Exemplo n.º 1
    virtual PlannerStatus PlanPath(TrajectoryBasePtr ptraj)
        BOOST_ASSERT(!!_parameters && !!ptraj);
        if( ptraj->GetNumWaypoints() < 2 ) {
            return PS_Failed;

        // save velocities
        std::vector<KinBody::KinBodyStateSaverPtr> vstatesavers;
        std::vector<KinBodyPtr> vusedbodies;
        _parameters->_configurationspecification.ExtractUsedBodies(GetEnv(), vusedbodies);
        if( vusedbodies.size() == 0 ) {
            RAVELOG_WARN("there are no used bodies in this configuration\n");

        FOREACH(itbody, vusedbodies) {
            KinBody::KinBodyStateSaverPtr statesaver;
            if( (*itbody)->IsRobot() ) {
                statesaver.reset(new RobotBase::RobotStateSaver(RaveInterfaceCast<RobotBase>(*itbody), KinBody::Save_LinkTransformation|KinBody::Save_LinkEnable|KinBody::Save_ActiveDOF|KinBody::Save_ActiveManipulator|KinBody::Save_LinkVelocities));
            else {
                statesaver.reset(new KinBody::KinBodyStateSaver(*itbody, KinBody::Save_LinkTransformation|KinBody::Save_LinkEnable|KinBody::Save_ActiveDOF|KinBody::Save_ActiveManipulator|KinBody::Save_LinkVelocities));
Exemplo n.º 2
InterfaceBasePtr CreateInterfaceValidated(InterfaceType type, const std::string& interfacename, std::istream& sinput, EnvironmentBasePtr penv)
    switch(type) {
    case PT_Viewer:
#if defined(HAVE_X11_XLIB_H) && defined(Q_WS_X11)
        // always check viewers since DISPLAY could change
        if ( XOpenDisplay( NULL ) == NULL ) {
            RAVELOG_WARN("no display detected, so cannot load viewer");
            return InterfaceBasePtr();
        if( interfacename == "qtcoin" ) {
            // have to lock after initialized since call relies on SoDBP::globalmutex
            boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(g_mutexsoqt);
            //SoDBWriteLock dblock;
            return InterfaceBasePtr(new QtCoinViewer(penv, sinput));
        else if( interfacename == "qtcameraviewer" ) {
            return InterfaceBasePtr(new QtCameraViewer(penv,sinput));
    case PT_Module:
        if( interfacename == "ivmodelloader" ) {
            return CreateIvModelLoader(penv);
    return InterfaceBasePtr();
Exemplo n.º 3
OPENRAVE_PLUGIN_API void DestroyPlugin()
    if( s_InitRefCount > 0 ) {
        RAVELOG_WARN("SoQt releasing all memory\n");
        s_InitRefCount = 0;
        // necessary since QApplication does not destroy all threads when last SoQt viewer is done
        //removePostedEvents - sometimes freezes on this function
Exemplo n.º 4
void QtOSGViewer::customEvent(QEvent * e)
    if (e->type() == CALLBACK_EVENT) {
        MyCallbackEvent* pe = dynamic_cast<MyCallbackEvent*>(e);
        if( !pe ) {
            RAVELOG_WARN("got a qt message that isn't of MyCallbackEvent, converting statically (dangerous)\n");
            pe = static_cast<MyCallbackEvent*>(e);
Exemplo n.º 5
InterfaceBasePtr CreateInterfaceValidated(InterfaceType type, const std::string& interfacename, std::istream& sinput, EnvironmentBasePtr penv)
    switch(type) {
    case PT_Planner:
        if( interfacename == "rastar" || interfacename == "ra*" ) {
            return CreateRandomizedAStarPlanner(penv,sinput);
        else if( interfacename == "birrt") {
            return InterfaceBasePtr(new BirrtPlanner(penv));
        else if( interfacename == "rbirrt") {
            RAVELOG_WARN("rBiRRT is deprecated, use BiRRT\n");
            return InterfaceBasePtr(new BirrtPlanner(penv));
        else if( interfacename == "basicrrt") {
            return InterfaceBasePtr(new BasicRrtPlanner(penv));
        else if( interfacename == "explorationrrt" ) {
            return InterfaceBasePtr(new ExplorationPlanner(penv));
        else if( interfacename == "graspgradient" ) {
            return CreateGraspGradientPlanner(penv,sinput);
        else if( interfacename == "shortcut_linear" ) {
            return CreateShortcutLinearPlanner(penv,sinput);
        else if( interfacename == "lineartrajectoryretimer" ) {
            return CreateLinearTrajectoryRetimer(penv,sinput);
        else if( interfacename == "workspacetrajectorytracker" ) {
            return CreateWorkspaceTrajectoryTracker(penv,sinput);
        else if( interfacename == "parabolicsmoother" ) {
            return CreateParabolicSmoother(penv,sinput);
    return InterfaceBasePtr();
Exemplo n.º 6
extern "C" void openravepy_viewer_sigint_handler(int sig) //, siginfo_t *siginfo, void *context)
    openravepy::s_nInterruptCount += 1;
    //PyGILState_STATE gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();
//    try
//    {
//        exec("raise KeyboardInterrupt()\n"); // boost::python::globals(),locals);
//        //exec("import thread; thread.interrupt_main()\n"); // boost::python::globals(),locals);
//    }
//    catch( const error_already_set& e )
//    {
//        // should be the interrupt we just raised...
//        //RAVELOG_WARN(boost::str(boost::format("failed to throw KeyboardInterrupt from signal handler: %s\n")%e));
//    }
//    PyGILState_Release(gstate);

//    FOREACHC(itviewer, openravepy::s_listViewersToQuit) {
//        ++(*itviewer)->_nSetInterrupt;
//    }
//        (*itviewer)->quitmainloop();
//    }
//    openravepy::s_listViewersToQuit.clear();
    // is this call necessary? perhaps could get the C++ planners out of their loops?
//    RaveDestroy();

#ifndef _WIN32
    //struct sigaction act;
    if( sigaction(SIGINT, &openravepy::s_signalActionPrev, NULL) < 0 ) {
        RAVELOG_WARN("failed to restore old signal\n");
    kill(0 /*getpid()*/, SIGINT);
    signal(SIGINT, openravepy::s_signalActionPrev);
Exemplo n.º 7
IvJointDragger::IvJointDragger(QtCoinViewerPtr viewer, ItemPtr pItem, int iSelectedLink, float draggerScale, int iJointIndex, bool bHilitJoint) : IvDragger(viewer, pItem, draggerScale)
    KinBodyItemPtr pbody = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<KinBodyItem>(pItem);
    BOOST_ASSERT( !!pItem );

    _trackball = NULL;
    _draggerRoot = NULL;

    if( !pbody || !pbody->GetBody() ) {
    if((iSelectedLink < 0)||(iSelectedLink >= (int)pbody->GetBody()->GetLinks().size())) {
    if((iJointIndex < 0)||(iJointIndex >= (int)pbody->GetBody()->GetJoints().size())) {

    _iSelectedLink = iSelectedLink;
    _iJointIndex = iJointIndex;
    KinBody::JointConstPtr pjoint = pbody->GetBody()->GetJoints().at(iJointIndex);

    _jointtype = pjoint->GetType();
    _dofindex = pjoint->GetDOFIndex();
    _jointname = pjoint->GetName();
    _jointoffset = 0; //pjoint->GetOffset();

    _pLinkNode = pbody->GetIvLink(iSelectedLink);
    if( _pLinkNode == NULL ) {
        RAVELOG_WARN("no link is selected\n");

    Transform tlink = pbody->GetBody()->GetLinks().at(iSelectedLink)->GetTransform();

    // create a root node for the dragger nodes
    _draggerRoot = new SoSeparator;
    SoTransform* draggertrans = new SoTransform();
    _pLinkNode->insertChild(_draggerRoot, 1); // insert right after transform

    // add a new material to change the color of the nodes being dragged
    _bHilitJoint = bHilitJoint;
    if (_bHilitJoint) {
        _material = new SoMaterial;
        _material->set("diffuseColor 0.8 0.6 0.2");
        _pLinkNode->insertChild(_material, 1);

    Vector vaxes[3];
    for(int i = 0; i < pjoint->GetDOF(); ++i) {
        vaxes[i] = tlink.inverse().rotate(pjoint->GetAxis(i));

    // need to make sure the rotation is pointed towards the joint axis
    Vector vnorm = Vector(1,0,0).cross(vaxes[0]);
    dReal fsinang = RaveSqrt(vnorm.lengthsqr3());
    if( fsinang > 0.0001f ) {
        vnorm /= fsinang;
    else vnorm = Vector(1,0,0);

    Vector vtrans = tlink.inverse()*pjoint->GetAnchor();
    draggertrans->translation.setValue(vtrans.x, vtrans.y, vtrans.z);
    draggertrans->rotation = SbRotation(SbVec3f(vnorm.x, vnorm.y, vnorm.z), atan2f(fsinang,vaxes[0].x));

    // construct an Inventor trackball dragger
    float scale = _scale;
    _trackball = new SoTrackballDragger;
    AABB ab;
    _GetBounds(_pLinkNode, ab);
    _trackball->scaleFactor.setValue(ab.extents.x * scale, ab.extents.y * scale, ab.extents.z * scale);

    // get the material nodes that govern the color of the dragger and
    // note the dragger's normal color
    const char* rotators[3] = { "XRotator", "YRotator", "ZRotator" };
    const char* rotatorsActive[3] = { "XRotatorActive", "YRotatorActive", "ZRotatorActive" };

    // enable or disable each axis
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        if (i < pjoint->GetDOF()) {
            SoSeparator *s = (SoSeparator *)_trackball->getPart(rotators[i], false);
            _draggerMaterial[i] = (SoMaterial *) s->getChild(0);
            _normalColor = _draggerMaterial[i]->diffuseColor[0];
        else {
            // disable the rotator on this axis
            _trackball->setPart(rotators[i], NULL);
            _trackball->setPart(rotatorsActive[i], NULL);
            _draggerMaterial[i] = NULL;

    // add a motion callback handler for the dragger
    _trackball->addMotionCallback(_MotionHandler, this);
