Exemplo n.º 1
int map_vecs_Sprimme(HSCALAR *V, int m, int nV, int ldV, HSCALAR *W, int n0,
      int n, int ldW, int *p, primme_context ctx) {

   int i;         /* Loop variable                                     */

   /* Compute the norm of the columns V(n0:n-1) */

   HREAL *Vnorms = NULL;
   CHKERR(Num_malloc_RHprimme(nV, &Vnorms, ctx));
   for (i = 0; i < nV; i++) {
      Vnorms[i] = sqrt(REAL_PART(
            Num_dot_SHprimme(m, &V[ldV * i], 1, &V[ldV * i], 1, ctx)));
   /* Compute V'*W[n0:n-1] */

   HSCALAR *ip = NULL;
   CHKERR(Num_malloc_SHprimme(nV * (n - n0), &ip, ctx));
   Num_zero_matrix_SHprimme(ip, nV, n - n0, nV, ctx);
   CHKERR(Num_gemm_SHprimme("C", "N", nV, n - n0, m, 1.0, V, ldV, &W[ldW * n0],
         ldW, 0.0, ip, nV, ctx));

   for (i = n0; i < n; i++) {
      /* Find the j that maximizes ABS(V[j]'*W[i]/Vnorms[j]) and is not */
      /* in p(0:i-1)                                                    */

      int j, jmax=-1;
      HREAL ipmax = -1;
      for (j = 0; j < nV; j++) {
         HREAL ipij = ABS(ip[nV * (i - n0) + j]);
         if (ipij > ipmax * Vnorms[j]) {
            /* Check that j is not in p(0:i-1) */
            int k;
            for (k = 0; k < i && p[k] != j; k++)
            if (k < i) continue;

            /* Update ipmax and jmax */
            ipmax = fabs(ipij / Vnorms[j]);
            jmax = j;
      if (jmax < 0) {
         jmax = i;

      /* Assign the map */

      p[i] = jmax;
   CHKERR(Num_free_RHprimme(Vnorms, ctx));
   CHKERR(Num_free_SHprimme(ip, ctx));
   return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
/** Calculate Gershgorin bounds for a dense matrix.
 *  \ingroup gershgorin_group
 *  \param A The matrix
 *  returns maxeval Calculated max value
 *  returns maxminusmin Calculated max-min value
    bml_gershgorin_dense) (
    const bml_matrix_dense_t * A)
    REAL_T radius, dvalue, absham;

    int N = A->N;
    REAL_T *A_matrix = A->matrix;

    double emin = 100000000000.0;
    double emax = -100000000000.0;

    double *eval = bml_allocate_memory(sizeof(double) * 2);

#pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(N, A_matrix) private(absham, radius, dvalue) reduction(max:emax) reduction(min:emin)
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        radius = 0.0;

        for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
            absham = ABS(A_matrix[ROWMAJOR(i, j, N, N)]);
            radius += (double) absham;

        dvalue = A_matrix[ROWMAJOR(i, i, N, N)];

        radius -= ABS(dvalue);

        emax =
            (emax >
             REAL_PART(dvalue + radius) ? emax : REAL_PART(dvalue + radius));
        emin =
            (emin <
             REAL_PART(dvalue - radius) ? emin : REAL_PART(dvalue - radius));

    eval[0] = emax;
    eval[1] = emax - emin;

    return eval;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Generates the diagonal of A.
 *    P = Diag(A)
 * This will be used with solver provided shifts as (P-shift_i)^(-1)
static void getDiagonal(const CSRMatrix *matrix, double *diag) {
    int i, j;

    /* IA and JA are indexed using C indexing, but their contents */
    /* assume Fortran indexing.  Thus, the contents of IA and JA  */
    /* must be decremented before being used in C.                */

    for (i=0; i < matrix->n; i++) {
        diag[i] = 0.;
        for (j=matrix->IA[i]; j <= matrix->IA[i+1]-1; j++) {
            if (matrix->JA[j-1]-1 == i) {
                diag[i] = REAL_PART(matrix->AElts[j-1]);
Exemplo n.º 4
/** Calculate the trace of a matrix.
 *  \ingroup trace_group
 *  \param A The matrix to calculate a trace for
 *  \return The trace of A
double TYPED_FUNC(
    bml_trace_dense) (
    const bml_matrix_dense_t * A)
    int N = A->N;

    REAL_T trace = 0.0;
    REAL_T *A_matrix = A->matrix;

#pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(N, A_matrix) reduction(+:trace)
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        trace += A_matrix[ROWMAJOR(i, i, N, N)];

    return (double) REAL_PART(trace);