Exemplo n.º 1
 QgsEditorWidgetSetup editorWidgetSetup( const QgsVectorLayer *vl, const QString &fieldName, int &score ) const override
   int bestScore = 0;
   QString bestType;
   const QMap<QString, QgsEditorWidgetFactory *> factories = QgsGui::editorWidgetRegistry()->factories();
   for ( QMap<QString, QgsEditorWidgetFactory *>::const_iterator i = factories.begin(); i != factories.end(); ++i )
     const int index = vl->fields().lookupField( fieldName );
     if ( index >= 0 )
       const int score = i.value()->fieldScore( vl, index );
       if ( score > bestScore )
         bestType = i.key();
         bestScore = score;
   if ( bestScore > 0 )
     score = 10;
     return QgsEditorWidgetSetup( bestType, QVariantMap() );
   return QgsEditorWidgetSetup();
Exemplo n.º 2
bool QgsAuxiliaryLayer::addAuxiliaryField( const QgsPropertyDefinition &definition )
  if ( ( definition.name().isEmpty() && definition.comment().isEmpty() ) || exists( definition ) )
    return false;

  const QgsField af = createAuxiliaryField( definition );
  const bool rc = addAttribute( af );

  if ( rc )
    int auxIndex = indexOfPropertyDefinition( definition );
    int index = mLayer->fields().indexOf( nameFromProperty( definition, true ) );

    if ( index >= 0 && auxIndex >= 0 )
      if ( isHiddenProperty( auxIndex ) )
        // update editor widget
        QgsEditorWidgetSetup setup = QgsEditorWidgetSetup( QStringLiteral( "Hidden" ), QVariantMap() );
        setEditorWidgetSetup( auxIndex, setup );

        // column is hidden
        QgsAttributeTableConfig attrCfg = mLayer->attributeTableConfig();
        attrCfg.update( mLayer->fields() );
        QVector<QgsAttributeTableConfig::ColumnConfig> columns = attrCfg.columns();
        QVector<QgsAttributeTableConfig::ColumnConfig>::iterator it;

        for ( it = columns.begin(); it != columns.end(); ++it )
          if ( it->name.compare( mLayer->fields().field( index ).name() ) == 0 )
            it->hidden = true;

        attrCfg.setColumns( columns );
        mLayer->setAttributeTableConfig( attrCfg );
      else if ( definition.standardTemplate() == QgsPropertyDefinition::ColorNoAlpha
                || definition.standardTemplate() == QgsPropertyDefinition::ColorWithAlpha )
        QgsEditorWidgetSetup setup = QgsEditorWidgetSetup( QStringLiteral( "Color" ), QVariantMap() );
        setEditorWidgetSetup( auxIndex, setup );

      mLayer->setEditorWidgetSetup( index, editorWidgetSetup( auxIndex ) );

  return rc;
Exemplo n.º 3
 QgsEditorWidgetSetup editorWidgetSetup( const QgsVectorLayer *vl, const QString &fieldName, int &score ) const override
   QgsField field = vl->fields().field( fieldName );
   if ( !field.editorWidgetSetup().isNull() )
     score = 20;
     return field.editorWidgetSetup();
     return QgsEditorWidgetSetup();
Exemplo n.º 4
void TestQgsAttributeForm::testFieldConstraint()
  // make a temporary vector layer
  QString def = QStringLiteral( "Point?field=col0:integer" );
  QgsVectorLayer* layer = new QgsVectorLayer( def, QStringLiteral( "test" ), QStringLiteral( "memory" ) );
  layer->setEditorWidgetSetup( 0, QgsEditorWidgetSetup( QStringLiteral( "TextEdit" ), QVariantMap() ) );

  // add a feature to the vector layer
  QgsFeature ft( layer->dataProvider()->fields(), 1 );
  ft.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "col0" ), 0 );

  // build a form for this feature
  QgsAttributeForm form( layer );
  form.setFeature( ft );

  // testing stuff
  QString validLabel = QStringLiteral( "col0<font color=\"green\">✔</font>" );
  QString invalidLabel = QStringLiteral( "col0<font color=\"red\">✘</font>" );
  QString warningLabel = QStringLiteral( "col0<font color=\"orange\">✘</font>" );

  // set constraint
  layer->setConstraintExpression( 0, QString() );

  // get wrapper
  QgsEditorWidgetWrapper *ww;
  ww = qobject_cast<QgsEditorWidgetWrapper*>( form.mWidgets[0] );

  // no constraint so we expect a label with just the field name
  QLabel *label = form.mBuddyMap.value( ww->widget() );
  QCOMPARE( label->text(), QString( "col0" ) );

  // set a not null constraint
  layer->setConstraintExpression( 0, QStringLiteral( "col0 is not null" ) );
  // build a form for this feature
  QgsAttributeForm form2( layer );
  form2.setFeature( ft );
  QSignalSpy spy( &form2, SIGNAL( attributeChanged( QString, QVariant ) ) );
  ww = qobject_cast<QgsEditorWidgetWrapper*>( form2.mWidgets[0] );
  label = form2.mBuddyMap.value( ww->widget() );

  // set value to 1
  ww->setValue( 1 );
  QCOMPARE( spy.count(), 2 );
  QCOMPARE( label->text(), validLabel );

  // set value to null
  ww->setValue( QVariant() );
  QCOMPARE( spy.count(), 2 );
  QCOMPARE( label->text(), invalidLabel );

  // set value to 1
  ww->setValue( 1 );
  QCOMPARE( spy.count(), 2 );
  QCOMPARE( label->text(), validLabel );

  // set a soft constraint
  layer->setConstraintExpression( 0, QStringLiteral( "col0 is not null" ) );
  layer->setFieldConstraint( 0, QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintExpression, QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintStrengthSoft );
  // build a form for this feature
  QgsAttributeForm form3( layer );
  form3.setFeature( ft );
  ww = qobject_cast<QgsEditorWidgetWrapper*>( form3.mWidgets[0] );
  label = form3.mBuddyMap.value( ww->widget() );

  // set value to 1
  ww->setValue( 1 );
  QCOMPARE( label->text(), validLabel );

  // set value to null
  ww->setValue( QVariant() );
  QCOMPARE( label->text(), warningLabel );

  // set value to 1
  ww->setValue( 1 );
  QCOMPARE( label->text(), validLabel );