void AddHelp( int pane_key, const char *image, const char *desc )
		int index = m_vHelpPanes.Find( pane_key );
		if ( index == m_vHelpPanes.InvalidIndex() )
			Warning( "[ScenarioHelp] Invalid pane id provided to add help to, Pane %i\n", pane_key );

		sHelpPane *pPane = m_vHelpPanes[ index ];

		if ( pPane->nHelpCount >= 4 )
			Warning( "[ScenarioHelp] No more than 4 help items are allowed per pane, Pane %i\n", pane_key );


		// Restrict string lengths
		char desc_clip[128];
		char image_clip[32];

		Q_strncpy( desc_clip,  (desc && desc[0])  ? desc  : " ", 128 );
		Q_strncpy( image_clip, (image && image[0]) ? image : " ", 32 );

		if ( pPane->szHelpString[0] != '\0' )
			Q_strncat( pPane->szHelpString, ";;;", 1024 );

		// Build and append the string to our help
		char szHelp[256];
		Q_snprintf( szHelp, 256, "%s::%s", desc_clip, image_clip );
		Q_strncat( pPane->szHelpString, szHelp, 1024 );
Exemplo n.º 2
// This looks for pDBInfoFilename in the same path as pBaseExeFilename.
// The file has 3 lines: machine name (with database), database name, username
void GetDBInfo( const char *pDBInfoFilename, CDBInfo *pInfo )
	char baseExeFilename[512];
	if ( !GetModuleFileName( GetModuleHandle( NULL ), baseExeFilename, sizeof( baseExeFilename ) ) )
		Error( "GetModuleFileName failed." );
	// Look for the info file in the same directory as the exe.
	char dbInfoFilename[512];
	Q_strncpy( dbInfoFilename, baseExeFilename, sizeof( dbInfoFilename ) );
	Q_StripFilename( dbInfoFilename );

	if ( dbInfoFilename[0] == 0 )
		Q_strncpy( dbInfoFilename, ".", sizeof( dbInfoFilename ) );

	Q_strncat( dbInfoFilename, "/", sizeof( dbInfoFilename ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
	Q_strncat( dbInfoFilename, pDBInfoFilename, sizeof( dbInfoFilename ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );

	FILE *fp = fopen( dbInfoFilename, "rt" );
	if ( !fp )
		Error( "Can't open %s for database info.\n", dbInfoFilename );

	if ( !ReadStringFromFile( fp, pInfo->m_HostName, sizeof( pInfo->m_HostName ) ) ||
		 !ReadStringFromFile( fp, pInfo->m_DBName, sizeof( pInfo->m_DBName ) ) || 
		 !ReadStringFromFile( fp, pInfo->m_UserName, sizeof( pInfo->m_UserName ) ) 
		Error( "%s is not a valid database info file.\n", dbInfoFilename );

	fclose( fp );
Exemplo n.º 3
// Purpose: Helper for spewing verbose sample information
// Input  : flags - 
// Output : char const
char const *DescribeFlags( int flags )
	static char outbuf[ 256 ];

	outbuf[ 0 ] = 0;

	if ( flags & FDEMO_USE_ORIGIN2 )
		Q_strncat( outbuf, "USE_ORIGIN2, ", sizeof( outbuf ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
	if ( flags & FDEMO_USE_ANGLES2 )
		Q_strncat( outbuf, "USE_ANGLES2, ", sizeof( outbuf ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
	if ( flags & FDEMO_NOINTERP )
		Q_strncat( outbuf, "NOINTERP, ", sizeof( outbuf ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );

	int len = Q_strlen( outbuf );
	if ( len > 2 )
		outbuf[ len - 2 ] = 0;
		Q_strncpy( outbuf, "N/A", sizeof( outbuf ) );
	return outbuf;
Exemplo n.º 4
// Caller is responsible for delete[]'ing the array.
char *CTimer::GetMapFilePath()
	const char *pszMapname = (gpGlobals->mapname).ToCStr();
	size_t sz = Q_strlen("maps/") + strlen(pszMapname) + Q_strlen(".bla") + 1;
	char *pszPath = new char[sz];
	Q_strncpy(pszPath, "maps/", sz);
	Q_strncat(pszPath, pszMapname, sz);
	Q_strncat(pszPath, ".bla", sz);
	return pszPath;
Exemplo n.º 5

Just prints the rest of the line to the console
void Cmd_Echo_f( void )
	int	i;
	static char buf[1024];
	for( i = 1; i < Cmd_Argc(); i++ )
		Q_strncat( buf, Cmd_Argv( i ), 1024 );
		Q_strncat( buf, " ", 1024 );
	Q_strncat( buf, "\n", 1024 );
	Sys_Print( buf );
Exemplo n.º 6
void MakeFullPath( const char *pIn, char *pOut, int outLen )
	if ( pIn[0] == '/' || pIn[0] == '\\' || pIn[1] == ':' )
		// It's already a full path.
		Q_strncpy( pOut, pIn, outLen );
		_getcwd( pOut, outLen );
		Q_strncat( pOut, "\\", outLen, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
		Q_strncat( pOut, pIn, outLen, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
Exemplo n.º 7
void CRagdollProp::GetAngleOverrideFromCurrentState( char *pOut, int size )
	pOut[0] = 0;
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_ragdoll.listCount; i++ )
		if ( i != 0 )
			Q_strncat( pOut, ",", size, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );

		CFmtStr str("%d,%.2f %.2f %.2f", i, m_ragAngles[i].x, m_ragAngles[i].y, m_ragAngles[i].z );
		Q_strncat( pOut, str, size, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
bool FileSystem_GetExecutableDir( char *exedir, int exeDirLen )
	exedir[0] = 0;

	if ( s_bUseVProjectBinDir )
		const char *pProject = GetVProjectCmdLineValue();
		if ( !pProject )
			// Check their registry.
			pProject = getenv( GAMEDIR_TOKEN );
		if ( pProject )
			Q_snprintf( exedir, exeDirLen, "%s%c..%cbin", pProject, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR );
			return true;
		return false;

	if ( !Sys_GetExecutableName( exedir, exeDirLen ) )
		return false;
	Q_StripFilename( exedir );

	if ( IsX360() )
		// The 360 can have its exe and dlls reside on different volumes
		// use the optional basedir as the exe dir
		if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-basedir" ) )
			strcpy( exedir, CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-basedir", "" ) );

	Q_FixSlashes( exedir );

	// Return the bin directory as the executable dir if it's not in there
	// because that's really where we're running from...
	char ext[MAX_PATH];
	Q_StrRight( exedir, 4, ext, sizeof( ext ) );
	if ( ext[0] != CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR || Q_stricmp( ext+1, "bin" ) != 0 )
		Q_strncat( exedir, "bin", exeDirLen, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
		Q_FixSlashes( exedir );
	return true;
// Purpose: 
int CTeamControlPoint::DrawDebugTextOverlays( void ) 
	int text_offset = BaseClass::DrawDebugTextOverlays();

	if (m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_TEXT_BIT) 
		char tempstr[1024];
		Q_snprintf(tempstr, sizeof(tempstr), "INDEX: (%d)", GetPointIndex() );

		Q_snprintf( tempstr, sizeof(tempstr), "Red Previous Points: ");
		for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_PREVIOUS_POINTS; i++ )
			if ( m_TeamData[2].iszPreviousPoint[i] != NULL_STRING )
				Q_strncat( tempstr, STRING(m_TeamData[2].iszPreviousPoint[i]), 1024, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
				Q_strncat( tempstr, ", ", 1024, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );

		Q_snprintf( tempstr, sizeof(tempstr), "Blue Previous Points: " );
		for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_PREVIOUS_POINTS; i++ )
			if ( m_TeamData[3].iszPreviousPoint[i] != NULL_STRING )
				Q_strncat( tempstr, STRING(m_TeamData[3].iszPreviousPoint[i]), 1024, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
				Q_strncat( tempstr, ", ", 1024, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );

		for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_CONTROL_POINT_TEAMS; i++ )
			if ( ObjectiveResource()->GetBaseControlPointForTeam(i) == GetPointIndex() )
				Q_snprintf(tempstr, sizeof(tempstr), "Base Control Point for Team %d", i );

	return text_offset;
Exemplo n.º 10
static void AppendTimer( int idx, char *buf, size_t bufsize, CFastTimer& timer )
	char s[ 32 ];
	Q_snprintf( s, sizeof( s ), "%d %6.3f ms", idx, timer.GetDuration().GetMillisecondsF() );

	Q_strncat( buf, s, bufsize );
Exemplo n.º 11
void SetPathSettings( )
	char pPathBuf[ MAX_PATH*32 ];
	if ( GetVConfigRegistrySetting( "PATH", pPathBuf, sizeof(pPathBuf) ) )
		Q_FixSlashes( pPathBuf );
		const char *pPath = pPathBuf;
		const char *pFound = Q_stristr( pPath, VPROJECT_BIN_PATH );
		int nLen = Q_strlen( VPROJECT_BIN_PATH );
		while ( pFound )
			if ( pFound[nLen] == '\\' )
			if ( !pFound[nLen] || pFound[nLen] == ';' )

			pPath += nLen;
			pFound = Q_stristr( pPath, VPROJECT_BIN_PATH );

		Q_strncat( pPathBuf, ";%VPROJECT%\\..\\bin", sizeof(pPathBuf) );
		Q_strncpy( pPathBuf, "%VPROJECT%\\..\\bin", sizeof(pPathBuf) );

	SetVConfigRegistrySetting( "PATH", pPathBuf, false );
Exemplo n.º 12
//Called every time a new time is achieved
void CTimer::SaveTime()
    const char *szMapName = gpGlobals->mapname.ToCStr();
    KeyValues *timesKV = new KeyValues(szMapName);
    int count = localTimes.Count();

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        Time t = localTimes[i];
        char timeName[512];
        Q_snprintf(timeName, 512, "%i", t.ticks);
        KeyValues *pSubkey = new KeyValues(timeName);
        pSubkey->SetFloat("rate", t.tickrate);
        pSubkey->SetInt("date", t.date);

    char file[MAX_PATH];
    Q_strcpy(file, c_mapDir);
    Q_strcat(file, szMapName, MAX_PATH);
    Q_strncat(file, c_timesExt, MAX_PATH);

    if (timesKV->SaveToFile(filesystem, file, "MOD", true))
        Log("Successfully saved new time!\n");
        IGameEvent *savedEvent = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent("runtime_saved");
        if (savedEvent)

Exemplo n.º 13
// Purpose: 
// Input  : handle - 
// Output : const char
bool CUtlFilenameSymbolTable::String( const FileNameHandle_t& handle, char *buf, int buflen )
	buf[ 0 ] = 0;

	FileNameHandleInternal_t *internal = ( FileNameHandleInternal_t * )&handle;
	if ( !internal )
		return false;

	const char *path = m_StringPool.HandleToString(internal->path);
	const char *fn = m_StringPool.HandleToString(internal->file);

	if ( !path || !fn )
		return false;

	Q_strncpy( buf, path, buflen );
	Q_strncat( buf, fn, buflen, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 14
/* <269e8> ../engine/filesystem_internal.cpp:292 */
void FS_Rename(const char *originalName, const char *newName)
    char *cut;
    char localPath[512];
    char newPath[512];

    if (FS_GetLocalPath(originalName, localPath, ARRAYSIZE(localPath)))
        Q_strcpy(newPath, localPath);
        cut = Q_strstr(newPath, originalName);

        if (cut)
            *cut = 0;
            Q_strncat(newPath, newName, ARRAYSIZE(newPath) - Q_strlen(newPath));
            newPath[ARRAYSIZE(newPath) - 1] = 0;
            Q_strcat(newPath, newName);

            rename(localPath, newPath);
Exemplo n.º 15
FSReturnCode_t GetSteamCfgPath( char *steamCfgPath, int steamCfgPathLen )
	steamCfgPath[0] = 0;
	char executablePath[MAX_PATH];
	if ( !FileSystem_GetExecutableDir( executablePath, sizeof( executablePath ) ) )
		return SetupFileSystemError( false, FS_INVALID_PARAMETERS, "FileSystem_GetExecutableDir failed." );
	Q_strncpy( steamCfgPath, executablePath, steamCfgPathLen );
	while ( 1 )
		if ( DoesFileExistIn( steamCfgPath, "steam.cfg" ) )
		if ( !Q_StripLastDir( steamCfgPath, steamCfgPathLen) )
			// the file isnt found, thats ok, its not mandatory
			return FS_OK;
	Q_AppendSlash( steamCfgPath, steamCfgPathLen );
	Q_strncat( steamCfgPath, "steam.cfg", steamCfgPathLen, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );

	return FS_OK;
Exemplo n.º 16
void CL_Init( void )
	qboolean loaded;
	if( host.type == HOST_DEDICATED )
		return; // nothing running on the client


	R_Init();	// init renderer
	S_Init();	// init sound

	// unreliable buffer. unsed for unreliable commands and voice stream
	BF_Init( &cls.datagram, "cls.datagram", cls.datagram_buf, sizeof( cls.datagram_buf ));

	loaded = CL_LoadProgs( va( "%s/%s" , GI->dll_path, GI->client_lib ));
	if( !loaded )
#if defined (__ANDROID__)
			char clientlib[256];
			Q_strncpy( clientlib, getenv("XASH3D_ENGLIBDIR"), 256 );
			Q_strncat( clientlib, "/" CLIENTDLL, 256 );
			loaded = CL_LoadProgs( clientlib );
		loaded = CL_LoadProgs( CLIENTDLL );
	if( loaded )
		cls.initialized = true;
		cl.maxclients = 1; // allow to drawing player in menu
		cls.olddemonum = -1;
		cls.demonum = -1;
Exemplo n.º 17
// Path is relative to game folder
void OpenLocalPage( const char *title, const char *path )
	if ( webwindowpanel->GetFullPanel()->IsVisible() )
		webwindowpanel->GetFullPanel()->ShowPanel( false );

	// Need to do this to display a local html file
	KeyValues *data = new KeyValues( "WebWindowData" );
	data->SetString( "title", title );

	// it's a local HTML file
	char localURL[ _MAX_PATH + 7 ];
	Q_strncpy( localURL, "file://", sizeof( localURL ) );

	char pPathData[ _MAX_PATH ];
	g_pFullFileSystem->GetLocalPath( path, pPathData, sizeof(pPathData) );
	Q_strncat( localURL, pPathData, sizeof( localURL ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );

	Msg( "%s", localURL );
	data->SetString( "url", localURL );

	webwindowpanel->GetFullPanel()->SetData( data );

Exemplo n.º 18
void CBaseHudChat::MsgFunc_VoiceSubtitle( bf_read &msg )
	// Got message during connection
	if ( !g_PR )

	if ( !cl_showtextmsg.GetInt() )

	char szString[2048];
	char szPrefix[64];	//(Voice)
	wchar_t szBuf[128];

	int client = msg.ReadByte();
	int iMenu = msg.ReadByte();
	int iItem = msg.ReadByte();

	const char *pszSubtitle = "";

	CGameRules *pGameRules = GameRules();

	CMultiplayRules *pMultiRules = dynamic_cast< CMultiplayRules * >( pGameRules );

	Assert( pMultiRules );

	if ( pMultiRules )
		pszSubtitle = pMultiRules->GetVoiceCommandSubtitle( iMenu, iItem );

	SetVoiceSubtitleState( true );

	const wchar_t *pBuf = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pszSubtitle );
	if ( pBuf )
		// Copy pBuf into szBuf[i].
		int nMaxChars = sizeof( szBuf ) / sizeof( wchar_t );
		wcsncpy( szBuf, pBuf, nMaxChars );
		szBuf[nMaxChars-1] = 0;
		g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( pszSubtitle, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf) );

	int len;
	g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( szBuf, szString, sizeof(szString) );
	len = strlen( szString );
	if ( len && szString[len-1] != '\n' && szString[len-1] != '\r' )
		Q_strncat( szString, "\n", sizeof(szString), 1 );

	const wchar_t *pVoicePrefix = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Voice" );
	g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( pVoicePrefix, szPrefix, sizeof(szPrefix) );
	ChatPrintf( client, CHAT_FILTER_NONE, "%c(%s) %s%c: %s", COLOR_PLAYERNAME, szPrefix, GetDisplayedSubtitlePlayerName( client ), COLOR_NORMAL, ConvertCRtoNL( szString ) );

	SetVoiceSubtitleState( false );
	// Precache all wave files referenced in wave or rndwave keys
	virtual void LevelInitPreEntity()
		char mapname[ 256 ];
#if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )
		Q_snprintf( mapname, sizeof( mapname ), "maps/%s", STRING( gpGlobals->mapname ) );
		Q_strncpy( mapname, engine->GetLevelName(), sizeof( mapname ) );

		Q_FixSlashes( mapname );
		Q_strlower( mapname );

		// Load in any map specific overrides
		char scriptfile[ 512 ];
		Q_StripExtension( mapname, scriptfile, sizeof( scriptfile ) );
		Q_strncat( scriptfile, "_level_sounds.txt", sizeof( scriptfile ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );

		if ( filesystem->FileExists( scriptfile, "GAME" ) )
			soundemitterbase->AddSoundOverrides( scriptfile );

#if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )
		for ( int i=soundemitterbase->First(); i != soundemitterbase->InvalidIndex(); i=soundemitterbase->Next( i ) )
			CSoundParametersInternal *pParams = soundemitterbase->InternalGetParametersForSound( i );
			if ( pParams->ShouldPreload() )
				InternalPrecacheWaves( i );
Exemplo n.º 20
void SetSteamAppUser( KeyValues *pSteamInfo, const char *steamInstallPath, CSteamEnvVars &steamEnvVars )
	// Always inherit the Steam user if it's already set, since it probably means we (or the
	// the app that launched us) were launched from Steam.
	char appUser[MAX_PATH];
	if ( steamEnvVars.m_SteamAppUser.GetValue( appUser, sizeof( appUser ) ) )

	const char *pTempAppUser = NULL;
	if ( pSteamInfo && (pTempAppUser = pSteamInfo->GetString( "SteamAppUser", NULL )) != NULL )
		Q_strncpy( appUser, pTempAppUser, sizeof( appUser ) );
		// They don't have SteamInfo.txt, or it's missing SteamAppUser. Try to figure out the user
		// by looking in <steam install path>\config\SteamAppData.vdf.
		char fullFilename[MAX_PATH];
		Q_strncpy( fullFilename, steamInstallPath, sizeof( fullFilename ) );
		Q_AppendSlash( fullFilename, sizeof( fullFilename ) );
		Q_strncat( fullFilename, "config\\SteamAppData.vdf", sizeof( fullFilename ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );

		KeyValues *pSteamAppData = ReadKeyValuesFile( fullFilename );
		if ( !pSteamAppData || (pTempAppUser = pSteamAppData->GetString( "AutoLoginUser", NULL )) == NULL )
			Error( "Can't find steam app user info." );
		Q_strncpy( appUser, pTempAppUser, sizeof( appUser ) ); 

	Q_strlower( appUser );
	steamEnvVars.m_SteamAppUser.SetValue( "%s", appUser );
Exemplo n.º 21
void SV_ConSay_f( void )
	char		*p, text[MAX_SYSPATH];
	sv_client_t	*client;
	int		i;

	if( Cmd_Argc() < 2 ) return;

	if( !svs.clients || sv.background )
		Msg( "^3No server running.\n" );

	Q_strncpy( text, "console: ", MAX_SYSPATH );
	p = Cmd_Args();

	if( *p == '"' )
		p[Q_strlen(p) - 1] = 0;

	Q_strncat( text, p, MAX_SYSPATH );

	for( i = 0, client = svs.clients; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++, client++ )
		if( client->state != cs_spawned )

		SV_ClientPrintf( client, PRINT_CHAT, "%s\n", text );
Exemplo n.º 22
void CSentence::ParsePlaintext( CUtlBuffer& buf )
	char token[ 4096 ];
	char text[ 4096 ];
	text[ 0 ] = 0;
	while ( 1 )
		buf.GetString( token );
		if ( !stricmp( token, "}" ) )

		Q_strncat( text, token, sizeof( text ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
		Q_strncat( text, " ", sizeof( text ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );

	SetText( text );
Exemplo n.º 23
const char *CTilegenExpression_StringConcatenate::DirectEvaluate( CFreeVariableMap *pContext, const CTilegenExpression_StringConcatenate::TExpressionValue &param1, const CTilegenExpression_StringConcatenate::TExpressionValue &param2 )
	Q_strncpy( buf, param1, MAX_TILEGEN_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH );
	Q_strncat( buf, param2, MAX_TILEGEN_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH );
	return pContext->m_StringPool.Allocate( buf );
Exemplo n.º 24
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *error - 
// Output : const char
const char *TokenReader::Error(char *error, ...)
	static char szErrorBuf[256];
	Q_snprintf(szErrorBuf, sizeof( szErrorBuf ), "File %s, line %d: ", m_szFilename, m_nLine);
	Q_strncat(szErrorBuf, error, sizeof( szErrorBuf ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
Exemplo n.º 25
// Message handler for ShowMenu message
// takes four values:
// short: a bitfield of keys that are valid input
// char : the duration, in seconds, the menu should stay up. -1 means is stays until something is chosen.
// byte : a boolean, TRUE if there is more string yet to be received before displaying the menu, FALSE if it's the last string
// string: menu string to display
// if this message is never received, then scores will simply be the combined totals of the players.
int CHudMenu :: MsgFunc_ShowMenu( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
	char *temp = NULL;

	BEGIN_READ( pszName, pbuf, iSize );

	m_bitsValidSlots = READ_SHORT();
	int DisplayTime = READ_CHAR();
	int NeedMore = READ_BYTE();

	if( DisplayTime > 0 )
		m_flShutoffTime = DisplayTime + gHUD.m_flTime;
		m_flShutoffTime = -1;

	if( m_bitsValidSlots )
		if( !m_fWaitingForMore )
			// this is the start of a new menu
			Q_strncpy( g_szPrelocalisedMenuString, READ_STRING(), MAX_MENU_STRING );
			// append to the current menu string
			Q_strncat( g_szPrelocalisedMenuString, READ_STRING(), MAX_MENU_STRING - Q_strlen( g_szPrelocalisedMenuString ));
		g_szPrelocalisedMenuString[MAX_MENU_STRING-1] = 0;  // ensure null termination (strncat/strncpy does not)

		if( !NeedMore )
			// we have the whole string, so we can localise it now
			Q_strcpy( g_szMenuString, gHUD.m_TextMessage.BufferedLocaliseTextString( g_szPrelocalisedMenuString ));

			// Swap in characters
			if( KB_ConvertString( g_szMenuString, &temp ))
				Q_strcpy( g_szMenuString, temp );
				free( temp );

		m_fMenuDisplayed = 1;
		m_iFlags |= HUD_ACTIVE;
		m_fMenuDisplayed = 0; // no valid slots means that the menu should be turned off
		m_iFlags &= ~HUD_ACTIVE;

	m_fWaitingForMore = NeedMore;


	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 26
// Purpose: Writes out a new .dem file based on the existing dem file with new camera positions saved into the dem file
//  Note:  The new file is named filename_smooth.dem
// Input  : *filename - 
//			smoothing - 
void SaveSmoothingInfo( char const *filename, CSmoothingContext& smoothing )
	// Nothing to do
	int c = smoothing.smooth.Count();
	if ( !c )

	IBaseFileSystem *fs = g_pFileSystem;

	FileHandle_t infile, outfile;

	infile = fs->Open( filename, "rb", "GAME" );

	int filesize = fs->Size( infile );

	char outfilename[ 512 ];
	Q_StripExtension( filename, outfilename, sizeof( outfilename ) );
	Q_strncat( outfilename, "_smooth", sizeof(outfilename), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
	Q_DefaultExtension( outfilename, ".dem", sizeof( outfilename ) );
	outfile = fs->Open( outfilename, "wb", "GAME" );
		fs->Close( infile );

	int i;

	// The basic algorithm is to seek to each sample and "overwrite" it during copy with the new data...
	int lastwritepos = 0;
	for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
		demosmoothing_t	*p = &smoothing.smooth[ i ];

		int copyamount = p->file_offset - lastwritepos;

		COM_CopyFileChunk( outfile, infile, copyamount );

		fs->Seek( infile, p->file_offset, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD );

		// wacky hacky overwriting 
		fs->Write( &p->info, sizeof( democmdinfo_t ), outfile );

		lastwritepos = fs->Tell( outfile );
		fs->Seek( infile, p->file_offset + sizeof( democmdinfo_t ), FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD );

	// Copy the final bit of data, if any...
	int final = filesize - lastwritepos;

	COM_CopyFileChunk( outfile, infile, final );

	fs->Close( outfile );
	fs->Close( infile );
Exemplo n.º 27
FSReturnCode_t LoadGameInfoFile( 
	const char *pDirectoryName, 
	KeyValues *&pMainFile, 
	KeyValues *&pFileSystemInfo, 
	KeyValues *&pSearchPaths )
	// If GameInfo.txt exists under pBaseDir, then this is their game directory.
	// All the filesystem mappings will be in this file.
	char gameinfoFilename[MAX_PATH];
	Q_strncpy( gameinfoFilename, pDirectoryName, sizeof( gameinfoFilename ) );
	Q_AppendSlash( gameinfoFilename, sizeof( gameinfoFilename ) );
	Q_strncat( gameinfoFilename, GAMEINFO_FILENAME, sizeof( gameinfoFilename ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
	Q_FixSlashes( gameinfoFilename );
	pMainFile = ReadKeyValuesFile( gameinfoFilename );
	if ( IsX360() && !pMainFile )
		// try again
		Q_strncpy( gameinfoFilename, pDirectoryName, sizeof( gameinfoFilename ) );
		Q_AppendSlash( gameinfoFilename, sizeof( gameinfoFilename ) );
		Q_strncat( gameinfoFilename, GAMEINFO_FILENAME_ALTERNATE, sizeof( gameinfoFilename ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
		Q_FixSlashes( gameinfoFilename );
		pMainFile = ReadKeyValuesFile( gameinfoFilename );
	if ( !pMainFile )
		return SetupFileSystemError( true, FS_MISSING_GAMEINFO_FILE, "%s is missing.", gameinfoFilename );

	pFileSystemInfo = pMainFile->FindKey( "FileSystem" );
	if ( !pFileSystemInfo )
		return SetupFileSystemError( true, FS_INVALID_GAMEINFO_FILE, "%s is not a valid format.", gameinfoFilename );

	// Now read in all the search paths.
	pSearchPaths = pFileSystemInfo->FindKey( "SearchPaths" );
	if ( !pSearchPaths )
		return SetupFileSystemError( true, FS_INVALID_GAMEINFO_FILE, "%s is not a valid format.", gameinfoFilename );
	return FS_OK;
Exemplo n.º 28
// Purpose: Message handler for ShowMenu message
//   takes four values:
//		short: a bitfield of keys that are valid input
//		char : the duration, in seconds, the menu should stay up. -1 means is stays until something is chosen.
//		byte : a boolean, TRUE if there is more string yet to be received before displaying the menu, false if it's the last string
//		string: menu string to display
//  if this message is never received, then scores will simply be the combined totals of the players.
void CHudMenu::MsgFunc_ShowMenu( bf_read &msg)
	m_bitsValidSlots = (short)msg.ReadWord();
	int DisplayTime = msg.ReadChar();
	int NeedMore = msg.ReadByte();

	if ( DisplayTime > 0 )
		m_flShutoffTime = m_flOpenCloseTime + DisplayTime + gpGlobals->realtime;

		m_flShutoffTime = -1;

	if ( m_bitsValidSlots )
		char szString[2048];
		msg.ReadString( szString, sizeof(szString) );

		if ( !m_fWaitingForMore ) // this is the start of a new menu
			Q_strncpy( g_szPrelocalisedMenuString, szString, sizeof( g_szPrelocalisedMenuString ) );
		{  // append to the current menu string
			Q_strncat( g_szPrelocalisedMenuString, szString, sizeof( g_szPrelocalisedMenuString ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );

		if ( !NeedMore )
			m_nSelectedItem = -1;
			// we have the whole string, so we can localise it now
			char szMenuString[MAX_MENU_STRING];
			Q_strncpy( szMenuString, ConvertCRtoNL( hudtextmessage->BufferedLocaliseTextString( g_szPrelocalisedMenuString ) ), sizeof( szMenuString ) );
			g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( szMenuString, g_szMenuString, sizeof( g_szMenuString ) );

		m_bMenuDisplayed = true;
		m_bMenuTakesInput = true;

		m_flSelectionTime = gpGlobals->curtime;

	m_fWaitingForMore = NeedMore;
Exemplo n.º 29
// Purpose: 
void CSentence::SetTextFromWords( void )
	char fulltext[ 1024 ];
	fulltext[ 0 ] = 0;
	for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_Words.Size(); i++ )
		CWordTag *word = m_Words[ i ];

		Q_strncat( fulltext, word->GetWord(), sizeof( fulltext ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );

		if ( i != m_Words.Size() )
			Q_strncat( fulltext, " ", sizeof( fulltext ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );

	SetText( fulltext );
Exemplo n.º 30
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Helpers.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
void Q_getwd( char *out, int outSize )
#if defined( _WIN32 ) || defined( WIN32 )
	_getcwd( out, outSize );
	Q_strncat( out, "\\", outSize, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
	getcwd( out, outSize );
	strcat( out, "/" );
	Q_FixSlashes( out );