) {
				*(pixptr++) = (unsigned char) 255; // alpha
				*(pixptr++) = (unsigned char) y; // Red
				*(pixptr++) = (unsigned char) x; // Green
				*(pixptr++) = (unsigned char) 0; // Blue
	// Imagebuffer is upside-down: Need to flip it vertically:
	if (isUpsideDown) {
		h = pwriterRec->height;
		w = pwriterRec->width;
		wordptr1 = wordptr;
		for (y = 0; y < h/2; y++) {
			wordptr2 = wordptr;
			wordptr2 += ((h - 1 - y) * w);
			for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
				dummy = *wordptr1;
				*(wordptr1++) = *wordptr2;
				*(wordptr2++) = dummy;				 

    // Make backup copy of buffer for replication if needed:
    if (frameDurationUnits > 1) {
        refBuffer = gst_buffer_copy(pwriterRec->PixMap);

	// Add encoded buffer to movie:
	g_signal_emit_by_name(pwriterRec->ptbvideoappsrc, "push-buffer", pwriterRec->PixMap, &ret);
	// Unref it - it is now owned and memory managed by the pipeline:

	// Drop our handle to it, so we can allocate a new one on demand:
	pwriterRec->PixMap = NULL;

    // A dumb way to let this buffer last frameDurationUnits > 1 instead of
    // the default typical frameDurationUnits == 1. We simply create and
    // push frameDurationUnits-1 extra identicaly copies of the buffer. This
    // will not win the "computational efficiency award 2011", but should be robust.
    if (frameDurationUnits > 1) {
        // One already done:
        // Repeat for remaining ones:
        while ((frameDurationUnits > 0) && (ret == GST_FLOW_OK)) {
            // Create a new copy:
            curBuffer = gst_buffer_copy(refBuffer);
            // Add copied buffer to movie:
            g_signal_emit_by_name(pwriterRec->ptbvideoappsrc, "push-buffer", curBuffer, &ret);
            // Unref it - it is now owned and memory managed by the pipeline:
            curBuffer = NULL;

            // One less...
    if (refBuffer) gst_buffer_unref(refBuffer);
    refBuffer = NULL;

	if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK) {
		// Oopsie! Error encountered - Abort.
		if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 0) printf("PTB-ERROR:In AddFrameToMovie: Adding current frame to moviehandle %i failed [push-buffer returned error code %i]!\n", moviehandle, (int) ret);
		return((int) ret);

	PsychGSProcessMovieContext(pwriterRec->Context, FALSE);

	if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity() > 5) printf("PTB-DEBUG:In AddFrameToMovie: Added new videoframe with %i units duration and upsidedown = %i to moviehandle %i.\n", bframeDurationUnits, (int) isUpsideDown, moviehandle);

	// Return success:
	return((int) ret);