Exemplo n.º 1
void Camera::start(FrameStartTriggerMode fmode, AcquisitionMode amode)
  //assert( FSTmode_ == None && fmode != None );
  ///@todo verify this assert again
  //assert( fmode == SyncIn1 || fmode == SyncIn2 || fmode == Software || !userCallback_.empty() );
  // set camera in acquisition mode
  CHECK_ERR( PvCaptureStart(handle_), "Could not start capture");

  if (fmode == Freerun || fmode == SyncIn1 || fmode == SyncIn2 ||  fmode == FixedRate)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bufferSize_; ++i)
      PvCaptureQueueFrame(handle_, frames_ + i, Camera::frameDone);

  // start capture after setting acquisition and trigger modes
  try {
    ///@todo take this one also as an argument
    CHECK_ERR( PvAttrEnumSet(handle_, "AcquisitionMode", acquisitionModes[amode]),
               "Could not set acquisition mode" );
    CHECK_ERR( PvAttrEnumSet(handle_, "FrameStartTriggerMode", triggerModes[fmode]),
               "Could not set trigger mode" );
    CHECK_ERR( PvCommandRun(handle_, "AcquisitionStart"),
               "Could not start acquisition" );
  catch (ProsilicaException& e) {
    PvCaptureEnd(handle_); // reset to non capture mode
    throw; // rethrow
  FSTmode_ = fmode;
  Amode_ = amode;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI::startCapture()
    // Start the camera

    // Set the camera to capture continuously
    if(PvAttrEnumSet(Camera.Handle, "AcquisitionMode", "Continuous")!= ePvErrSuccess)
        fprintf(stderr,"Could not set PvAPI Acquisition Mode\n");
        return false;

    if(PvCommandRun(Camera.Handle, "AcquisitionStart")!= ePvErrSuccess)
        fprintf(stderr,"Could not start PvAPI acquisition\n");
        return false;

    if(PvAttrEnumSet(Camera.Handle, "FrameStartTriggerMode", "Freerun")!= ePvErrSuccess)
        fprintf(stderr,"Error setting PvAPI trigger to \"Freerun\"");
        return false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
// setup and start streaming
void cameraStart(tCamera* camera, tPvUint32 packetSize) {
  cameraSetPixelFormat(camera, "Mono16");
  cameraSetExpo(camera, 1000);

  //tPvUint32 ROI[4]={0,0,493,659};

  // Auto adjust the packet size to max supported by the network, up to a max of 8228.
  // NOTE: In Vista, if the packet size on the network card is set lower than 8228,
  //       this call may break the network card's driver. See release notes.

  tPvErr err = PvCaptureAdjustPacketSize(camera->Handle,packetSize);
  //err = PvAttrUint32Set(camera->Handle, "PacketSize", 1500);
  if (err != ePvErrSuccess){
    stringstream buf;
    buf << "failed to adjust packet size : " << cameraGetError(err) << endl;
    throw buf.str();

  unsigned long FrameSize = 0;
  err = PvAttrUint32Get(camera->Handle, "TotalBytesPerFrame", &FrameSize);
  if (err != ePvErrSuccess){
    stringstream buf;
    buf << "failed to get TotalBytesPerFrame : " << cameraGetError(err) << endl;
    throw buf.str();

  // allocate the buffer for the single frame we need
  camera->Frame.Context[0] = camera;
  camera->Frame.ImageBuffer = new char[FrameSize];
  if (camera->Frame.ImageBuffer)
    camera->Frame.ImageBufferSize = FrameSize;
    throw "failed allocate Frame.ImageBuffer";

  // how big should the frame buffers be?
  if (!err) {
    // set the camera is capture mode
    if (!PvCaptureStart(camera->Handle)) {
      // set the camera in continuous acquisition mode
      if (!PvAttrEnumSet(camera->Handle, "FrameStartTriggerMode",
			 "Freerun")) { //"FixedRate" / "Freerun"
	// and set the acquisition mode into continuous
	if (PvCommandRun(camera->Handle, "AcquisitionStart")) {
	  // if that fail, we reset the camera to non capture mode
	  throw "failed to set the acquisition mode into continuous";
      } else
	throw "failed to set the camera in continuous acquisition mode";
    } else
      throw "failed to set the camera is capture mode";
  } else
    throw "failed to get TotalBytesPerFrame parameter";
Exemplo n.º 4
// setup and start streaming
bool CameraStart(tCamera* Camera)
    unsigned long FrameSize = 0;

    // Auto adjust the packet size to max supported by the network, up to a max of 8228.
    // NOTE: In Vista, if the packet size on the network card is set lower than 8228,
    //       this call may break the network card's driver. See release notes.

    // how big should the frame buffers be?
        bool failed = false;

        // allocate the buffer for the single frame we need
        Camera->Frame.Context[0]  = Camera;
        Camera->Frame.ImageBuffer = new char[FrameSize];
            Camera->Frame.ImageBufferSize = FrameSize;
            failed = true;

            // set the camera is capture mode
                // set the camera in continuous acquisition mode
                    // and set the acquisition mode into continuous
                        // if that fail, we reset the camera to non capture mode
                        PvCaptureEnd(Camera->Handle) ;
                        return false;
                        return true;
                    return false;
                return false;
            return false;
        return false;
Exemplo n.º 5
	bool OmniCamera::connect(void) {
			return true;

		tPvCameraInfoEx info[1];
		 unsigned long frameSize = 0;


		if(!PvInitialize()) {


			unsigned long numCameras = PvCameraListEx(info, 1, NULL, sizeof(tPvCameraInfoEx));;
			if ((numCameras == 1) && (info[0].PermittedAccess & ePvAccessMaster)) {
				_camera.UID = info[0].UniqueId;

				if(!PvCameraOpen(_camera.UID, ePvAccessMaster, &(_camera.handle))) {

					if(!PvAttrUint32Get(_camera.handle,"TotalBytesPerFrame",&frameSize)) {

						_camera.frame.ImageBuffer = new char[frameSize];
						unsigned long format=0;
						char text[100];
						printf("format %d %s\n",format,text);
						if(_camera.frame.ImageBuffer) {
							_camera.frame.ImageBufferSize = frameSize;
							PvAttrEnumSet(_camera.handle, "AcquisitionMode", "Continuous");
							PvCommandRun(_camera.handle, "AcquisitionStart");

							_connected = true;
							return true;
		_connected = false;
		return false;
Exemplo n.º 6
bool CameraGigE::onStart() {
	// set the camera is acquisition mode
	if (!PvCaptureStart(cHandle)) {
		// start the acquisition and make sure the trigger mode is "freerun"
		if (PvCommandRun(cHandle, "AcquisitionStart")) {
			// if that fail, we reset the camera to non capture mode
			return false;
		} else
			return true;
	} else
		return false;
Exemplo n.º 7
// idlPvCaptureStart
// Start the image capture stream.
// command line arguments
// argv[0]: IN/FLAG debug
// argv[1]: IN camera index
int idlPvCaptureStart (int argc, char *argv[])
  unsigned long n;
  unsigned long err;

  debug = *(IDL_INT *) argv[0];
  n = *(unsigned long *) argv[1];


  err = PvCaptureStart(camera[n]);

  return idlPvErrCode(err);
Exemplo n.º 8
// setup and start streaming
// return value: true == success, false == fail
bool CameraStart()
    tPvErr errCode;
	bool failed = false;

    // NOTE: This call sets camera PacketSize to largest sized test packet, up to 8228, that doesn't fail
	// on network card. Some MS VISTA network card drivers become unresponsive if test packet fails. 
	// Use PvUint32Set(handle, "PacketSize", MaxAllowablePacketSize) instead. See network card properties
	// for max allowable PacketSize/MTU/JumboFrameSize. 
	if((errCode = PvCaptureAdjustPacketSize(GCamera.Handle,8228)) != ePvErrSuccess)
		printf("CameraStart: PvCaptureAdjustPacketSize err: %u\n", errCode);
		return false;

    // start driver capture stream 
	if((errCode = PvCaptureStart(GCamera.Handle)) != ePvErrSuccess)
		printf("CameraStart: PvCaptureStart err: %u\n", errCode);
		return false;

    // queue frames with FrameDoneCB callback function. Each frame can use a unique callback function
	// or, as in this case, the same callback function.
	for(int i=0;i<FRAMESCOUNT && !failed;i++)
		if((errCode = PvCaptureQueueFrame(GCamera.Handle,&(GCamera.Frames[i]),FrameDoneCB)) != ePvErrSuccess)
			printf("CameraStart: PvCaptureQueueFrame err: %u\n", errCode);
			failed = true;

	if (failed)
		return false;
	// set the camera to 5 FPS, continuous mode, and start camera receiving triggers					
	if((PvAttrFloat32Set(GCamera.Handle,"FrameRate",5) != ePvErrSuccess) ||
		(PvAttrEnumSet(GCamera.Handle,"FrameStartTriggerMode","FixedRate") != ePvErrSuccess) ||
		(PvAttrEnumSet(GCamera.Handle,"AcquisitionMode","Continuous") != ePvErrSuccess) ||
		(PvCommandRun(GCamera.Handle,"AcquisitionStart") != ePvErrSuccess))
		printf("CameraStart: failed to set camera attributes\n");
		return false;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
// setup and start streaming
bool CameraStart(tCamera* Camera)
    unsigned long FrameSize = 0;

    // how big should the frame buffers be?
        bool failed = false;

        // allocate the buffer for the single frame we need
        Camera->Frame.Context[0]  = Camera;
        Camera->Frame.ImageBuffer = new char[FrameSize];
            Camera->Frame.ImageBufferSize = FrameSize;
            failed = true;

            // set the camera is capture mode
		        // set the camera in continuous acquisition mode
                	        // and set the acquisition mode into continuous
                    		        // if that fail, we reset the camera to non capture mode
                    		        PvCaptureEnd(Camera->Handle) ;
                    		        return false;
                    		        return true;
		            return false;
                return false;
            return false;
        return false;
Exemplo n.º 10
// setup and start streaming
// return value: true == success, false == fail
bool CameraStart()
    tPvErr errCode;

    // NOTE: This call sets camera PacketSize to largest sized test packet, up to 8228, that doesn't fail
	// on network card. Some MS VISTA network card drivers become unresponsive if test packet fails. 
	// Use PvUint32Set(handle, "PacketSize", MaxAllowablePacketSize) instead. See network card properties
	// for max allowable PacketSize/MTU/JumboFrameSize. 
	if((errCode = PvCaptureAdjustPacketSize(GCamera.Handle,8228)) != ePvErrSuccess)
		printf("CameraStart: PvCaptureAdjustPacketSize err: %u\n", errCode);
		return false;

    // start driver capture stream 
	if((errCode = PvCaptureStart(GCamera.Handle)) != ePvErrSuccess)
		printf("CameraStart: PvCaptureStart err: %u\n", errCode);
		return false;
    // queue frame
	if((errCode = PvCaptureQueueFrame(GCamera.Handle,&(GCamera.Frame),NULL)) != ePvErrSuccess)
		printf("CameraStart: PvCaptureQueueFrame err: %u\n", errCode);
		// stop driver capture stream
		return false;
	// set the camera in hardware trigger, continuous mode, and start camera receiving triggers
	if((PvAttrEnumSet(GCamera.Handle,"FrameStartTriggerMode","SyncIn1") != ePvErrSuccess) ||
		(PvAttrEnumSet(GCamera.Handle,"AcquisitionMode","Continuous") != ePvErrSuccess) ||
		(PvCommandRun(GCamera.Handle,"AcquisitionStart") != ePvErrSuccess))
		printf("CameraStart: failed to set camera attributes\n");
		// clear queued frame
		// stop driver capture stream
		return false;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 11
// setup and start streaming
bool CameraStart()
    unsigned long FrameSize = 0;

    // how big should the frame buffers be?
        bool failed = false;

        // allocate the buffer for the single frame we need
        GCamera.Frame.ImageBuffer = new char[FrameSize];
            GCamera.Frame.ImageBufferSize = FrameSize;
            failed = true;

            // set the camera is capture mode
                // and set the acquisition mode into continuous and software trigger mode
                if(PvAttrEnumSet(GCamera.Handle,"FrameStartTriggerMode","SyncIn1") ||
                    // if that fail, we reset the camera to non capture mode
                    PvCaptureEnd(GCamera.Handle) ;
                    return false;
                    return true;
                return false;
            return false;
        return false;
Exemplo n.º 12
// Initialize camera input
bool CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI::open( int index )
    tPvCameraInfo cameraList[MAX_CAMERAS];
    tPvCameraInfo  camInfo;
    tPvIpSettings ipSettings;

    if (PvInitialize()) {
        //return false;

    int numCameras=PvCameraList(cameraList, MAX_CAMERAS, NULL);

    if (numCameras <= 0 || index >= numCameras)
        return false;

    Camera.UID = cameraList[index].UniqueId;    

    if (!PvCameraInfo(Camera.UID,&camInfo) && !PvCameraIpSettingsGet(Camera.UID,&ipSettings)) {
		struct in_addr addr;
		addr.s_addr = ipSettings.CurrentIpAddress;
		printf("Current address:\t%s\n",inet_ntoa(addr));
		addr.s_addr = ipSettings.CurrentIpSubnet;
		printf("Current subnet:\t\t%s\n",inet_ntoa(addr));
		addr.s_addr = ipSettings.CurrentIpGateway;
		printf("Current gateway:\t%s\n",inet_ntoa(addr));
	else {
		fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: could not retrieve camera IP settings.\n");
		return false;

    if (PvCameraOpen(Camera.UID, ePvAccessMaster, &(Camera.Handle))==ePvErrSuccess)
        //Set Pixel Format to BRG24 to follow conventions 
        /*Errcode = PvAttrEnumSet(Camera.Handle, "PixelFormat", "Bgr24");
        if (Errcode != ePvErrSuccess)
            fprintf(stderr, "PvAPI: couldn't set PixelFormat to Bgr24\n");
            return NULL;
        tPvUint32 frameWidth, frameHeight, frameSize;
        unsigned long maxSize;
		char pixelFormat[256];
        PvAttrUint32Get(Camera.Handle, "TotalBytesPerFrame", &frameSize);
        PvAttrUint32Get(Camera.Handle, "Width", &frameWidth);
        PvAttrUint32Get(Camera.Handle, "Height", &frameHeight);
        PvAttrEnumGet(Camera.Handle, "PixelFormat", pixelFormat,256,NULL);
        maxSize = 8228;
        if (PvCaptureAdjustPacketSize(Camera.Handle,maxSize)!=ePvErrSuccess)
			return false;
        if (strcmp(pixelFormat, "Mono8")==0) {
				grayframe = cvCreateImage(cvSize((int)frameWidth, (int)frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
				grayframe->widthStep = (int)frameWidth;
				frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize((int)frameWidth, (int)frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
				frame->widthStep = (int)frameWidth*3;		 
				Camera.Frame.ImageBufferSize = frameSize;
				Camera.Frame.ImageBuffer = grayframe->imageData;   
		else if (strcmp(pixelFormat, "Mono16")==0) {
				grayframe = cvCreateImage(cvSize((int)frameWidth, (int)frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_16U, 1);
				grayframe->widthStep = (int)frameWidth;	
				frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize((int)frameWidth, (int)frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_16U, 3);
				frame->widthStep = (int)frameWidth*3;
				Camera.Frame.ImageBufferSize = frameSize;
				Camera.Frame.ImageBuffer = grayframe->imageData;
		else if	(strcmp(pixelFormat, "Bgr24")==0) {
				frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize((int)frameWidth, (int)frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
				frame->widthStep = (int)frameWidth*3;
				Camera.Frame.ImageBufferSize = frameSize;
				Camera.Frame.ImageBuffer = frame->imageData;
				return false;
        // Start the camera

        // Set the camera to capture continuously
        if(PvAttrEnumSet(Camera.Handle, "AcquisitionMode", "Continuous")!= ePvErrSuccess)
            fprintf(stderr,"Could not set Prosilica Acquisition Mode\n");
            return false;
        if(PvCommandRun(Camera.Handle, "AcquisitionStart")!= ePvErrSuccess)
            fprintf(stderr,"Could not start Prosilica acquisition\n");
            return false;
        if(PvAttrEnumSet(Camera.Handle, "FrameStartTriggerMode", "Freerun")!= ePvErrSuccess)
            fprintf(stderr,"Error setting Prosilica trigger to \"Freerun\"");
            return false;
        return true;
    fprintf(stderr,"Error cannot open camera\n");
    return false;

Exemplo n.º 13
// Initialize camera input
bool CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI::open( int index )

    tPvCameraInfo cameraInfo[MAX_CAMERAS];
    if (PvInitialize())
        return false;
    int numCameras = PvCameraList(cameraInfo, MAX_CAMERAS, NULL);
    if (numCameras <= 0 || index >= numCameras)
        return false;

    Camera.UID = cameraInfo[index].UniqueId;
    if (PvCameraOpen(Camera.UID, ePvAccessMaster, &(Camera.Handle))==ePvErrSuccess)

        //Set Pixel Format to BRG24 to follow conventions 
        Errcode = PvAttrEnumSet(Camera.Handle, "PixelFormat", "Bgr24");
        if (Errcode != ePvErrSuccess)
            fprintf(stderr, "PvAPI: couldn't set PixelFormat to Bgr24\n");
            return NULL;

        tPvUint32 frameWidth, frameHeight, frameSize;

        PvAttrUint32Get(Camera.Handle, "TotalBytesPerFrame", &frameSize);
        PvAttrUint32Get(Camera.Handle, "Width", &frameWidth);
        PvAttrUint32Get(Camera.Handle, "Height", &frameHeight);

        // Create an image (24 bits RGB Color image)
        frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
        frame->widthStep = frameWidth*3;

        Camera.Frame.ImageBufferSize = frameSize;
        Camera.Frame.ImageBuffer = frame->imageData;

        // Start the camera

        // Set the camera to capture continuously
        if(PvAttrEnumSet(Camera.Handle, "AcquisitionMode", "Continuous")!= ePvErrSuccess)
            fprintf(stderr,"Could not set Prosilica Acquisition Mode\n");
            return false;
        if(PvCommandRun(Camera.Handle, "AcquisitionStart")!= ePvErrSuccess)
            fprintf(stderr,"Could not start Prosilica acquisition\n");
            return false;
        if(PvAttrEnumSet(Camera.Handle, "FrameStartTriggerMode", "Freerun")!= ePvErrSuccess)
            fprintf(stderr,"Error setting Prosilica trigger to \"Freerun\"");
            return false;
        return true;
    return false;

bool ofxVideoGrabberPvAPI::initGrabber(int w, int h, bool setUseTexture){

    width = w;
    height = h;
    tPvErr ret;   //PvAPI return codes
	bUseTexture = setUseTexture;
    memset( &cameraUID, 0, sizeof(cameraUID) );
    memset( &cameraHandle, 0, sizeof(cameraHandle) );
    memset( &cameraFrame, 0, sizeof(cameraFrame) );
    //---------------------------------- 1 - open the sequence grabber
    // lazy initialization of the Prosilica API
    if( !bPvApiInitiated ){
        ret = PvInitialize();
        if( ret == ePvErrSuccess ) {
            ofLog(OF_LOG_VERBOSE, "PvAPI initialized");
        } else {
            ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "unable to initialize PvAPI");
            return false;
        bPvApiInitiated = true;
    //---------------------------------- 3 - buffer allocation
    // Create a buffer big enough to hold the video data,
    // make sure the pointer is 32-byte aligned.
    // also the rgb image that people will grab
    pixels = new unsigned char[width*height];
    // check for any cameras plugged in
    int waitIterations = 0;
    while( PvCameraCount() < 1 ) {
        if( waitIterations > 8 ) {
            ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "error: no camera found");
            return false;        

    //---------------------------------- 4 - device selection
    tPvUint32 count, connected;
    tPvCameraInfo list[maxConcurrentCams];

    count = PvCameraList( list, maxConcurrentCams, &connected );
    if(count >= 1) {
        bool bSelectedDevicePresent = false;
        if(bChooseDevice) {
            //check if selected device is available
            for( int i=0; i<count; ++i) {
                if( deviceID == list[i].UniqueId ) {
                    bSelectedDevicePresent = true;
                    cameraUID = list[i].UniqueId;
        if( !bSelectedDevicePresent ){
            cameraUID = list[0].UniqueId;
            ofLog(OF_LOG_NOTICE, "cannot find selected camera -> defaulting to first available");
            ofLog(OF_LOG_VERBOSE, "there is currently an arbitrary hard limit of %i concurrent cams", maxConcurrentCams);
    } else {
        ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "no cameras available");
        return false;     
    //---------------------------------- 5 - final initialization steps
    ret = PvCameraOpen( cameraUID, ePvAccessMaster, &cameraHandle );
    if( ret == ePvErrSuccess ){
        ofLog(OF_LOG_VERBOSE, "camera opened");
    } else {
        if( ret == ePvErrAccessDenied ) {
            ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "camera access denied, probably already in use");
        ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "failed to open camera");
        return false;     

    unsigned long FrameSize = 0;
    ret = PvAttrUint32Get( cameraHandle, "TotalBytesPerFrame", &FrameSize );
    if( ret == ePvErrSuccess ){
        // allocate the buffer for the single frame we need
        cameraFrame.ImageBuffer = new char[FrameSize];
        cameraFrame.ImageBufferSize = FrameSize;    
        ofLog(OF_LOG_VERBOSE, "camera asked for TotalBytesPerFrame");
    } else { 
        ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "failed to allocate capture buffer");
        return false;    
    ret = PvCaptureStart(cameraHandle);
    if( ret == ePvErrSuccess ){
        ofLog(OF_LOG_VERBOSE, "camera set to capture mode");
    } else { 
        if( ret == ePvErrUnplugged ){
            ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "cannot start capture, camera was unplugged");
        ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "cannot set to capture mode");
        return false;    
    ret = PvAttrEnumSet(cameraHandle,"FrameStartTriggerMode","Freerun");
    if( ret == ePvErrSuccess ){
        ofLog(OF_LOG_VERBOSE, "camera set to continuous mode");
    } else {
        ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "cannot set to continous mode");
        return false;    
    ret = PvCommandRun(cameraHandle,"AcquisitionStart");
    if( ret == ePvErrSuccess ){
        ofLog(OF_LOG_VERBOSE, "camera continuous acquisition started");
    } else {
        // if that fail, we reset the camera to non capture mode
        PvCaptureEnd(cameraHandle) ;
        ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "cannot start continuous acquisition");
        return false;    
    bGrabberInited = true;
    ofLog(OF_LOG_NOTICE,"camera is ready now");  
    //---------------------------------- 6 - setup texture if needed

    if (bUseTexture){
        // create the texture, set the pixels to black and
        // upload them to the texture (so at least we see nothing black the callback)
        memset(pixels, 0, width*height);
        tex.loadData(pixels, width, height, GL_LUMINANCE);

    // we are done
    return true;