Exemplo n.º 1
qopWilsonSolve(Layout *l, real *x, real *u[8], real mass, real *y,
	       double rsq, char *sub)
  QDP_ColorMatrix *qu[4];
  QDP_DiracFermion *out, *in;
  in = QDP_create_D();
  out = QDP_create_D();
  unpackD(l, in, y);
  unpackD(l, out, x);
  for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
    qu[i] = QDP_create_M();
    unpackM(l, qu[i], u[2*i]);
    QLA_Real two = 2;
    QDP_M_eq_r_times_M(qu[i], &two, qu[i], QDP_all);
  QOP_FermionLinksWilson *fla;
  fla = QOP_wilson_create_L_from_qdp(qu, NULL);
  QOP_evenodd_t eo=QOP_EVENODD;
  if(sub[0]=='e') {
    eo = QOP_EVEN;
  if(sub[0]=='o') {
    eo = QOP_ODD;
  QOP_info_t info = QOP_INFO_ZERO;
  QOP_invert_arg_t inv_arg = QOP_INVERT_ARG_DEFAULT;
  QOP_resid_arg_t res_arg = QOP_RESID_ARG_DEFAULT;
  res_arg.rsqmin = rsq;
  inv_arg.max_iter = 1000;
  inv_arg.restart = 500;
  inv_arg.max_restarts = 5;
  inv_arg.evenodd = eo;
  inv_arg.mixed_rsq = 0;

  QDP_D_eq_zero(out, QDP_even);
  QOP_wilson_invert_qdp(&info, fla, &inv_arg, &res_arg, mass, out, in);
  //QLA_Real n2;
  //QDP_r_eq_norm2_D(&n2, (QDP_DiracFermion*)out, QDP_all);
  printf0("QOP its: %i\n", res_arg.final_iter);
  packD(l, x, out);
  for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
Exemplo n.º 2
bench_inv(QOP_info_t *info, QOP_invert_arg_t *inv_arg,
	  QOP_resid_arg_t *res_arg, QDP_DiracFermion *out,
	  QDP_DiracFermion *in)
  static QLA_Real r2s=-1, r2;
  double sec=0, flop=0, mf=0;
  int i, iter=0;
  QOP_DiracFermion *qopout, *qopin;

  QDP_D_eq_zero(out, QDP_all);
  qopout = QOP_create_D_from_qdp(out);
  qopin = QOP_create_D_from_qdp(in);
  for(i=0; i<=nit; i++) {
    QOP_wilson_invert(info, flw, inv_arg, res_arg, kappa, qopout, qopin);
    printf("%i\t%i\t%g\t%i\n", i, res_arg->final_iter, info->final_sec, (int)info->final_flop);
    if(i>0) {
      iter += res_arg->final_iter;
      sec += info->final_sec;
      flop += info->final_flop;
      //mf += info->final_flop/(1e6*info->final_sec);
  QDP_r_eq_norm2_D(&r2, out, QDP_even);
  if(r2s<0) r2s = r2;
  if(fabs(1-r2/r2s)>1e-3) {
    printf0("first norm = %g  this norn = %g\n", r2s, r2);
  mf = 1;
  res_arg->final_iter = iter/nit;
  info->final_sec = sec/(mf*nit);
  info->final_flop = flop/(mf*nit);
  mf = info->final_flop/(1e6*info->final_sec);
  return mf;
Exemplo n.º 3
qopWilsonSolveMulti(Layout *l, real *x[], real *u[8], double masses[],
		    real *y, int nmasses, double rsq, char *sub)
  QDP_ColorMatrix *qu[4];
  QDP_DiracFermion *out[nmasses], *in, **outp;
  outp = out;
  in = QDP_create_D();
  unpackD(l, in, y);
  for(int i=0; i<nmasses; i++) {
    out[i] = QDP_create_D();
    unpackD(l, out[i], x[i]);
    QDP_D_eq_zero(out[i], QDP_even);
  for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
    qu[i] = QDP_create_M();
    unpackM(l, qu[i], u[2*i]);
    QLA_Real two = 2;
    QDP_M_eq_r_times_M(qu[i], &two, qu[i], QDP_all);
  QOP_FermionLinksWilson *fla;
  fla = QOP_wilson_create_L_from_qdp(qu, NULL);
#if 0
  QOP_evenodd_t eo = QOP_EVENODD;
  if(sub[0]=='e') {
    eo = QOP_EVEN;
  if(sub[0]=='o') {
    eo = QOP_ODD;
  QOP_evenodd_t eo = QOP_EVEN;
  QOP_info_t info = QOP_INFO_ZERO;
  QOP_invert_arg_t inv_arg = QOP_INVERT_ARG_DEFAULT;
  inv_arg.max_iter = 1000;
  inv_arg.restart = 500;
  inv_arg.max_restarts = 5;
  inv_arg.evenodd = eo;
  inv_arg.mixed_rsq = 0;
  QOP_resid_arg_t res_arg = QOP_RESID_ARG_DEFAULT;
  res_arg.rsqmin = rsq;
  QOP_resid_arg_t *ra[nmasses];
  QOP_resid_arg_t **rap = ra;
  real mf[nmasses], *mfp;
  mfp = mf;
  for(int i=0; i<nmasses; i++) {
    ra[i] = &res_arg;
    mf[i] = masses[i];

  QOP_wilson_invert_multi_qdp(&info, fla, &inv_arg, &rap,
			      &mfp, &nmasses, &outp, &in, 1);
  //QLA_Real n2;
  //QDP_r_eq_norm2_D(&n2, (QDP_DiracFermion*)out, QDP_all);
  printf0("QOP its: %i\n", res_arg.final_iter);
  for(int i=0; i<nmasses; i++) {
    packD(l, x[i], out[i]);
  for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
Exemplo n.º 4
/* Special dslash for use by congrad.  Uses restart_gather_site() when
   possible. Last argument is an integer, which will tell if
   gathers have been started.  If is_started=0,use
   start_gather_site, otherwise use restart_gather_site.
   Argument "tag" is a vector of a msg_tag *'s to use for
   the gathers.
   The calling program must clean up the gathers! */
dslash_special_qdp(QDP_DiracFermion *dest, QDP_DiracFermion *src,
		   int sign, QDP_Subset subset, QDP_HalfFermion *temp[])
  int mu;
  QDP_DiracFermion *vsrc[4];
  QDP_DiracFermion *vdest[4];
  QDP_ShiftDir fwd[4], bck[4];
  int dir[4], sgn[4], msgn[4];
  QDP_Subset othersubset;

  for(mu=0; mu<4; mu++) {
    vsrc[mu] = src;
    vdest[mu] = dest;
    fwd[mu] = QDP_forward;
    bck[mu] = QDP_backward;
    dir[mu] = mu;
    sgn[mu] = sign;
    msgn[mu] = -sign;

  if(subset==QDP_even) othersubset = QDP_odd;
  else if(subset==QDP_odd) othersubset = QDP_even;
  else othersubset = QDP_all;

  /* Take Wilson projection for src displaced in up direction, gather
     it to "our site" */

  for(mu=0; mu<4; mu++) {
    QDP_H_eq_spproj_D(dtemp1[mu], src, mu, sign, othersubset);
    QDP_H_eq_sH(temp[mu], dtemp1[mu], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, subset);

  /* Take Wilson projection for src displaced in down direction,
     multiply it by adjoint link matrix, gather it "up" */

  for(mu=0; mu<4; mu++) {
    QDP_H_eq_spproj_D(dtemp0, src, mu, -sign, othersubset);
    QDP_H_eq_Ma_times_H(dtemp1[4+mu], gaugelink[mu], dtemp0, othersubset);
    QDP_H_eq_sH(temp[4+mu], dtemp1[4+mu], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_backward, subset);

  /* Set dest to zero */
  /* Take Wilson projection for src displaced in up direction, gathered,
     multiply it by link matrix, expand it, and add.
     to dest */

  QDP_D_eq_zero(dest, subset);

  QDP_D_vpeq_sprecon_M_times_H(vdest, gaugelink, temp, dir, sgn, subset, 4);
  for(mu=0; mu<4; mu++) {
    //QDP_D_peq_sprecon_M_times_H(dest, gaugelink[mu], temp[mu], mu, sign, subset);

  /* Take Wilson projection for src displaced in down direction,
     expand it, and add to dest */

  for(mu=0; mu<4; mu++) {
    QDP_D_peq_sprecon_H(dest, temp[4+mu], mu, -sign, subset);

} /* end of dslash_special_qdp() */
Exemplo n.º 5
/* Special dslash for use by congrad.  Uses restart_gather_site() when
   possible. Last argument is an integer, which will tell if
   gathers have been started.  If is_started=0,use
   start_gather_site, otherwise use restart_gather_site.
   Argument "tag" is a vector of a msg_tag *'s to use for
   the gathers.
   The calling program must clean up the gathers! */
dslash_special_qdp(QDP_DiracFermion *dest, QDP_DiracFermion *src,
		   int sign, QDP_Subset subset, QDP_DiracFermion *temp[])
  int mu;
  QDP_DiracFermion *vsrc[8];
  QDP_DiracFermion *vdest[8];
  QDP_Shift sh[8];
  QDP_ShiftDir sd[8];
  int dir[8], sgn[8];

#ifndef SHIFT_D
  QDP_Subset othersubset;

  if(subset==QDP_even) othersubset = QDP_odd;
  else if(subset==QDP_odd) othersubset = QDP_even;
  else othersubset = QDP_all;

  for(mu=0; mu<4; mu++) {
    vsrc[mu] = src;
    vsrc[mu+4] = src;
    vdest[mu] = dest;
    vdest[mu+4] = dest;
    dir[mu] = mu;
    dir[mu+4] = mu;
    sgn[mu] = sign;
    sgn[mu+4] = -sign;
    sh[mu] = QDP_neighbor[mu];
    sh[mu+4] = QDP_neighbor[mu];
    sd[mu] = QDP_forward;
    sd[mu+4] = QDP_backward;

  /* Take Wilson projection for src displaced in up direction, gather
     it to "our site" */

#ifdef SHIFT_D
  QDP_D_veq_sD(temp, vsrc, sh, sd, subset, 8);
  for(mu=0; mu<8; mu++) {
    QDP_H_eq_spproj_D(dtemp1[mu], vsrc[mu], dir[mu], sgn[mu], othersubset);
    QDP_H_eq_sH(temp[mu], dtemp1[mu], sh[mu], sd[mu], subset);
  //QDP_H_veq_spproj_D(dtemp1, vsrc, dir, sgn, othersubset, 8);
  //QDP_H_veq_sH(temp, dtemp1, sh, sd, subset, 8);

  //QDP_H_veq_spproj_D(dtemp1, vsrc, dir, sgn, othersubset, 4);
  //QDP_H_veq_sH(temp, dtemp1, QDP_neighbor, sd, subset, 4);
  //for(mu=0; mu<4; mu++) {
  //QDP_H_eq_spproj_D(dtemp1[mu], src, mu, sign, othersubset);
  //QDP_H_eq_sH(temp[mu], dtemp1[mu], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_forward, subset);
  //QDP_H_veq_spproj_D(dtemp1+4, vsrc, dir, sgn+4, othersubset, 4);
  //QDP_H_veq_sH(temp+4, dtemp1+4, QDP_neighbor, sd+4, subset, 4);
  //for(mu=0; mu<4; mu++) {
  //QDP_H_eq_spproj_D(dtemp1[mu+4], src, mu, -sign, othersubset);
  //QDP_H_eq_sH(temp[mu+4], dtemp1[mu+4], QDP_neighbor[mu], QDP_backward, subset);

  /* Set dest to zero */
  /* Take Wilson projection for src displaced in up direction, gathered,
     multiply it by link matrix, expand it, and add.
     to dest */

  QDP_D_eq_zero(dest, subset);
  //QDP_D_vpeq_sprecon_M_times_H(vdest, gaugelink, temp, dir, sgn, subset, 8);
  QDP_D_vpeq_wilsonspin_M_times_D(vdest, gaugelink, temp, dir, sgn, subset, 8);
#if 0
  for(mu=0; mu<8; mu++) {
    QDP_D_peq_wilsonspin_M_times_D(dest, gaugelink[mu], temp[mu], dir[mu], sgn[mu], subset);

#if 0
    QDP_HalfFermion *hf;
    hf = QDP_create_H();
    for(mu=0; mu<8; mu++) {
      QDP_D_peq_wilsonspin_M_times_D(dest, gaugelink[mu], temp[mu], dir[mu], sgn[mu], subset);
    for( ; mu<8; mu++) {
      QDP_H_eq_spproj_D(hf, temp[mu], dir[mu], sgn[mu], subset);
      QDP_D_peq_sprecon_M_times_H(dest, gaugelink[mu], hf, dir[mu], sgn[mu], subset);

  for(mu=0; mu<8; mu++) {
} /* end of dslash_special_qdp() */