Exemplo n.º 1
  bool setCameraInfo(sensor_msgs::SetCameraInfo::Request& req,
                     sensor_msgs::SetCameraInfo::Response& rsp)
    ROS_INFO("New camera info received");
    sensor_msgs::CameraInfo &info = req.camera_info;

    // Sanity check: the image dimensions should match the max resolution of the sensor.
    tPvUint32 width, height, dummy;
    PvAttrRangeUint32(cam_->handle(), "Width", &dummy, &width);
    PvAttrRangeUint32(cam_->handle(), "Height", &dummy, &height);
    if (info.width != width || info.height != height) {
      rsp.success = false;
      rsp.status_message = (boost::format("Camera_info resolution %ix%i does not match current video "
                                          "setting, camera running at resolution %ix%i.")
                            % info.width % info.height % width % height).str();
      ROS_ERROR("%s", rsp.status_message.c_str());
      return true;


    std::string cam_name = "prosilica";
    cam_name += hw_id_;
    std::stringstream ini_stream;
    if (!camera_calibration_parsers::writeCalibrationIni(ini_stream, cam_name, info)) {
      rsp.status_message = "Error formatting camera_info for storage.";
      rsp.success = false;
    else {
      std::string ini = ini_stream.str();
      if (ini.size() > prosilica::Camera::USER_MEMORY_SIZE) {
        rsp.success = false;
        rsp.status_message = "Unable to write camera_info to camera memory, exceeded storage capacity.";
      else {
        try {
          cam_->writeUserMemory(ini.c_str(), ini.size());
          cam_info_ = info;
          rsp.success = true;
        catch (prosilica::ProsilicaException &e) {
          rsp.success = false;
          rsp.status_message = e.what();
    if (!rsp.success)
      ROS_ERROR("%s", rsp.status_message.c_str());


    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
unsigned long Camera::getMaxDataRate()
  tPvUint32 min_data_rate, max_data_rate;
  CHECK_ERR( PvAttrRangeUint32(handle_, "StreamBytesPerSecond", &min_data_rate, &max_data_rate),
             "Couldn't get range of attribute StreamBytesPerSecond" );
  return max_data_rate;
Exemplo n.º 3
void Camera::setRoiToWholeFrame()
  tPvUint32 min_val, max_val;
  CHECK_ERR( PvAttrUint32Set(handle_, "RegionX", 0),
             "Couldn't set region x (left edge)" );
  CHECK_ERR( PvAttrUint32Set(handle_, "RegionY", 0),
             "Couldn't set region y (top edge)" );
  CHECK_ERR( PvAttrRangeUint32(handle_, "Width", &min_val, &max_val),
             "Couldn't get range of Width attribute" );
  CHECK_ERR( PvAttrUint32Set(handle_, "Width", max_val),
             "Couldn't set region width" );
  CHECK_ERR( PvAttrRangeUint32(handle_, "Height", &min_val, &max_val),
             "Couldn't get range of Height attribute" );
  CHECK_ERR( PvAttrUint32Set(handle_, "Height", max_val),
             "Couldn't set region height" );
Exemplo n.º 4
// idlPvAttrUint32Range
// Get the range of values of a Uint32 attribute
// command line arguments
// argv[0]: IN/FLAG debug
// argv[1]: IN camera index
// argv[2]: IN attribute name
// argv[3]: OUT attribute range min
// argv[4]: OUT attribute range max
int idlPvAttrUint32Range (int argc, char *argv[])
  unsigned long n;
  unsigned long err;
  IDL_STRING *name;
  unsigned long *vmin;
  unsigned long *vmax;
  debug = *(IDL_INT *) argv[0];
  n = *(unsigned long *) argv[1];
  name = (IDL_STRING *) argv[2];
  vmin = (unsigned long *) argv[3];
  vmax = (unsigned long *) argv[4];


  err = PvAttrRangeUint32(camera[n],
			  (const char *) IDL_STRING_STR(name),
			  (tPvUint32 *) vmin, (tPvUint32 *) vmax);

  return idlPvErrCode(err);
Exemplo n.º 5
// set the value of a given attribute from a value encoded in a string
bool String2Value(tPvHandle aCamera,const char* aLabel,tPvDatatype aType,char* aValue)
        case ePvDatatypeString:
                return true;
                return false;     
        case ePvDatatypeEnum:
                return true;
                return false;
        case ePvDatatypeUint32:
            tPvUint32 lValue = atol(aValue);
            tPvUint32 lMin,lMax;
               if(lMin > lValue)
                   lValue = lMin;
               if(lMax < lValue)
                   lValue = lMax;
                   return true;
                   return false;
               return false;
        case ePvDatatypeFloat32:
            tPvFloat32 lValue = (tPvFloat32)atof(aValue);
            tPvFloat32 lMin,lMax;
                if(lMin > lValue)
                   lValue = lMin;
                if(lMax < lValue)
                   lValue = lMax;            
                    return true;
                    return false;
               return false;
            return false;
Exemplo n.º 6
  void configure(Config& config, uint32_t level)
    ROS_DEBUG("Reconfigure request received");

    if (level >= (uint32_t)driver_base::SensorLevels::RECONFIGURE_STOP)

    // Trigger mode
    if (config.trigger_mode == "streaming") {
      trigger_mode_ = prosilica::Freerun;
      /// @todo Tighter bound than this minimal check
      desired_freq_ = 1; // make sure we get _something_
    else if (config.trigger_mode == "syncin1") {
      trigger_mode_ = prosilica::SyncIn1;
      desired_freq_ = config.trig_rate;
    else if (config.trigger_mode == "syncin2") {
      trigger_mode_ = prosilica::SyncIn2;
      desired_freq_ = config.trig_rate;
//#if 0
    else if (config.trigger_mode == "fixedrate") {
      //ROS_DEBUG("Fixed rate not supported yet implementing software");
      trigger_mode_ = prosilica::FixedRate;
           // ROS_ERROR("Invalid trigger mode '%s' in reconfigure request", config.trigger_mode.c_str());

      ///@todo add the fixed rate implementation
    else if (config.trigger_mode == "polled") {
      trigger_mode_ = prosilica::Software;
      desired_freq_ = 0;
    else {
      ROS_ERROR("Invalid trigger '%s' in reconfigure request", config.trigger_mode.c_str());
    trig_timestamp_topic_ = config.trig_timestamp_topic;

    // Exposure
    if (config.auto_exposure)
      cam_->setExposure(0, prosilica::Auto);
      if (cam_->hasAttribute("ExposureAutoMax"))
        tPvUint32 us = config.exposure_auto_max*1000000. + 0.5;
        cam_->setAttribute("ExposureAutoMax", us);
      if (cam_->hasAttribute("ExposureAutoTarget"))
        cam_->setAttribute("ExposureAutoTarget", (tPvUint32)config.exposure_auto_target);
    else {
      unsigned us = config.exposure*1000000. + 0.5;
      cam_->setExposure(us, prosilica::Manual);

    // Gain
    if (config.auto_gain) {
      if (cam_->hasAttribute("GainAutoMax"))
        cam_->setGain(0, prosilica::Auto);
        cam_->setAttribute("GainAutoMax", (tPvUint32)config.gain_auto_max);
        cam_->setAttribute("GainAutoTarget", (tPvUint32)config.gain_auto_target);
      else {
        tPvUint32 major, minor;
        cam_->getAttribute("FirmwareVerMajor", major);
        cam_->getAttribute("FirmwareVerMinor", minor);
        ROS_WARN("Auto gain not available for this camera. Auto gain is available "
                 "on firmware versions 1.36 and above. You are running version %u.%u.",
                 (unsigned)major, (unsigned)minor);
        config.auto_gain = false;
      cam_->setGain(config.gain, prosilica::Manual);

    // White balance
    if (config.auto_whitebalance) {
      if (cam_->hasAttribute("WhitebalMode"))
        cam_->setWhiteBalance(0, 0, prosilica::Auto);
      else {
        ROS_WARN("Auto white balance not available for this camera.");
        config.auto_whitebalance = false;
      cam_->setWhiteBalance(config.whitebalance_blue, config.whitebalance_red, prosilica::Manual);

    // Binning configuration
    if (cam_->hasAttribute("BinningX")) {
      tPvUint32 max_binning_x, max_binning_y, dummy;
      PvAttrRangeUint32(cam_->handle(), "BinningX", &dummy, &max_binning_x);
      PvAttrRangeUint32(cam_->handle(), "BinningY", &dummy, &max_binning_y);
      config.binning_x = std::min(config.binning_x, (int)max_binning_x);
      config.binning_y = std::min(config.binning_y, (int)max_binning_y);

      cam_->setBinning(config.binning_x, config.binning_y);
    else if (config.binning_x > 1 || config.binning_y > 1)
      ROS_WARN("Binning not available for this camera.");
      config.binning_x = config.binning_y = 1;

    // Region of interest configuration
    // Make sure ROI fits in image
    config.x_offset = std::min(config.x_offset, (int)sensor_width_ - 1);
    config.y_offset = std::min(config.y_offset, (int)sensor_height_ - 1);
    config.width  = std::min(config.width, (int)sensor_width_ - config.x_offset);
    config.height = std::min(config.height, (int)sensor_height_ - config.y_offset);
    // If width or height is 0, set it as large as possible
    int width  = config.width  ? config.width  : sensor_width_  - config.x_offset;
    int height = config.height ? config.height : sensor_height_ - config.y_offset;

    // Adjust full-res ROI to binning ROI
    /// @todo Replicating logic from polledCallback
    int x_offset = config.x_offset / config.binning_x;
    int y_offset = config.y_offset / config.binning_y;
    unsigned int right_x  = (config.x_offset + width  + config.binning_x - 1) / config.binning_x;
    unsigned int bottom_y = (config.y_offset + height + config.binning_y - 1) / config.binning_y;
    // Rounding up is bad when at max resolution which is not divisible by the amount of binning
    right_x = std::min(right_x, (unsigned)(sensor_width_ / config.binning_x));
    bottom_y = std::min(bottom_y, (unsigned)(sensor_height_ / config.binning_y));
    width = right_x - x_offset;
    height = bottom_y - y_offset;

    cam_->setRoi(x_offset, y_offset, width, height);

    // TF frame
    img_.header.frame_id = cam_info_.header.frame_id = config.frame_id;

    // Normally the node adjusts the bandwidth used by the camera during diagnostics, to use as
    // much as possible without dropping packets. But this can create interference if two
    // cameras are on the same switch, e.g. for stereo. So we allow the user to set the bandwidth
    // directly.
    auto_adjust_stream_bytes_per_second_ = config.auto_adjust_stream_bytes_per_second;
    if (!auto_adjust_stream_bytes_per_second_)
      cam_->setAttribute("StreamBytesPerSecond", (tPvUint32)config.stream_bytes_per_second);

    /// @todo If exception thrown due to bad settings, will fail to start camera
    if (level >= (uint32_t)driver_base::SensorLevels::RECONFIGURE_STOP)
Exemplo n.º 7
  ProsilicaNode(const ros::NodeHandle& node_handle)
    : nh_(node_handle),
      cam_(NULL), running_(false), auto_adjust_stream_bytes_per_second_(false),
      frames_dropped_total_(0), frames_completed_total_(0),
      packets_missed_total_(0), packets_received_total_(0),
    // Two-stage initialization: in the constructor we open the requested camera. Most
    // parameters controlling capture are set and streaming started in configure(), the
    // callback to dynamic_reconfig.

    if (prosilica::numCameras() == 0)
      ROS_WARN("Found no cameras on local subnet");

    // Determine which camera to use. Opening by IP address is preferred, then guid. If both
    // parameters are set we open by IP and verify the guid. If neither are set we default
    // to opening the first available camera.
    ros::NodeHandle local_nh("~");
    unsigned long guid = 0;
    std::string guid_str;
    if (local_nh.getParam("guid", guid_str) && !guid_str.empty())
      guid = strtol(guid_str.c_str(), NULL, 0);

    std::string ip_str;
    if (local_nh.getParam("ip_address", ip_str) && !ip_str.empty()) {
      cam_.reset( new prosilica::Camera(ip_str.c_str()) );

      // Verify guid is the one expected
      unsigned long cam_guid = cam_->guid();
      if (guid != 0 && guid != cam_guid)
        throw prosilica::ProsilicaException(ePvErrBadParameter,
                                            "guid does not match expected");
      guid = cam_guid;
    else {
      if (guid == 0) guid = prosilica::getGuid(0);
      cam_.reset( new prosilica::Camera(guid) );
    hw_id_ = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(guid);
    ROS_INFO("Found camera, guid = %s", hw_id_.c_str());

    // Record some attributes of the camera
    tPvUint32 dummy;
    PvAttrRangeUint32(cam_->handle(), "Width", &dummy, &sensor_width_);
    PvAttrRangeUint32(cam_->handle(), "Height", &dummy, &sensor_height_);

    // Try to load intrinsics from on-camera memory.

    // Set up self tests and diagnostics.
    // NB: Need to wait until here to construct self_test_, otherwise an exception
    // above from failing to find the camera gives bizarre backtraces
    // (http://answers.ros.org/question/430/trouble-with-prosilica_camera-pvapi).
    self_test_.reset(new self_test::TestRunner);
    self_test_->add( "Info Test", this, &ProsilicaNode::infoTest );
    self_test_->add( "Attribute Test", this, &ProsilicaNode::attributeTest );
    self_test_->add( "Image Test", this, &ProsilicaNode::imageTest );

    diagnostic_.add( "Frequency Status", this, &ProsilicaNode::freqStatus );
    diagnostic_.add( "Frame Statistics", this, &ProsilicaNode::frameStatistics );
    diagnostic_.add( "Packet Statistics", this, &ProsilicaNode::packetStatistics );
    diagnostic_.add( "Packet Error Status", this, &ProsilicaNode::packetErrorStatus );

    diagnostic_timer_ = nh_.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.1), boost::bind(&ProsilicaNode::runDiagnostics, this));

    // Service call for setting calibration.
    set_camera_info_srv_ = nh_.advertiseService("set_camera_info", &ProsilicaNode::setCameraInfo, this);

    // Start dynamic_reconfigure
    reconfigure_server_.setCallback(boost::bind(&ProsilicaNode::configure, this, _1, _2));
Exemplo n.º 8
bool CameraGigE::onInit() {
	LOG(LTRACE) << "CameraGigE::initialize\n";

	h_onTrigger.setup(this, &CameraGigE::onTrigger);
	registerHandler("onTrigger", &h_onTrigger);

	newImage = registerEvent("newImage");
	endOfSequence = registerEvent("endOfSequence");

	registerStream("out_img", &out_img);

	if (!props.address.empty()) {
		unsigned long ip = inet_addr(props.address.c_str());

		if (PvCameraOpenByAddr(ip, ePvAccessMaster, &cHandle) != ePvErrSuccess) {
			LOG(LERROR) << "Unable to open camera on adress "
					<< props.address << " \n";
			return false;

	} else if (props.uid != 0) {
		if (PvCameraOpen(props.uid, ePvAccessMaster, &cHandle) != ePvErrSuccess) {
			LOG(LERROR) << "Unable to open camera with uid " << props.uid
					<< " \n";
			return false;
	} else {
		return false;

	// Set parameters
	tPvErr err;
	///	 Exposure
	if (!props.exposureMode.empty()) {
		if ((err = PvAttrEnumSet(cHandle, "ExposureMode",
				props.exposureMode.c_str())) == ePvErrSuccess) {
			if (props.exposureMode == "Manual") {
				if ((err = PvAttrUint32Set(cHandle, "ExposureValue",
						props.exposureValue / 1000000.0)) != ePvErrSuccess) {
					if (err == ePvErrOutOfRange) {
						tPvUint32 min, max;
						PvAttrRangeUint32(cHandle, "ExposureValue", &min, &max);
						LOG(LWARNING) << "ExposureValue : "
								<< props.exposureValue
								<< " is out of range, valid range [ "
								<< (double) min / 1000000.0 << " , "
								<< (double) max / 1000000.0 << " ]\n";
		} else {
			LOG(LWARNING) << "Unable to set ExposureMode \n";
	/// Gain
	if (!props.gainMode.empty()) {
		if ((err = PvAttrEnumSet(cHandle, "GainMode", props.gainMode.c_str()))
				== ePvErrSuccess) {
			if (props.gainMode == "Manual") {
				if ((err = PvAttrUint32Set(cHandle, "gainValue",
						props.gainValue)) != ePvErrSuccess) {
					if (err == ePvErrOutOfRange) {
						tPvUint32 min, max;
						PvAttrRangeUint32(cHandle, "GainValue", &min, &max);
						LOG(LWARNING) << "GainValue : " << props.gainValue
								<< " is out of range, valid range [ "
								<< (double) min << " , " << (double) max
								<< " ]\n";
		} else {
			LOG(LWARNING) << "Unable to set GainMode \n";
	///	White Balance
	if (!props.whitebalMode.empty()) {
		if ((err = PvAttrEnumSet(cHandle, "WhitebalMode",
				props.gainMode.c_str())) == ePvErrSuccess) {
			if (props.whitebalMode == "Manual") {
				if ((err = PvAttrUint32Set(cHandle, "WhitebalValueRed",
						props.whitebalValueRed)) != ePvErrSuccess) {
					if (err == ePvErrOutOfRange) {
						tPvUint32 min, max;
						PvAttrRangeUint32(cHandle, "WhitebalValueRed", &min,
						LOG(LWARNING) << "WhitebalValueRed : "
								<< props.whitebalValueRed
								<< " is out of range, valid range [ "
								<< (double) min << " , " << (double) max
								<< " ]\n";

				if ((err = PvAttrUint32Set(cHandle, "WhitebalValueBlue",
						props.whitebalValueBlue)) != ePvErrSuccess) {
					if (err == ePvErrOutOfRange) {
						tPvUint32 min, max;
						PvAttrRangeUint32(cHandle, "WhitebalValueBlue", &min,
						LOG(LWARNING) << "WhitebalValueBlue : "
								<< props.whitebalValueBlue
								<< " is out of range, valid range [ "
								<< (double) min << " , " << (double) max
								<< " ]\n";
		} else {
			LOG(LWARNING) << "Unable to set WhitebalMode" << err << "\n";

	if ((err = PvAttrEnumSet(cHandle, "MirrorX", props.mirrorX ? "On" : "Off"))
			!= ePvErrSuccess) {


	if ((err = PvAttrEnumSet(cHandle, "PixelFormat", props.pixelFormat.c_str()))
			!= ePvErrSuccess) {
		LOG(LERROR) << "Unable to set pixelformat " << err;

	if ((err = PvAttrUint32Set(cHandle, "Height", props.height))
			!= ePvErrSuccess) {
		if (err == ePvErrOutOfRange) {
			tPvUint32 min, max;
			PvAttrRangeUint32(cHandle, "Height", &min, &max);
			LOG(LWARNING) << "Height : " << props.height
					<< " is out of range, valid range [ " << (double) min
					<< " , " << (double) max << " ]";

	if ((err = PvAttrUint32Set(cHandle, "Width", props.width)) != ePvErrSuccess) {
		if (err == ePvErrOutOfRange) {
			tPvUint32 min, max;
			PvAttrRangeUint32(cHandle, "Width", &min, &max);
			LOG(LWARNING) << "Width : " << props.width
					<< " is out of range, valid range [ " << (double) min
					<< " , " << (double) max << " ]\n";

	if ((err = PvAttrUint32Set(cHandle, "RegionX", props.regionX))
			!= ePvErrSuccess) {
		if (err == ePvErrOutOfRange) {
			tPvUint32 min, max;
			PvAttrRangeUint32(cHandle, "RegionX", &min, &max);
			LOG(LWARNING) << "RegionX : " << props.regionX
					<< " is out of range, valid range [ " << (double) min
					<< " , " << (double) max << " ]\n";

	if ((err = PvAttrUint32Set(cHandle, "RegionY", props.regionY))
			!= ePvErrSuccess) {
		if (err == ePvErrOutOfRange) {
			tPvUint32 min, max;
			PvAttrRangeUint32(cHandle, "RegionY", &min, &max);
			LOG(LWARNING) << "RegionY : " << props.regionY
					<< " is out of range, valid range [ " << (double) min
					<< " , " << (double) max << " ]\n";

	if ((err = PvAttrUint32Set(cHandle, "BinningX", props.binningX))
			!= ePvErrSuccess) {
		if (err == ePvErrOutOfRange) {
			tPvUint32 min, max;
			PvAttrRangeUint32(cHandle, "BinningX", &min, &max);
			LOG(LWARNING) << "BinningX : " << props.binningX
					<< " is out of range, valid range [ " << (double) min
					<< " , " << (double) max << " ]\n";

	if ((err = PvAttrUint32Set(cHandle, "BinningY", props.binningY))
			!= ePvErrSuccess) {
		if (err == ePvErrOutOfRange) {
			tPvUint32 min, max;
			PvAttrRangeUint32(cHandle, "BinningY", &min, &max);
			LOG(LWARNING) << "BinningY : " << props.binningY
					<< " is out of range, valid range [ " << (double) min
					<< " , " << (double) max << " ]\n";
	// ----------------

	PvAttrEnumSet(cHandle, "FrameStartTriggerMode", "Freerun");

	unsigned long frameSize = 0;

	if (PvAttrUint32Get(cHandle, "TotalBytesPerFrame", &frameSize)
			!= ePvErrSuccess) {
		return false;

	frame.ImageBuffer = new char[frameSize];
	frame.ImageBufferSize = frameSize;

	return true;