Exemplo n.º 1
static s_mesh_t *FindOrCullMesh( int nLodID, s_source_t *pSrc, int nMaterialID )
	char	baseMeshName[MAX_PATH];
	char	baseRemovalName[MAX_PATH];

	// possibly marked for removal via $removemesh
	// determine mesh name
	int nTextureID = material_to_texture( nMaterialID );
	if (nTextureID == -1)
		MdlError( "Unknown Texture for Material %d\n", nMaterialID );

	Q_FileBase(g_texture[nTextureID].name, baseMeshName, sizeof(baseMeshName)-1);
	for ( int i = 0; i < g_ScriptLODs[nLodID].meshRemovals.Count(); i++ )
		const char *pMeshRemovalName = g_ScriptLODs[nLodID].meshRemovals[i].GetSrcName();
		Q_FileBase( pMeshRemovalName, baseRemovalName, sizeof(baseRemovalName)-1);

		if (!stricmp( baseRemovalName, baseMeshName ))
			// mesh has been marked for removal
			return NULL;

	s_mesh_t *pMesh = FindMeshByMaterial( pSrc, nMaterialID );
	return pMesh;
Exemplo n.º 2
void PrecacheFileWeaponInfoDatabase( IFileSystem *filesystem, const unsigned char *pICEKey )
	if ( m_WeaponInfoDatabase.Count() )

#if !defined( _XBOX )
	FileFindHandle_t findHandle;
	const char *pFilename = filesystem->FindFirstEx( "scripts/weapon_*.txt", IsXbox() ? "XGAME" : "GAME", &findHandle );
	while ( pFilename != NULL )
		char fileBase[512];
		Q_FileBase( pFilename, fileBase, sizeof(fileBase) );
		if ( ReadWeaponDataFromFileForSlot( filesystem, fileBase, &tmp, pICEKey ) )
			gWR.LoadWeaponSprites( tmp );
		ReadWeaponDataFromFileForSlot( filesystem, fileBase, &tmp, pICEKey );
		pFilename = filesystem->FindNext( findHandle );
	filesystem->FindClose( findHandle );
#define WEAPON_SCRIPT_MANIFEST_FILE		"scripts/_weapon_manifest.txt"

	// Use a manifest file on the xbox
	KeyValues *manifest = new KeyValues( "weaponscripts" );
	if ( manifest->LoadFromFile( filesystem, WEAPON_SCRIPT_MANIFEST_FILE, "XGAME" ) )
		for ( KeyValues *sub = manifest->GetFirstSubKey(); sub != NULL ; sub = sub->GetNextKey() )
			if ( !Q_stricmp( sub->GetName(), "file" ) )
				char fileBase[512];
				Q_FileBase( sub->GetString(), fileBase, sizeof(fileBase) );
				if ( ReadWeaponDataFromFileForSlot( filesystem, fileBase, &tmp, pICEKey ) )
					gWR.LoadWeaponSprites( tmp );
				ReadWeaponDataFromFileForSlot( filesystem, fileBase, &tmp, pICEKey );
				Error( "Expecting 'file', got %s\n", sub->GetName() );
Exemplo n.º 3
void PrecacheFileWeaponInfoDatabase( IFileSystem *filesystem, const unsigned char *pICEKey )
	if ( m_WeaponInfoDatabase.Count() )

	KeyValues *manifest = new KeyValues( "weaponscripts" );
	if ( manifest->LoadFromFile( filesystem, "scripts/weapon_manifest.txt", "GAME" ) )
		for ( KeyValues *sub = manifest->GetFirstSubKey(); sub != NULL ; sub = sub->GetNextKey() )
			if ( !Q_stricmp( sub->GetName(), "file" ) )
				char fileBase[512];
				Q_FileBase( sub->GetString(), fileBase, sizeof(fileBase) );
				if ( ReadWeaponDataFromFileForSlot( filesystem, fileBase, &tmp, pICEKey ) )
					gWR.LoadWeaponSprites( tmp );
				ReadWeaponDataFromFileForSlot( filesystem, fileBase, &tmp, pICEKey );
				Error( "Expecting 'file', got %s\n", sub->GetName() );
void CHL1MP_Player::SetPlayerModel( void )
	char szBaseName[128];
	Q_FileBase( engine->GetClientConVarValue( engine->IndexOfEdict( edict() ), "cl_playermodel" ), szBaseName, 128 );

	// Don't let it be 'none'; default to Barney
	if ( Q_stricmp( "none", szBaseName ) == 0 )
		Q_strcpy( szBaseName, "gordon"  );

	char szModelName[256];
	Q_snprintf( szModelName, 256, "%s%s/%s.mdl", s_szModelPath, szBaseName, szBaseName );

    // Check to see if the model was properly precached, do not error out if not.
    int i = modelinfo->GetModelIndex( szModelName );
    if ( i == -1 )
		SetModel( "models/player/mp/gordon/gordon.mdl" );
		engine->ClientCommand ( edict(), "cl_playermodel models/gordon.mdl\n" );

	SetModel( szModelName );

	m_flNextModelChangeTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 5;
Exemplo n.º 5
int UTIL_GetMapKeyCount( const char *pszCustomKey )
	if ( !pszCustomKey )
		return 0;

	char szFilename[ _MAX_PATH ];
	if ( !UTIL_GetMapLoadCountFileName( MAP_KEY_FILE, szFilename, _MAX_PATH ) )
		return 0;

	int iCount = 0;

	KeyValues *kvMapLoadFile = new KeyValues( MAP_KEY_FILE );
	if ( kvMapLoadFile )
		kvMapLoadFile->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, szFilename, "MOD" );

		char mapname[MAX_MAP_NAME];
		Q_FileBase( engine->GetLevelName(), mapname, sizeof( mapname) );
		Q_strlower( mapname );

		KeyValues *pMapKey = kvMapLoadFile->FindKey( mapname );
		if ( pMapKey )
			iCount = pMapKey->GetInt( pszCustomKey );


	return iCount;
	virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) 
		if ( m_bCheckedCurrentMap ) 

		C_DODPlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_DODPlayer::GetLocalDODPlayer();

		if ( pAttacker == pLocalPlayer && pVictim->GetTeamNumber() != pAttacker->GetTeamNumber() )
			char szMap[MAX_PATH];
			Q_FileBase( engine->GetLevelName(), szMap, ARRAYSIZE( szMap ) );

			if ( !IsOfficialMap( szMap ) && !HasPlayedThisCustomMap() )

				Msg( "Count is now %d\n", m_iCount );

				UTIL_IncrementMapKey( "killed_a_player" );

			// stop listening
			m_bCheckedCurrentMap = true;
void CEditorRoot::OnShaderNameChanged()
	CNodeView *pView = GetSafeFlowgraph();
	const char *pszShaderName = pView->GetShadername();

	m_pMBut_File->GetMenu()->SetItemEnabled( 2, pszShaderName != NULL );

	Label *pTab = (Label*)pNodeSheet->GetActiveTab();
	Assert( pTab && GetActiveFlowgraphPage() );

	if ( pszShaderName == NULL )
		//m_pLabel_CurrentFileName->SetText( "-" );
		//pView->SetShadername( NULL );

		pTab->SetText( GetDefaultTabName( pView ) );
		char tmp[MAX_PATH];
		Q_FileBase( pszShaderName, tmp, sizeof( tmp ) );

		//m_pLabel_CurrentFileName->SetText( tmp );
		pTab->SetText( tmp );

	for ( int i = 0; i < pNodeSheet->GetNumPages(); i++ )

	pNodeSheet->InvalidateLayout( true, true );
Exemplo n.º 8
void CTilegenKVEditorPage::UpdateListHelper( CASW_KeyValuesDatabase *pMissionDatabase, const char *pFolderName )

	KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "TVI" );
	kv->SetString( "Text", "Missions" );
	int missionIndex = m_pTree->AddItem( kv, -1 );

	for ( int i = 0; i < pMissionDatabase->GetFileCount(); i++ )
		char szMissionFilename[MAX_PATH];
		Q_strncpy( szMissionFilename, pMissionDatabase->GetFilename( i ), MAX_PATH );
		Q_FixSlashes( szMissionFilename );
		int iNode = RecursiveCreateFolderNodes( missionIndex, szMissionFilename + Q_strlen( pFolderName ) );
		if ( iNode != missionIndex )
			m_pTree->ExpandItem( iNode, true );

		Q_strncpy( szMissionFilename, pMissionDatabase->GetFilename( i ), MAX_PATH );
		Q_FileBase( szMissionFilename, szMissionFilename, sizeof( szMissionFilename ) );
		KeyValues *pMissionEntry = new KeyValues("MissionEntry");
		pMissionEntry->SetString( "Text", szMissionFilename );
		pMissionEntry->SetString( "Filename", pMissionDatabase->GetFilename( i ) );
		int iItem = m_pTree->AddItem( pMissionEntry, iNode );
		m_pTree->SetItemFgColor( iItem, Color(255, 255, 255, 255) );
	m_pTree->ExpandItem( missionIndex, true );
Exemplo n.º 9
void UTIL_IncrementMapKey( const char *pszCustomKey )
	if ( !pszCustomKey )

	char szFilename[ _MAX_PATH ];
	if ( !UTIL_GetMapLoadCountFileName( MAP_KEY_FILE, szFilename, _MAX_PATH ) )

	int iCount = 1;

	KeyValues *kvMapLoadFile = new KeyValues( MAP_KEY_FILE );
	if ( kvMapLoadFile )
		kvMapLoadFile->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, szFilename, "MOD" );

		char mapname[MAX_MAP_NAME];
		Q_FileBase( engine->GetLevelName(), mapname, sizeof( mapname) );
		Q_strlower( mapname );

		// Increment existing, or add a new one
		KeyValues *pMapKey = kvMapLoadFile->FindKey( mapname );
		if ( pMapKey )
			iCount = pMapKey->GetInt( pszCustomKey, 0 ) + 1;
			pMapKey->SetInt( pszCustomKey, iCount );
			KeyValues *pNewKey = new KeyValues( mapname );
			if ( pNewKey )
				pNewKey->SetString( pszCustomKey, "1" );
				kvMapLoadFile->AddSubKey( pNewKey );

		// Write it out

		// force create this directory incase it doesn't exist
		filesystem->CreateDirHierarchy( MAP_KEY_FILE_DIR, "MOD");

		CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
		kvMapLoadFile->RecursiveSaveToFile( buf, 0 );
		g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( szFilename, "MOD", buf );


	if ( IsX360() )
#ifdef _X360
void CEditorRoot::OnAskPageClose( KeyValues *pKV )
	Panel *pPageTab = (Panel*)pKV->GetPtr( "PageTab" );
	CNodeView *pGraph = GetFlowGraph( pKV->GetInt( "TabIndex" ) );

	if ( pPageTab == NULL ||
		pGraph == NULL )
		Assert( 0 );

	ConfirmTabClose( pPageTab->GetVPanel() );

#if 0
	if ( !m_bWarnOnClose || !pGraph->IsSaveDirty() )
		ConfirmTabClose( pPageTab->GetVPanel() );
		const char *pszShadername = pGraph->GetShadername();

		char shortName[MAX_PATH*4];

		KeyValues *pKVResponse_Yes = new KeyValues( "ResponseGraphSave", "DoSave", 1 );
		KeyValues *pKVResponse_No = new KeyValues( "ResponseGraphSave", "DoSave", 0 );

		if ( pszShadername == NULL )
			pKVResponse_No = new KeyValues( "ResponseGraphSave", "DoSave", 2 );
			Q_FileBase( pszShadername, shortName, sizeof( shortName ) );

		pKVResponse_Yes->SetPtr( "PageTab", pPageTab );
		pKVResponse_No->SetPtr( "PageTab", pPageTab );
		pKVResponse_Yes->SetPtr( "Graph", pGraph );
		pKVResponse_No->SetPtr( "Graph", pGraph );

		vgui::PromptSimple *prompt = new vgui::PromptSimple( this, "Unsaved changes" );

		if ( pszShadername != NULL )
			prompt->SetText( VarArgs( "The graph %s has unsaved changes. Save now?", shortName ) );
			prompt->SetText( "This graph has not been saved yet, are you sure that you want to close it?" );

		prompt->AddButton( "Yes", pKVResponse_Yes );
		prompt->AddButton( "No", pKVResponse_No );
		prompt->InvalidateLayout( true, true );
Exemplo n.º 11
void InitMacroTexture( const char *pBSPFilename )
	// Get the world bounds (same ones used by minimaps and level designers know how to use).
	int i = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < num_entities; ++i)
		char* pEntity = ValueForKey(&entities[i], "classname");
		if( !strcmp(pEntity, "worldspawn") )
			GetVectorForKey( &entities[i], "world_mins", g_MacroWorldMins );
			GetVectorForKey( &entities[i], "world_maxs", g_MacroWorldMaxs );

	if ( i == num_entities )
		Warning( "MaskOnMacroTexture: can't find worldspawn" );

	// Load the macro texture that is mapped onto everything.
	char mapName[512], vtfFilename[512];
	Q_FileBase( pBSPFilename, mapName, sizeof( mapName ) );
	Q_snprintf( vtfFilename, sizeof( vtfFilename ), "materials/macro/%s/base.vtf", mapName );
	g_pGlobalMacroTextureData = LoadMacroTextureFile( vtfFilename );

	// Now load the macro texture for each face.
	g_FaceMacroTextures.SetSize( numfaces );
	for ( int iFace=0; iFace < numfaces; iFace++ )
		g_FaceMacroTextures[iFace] = NULL;

		if ( iFace < g_FaceMacroTextureInfos.Count() )
			unsigned short stringID = g_FaceMacroTextureInfos[iFace].m_MacroTextureNameID;
			if ( stringID != 0xFFFF )
				const char *pMacroTextureName = &g_TexDataStringData[ g_TexDataStringTable[stringID] ];
				Q_snprintf( vtfFilename, sizeof( vtfFilename ), "%smaterials/%s.vtf", gamedir, pMacroTextureName );
				g_FaceMacroTextures[iFace] = FindMacroTexture( vtfFilename );
				if ( !g_FaceMacroTextures[iFace] )
					g_FaceMacroTextures[iFace] = LoadMacroTextureFile( vtfFilename );
					if ( g_FaceMacroTextures[iFace] )
						g_MacroTextureLookup.Insert( vtfFilename, g_FaceMacroTextures[iFace] );
Exemplo n.º 12
// Purpose: 
void ReloadParticleEffectsInList( IFileList *pFilesToReload )

	CUtlVector<CUtlString> files;
	GetParticleManifest( files );

	// CAB 2/17/11 Reload all the particles regardless (Fixes filename change exploits).
	bool bReloadAll = true;

	//int nCount = files.Count();
	//for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
	//	// Skip the precache marker
	//	const char *pFile = files[i];
 //		if ( pFile[0] == '!' )
 //		{
 //			pFile++;
 //		}

	//	char szDX80Filename[MAX_PATH];
	//	V_strncpy( szDX80Filename, pFile, sizeof( szDX80Filename ) );
	//	V_StripExtension( pFile, szDX80Filename, sizeof( szDX80Filename ) );
	//	V_strncat( szDX80Filename, "_dx80.", sizeof( szDX80Filename ) );
	//	V_strncat( szDX80Filename, V_GetFileExtension( pFile ), sizeof( szDX80Filename ) );

	//	if ( pFilesToReload->IsFileInList( pFile ) || pFilesToReload->IsFileInList( szDX80Filename ) )
	//	{
	//		Msg( "Reloading all particle files due to pure settings.\n" );
	//		bReloadAll = true;
	//		break;
	//	}

	// Then check to see if we need to reload the map's particles
	const char *pszMapName = NULL;
	pszMapName = engine->GetLevelName();	
	pszMapName = STRING( gpGlobals->mapname );
	if ( pszMapName && pszMapName[0] )
		char mapname[MAX_MAP_NAME];
		Q_FileBase( pszMapName, mapname, sizeof( mapname ) );
		Q_strlower( mapname );
		ParseParticleEffectsMap( mapname, true, pFilesToReload );

	if ( bReloadAll )
		ParseParticleEffects( true, true );
void CShaderPrecache::OnFileSelected( KeyValues *pKV )
	const char *pathIn = pKV->GetString( "fullpath" );
	if ( Q_strlen( pathIn ) <= 1 )

	char dumpname[MAX_PATH];
	Q_FileBase( pathIn, dumpname, MAX_PATH );
	AddEntry( dumpname );
Exemplo n.º 14
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *basename - 
// Output : char *Sys_FindNext
const char* Sys_FindNext (FileFindHandle_t &searchhandle, char *basename, int namelength)
	const char *psz = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext(searchhandle);
	if ( basename && psz )
		Q_FileBase(psz, basename, namelength );

	return psz;
Exemplo n.º 15
void CHLTVDemoRecorder::StartRecording( const char *filename, bool bContinuously ) 
	StopRecording();	// stop if we're already recording
	if ( !m_DemoFile.Open( filename, false ) )
		ConMsg ("StartRecording: couldn't open demo file %s.\n", filename );

	ConMsg ("Recording SourceTV demo to %s...\n", filename);

	demoheader_t *dh = &m_DemoFile.m_DemoHeader;

	// open demo header file containing sigondata
	Q_memset( dh, 0, sizeof(demoheader_t));

	Q_strncpy( dh->demofilestamp, DEMO_HEADER_ID, sizeof(dh->demofilestamp) );
	dh->demoprotocol = DEMO_PROTOCOL;
	dh->networkprotocol = PROTOCOL_VERSION;

	Q_strncpy( dh->mapname, hltv->GetMapName(), sizeof( dh->mapname ) );

	char szGameDir[MAX_OSPATH];
	Q_strncpy(szGameDir, com_gamedir, sizeof( szGameDir ) );
	Q_FileBase ( szGameDir, dh->gamedirectory, sizeof( dh->gamedirectory ) );

	Q_strncpy( dh->servername, host_name.GetString(), sizeof( dh->servername ) );

	Q_strncpy( dh->clientname, "SourceTV Demo", sizeof( dh->servername ) );

	// write demo file header info
	dh->signonlength = WriteSignonData(); // demoheader will be written when demo is closed

	m_nFrameCount = 0;

	m_nStartTick = host_tickcount;

	// Demo playback should read this as an incoming message.
	// Write the client's realtime value out so we can synchronize the reads.
	m_DemoFile.WriteCmdHeader( dem_synctick, 0 );

	m_bIsRecording = true;

	m_SequenceInfo = 1;
	m_nDeltaTick = -1;
Exemplo n.º 16
const char *Sys_FindFirst (FileFindHandle_t &searchhandle, const char *path, char *basename, int namelength )
		Msg("Sys_FindFirst without close");

	const char* psz = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirst(path, &searchhandle);
	if (basename && psz)
		Q_FileBase(psz, basename, namelength );

	return psz;
Exemplo n.º 17
// Searches for a material in the texture list
int FindMaterialByName( const char *pMaterialName )
	int i;
	int allocLen = strlen( pMaterialName ) + 1;
	char *pBaseName = ( char * )_alloca( allocLen );
	Q_FileBase( ( char * )pMaterialName, pBaseName, allocLen );

	for( i = 0; i < g_numtextures; i++ )
		if( stricmp( pBaseName, g_texture[i].name ) == 0 )
			return i;
	return -1;
Exemplo n.º 18
unsigned short UTIL_GetAchievementEventMask( void )
	CRC32_t mapCRC;
	CRC32_Init( &mapCRC );

	char lowercase[ 256 ];
	Q_FileBase( engine->GetLevelName(), lowercase, sizeof( lowercase ) );
	Q_strncpy( lowercase, STRING( gpGlobals->mapname ), sizeof( lowercase ) );
	Q_strlower( lowercase );

	CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &mapCRC, lowercase, Q_strlen( lowercase ) );
	CRC32_Final( &mapCRC );

	return ( mapCRC & 0xFFFF );
Exemplo n.º 19
bool VMPI_Stats_Init_Master( 
	const char *pHostName, 
	const char *pDBName, 
	const char *pUserName,
	const char *pBSPFilename, 
	unsigned long *pDBJobID )
	Assert( !g_pDB );

	g_bMaster = true;
	// Connect the database.
	g_pDB = new CMySqlDatabase;
	if ( !g_pDB || !g_pDB->Initialize() || !LoadMySQLWrapper( pHostName, pDBName, pUserName ) )
		delete g_pDB;
		g_pDB = NULL;
		return false;

	DWORD size = sizeof( g_MachineName );
	GetComputerName( g_MachineName, &size );

	// Create the job_master_start row.
	Q_FileBase( pBSPFilename, g_BSPFilename, sizeof( g_BSPFilename ) );

	g_JobPrimaryID = 0;
	CMySQLQuery query;
	query.Format( "insert into job_master_start ( BSPFilename, StartTime, MachineName, RunningTimeMS ) values ( \"%s\", null, \"%s\", %lu )", g_BSPFilename, g_MachineName, RUNNINGTIME_MS_SENTINEL ); 
	query.Execute( g_pSQL );

	g_JobPrimaryID = g_pSQL->InsertID();
	if ( g_JobPrimaryID == 0 )
		delete g_pDB;
		g_pDB = NULL;
		return false;

	// Now init the worker portion.
	*pDBJobID = g_JobPrimaryID;
	return VMPI_Stats_Init_Worker( NULL, NULL, NULL, g_JobPrimaryID );
Exemplo n.º 20
// Purpose: returns true if the font is equivalent to that specified
bool CBitmapFont::IsEqualTo( const char *windowsFontName, float scalex, float scaley, int flags )
	char fontname[MAX_PATH];
	Q_FileBase( windowsFontName, fontname, MAX_PATH );

	if ( !Q_stricmp( fontname, m_szName.String() ) &&
		m_scalex == scalex && 
		m_scaley == scaley  )
		int commonFlags = m_iFlags & flags;
		if ( commonFlags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_ADDITIVE )
			// an exact match
			return true;

	return false;
Exemplo n.º 21
int UTIL_GetMapKeyCount( const char *pszCustomKey )
	if ( !pszCustomKey )
		return 0;

	char szFilename[ _MAX_PATH ];
	if ( !UTIL_GetMapLoadCountFileName( MAP_KEY_FILE, szFilename, _MAX_PATH ) )
		return 0;

	int iCount = 0;

	KeyValues *kvMapLoadFile = new KeyValues( MAP_KEY_FILE );
	if ( kvMapLoadFile )
		// create an empty file if none exists
		if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( szFilename, "MOD" ) )
			// force create this directory incase it doesn't exist
			filesystem->CreateDirHierarchy( MAP_KEY_FILE_DIR, "MOD");

			CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
			g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( szFilename, "MOD", buf );

		kvMapLoadFile->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, szFilename, "MOD" );

		char mapname[MAX_MAP_NAME];
		Q_FileBase( engine->GetLevelName(), mapname, sizeof( mapname) );
		Q_strlower( mapname );

		KeyValues *pMapKey = kvMapLoadFile->FindKey( mapname );
		if ( pMapKey )
			iCount = pMapKey->GetInt( pszCustomKey );


	return iCount;
Exemplo n.º 22
// Purpose: Add a new configuration with proper defaults to a keyvalue block
bool AddConfig( int configID )
	// Find the games block of the keyvalues
	KeyValues *gameBlock = g_ConfigManager.GetGameBlock();
	if ( gameBlock == NULL )
		Assert( 0 );
		return false;

	// Set to defaults
	defaultConfigInfo_t newInfo;
	memset( &newInfo, 0, sizeof( newInfo ) );

	// Data for building the new configuration
	const char *pModName = g_Configs[configID]->m_Name.Base();
	const char *pModDirectory = g_Configs[configID]->m_ModDir.Base();
	// Mod name
	Q_strncpy( newInfo.gameName, pModName, sizeof( newInfo.gameName ) );
	// FGD
	Q_strncpy( newInfo.FGD, "base.fgd", sizeof( newInfo.FGD ) );

	// Get the base directory
	Q_FileBase( pModDirectory, newInfo.gameDir, sizeof( newInfo.gameDir ) );

	// Default executable
	Q_strncpy( newInfo.exeName, "hl2.exe", sizeof( newInfo.exeName ) );

	char szPath[MAX_PATH];
	Q_strncpy( szPath, pModDirectory, sizeof( szPath ) );
	Q_StripLastDir( szPath, sizeof( szPath ) );
	Q_StripTrailingSlash( szPath );

	char fullDir[MAX_PATH];
	g_ConfigManager.GetRootGameDirectory( fullDir, sizeof( fullDir ), g_ConfigManager.GetRootDirectory(), "half-life 2" );
	return g_ConfigManager.AddDefaultConfig( newInfo, gameBlock, szPath, fullDir );
void CopyDev()
	FileFindHandle_t handle;
	char steamappsPath[MAX_PATH*4];
	const char *pszGameDir = engine->GetGameDirectory();

	Q_strcpy( steamappsPath, pszGameDir );
	Q_StripLastDir( steamappsPath, sizeof(steamappsPath) );
	Q_StripLastDir( steamappsPath, sizeof(steamappsPath) );

	char searchPath[MAX_PATH*4];
	Q_snprintf( searchPath, sizeof(searchPath), "%s\\shaders\\fxc\\*", pszGameDir );
	Q_FixSlashes( searchPath );
	Msg( "searching for shaders in: %s\n", searchPath );

	const char *pszName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirst( searchPath, &handle );

	while ( pszName != NULL )
		if ( Q_strlen( pszName ) > 4 )
			char filename[MAX_PATH];
			Q_FileBase( pszName, filename, sizeof( filename ) );

			char filepath_src[MAX_PATH];
			char filepath_dst[MAX_PATH];
			Q_snprintf( filepath_src, sizeof( filepath_src ), "%s\\shaders\\fxc\\%s.vcs\0", pszGameDir, filename );
			Q_snprintf( filepath_dst, sizeof( filepath_dst ), "%s\\common\\alien swarm\\platform\\shaders\\fxc\\%s.vcs\0", steamappsPath, filename );
			Q_FixSlashes( filepath_src );
			Q_FixSlashes( filepath_dst );

			Msg( "%s --> %s\n", filepath_src, filepath_dst );
			engine->CopyFile( filepath_src, filepath_dst );

		pszName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( handle );

	g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( handle );
Exemplo n.º 24
bool CommandMenu::LoadFromKeyValues( KeyValues * params )
	if ( !params )
		return false;

	Q_snprintf( m_CurrentTeam, 4, "%i", GetLocalPlayerTeam() );

	Q_FileBase( engine->GetLevelName(), m_CurrentMap, sizeof(m_CurrentMap) );
	if ( params != m_MenuKeys )
		if ( m_MenuKeys )

		m_MenuKeys = params->MakeCopy(); // save keyvalues

	// iterate through all menu items

	KeyValues * subkey = m_MenuKeys->GetFirstSubKey();

	while ( subkey )
		if ( subkey->GetDataType() == KeyValues::TYPE_NONE )
			if ( !LoadFromKeyValuesInternal( subkey, 0 ) ) // recursive call
				return false;

		subkey = subkey->GetNextKey();

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 25
int RunVVis( int argc, char **argv )
    char	portalfile[1024];
    char		source[1024];
    double		start, end;

    Msg( "Valve Software - vvis.exe (%s)\n", __DATE__ );

    verbose = false;

    Q_StripExtension( argv[ argc - 1 ], source, sizeof( source ) );
    CmdLib_InitFileSystem( argv[ argc - 1 ] );

    Q_FileBase( source, source, sizeof( source ) );

    LoadCmdLineFromFile( argc, argv, source, "vvis" );
    int i = ParseCommandLine( argc, argv );

    // This part is just for VMPI. VMPI's file system needs the basedir in front of all filenames,
    // so we prepend qdir here.
    strcpy( source, ExpandPath( source ) );

    if (i != argc - 1)
        PrintUsage( argc, argv );
        DeleteCmdLine( argc, argv );
        CmdLib_Exit( 1 );

    start = Plat_FloatTime();

    if (!g_bUseMPI)
        // Setup the logfile.
        char logFile[512];
        _snprintf( logFile, sizeof(logFile), "%s.log", source );
        SetSpewFunctionLogFile( logFile );

    // Run in the background?
    if( g_bLowPriority )

    ThreadSetDefault ();

    char	targetPath[1024];
    GetPlatformMapPath( source, targetPath, 0, 1024 );
    Msg ("reading %s\n", targetPath);
    LoadBSPFile (targetPath);
    if (numnodes == 0 || numfaces == 0)
        Error ("Empty map");
    ParseEntities ();

    // Check the VMF for a vis radius
    if (!g_bUseRadius)
        float flRadius = DetermineVisRadius( );
        if (flRadius > 0.0f)
            g_bUseRadius = true;
            g_VisRadius = flRadius * flRadius;

    if ( g_bUseRadius )

    if ( inbase[0] == 0 )
        strcpy( portalfile, source );
        sprintf ( portalfile, "%s%s", inbase, argv[i] );
        Q_StripExtension( portalfile, portalfile, sizeof( portalfile ) );
    strcat (portalfile, ".prt");

    Msg ("reading %s\n", portalfile);
    LoadPortals (portalfile);

    CalcVis ();
    CalcPAS ();

    // We need a mapping from cluster to leaves, since the PVS
    // deals with clusters for both CalcVisibleFogVolumes and


    visdatasize = vismap_p - dvisdata;
    Msg ("visdatasize:%i  compressed from %i\n", visdatasize, originalvismapsize*2);

    Msg ("writing %s\n", targetPath);
    WriteBSPFile (targetPath);

    end = Plat_FloatTime();

    char str[512];
    GetHourMinuteSecondsString( (int)( end - start ), str, sizeof( str ) );
    Msg( "%s elapsed\n", str );

    DeleteCmdLine( argc, argv );
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 26
void CBaseGameStats_Driver::CollectData( StatSendType_t sendType )
	CGamestatsData *pGamestatsData = NULL;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
	// for server, check with the engine to see if there already a gamestats data container registered.  (There will be if there is a client
	// running in the same process.)
	pGamestatsData = engine->GetGamestatsData();
	if ( pGamestatsData )
		// use the registered gamestats container, so free the one we allocated
		if ( m_pGamestatsData != NULL )
			delete m_pGamestatsData;
			m_pGamestatsData = NULL;
		pGamestatsData = m_pGamestatsData;
	pGamestatsData = m_pGamestatsData;
	Assert( pGamestatsData );
	KeyValues *pKV = pGamestatsData->m_pKVData;

	int iAppID = engine->GetAppID();
	pKV->SetInt( "appid", iAppID );

	switch ( sendType )
			// make a map node in the KeyValues to use for this level
			char szMap[MAX_PATH+1]="";
#ifdef CLIENT_DLL	
			Q_FileBase( engine->GetLevelName(), szMap, ARRAYSIZE( szMap ) );
			Q_strncpy( szMap, gpGlobals->mapname.ToCStr(), ARRAYSIZE( szMap ) );
#endif // CLIENT_DLL
			if ( !szMap[0] )
			KeyValues *pKVMap = new KeyValues( "map" );
			pKV->AddSubKey( pKVMap );
			pKVMap->SetString( "mapname", szMap );
			pKV = pKVMap;

		Assert( false );

	// add common data
	pGamestatsData->m_bHaveData |= AddBaseDataForSend( pKV, sendType );
	// add game-specific data
	pGamestatsData->m_bHaveData |= gamestats->AddDataForSend( pKV, sendType );	
Exemplo n.º 27
int RunVBSP( int argc, char **argv )
	int		i;
	double		start, end;
	char		path[1024];

	CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( argc, argv );
	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, OVERBRIGHT, false, false, false, false );
	SpewActivate( "developer", 1 );
	CmdLib_InitFileSystem( argv[ argc-1 ] );

	Q_StripExtension( ExpandArg( argv[ argc-1 ] ), source, sizeof( source ) );
	Q_FileBase( source, mapbase, sizeof( mapbase ) );
	strlwr( mapbase );

	LoadCmdLineFromFile( argc, argv, mapbase, "vbsp" );

	Msg( "Valve Software - vbsp.exe (%s)\n", __DATE__ );

	for (i=1 ; i<argc ; i++)
		if (!stricmp(argv[i],"-threads"))
			numthreads = atoi (argv[i+1]);
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i],"-glview"))
			glview = true;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-v") || !Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-verbose") )
			Msg("verbose = true\n");
			verbose = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-noweld"))
			Msg ("noweld = true\n");
			noweld = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-nocsg"))
			Msg ("nocsg = true\n");
			nocsg = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-noshare"))
			Msg ("noshare = true\n");
			noshare = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-notjunc"))
			Msg ("notjunc = true\n");
			notjunc = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-nowater"))
			Msg ("nowater = true\n");
			nowater = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-noopt"))
			Msg ("noopt = true\n");
			noopt = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-noprune"))
			Msg ("noprune = true\n");
			noprune = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-nomerge"))
			Msg ("nomerge = true\n");
			nomerge = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-nomergewater"))
			Msg ("nomergewater = true\n");
			nomergewater = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-nosubdiv"))
			Msg ("nosubdiv = true\n");
			nosubdiv = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-nodetail"))
			Msg ("nodetail = true\n");
			nodetail = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-fulldetail"))
			Msg ("fulldetail = true\n");
			fulldetail = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-onlyents"))
			Msg ("onlyents = true\n");
			onlyents = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-onlyprops"))
			Msg ("onlyprops = true\n");
			onlyprops = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-micro"))
			microvolume = atof(argv[i+1]);
			Msg ("microvolume = %f\n", microvolume);
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-leaktest"))
			Msg ("leaktest = true\n");
			leaktest = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-verboseentities"))
			Msg ("verboseentities = true\n");
			verboseentities = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-snapaxial"))
			Msg ("snap axial = true\n");
			g_snapAxialPlanes = true;
#if 0
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-maxlightmapdim"))
			g_maxLightmapDimension = atof(argv[i+1]);
			Msg ("g_maxLightmapDimension = %f\n", g_maxLightmapDimension);
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-block"))
			block_xl = block_xh = atoi(argv[i+1]);
			block_yl = block_yh = atoi(argv[i+2]);
			Msg ("block: %i,%i\n", block_xl, block_yl);
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-blocks"))
			block_xl = atoi(argv[i+1]);
			block_yl = atoi(argv[i+2]);
			block_xh = atoi(argv[i+3]);
			block_yh = atoi(argv[i+4]);
			Msg ("blocks: %i,%i to %i,%i\n", 
				block_xl, block_yl, block_xh, block_yh);
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-dumpcollide" ) )
			Msg("Dumping collision models to collideXXX.txt\n" );
			dumpcollide = true;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-dumpstaticprop" ) )
			Msg("Dumping static props to staticpropXXX.txt\n" );
			g_DumpStaticProps = true;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-forceskyvis" ) )
			Msg("Enabled vis in 3d skybox\n" );
			g_bSkyVis = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp (argv[i],"-tmpout"))
			strcpy (outbase, "/tmp");
#if 0
		else if( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-defaultluxelsize" ) )
			g_defaultLuxelSize = atof( argv[i+1] );
		else if( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-luxelscale" ) )
			g_luxelScale = atof( argv[i+1] );
		else if( !strcmp( argv[i], "-minluxelscale" ) )
			g_minLuxelScale = atof( argv[i+1] );
			if (g_minLuxelScale < 1)
				g_minLuxelScale = 1;
		else if( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-dxlevel" ) )
			g_nDXLevel = atoi( argv[i+1] );
			Msg( "DXLevel = %d\n", g_nDXLevel );
		else if( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-bumpall" ) )
			g_BumpAll = true;
		else if( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-low" ) )
			g_bLowPriority = true;
		else if( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-lightifmissing" ) )
			g_bLightIfMissing = true;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], CMDLINEOPTION_NOVCONFIG ) )
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-allowdebug" ) || !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-steam" ) )
			// nothing to do here, but don't bail on this option
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-vproject" ) || !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-game" ) )
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-keepstalezip" ) )
			g_bKeepStaleZip = true;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-xbox" ) )
			// enable mandatory xbox extensions
			g_NodrawTriggers = true;
			g_DisableWaterLighting = true;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-allowdetailcracks"))
			g_bAllowDetailCracks = true;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-novirtualmesh"))
			g_bNoVirtualMesh = true;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-replacematerials" ) )
			g_ReplaceMaterials = true;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-nodrawtriggers") )
			g_NodrawTriggers = true;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-FullMinidumps" ) )
			EnableFullMinidumps( true );
		else if (argv[i][0] == '-')
			Warning("VBSP: Unknown option \"%s\"\n\n", argv[i]);
			i = 100000;	// force it to print the usage

	if (i != argc - 1)
		PrintCommandLine( argc, argv );

			"usage  : vbsp [options...] mapfile\n"
			"example: vbsp -onlyents c:\\hl2\\hl2\\maps\\test\n"
			"Common options (use -v to see all options):\n"
			"  -v (or -verbose): Turn on verbose output (also shows more command\n"
			"                    line options).\n"
			"  -onlyents   : This option causes vbsp only import the entities from the .vmf\n"
			"                file. -onlyents won't reimport brush models.\n"
			"  -onlyprops  : Only update the static props and detail props.\n"
			"  -glview     : Writes .gl files in the current directory that can be viewed\n"
			"                with glview.exe. If you use -tmpout, it will write the files\n"
			"                into the \\tmp folder.\n"
			"  -nodetail   : Get rid of all detail geometry. The geometry left over is\n"
			"                what affects visibility.\n"
			"  -nowater    : Get rid of water brushes.\n"
			"  -low        : Run as an idle-priority process.\n"
			"  -vproject <directory> : Override the VPROJECT environment variable.\n"
			"  -game <directory>     : Same as -vproject.\n"
			"\n" );

		if ( verbose )
				"Other options  :\n"
				"  -novconfig   : Don't bring up graphical UI on vproject errors.\n"
				"  -threads     : Control the number of threads vbsp uses (defaults to the # of\n"
				"                 processors on your machine).\n"
				"  -verboseentities: If -v is on, this disables verbose output for submodels.\n"
				"  -noweld      : Don't join face vertices together.\n"
				"  -nocsg       : Don't chop out intersecting brush areas.\n"
				"  -noshare     : Emit unique face edges instead of sharing them.\n"
				"  -notjunc     : Don't fixup t-junctions.\n"
				"  -noopt       : By default, vbsp removes the 'outer shell' of the map, which\n"
				"                 are all the faces you can't see because you can never get\n"
				"                 outside the map. -noopt disables this behaviour.\n"
				"  -noprune     : Don't prune neighboring solid nodes.\n"
				"  -nomerge     : Don't merge together chopped faces on nodes.\n"
				"  -nomergewater: Don't merge together chopped faces on water.\n"
				"  -nosubdiv    : Don't subdivide faces for lightmapping.\n"
				"  -micro <#>   : vbsp will warn when brushes are output with a volume less\n"
				"                 than this number (default: 1.0).\n"
				"  -fulldetail  : Mark all detail geometry as normal geometry (so all detail\n"
				"                 geometry will affect visibility).\n"
				"  -leaktest    : Stop processing the map if a leak is detected. Whether or not\n"
				"                 this flag is set, a leak file will be written out at\n"
				"                 <vmf filename>.lin, and it can be imported into Hammer.\n"
				"  -bumpall     : Force all surfaces to be bump mapped.\n"
				"  -snapaxial   : Snap axial planes to integer coordinates.\n"
				"  -block # #      : Control the grid size mins that vbsp chops the level on.\n"
				"  -blocks # # # # : Enter the mins and maxs for the grid size vbsp uses.\n"
				"  -dumpstaticprops: Dump static props to staticprop*.txt\n"
				"  -dumpcollide    : Write files with collision info.\n"
				"  -forceskyvis	   : Enable vis calculations in 3d skybox leaves\n"
				"  -luxelscale #   : Scale all lightmaps by this amount (default: 1.0).\n"
				"  -minluxelscale #: No luxel scale will be lower than this amount (default: 1.0).\n"
				"  -lightifmissing : Force lightmaps to be generated for all surfaces even if\n"
				"                    they don't need lightmaps.\n"
				"  -keepstalezip   : Keep the BSP's zip files intact but regenerate everything\n"
				"                    else.\n"
				"  -virtualdispphysics : Use virtual (not precomputed) displacement collision models\n"
				"  -xbox           : Enable mandatory xbox options\n"
				"  -x360		   : Generate Xbox360 version of vsp\n"
				"  -nox360		   : Disable generation Xbox360 version of vsp (default)\n"
				"  -replacematerials : Substitute materials according to materialsub.txt in content\\maps\n"
				"  -FullMinidumps  : Write large minidumps on crash.\n"

		DeleteCmdLine( argc, argv );
		CmdLib_Exit( 1 );

	start = Plat_FloatTime();

	// Run in the background?
	if( g_bLowPriority )

	if( ( g_nDXLevel != 0 ) && ( g_nDXLevel < 80 ) )
		g_BumpAll = false;

	if( g_luxelScale == 1.0f )
		if ( g_nDXLevel == 70 )
			g_luxelScale = 4.0f;

	ThreadSetDefault ();
	numthreads = 1;		// multiple threads aren't helping...

	// Setup the logfile.
	char logFile[512];
	_snprintf( logFile, sizeof(logFile), "%s.log", source );
	SetSpewFunctionLogFile( logFile );


#if 0
	Msg( "qdir: %s  This is the the path of the initial source file \n", qdir );
	Msg( "gamedir: %s This is the base engine + mod-specific game dir (e.g. d:/tf2/mytfmod/) \n", gamedir );
	Msg( "basegamedir: %s This is the base engine + base game directory (e.g. e:/hl2/hl2/, or d:/tf2/tf2/ )\n", basegamedir );

	sprintf( materialPath, "%smaterials", gamedir );
	InitMaterialSystem( materialPath, CmdLib_GetFileSystemFactory() );
	Msg( "materialPath: %s\n", materialPath );
	// delete portal and line files
	sprintf (path, "%s.prt", source);
	remove (path);
	sprintf (path, "%s.lin", source);
	remove (path);

	strcpy (name, ExpandArg (argv[i]));	

	const char *pszExtension = V_GetFileExtension( name );
	if ( !pszExtension )
		V_SetExtension( name, ".vmm", sizeof( name ) );
		if ( !FileExists( name ) )
			V_SetExtension( name, ".vmf", sizeof( name ) );

	char platformBSPFileName[1024];
	GetPlatformMapPath( source, platformBSPFileName, g_nDXLevel, 1024 );
	// if we're combining materials, load the script file
	if ( g_ReplaceMaterials )
		LoadMaterialReplacementKeys( gamedir, mapbase );

	// if onlyents, just grab the entites and resave
	if (onlyents)
		LoadBSPFile (platformBSPFileName);
		num_entities = 0;
		// Clear out the cubemap samples since they will be reparsed even with -onlyents
		g_nCubemapSamples = 0;

		// Mark as stale since the lighting could be screwed with new ents.
		AddBufferToPak( GetPakFile(), "stale.txt", "stale", strlen( "stale" ) + 1, false );

		LoadMapFile (name);
		SetModelNumbers ();
		SetLightStyles ();

		// NOTE: If we ever precompute lighting for static props in
		// vrad, EmitStaticProps should be removed here

		// Emit static props found in the .vmf file

		// NOTE: Don't deal with detail props here, it blows away lighting

		// Recompute the skybox

		// Make sure that we have a water lod control eneity if we have water in the map.

		// Make sure the func_occluders have the appropriate data set

		// Doing this here because stuff abov may filter out entities
		UnparseEntities ();

		WriteBSPFile (platformBSPFileName);
	else if (onlyprops)
		// In the only props case, deal with static + detail props only
		LoadBSPFile (platformBSPFileName);


		// Emit static props found in the .vmf file

		// Place detail props found in .vmf and based on material properties
		LoadEmitDetailObjectDictionary( gamedir );

		WriteBSPFile (platformBSPFileName);
		// start from scratch

		// Load just the file system from the bsp
		if( g_bKeepStaleZip && FileExists( platformBSPFileName ) )
			LoadBSPFile_FileSystemOnly (platformBSPFileName);
			// Mark as stale since the lighting could be screwed with new ents.
			AddBufferToPak( GetPakFile(), "stale.txt", "stale", strlen( "stale" ) + 1, false );

		LoadMapFile (name);
		if( ( g_nDXLevel == 0 ) || ( g_nDXLevel >= 70 ) )
		SetModelNumbers ();
		SetLightStyles ();
		LoadEmitDetailObjectDictionary( gamedir );
		ProcessModels ();

	end = Plat_FloatTime();
	char str[512];
	GetHourMinuteSecondsString( (int)( end - start ), str, sizeof( str ) );
	Msg( "%s elapsed\n", str );

	DeleteCmdLine( argc, argv );
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 28
	void BuildMessage( bf_write& buf, byte msgtype, char const *mapname, unsigned int uSessionID )
		bf_write	encrypted;
		byte		encrypted_data[ 2048 ];

		buf.WriteByte( C2M_PHONEHOME );
		buf.WriteByte( '\n' );
		buf.WriteLong( uSessionID ); // sessionid (request new id by sending 0)

		// encryption object
		IceKey cipher(1); /* medium encryption level */
		unsigned char ucEncryptionKey[8] = { 191, 1, 0, 222, 85, 39, 154, 1 };
		cipher.set( ucEncryptionKey );

		encrypted.StartWriting( encrypted_data, sizeof( encrypted_data ) );

		byte corruption_identifier = 0x01;

		encrypted.WriteByte( corruption_identifier );

		// Data version protocol
		encrypted.WriteByte( 1 );

		// Write the "build identifier"  -- unique to each person we give a build to.
		encrypted.WriteString( m_szBuildIdentifier ); 
			char computername[ 64 ];
			Q_memset( computername, 0, sizeof( computername ) );
#if defined ( _WIN32 )
			DWORD length = sizeof( computername ) - 1;
			if ( !GetComputerName( computername, &length ) )
				Q_strncpy( computername, "???", sizeof( computername )  );
			if ( gethostname( computername, sizeof(computername) ) == -1 )
				Q_strncpy( computername, "Linux????", sizeof( computername ) );
			computername[sizeof(computername)-1] = '\0';
			encrypted.WriteString( computername );

			char username[ 64 ];
			Q_memset( username, 0, sizeof( username ) );
#if defined ( _WIN32 )
			DWORD length = sizeof( username ) - 1;
			if ( !GetUserName( username, &length ) )
				Q_strncpy( username, "???", sizeof( username )  );
			struct passwd *pass = getpwuid( getuid() );
			if ( pass )
				Q_strncpy( username, pass->pw_name, sizeof( username ) );
				Q_strncpy( username, "LinuxUser??", sizeof( username ) );
			username[sizeof(username)-1] = '\0';
			encrypted.WriteString( username );

		char gamedir[ 64 ];
		Q_FileBase( com_gamedir, gamedir, sizeof( gamedir ) );
		encrypted.WriteString( gamedir );

		unsigned int uBuildNumber = build_number();

		encrypted.WriteLong( (int)uBuildNumber );

		// WRite timestamp of engine
		encrypted.WriteFloat( (float)realtime );

		encrypted.WriteByte( msgtype );
		if ( mapname != NULL )
			encrypted.WriteString( mapname );

		int isDebugUser = ( Sys_IsDebuggerPresent() || CommandLine()->FindParm( "-allowdebug" ) ) ? 1 : 0;

		encrypted.WriteByte( isDebugUser );

		while ( encrypted.GetNumBytesWritten() % 8 )
			encrypted.WriteByte( 0 );

		EncryptBuffer( cipher, (unsigned char *)encrypted.GetData(), encrypted.GetNumBytesWritten() );

		buf.WriteShort( (int)encrypted.GetNumBytesWritten() );
		buf.WriteBytes( (unsigned char *)encrypted.GetData(), encrypted.GetNumBytesWritten() );
Exemplo n.º 29
// Creates a single sfm file
void CSFMGenApp::GenerateSFMFile( const SFMGenInfo_t& sfmGenInfo, const SFMInfo_t &info, 
	studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, const char *pOutputDirectory, const char *pExportFacPath )
	CSFMSession session;

	char pAnimationSetName[256];
	Q_FileBase( pStudioHdr->name, pAnimationSetName, sizeof(pAnimationSetName) );

	// Set the file id(	necessary for phoneme extraction)
	DmFileId_t fileid = g_pDataModel->FindOrCreateFileId( pAnimationSetName );
	session.Root()->SetFileId( fileid, TD_DEEP );
	g_pModelPresetGroupMgr->AssociatePresetsWithFile( fileid );

	// Get the shot.
	CDmeFilmClip *pMovie = session.Root()->GetValueElement<CDmeFilmClip>( "activeClip" );
	CDmeFilmClip* pShot = CastElement< CDmeFilmClip >( pMovie->GetFilmTrack()->GetClip( 0 ) );

	// Create a camera for the shot
	DmeCameraParams_t cameraParams( pAnimationSetName, vec3_origin, QAngle( 0, 180, 0 ) );
	cameraParams.origin.x = pStudioHdr->hull_max.x + 20;
	cameraParams.origin.z = Lerp( 0.95f, pStudioHdr->hull_min.z, pStudioHdr->hull_max.z );
	cameraParams.fov = 75.0f;
	CDmeCamera* pCamera = session.CreateCamera( cameraParams );
	pShot->SetCamera( pCamera );

	// Create a game model for the studio hdr
	CDmeGameModel *pGameModel = session.CreateEditorGameModel( pStudioHdr, vec3_origin, Quaternion( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) );

	// Create a scene for the shot
	CDmeDag *pScene = session.FindOrCreateScene( pShot, pAnimationSetName );
	pScene->AddChild( pGameModel );

	// Create a sound clip
	CDmeGameSound *pGameSound;
	CDmeSoundClip *pSoundClip = CreateSoundClip( pMovie, pAnimationSetName, info.m_GameSound, pStudioHdr, &pGameSound );

	pShot->SetDuration( pSoundClip->GetDuration() );
	pMovie->SetDuration( pSoundClip->GetDuration() );

	// Create an animation set
	CDmeAnimationSet *pAnimationSet = CreateAnimationSet( pMovie, pShot, pGameModel, pAnimationSetName, 0, false );

	// Extract phonemes
	if ( pSoundClip )
		CExtractInfo extractInfo;
		extractInfo.m_pClip = pSoundClip;
		extractInfo.m_pSound = pGameSound;
		extractInfo.m_sHintText = info.m_Text;
		extractInfo.m_bUseSentence = sfmGenInfo.m_bUsePhonemesInWavs;

		ExtractDesc_t extractDesc;
		extractDesc.m_nExtractType = EXTRACT_WIPE_CLIP;
		extractDesc.m_pMovie = pMovie;
		extractDesc.m_pShot = pShot;
		extractDesc.m_pSet = pAnimationSet;
		extractDesc.m_flSampleRateHz = sfmGenInfo.m_flSampleRateHz;
		extractDesc.m_flSampleFilterSize = sfmGenInfo.m_flSampleFilterSize;
		extractDesc.m_WorkList.AddToTail( extractInfo );
		BuildFacialControlList( pShot, pAnimationSet, extractDesc.m_ControlList );
		sfm_phonemeextractor->Extract( SPEECH_API_LIPSINC, extractDesc, sfmGenInfo.m_bWritePhonemesInWavs );

		CExtractInfo &results = extractDesc.m_WorkList[ 0 ];
		CDmElement *pExtractionSettings = pGameSound->FindOrAddPhonemeExtractionSettings();
		pExtractionSettings->SetValue< float >( "duration", results.m_flDuration );
		// Store off phonemes
		if ( !pExtractionSettings->HasAttribute( "results" ) )
			pExtractionSettings->AddAttribute( "results", AT_ELEMENT_ARRAY );

		CDmrElementArray< CDmElement > resultsArray( pExtractionSettings, "results" );
		for ( int i = 0; i < results.m_ApplyTags.Count(); ++i )
			CBasePhonemeTag *tag = results.m_ApplyTags[ i ];
			CDmElement *tagElement = CreateElement< CDmElement >( ConvertPhoneme( tag->GetPhonemeCode() ), pGameSound->GetFileId() );
			tagElement->SetValue< float >( "start", tag->GetStartTime() );
			tagElement->SetValue< float >( "end", tag->GetEndTime() );
			resultsArray.AddToTail( tagElement );

		if ( pExportFacPath )
			char pFACFileName[MAX_PATH];
			Q_ComposeFileName( pExportFacPath, info.m_DMXFileName, pFACFileName, sizeof(pFACFileName) );
			Q_SetExtension( pFACFileName, ".dmx", sizeof(pFACFileName) ); 
			ExportFacialAnimation( pFACFileName, pMovie, pShot, pAnimationSet );

	SaveSFMFile( session.Root(), pOutputDirectory, info.m_DMXFileName );

Exemplo n.º 30
void Correlate( CUtlRBTree< ReferencedFile, int >& referencedfiles, CUtlVector< FileEntry >& contentfiles, const char *modname )
	int i;
	int c = contentfiles.Count();
	double totalDiskSize = 0;
	double totalReferencedDiskSize = 0;
	double totalWhiteListDiskSize = 0;

	for ( i = 0; i < c; ++i )
		totalDiskSize += contentfiles [ i ].size;

	vprint( 0, "Content tree size on disk %s\n", Q_pretifymem( totalDiskSize, 3 ) );
	// Analysis is to walk tree and see which files on disk are referenced in the .lst files
	// Need a fast lookup from file symbol to referenced list
	CUtlRBTree< ReferencedFile, int >	tree( 0, 0, ReferencedFileLessFunc );
	c = referencedfiles.Count();
	for ( i = 0 ; i < c; ++i )
		tree.Insert( referencedfiles[ i ] );

	// Now walk the on disk file and see check off resources which are in referenced
	c = contentfiles.Count();
	int invalidindex = tree.InvalidIndex();
	unsigned int refcounted = 0;
	unsigned int whitelisted = 0;

	filesystem->RemoveFile( CFmtStr( "%swhitelist.lst", g_szReslistDir ), "GAME" );

	for ( i = 0; i < c; ++i )
		FileEntry & entry = contentfiles[ i ];

		ReferencedFile foo;
		foo.sym = entry.sym;

		bool gameref = tree.Find( foo ) != invalidindex;
		char const *fn = g_Analysis.symbols.String( entry.sym );

		bool whitelist = g_WhiteList.Find( entry.sym ) != g_WhiteList.InvalidIndex();

		if ( gameref || whitelist )
			entry.referenced = gameref ? REFERENCED_GAME : REFERENCED_WHITELIST;
			totalReferencedDiskSize += entry.size;
			if ( entry.referenced == REFERENCED_WHITELIST )
				logprint( CFmtStr( "%swhitelist.lst", g_szReslistDir ), "\"%s\\%s\"\n", modname, fn );

				totalWhiteListDiskSize += entry.size;

	vprint( 0, "Found %i referenced (%i whitelist) files in tree, %s\n", refcounted, whitelisted, Q_pretifymem( totalReferencedDiskSize, 2 ) );
	vprint( 0, "%s appear unused\n", Q_pretifymem( totalDiskSize - totalReferencedDiskSize, 2 ) );

	// Now sort and dump the unreferenced ones..
	vprint( 0, "Sorting unreferenced files list...\n" );

	CUtlRBTree< FileEntry, int >	unreftree( 0, 0, FileEntryLessFunc );
	for ( i = 0; i < c; ++i )
		FileEntry & entry = contentfiles[ i ];
		if ( entry.referenced != REFERENCED_NO )

		unreftree.Insert( entry );

	// Now walk the unref tree in order
	i = unreftree.FirstInorder();
	invalidindex = unreftree.InvalidIndex();
	int index = 0;
	while ( i != invalidindex )
		FileEntry & entry = unreftree[ i ];

		if ( showreferencedfiles )
			vprint( 1, "%6i %12s: %s\n", ++index, Q_pretifymem( entry.size, 2 ), g_Analysis.symbols.String( entry.sym ) );
		i = unreftree.NextInorder( i );

	if ( showmapfileusage )
		vprint( 0, "Writing referenced.csv...\n" );

		// Now walk the list of referenced files and print out how many and which maps reference them
		i = tree.FirstInorder();
		invalidindex = tree.InvalidIndex();
		index = 0;
		while ( i != invalidindex )
			ReferencedFile & entry = tree[ i ];

			char ext[ 32 ];
			Q_ExtractFileExtension( g_Analysis.symbols.String( entry.sym ), ext, sizeof( ext ) );

			logprint( "referenced.csv", "\"%s\",\"%s\",%d", g_Analysis.symbols.String( entry.sym ), ext, entry.maplist.Count() );

			int mapcount = entry.maplist.Count();
			for ( int j = 0 ; j < mapcount; ++j )
				char basemap[ 128 ];
				Q_FileBase( g_Analysis.symbols.String( entry.maplist[ j ] ), basemap, sizeof( basemap ) );
				logprint( "referenced.csv", ",\"%s\"", basemap );

			logprint( "referenced.csv", "\n" );
			i = tree.NextInorder( i );

	vprint( 0, "\nBuilding directory summary list...\n" );

	// Now build summaries by root branch off of gamedir (e.g., for sound, materials, models, etc.)
	CUtlDict< DirEntry, int > directories;
	invalidindex = directories.InvalidIndex();
	for ( i = 0; i < c; ++i )
		FileEntry & entry = contentfiles[ i ];

		// Get the dir name
		char const *dirname = g_Analysis.symbols.String( entry.sym );

		const char *backslash = strstr( dirname, "\\" );

		char dir[ 256 ];
		if ( !backslash )
			dir[0] = 0;
			Q_strncpy( dir, dirname, backslash - dirname + 1);

		int idx = directories.Find( dir );
		if ( idx == invalidindex )
			DirEntry foo;
			idx = directories.Insert( dir, foo );

		DirEntry & de = directories[ idx ];
		de.total += entry.size;
		if ( entry.referenced == REFERENCED_NO )
			de.unreferenced += entry.size;
		if ( entry.referenced == REFERENCED_WHITELIST )
			de.whitelist += entry.size;

	if ( spewdeletions )
		// Spew deletion commands to console
		if ( immediatedelete )
			vprint( 0, "\n\nDeleting files...\n" );
			vprint( 0, "\n\nGenerating deletions.bat\n" );

		i = unreftree.FirstInorder();
		invalidindex = unreftree.InvalidIndex();
		float deletionSize = 0.0f;
		int deletionCount = 0;

		while ( i != invalidindex )
			FileEntry & entry = unreftree[ i ];
			i = unreftree.NextInorder( i );

			// Don't delete stuff that's in the white list
			if ( g_WhiteList.Find( entry.sym ) != g_WhiteList.InvalidIndex() )
				if ( verbose )
					vprint( 0, "whitelist blocked deletion of %s\n", g_Analysis.symbols.String( entry.sym ) );

			deletionSize += entry.size;

			if ( immediatedelete ) 
				if ( _chmod( g_Analysis.symbols.String( entry.sym ), _S_IWRITE ) == -1 )
					vprint( 0, "Could not find file %s\n", g_Analysis.symbols.String( entry.sym ) );
				if ( _unlink( g_Analysis.symbols.String( entry.sym ) ) == -1 )
					vprint( 0, "Could not delete file %s\n", g_Analysis.symbols.String( entry.sym ) );

				if ( deletionCount % 1000 == 0 )
					vprint( 0, "...deleted %i files\n", deletionCount );
				logprint( "deletions.bat", "del \"%s\" /f\n",  g_Analysis.symbols.String( entry.sym ) );

		vprint( 0, "\nFile deletion (%d files, %s)\n\n", deletionCount, Q_pretifymem(deletionSize, 2) );

	double grand_total = 0;
	double grand_total_unref = 0;
	double grand_total_white = 0;

	char totalstring[ 20 ];
	char unrefstring[ 20 ];
	char refstring[ 20 ];
	char whiteliststring[ 20 ];

	vprint( 0, "---------------------------------------- Summary ----------------------------------------\n" );

	vprint( 0, "% 15s               % 15s               % 15s               % 15s %12s\n",
		"Directory" );

	// Now walk the dictionary in order
	i = directories.First();
	while ( i != invalidindex )
		DirEntry & de = directories[ i ];

		double remainder = de.total - de.unreferenced;

		float percent_unref = 0.0f;
		float percent_white = 0.0f;
		if ( de.total > 0 )
			percent_unref = 100.0f * (float)de.unreferenced / (float)de.total;
			percent_white = 100.0f * (float)de.whitelist / (float)de.total;

		Q_strncpy( totalstring, Q_pretifymem( de.total, 2 ), sizeof( totalstring ) );
		Q_strncpy( unrefstring, Q_pretifymem( de.unreferenced, 2 ), sizeof( unrefstring ) );
		Q_strncpy( refstring, Q_pretifymem( remainder, 2 ), sizeof( refstring ) );
		Q_strncpy( whiteliststring, Q_pretifymem( de.whitelist, 2 ), sizeof( whiteliststring ) );

		vprint( 0, "%15s (%8.3f%%)   %15s (%8.3f%%)   %15s (%8.3f%%)   %15s => dir: %s\n",
			refstring, 100.0f - percent_unref, whiteliststring, percent_white, unrefstring, percent_unref, totalstring, directories.GetElementName( i ) );

		grand_total += de.total;
		grand_total_unref += de.unreferenced;
		grand_total_white += de.whitelist;

		i = directories.Next( i );

	Q_strncpy( totalstring, Q_pretifymem( grand_total, 2 ), sizeof( totalstring ) );
	Q_strncpy( unrefstring, Q_pretifymem( grand_total_unref, 2 ), sizeof( unrefstring ) );
	Q_strncpy( refstring, Q_pretifymem( grand_total - grand_total_unref, 2 ), sizeof( refstring ) );
	Q_strncpy( whiteliststring, Q_pretifymem( grand_total_white, 2 ), sizeof( whiteliststring ) );

	double percent_unref = 100.0 * grand_total_unref / grand_total;
	double percent_white = 100.0 * grand_total_white / grand_total;

	vprint( 0, "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" );
	vprint( 0, "%15s (%8.3f%%)   %15s (%8.3f%%)   %15s (%8.3f%%)   %15s\n",
		refstring, 100.0f - percent_unref, whiteliststring, percent_white, unrefstring, percent_unref, totalstring );