Exemplo n.º 1
// FUNCTION: RCCE_flag_alloc
// allocate space for one flag. Since multiple fit on a single cache line, we only
// need to allocate new MPB space when all the existing lines are completely filled. A
// flag line is a data structure that contains an array ("flag") of size RCCE_LINE_SIZE 
// characters. Each element in "flag" corresponds to a flag being in use  (value is 1) 
// or not (value is 0). The actual value of the flag is stored in the MPB line pointed 
// to be the field "line_address," at the corresponding bit/byte location as in field 
// "flag."
int    RCCE_flag_alloc(RCCE_FLAG *flag) {
  RCCE_FLAG_LINE *flagp;
  t_vcharp flag_addr;
  int c, loc;

  // find the head of the data structure that administers the flag variables
  flagp = &RCCE_flags;
  while (flagp->members == RCCE_FLAGS_PER_LINE && flagp->next) {
    flagp = flagp->next;

  // if this is a new flag line, need to allocate MPB for it 
  if (!flagp->line_address) flagp->line_address = RCCE_malloc(RCCE_LINE_SIZE);
  if (!flagp->line_address) return(RCCE_error_return(RCCE_debug_synch,

  if (flagp->members < RCCE_FLAGS_PER_LINE) {
    // there is space in this line for a new flag; find first open slot    
    for (loc=0; loc<RCCE_FLAGS_PER_LINE; loc++) {
      flag_addr =  flagp->line_address + loc/RCCE_FLAGS_PER_BYTE;
      if (!((int)(flagp->flag[loc]))) {
        flagp->flag[loc] = (char) ((unsigned int) 1);
        flag->location = loc;
        flag->line_address = flagp->line_address;
        flag->flag_addr = flag_addr;
  else {
    // must create new flag line if last one was full
    flagp->next = (RCCE_FLAG_LINE *) malloc(sizeof(RCCE_FLAG_LINE));
    if (!(flagp->next)) return(RCCE_error_return(RCCE_debug_synch,
    flagp = flagp->next;
    flagp->line_address = RCCE_malloc(RCCE_LINE_SIZE);
    if (!(flagp->line_address)) return(RCCE_error_return(RCCE_debug_synch,
    // initialize the flag line 
    flagp->next = NULL;
    for (c=1; c<RCCE_LINE_SIZE; c++) flagp->flag[c] = (char)((unsigned int) 0);
    // set first flag field to indicate the corresponding flag is now in use
    flagp->flag[0] = (char)((unsigned int) 1);
    flag->location = 0;
    flag->line_address = flagp->line_address;
    flag->flag_addr = flag->line_address;
Exemplo n.º 2
int RCCE_APP(int argc, char **argv){

  int ID, ID_nb, ID_donor, nrounds, error, strlength;
  RCCE_FLAG flag_sent, flag_ack;

  double *cbuffer, *buffer, sum;

  RCCE_init(&argc, &argv);

  ID = RCCE_ue();
  ID_nb = (ID+1)%RCCE_num_ues();
  ID_donor = (ID-1+RCCE_num_ues())%RCCE_num_ues();

  if (argc != 2) {
    if (ID==0) printf("Executable requires one parameter (number of rounds): %d\n",argc-1);
  nrounds = atoi(*++argv);
  if (nrounds < 0) {
    if (ID==0) printf("Number of rounds should be non-negative: %d\n", nrounds);

  /* allocate private memory and comm buffer space */
  buffer  = (double *) malloc(BUFSIZE*sizeof(double));
  if (!buffer) printf("Mark 01: Failed to allocate private buffer on proc %d\n", ID);
  cbuffer = (double *) RCCE_malloc(BUFSIZE*sizeof(double));
  if (!buffer) printf("Mark 02:RCCE failed to allocate %d doubles on proc %d\n",
      BUFSIZE, ID);

  /* initialize buffer with UE-specific data  */
  for (int i=0; i<BUFSIZE; i++) buffer[i] = (double)(ID+1+i);
  sum = 0.0;  
  for (int i=0; i<BUFSIZE; i++) sum += buffer[i];
  printf("Initial sum on UE %03d equals %f\n", ID, sum);

  /* create and initialize flag variables */
  if (error=RCCE_flag_alloc(&flag_sent))
    printf("Mark 03a: Could not allocate flag_sent on %d, error=%d\n", ID, error);
  if (error=RCCE_flag_alloc(&flag_ack))
    printf("Mark 03b: Could not allocate flag_ack on %d, error=%d\n", ID, error);

  if(error=RCCE_flag_write(&flag_sent, RCCE_FLAG_UNSET, ID)) 
    printf("Mark 04: Could not initialize flag_sent on %d, error=%d\n", ID, error);
  if(error=RCCE_flag_write(&flag_ack, RCCE_FLAG_SET, ID_donor)) 
    printf("Mark 05: Could not initialize flag_ack on %d, error=%d\n", ID_donor, error);

  for (int round=0; round<nrounds; round++) {

    int size = BUFSIZE*sizeof(double);
    RCCE_wait_until(flag_ack, RCCE_FLAG_SET);
    RCCE_flag_write(&flag_ack, RCCE_FLAG_UNSET, ID);
    RCCE_put((t_vcharp)cbuffer, (t_vcharp)buffer, size, ID_nb);
    RCCE_flag_write(&flag_sent, RCCE_FLAG_SET, ID_nb);

    RCCE_wait_until(flag_sent, RCCE_FLAG_SET);
    RCCE_flag_write(&flag_sent, RCCE_FLAG_UNSET, ID);
    RCCE_get((t_vcharp)buffer, (t_vcharp)cbuffer, size, ID);
    RCCE_flag_write(&flag_ack, RCCE_FLAG_SET, ID_donor);


  /* compute local sum */
  sum = 0.0;
  for (int i=0; i<BUFSIZE; i++) sum += buffer[i];
  printf("Final sum on UE %03d equals %f\n", ID, sum);


Exemplo n.º 3
int RCCE_APP(int argc, char **argv) {

  /* statically allocated space sits in off-chip private memory          */
  float     a[NXNY], *buff;
  int       i, offset, iter=10, tile;
  int       MY_ID;
  int       NTILES1;
  double    time;
  RCCE_FLAG flag0, flag1;

  RCCE_init(&argc, &argv);
  NTILES1 = RCCE_num_ues()-1;
  MY_ID = RCCE_ue();

  if (NX%8) {
    printf("Grid width should be multiple of 8: %d\n", NX);
  if (argc>1) iter=atoi(*++argv);
  if (MY_ID==0) printf("Executing %d iterations\n", iter);

    /* allocate space on the comm buffer                                 */
  buff = (float *) RCCE_malloc(sizeof(float)*2*NX); 
  /* Allocate flags to coordinate comm.                                  */                                 
  if (RCCE_flag_alloc(&flag0)) return(1);
  if (RCCE_flag_alloc(&flag1)) return(1);

  /* initialize array a on all tiles; this stuffs a into private caches  */
  for (offset=0,       i=0; i<NXNY; i++) a[i+offset] = 0.0;
  if (MY_ID == 0) 
     for (offset=0,    i=0; i<NX;   i++) a[i+offset] = 1.0;
  if (MY_ID == NTILES1) 
     for (offset=NXNY1,i=0; i<NX;   i++) a[i+offset] = 2.0;

  /* put in a barrier so everybody can be sure to have initialized       */

  /* main loop */

  if (MY_ID==0) time = RCCE_wtime();

  while ((iter--)>0){
    /* start with copying fringe data to neighboring tiles               */
    if (MY_ID!=NTILES1) {
      /* Initialize neighbor flag to zero                                */
      RCCE_flag_write(&flag0, RCCE_FLAG_UNSET, MY_ID+1); 
      /* copy private data to shared comm buffer of neighbor             */
      RCCE_put((t_vcharp)(&buff[0]), (t_vcharp)(&a[NXNY2]), NX*sizeof(float), MY_ID+1);
      RCCE_flag_write(&flag0, RCCE_FLAG_SET, MY_ID+1); 
    if (MY_ID != 0) {
      /* Initialize neighbor flag to zero                                */
      RCCE_flag_write(&flag1, 0, MY_ID-1); 
      /* copy private data to shared comm buffer of neighbor             */
      RCCE_put((t_vcharp)(&buff[NX]), (t_vcharp)(&a[NX]), NX*sizeof(float), MY_ID-1);
      RCCE_flag_write(&flag1, RCCE_FLAG_SET, MY_ID-1); 

    /* Make sure the data has been recvd and copy data out of buffer(s)  */
    if (MY_ID!=NTILES1) {
      RCCE_wait_until(flag1, RCCE_FLAG_SET);
      RCCE_get((t_vcharp)(&a[NXNY1]), (t_vcharp)(&buff[NX]), NX*sizeof(float),MY_ID);

    if (MY_ID!=0) {
      RCCE_wait_until(flag0, RCCE_FLAG_SET);
      RCCE_get((t_vcharp)(&a[0]), (t_vcharp)(&buff[0]), NX*sizeof(float),MY_ID);

    /* apply the stencil operation                                       */
    for (i=0; i<NXNY2; i++) {
      a[i+O3] +=
         W1*a[i+O1] + W2*a[i+O2] + W3*a[i+O3] + W4*a[i+O4] + W5*a[i+O5];
  if (MY_ID==0) { 
    time = RCCE_wtime()-time;

  /* print result strip by strip; this would not be done on RC */
  for (int id=0; id<=NTILES1; id++) {
    if (MY_ID==id) {
      int start = NX; int end = NXNY1;
      if (MY_ID==0) start = 0;
      if (MY_ID == NTILES1) end = NXNY;
      for (offset=0, i=start; i<end; i++) {
        if (!(i%NX)) printf("\n");
//        comment out next line and uncomment subsequent three to print error
        printf("%f ",a[i+offset]);
//        int jj=i/NX+(MY_ID*(NY-1));
//        double aexact=1.0+(double)jj/((NTILES1+1)*(NY-1));
//        printf("%f ",a[i+offset]-aexact);
  if (MY_ID==0) { 
    printf("\nTotal time: %lf\n", time);

