Exemplo n.º 1
MpAudioVolume MpPortAudioMixer::getInputVolume() const
   OsLock lock(MpPortAudioDriver::ms_driverMutex);

   if (m_pxMixer)
      return Px_GetInputVolume(m_pxMixer);

   return 0.0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   int num_mixers;
   int i;
   PaError error;
   PortAudioStream *stream;
   int recDeviceNum;
   int playDeviceNum;
   int inputChannels;
   int outputChannels;
   int num_devices;
   int device;
   int opt;
   int opts=-1, optm=0;
   float optv=-2, opto=-2, opti=-2, opth=-2, optb=-2;
   printf("px_test: a program to demonstrate the capabilities of PortMixer\n");
   printf("By Dominic Mazzoni\n");
   printf("  -d [device number]\n");
   printf("  -m [mixer number]\n");
   printf("  -v [vol] (Master volume)\n");
   printf("  -o [vol] (PCM output volume)\n");
   printf("  -i [vol] (Input volume)\n");
   printf("  -s [source number] (Input source)\n");
   printf("  -h [vol] (Playthrough)\n");
   printf("  -b [bal] (Balance: -1.0....1.0)\n");
   printf("All volumes are between 0.0 and 1.0.\n");

   error = Pa_Initialize();
   if (error != 0) {
      printf("PortAudio error: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText(error));
      return -1;

   num_devices = Pa_CountDevices();

   device = Pa_GetDefaultInputDeviceID();
   recDeviceNum = paNoDevice;
   playDeviceNum = paNoDevice;
   inputChannels = 0;
   outputChannels = 0;

   while(-1 != (opt=getopt(argc, argv, "d:m:v:o:i:s:h:b:"))) {
      switch(opt) {
      case 'd':
         device = atoi(optarg);
         printf("Set device to %d\n", device);
      case 'm':
         optm = atoi(optarg);
         printf("Set mixer number to %d\n", optm);
      case 'v':
         optv = getvolarg(optarg); break;
      case 'o':
         opto = getvolarg(optarg); break;
      case 'i':
         opti = getvolarg(optarg); break;
      case 'h':
         opth = getvolarg(optarg); break;
      case 'b':
         optb = atof(optarg); break;
      case 's':
         opts = atoi(optarg); break;

   for(i=0; i<num_devices; i++) {
      const PaDeviceInfo* deviceInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(i);
      if (i==device) {
         printf("* ");
         if (deviceInfo->maxInputChannels > 0) {
            recDeviceNum = device;
            inputChannels = deviceInfo->maxInputChannels;
         if (deviceInfo->maxOutputChannels > 0) {
            playDeviceNum = device;
            outputChannels = deviceInfo->maxOutputChannels;
         printf("  ");
      printf("Device %d: %s in=%d out=%d",
             i, deviceInfo->name,
             deviceInfo->maxInputChannels, deviceInfo->maxOutputChannels);
      if (i == Pa_GetDefaultInputDeviceID())
         printf(" (default input)");
      if (i == Pa_GetDefaultOutputDeviceID())
         printf(" (default output)");
   error = Pa_OpenStream(&stream, recDeviceNum, inputChannels, paFloat32, NULL,
                         playDeviceNum, outputChannels, paFloat32, NULL,
                         44101, 512, 1, paClipOff | paDitherOff,
                         DummyCallbackFunc, NULL);

   if (error) {
      printf("PortAudio error %d: %s\n", error,
      return -1;
   num_mixers = Px_GetNumMixers(stream);
   printf("Number of mixers for device %d: %d\n", device, num_mixers);
   for(i=0; i<num_mixers; i++) {
      PxMixer *mixer;
      int num;
      int j;

      printf("Mixer %d: %s\n", i, Px_GetMixerName(stream, i));
      mixer = Px_OpenMixer(stream, i);
      if (!mixer) {
         printf("  Could not open mixer!\n");

      if (i == optm) {
         if (optv!=-2) {
            Px_SetMasterVolume(mixer, optv);
            printf("  Set master volume\n");
         if (opto!=-2) {
            Px_SetPCMOutputVolume(mixer, opto);
            printf("  Set output volume\n");
         if (opti!=-2) {
            Px_SetInputVolume(mixer, opti);
            printf("  Set input volume\n");
         if (opth!=-2) {
            Px_SetPlaythrough(mixer, opth);
            printf("  Set playthrough volume\n");
         if (opts!=-2) {
            Px_SetCurrentInputSource(mixer, opts);
            printf("  Set input source\n");
         if (optb!=-2) {
            Px_SetOutputBalance(mixer, optb);
            printf("  Set balance\n");
      printf("  Master volume: %.2f\n", Px_GetMasterVolume(mixer));
      printf("  PCM output volume: %.2f\n", Px_GetPCMOutputVolume(mixer));

      num = Px_GetNumOutputVolumes(mixer);
      printf("  Num outputs: %d\n", num);
      for(j=0; j<num; j++) {
         printf("    Output %d (%s): %.2f\n",
                Px_GetOutputVolumeName(mixer, j),
                Px_GetOutputVolume(mixer, j));

      num = Px_GetNumInputSources(mixer);
      printf("  Num input sources: %d\n", num);
      for(j=0; j<num; j++) {
         printf("    Input %d (%s) %s\n",
                Px_GetInputSourceName(mixer, j),
                 "SELECTED": ""));
      printf("  Input volume: %.2f\n", Px_GetInputVolume(mixer));

      printf("  Playthrough:");
      if (Px_SupportsPlaythrough(mixer))
         printf(" %.2f\n", Px_GetPlaythrough(mixer));
         printf(" not supported.\n");

      printf("  Output balance:");
      if (Px_SupportsOutputBalance(mixer))
         printf(" %.2f\n", Px_GetOutputBalance(mixer));
         printf(" not supported.\n");




   return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
RTC::ReturnCode_t PortAudioInput::onActivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
  RTC_DEBUG(("onActivated start"));
  PaStreamParameters inputParameters;
//  PaWasapiStreamInfo wasapiinfo;

  try {
    //m_pa_mutex.lock(); //by Irie Seisho

    m_format = getFormat(m_formatstr);
    m_totalframes = FRAMES_PER_BUFFER * m_channels;
    m_err = Pa_GetSampleSize(m_format);
    if( m_err > 0 ) {
      m_totalframes *= m_err;

#if 0
    /* Find all WASAPI devices */
    const PaDeviceInfo *device;
    for ( int i = 0; i < Pa_GetDeviceCount(); ++i ) {
      device = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(i);
      if ( Pa_GetDeviceInfo(i)->hostApi == Pa_HostApiTypeIdToHostApiIndex(paWASAPI) ) {
        std::cout << "Device Index " << i << " : " << device->name << ", inch " << device->maxInputChannels << ", outch " << device->maxOutputChannels << std::endl;

//#if 0
    PaDeviceIndex dnum = Pa_GetDeviceCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)dnum; i++) {
      std::cout << "Device Index " << i << " : " << Pa_GetDeviceInfo(i)->name << ", inch " << Pa_GetDeviceInfo(i)->maxInputChannels << ", outch " << Pa_GetDeviceInfo(i)->maxOutputChannels << std::endl;
    void *pFormat;
    unsigned int nFormatSize;
    PaDeviceIndex nDevice;
    int r = PaWasapi_GetDeviceDefaultFormat(pFormat, nFormatSize, nDevice);

    inputParameters.device = Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice(); //!< default input device
    if ( inputParameters.device < 0 ) {
      throw (paNotInitialized);
    if ( m_channels > Pa_GetDeviceInfo(inputParameters.device)->maxInputChannels )
      m_channels = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(inputParameters.device)->maxInputChannels;
    inputParameters.channelCount = m_channels;
    inputParameters.sampleFormat = m_format;
    inputParameters.suggestedLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( inputParameters.device )->defaultLowInputLatency;

    wasapiinfo.size = sizeof(PaWasapiStreamInfo);
    wasapiinfo.hostApiType = paWASAPI;
    wasapiinfo.version = 1;
    wasapiinfo.flags = paWasapiUseChannelSelectors;
    wasapiinfo.channelMask = outputChannelSelectors;

    inputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = wasapiinfo;
    inputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL;
    m_err = Pa_OpenStream(
          &m_stream,         //!< PortAudioStream
          &inputParameters,  //!< InputParameters
          NULL,              //!< outputParameters
          m_samplerate,      //!< sampleRate
          FRAMES_PER_BUFFER, //!< framesPerBuffer
          paClipOff,         //!< streamFlags:we won't output out of range samples so don't bother clipping
//          StreamCB,          //!< streamCallback
//          this );            //!< callback userData
          NULL,              //!< streamCallback:no callback, use blocking API
          NULL );            //!< no callback, so no callback userData
    if( m_err != paNoError ) {
      throw m_err;
    m_mixer = Px_OpenMixer( m_stream, 0 );
    m_volume = Px_GetInputVolume( m_mixer );
#if defined(_WIN32)
    if ( InitMixer() == true ) {
      DWORD vol;
    } else {
#elif defined(__linux)
    const char* sound_device_names[] = SOUND_DEVICE_NAMES;
    m_device = -1;
    m_fd = -1;
    for ( int i = 0; i < SOUND_MIXER_NRDEVICES; i ++ ) {
      std::cout << " device name : " << sound_device_names[i] << std::endl;
      if ( strcmp( "mic", sound_device_names[i] ) == 0 ) {
        m_device = i;
    if ( ( m_fd = open( "/dev/mixer", O_RDONLY ) ) == -1 ) {
      perror( "open" );

    m_err = Pa_StartStream( m_stream );
    if( m_err != paNoError ) {
      throw m_err;

    //m_pa_mutex.unlock(); //by Irie Seisho
  } catch (...) {
    std::string error_str = Pa_GetErrorText(m_err);
    RTC_WARN(("PortAudio failed onActivated:%s", error_str.c_str()));
    return RTC::RTC_ERROR;

  syncflg = true;
  is_active = true;
  RTC_DEBUG(("onActivated finish"));
  return RTC::RTC_OK;