    if( fDataBufferPool != NULL )
        delete[] fDataBufferPool;

Exemplo n.º 2
char*  QTAccessFile::GetAccessFile_Copy( const char* movieRootDir, const char* dirPath)
    OSMutexLocker locker(sAccessFileMutex);

    char* currentDir= NULL;
    char* lastSlash = NULL;
    int movieRootDirLen = ::strlen(movieRootDir);
    int maxLen = strlen(dirPath)+strlen(sQTAccessFileName) + strlen(kPathDelimiterString) + 1;
    currentDir = NEW char[maxLen];

    ::strcpy(currentDir, dirPath);

    //strip off filename
    lastSlash = ::strrchr(currentDir, kPathDelimiterChar);
    if (lastSlash != NULL)
        lastSlash[0] = '\0';
    //check qtaccess files
    while ( true )  //walk backward up the dir tree.
        int curLen = strlen(currentDir) + strlen(sQTAccessFileName) + strlen(kPathDelimiterString);

        if ( curLen >= maxLen )
        ::strcat(currentDir, kPathDelimiterString);
        ::strcat(currentDir, sQTAccessFileName);
        QTSS_Object fileObject = NULL;
        if( QTSS_OpenFileObject(currentDir, qtssOpenFileNoFlags, &fileObject) == QTSS_NoErr) 
            return currentDir;
        //strip off the "/qtaccess"
        lastSlash = ::strrchr(currentDir, kPathDelimiterChar);
        lastSlash[0] = '\0';
        //strip of the tailing directory
        lastSlash = ::strrchr(currentDir, kPathDelimiterChar);
        if (lastSlash == NULL)
            lastSlash[0] = '\0';
        if ( (lastSlash-currentDir) < movieRootDirLen ) //bail if we start eating our way out of fMovieRootDir
    delete[] currentDir;
    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 3
RTPFileSession::ErrorCode   RTPFile::Initialize(const StrPtrLen& inFilePath)
    //OSFileSource theFile(inFilePath.Ptr);
    QTSS_Object theFile = NULL;
    QTSS_Error theErr = QTSS_OpenFileObject(inFilePath.Ptr, 0, &theFile);
    if (theErr != QTSS_NoErr)
        return RTPFileSession::errFileNotFound;
    // Copy the path.
    fFilePath.Ptr = NEW char[inFilePath.Len + 1];
    ::memcpy(fFilePath.Ptr, inFilePath.Ptr, inFilePath.Len);
    fFilePath.Len = inFilePath.Len;
    // Setup our osref
    fRef.Set(fFilePath, this);
    // Read the header
    //OS_Error theErr = theFile.Read(&fHeader, sizeof(fHeader));
    UInt32 theLengthRead = 0;
    theErr = QTSS_Read(theFile, &fHeader, sizeof(fHeader), &theLengthRead);
    Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);
    Assert(theLengthRead == sizeof(fHeader));
    // Read the SDP data
    fSDPData.Len = fHeader.fSDPLen;
    fSDPData.Ptr = NEW char[fSDPData.Len + 1];
    //theErr = theFile.Read(fSDPData.Ptr, fSDPData.Len);
    theErr = QTSS_Read(theFile, fSDPData.Ptr, fSDPData.Len, &theLengthRead);
    Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);
    Assert(theLengthRead == fSDPData.Len);
    // Parse the SDP Information
    fSourceInfo.Parse(fSDPData.Ptr, fSDPData.Len);

    // Read the track info
    fTrackInfo = NEW RTPFileTrackInfo[fHeader.fNumTracks];
    //theErr = theFile.Read(fTrackInfo, sizeof(RTPFileTrackInfo) * fHeader.fNumTracks);
    theErr = QTSS_Read(theFile, fTrackInfo, sizeof(RTPFileTrackInfo) * fHeader.fNumTracks, &theLengthRead);
    Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);
    Assert(theLengthRead == sizeof(RTPFileTrackInfo) * fHeader.fNumTracks);
    // Create and read the block map
    fBlockMap = NEW UInt8[fHeader.fBlockMapSize];
    //theErr = theFile.Read(fBlockMap, fHeader.fBlockMapSize);
    theErr = QTSS_Read(theFile, fBlockMap, fHeader.fBlockMapSize, &theLengthRead);
    Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);
    Assert(theLengthRead == fHeader.fBlockMapSize);
    // Calculate bit rate of all the tracks combined
    Float64 totalBytes = 0;
    for (UInt32 x = 0; x < fHeader.fNumTracks; x++)
        totalBytes += (Float64)fTrackInfo[x].fBytesInTrack;
    totalBytes /= fHeader.fMovieDuration;
    fBytesPerSecond = (UInt32)totalBytes;
    //Get the max track number
    fMaxTrackNumber = 0;
    for (UInt32 y = 0; y < fHeader.fNumTracks; y++)
        if (fTrackInfo[y].fID > fMaxTrackNumber)
            fMaxTrackNumber = fTrackInfo[y].fID;
    return RTPFileSession::errNoError;
Exemplo n.º 4
QTSS_Error QTSSModuleUtils::ReadEntireFile(char* inPath, StrPtrLen* outData, QTSS_TimeVal inModDate, QTSS_TimeVal* outModDate)
    QTSS_Object theFileObject = NULL;
    QTSS_Error theErr = QTSS_NoErr;
    outData->Ptr = NULL;
    outData->Len = 0;
    do { 

        // Use the QTSS file system API to read the file
        theErr = QTSS_OpenFileObject(inPath, 0, &theFileObject);
        if (theErr != QTSS_NoErr)
        UInt32 theParamLen = 0;
        QTSS_TimeVal* theModDate = NULL;
        theErr = QTSS_GetValuePtr(theFileObject, qtssFlObjModDate, 0, (void**)(void*)&theModDate, &theParamLen);
        Assert(theParamLen == sizeof(QTSS_TimeVal));
        if(theParamLen != sizeof(QTSS_TimeVal))
        if(outModDate != NULL)
            *outModDate = (QTSS_TimeVal)*theModDate;

        if(inModDate != -1) {   
            // If file hasn't been modified since inModDate, don't have to read the file
            if(*theModDate <= inModDate)
        theParamLen = 0;
        UInt64* theLength = NULL;
        theErr = QTSS_GetValuePtr(theFileObject, qtssFlObjLength, 0, (void**)(void*)&theLength, &theParamLen);
        if (theParamLen != sizeof(UInt64))
		if (*theLength > kSInt32_Max)

        // Allocate memory for the file data
        outData->Ptr = NEW char[ (SInt32) (*theLength + 1) ];
        outData->Len = (SInt32) *theLength;
        outData->Ptr[outData->Len] = 0;
        // Read the data
        UInt32 recvLen = 0;
        theErr = QTSS_Read(theFileObject, outData->Ptr, outData->Len, &recvLen);
        if (theErr != QTSS_NoErr)
        Assert(outData->Len == recvLen);
    // Close the file
    if(theFileObject != NULL) {
        theErr = QTSS_CloseFileObject(theFileObject);
    return theErr;