Exemplo n.º 1
static int
prefer_vert(hwloc_topology_t topology, int logical, hwloc_obj_t level, void *output, unsigned depth, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned separator)
  float horiz_ratio, vert_ratio;
  unsigned textwidth = 0;
  unsigned mywidth = 0, myheight = 0;
  unsigned totwidth, *retwidth = &totwidth, totheight, *retheight = &totheight;
  RECURSE_HORIZ(level, &null_draw_methods, separator, 0);
  horiz_ratio = (float)totwidth / totheight;
  RECURSE_VERT(level, &null_draw_methods, separator, 0);
  vert_ratio = (float)totwidth / totheight;
  return force_orient[level->type] == LSTOPO_ORIENT_VERT || (force_orient[level->type] != LSTOPO_ORIENT_HORIZ && prefer_ratio(vert_ratio, horiz_ratio));
Exemplo n.º 2
static void
bridge_draw(struct lstopo_output *loutput, struct draw_methods *methods, hwloc_obj_t level, unsigned depth, unsigned x, unsigned *retwidth, unsigned y, unsigned *retheight)
  hwloc_topology_t topology = loutput->topology;
  int logical = loutput->logical;
  unsigned gridsize = loutput->gridsize;
  unsigned fontsize = loutput->fontsize;
  unsigned textwidth = 0;
  unsigned myheight = 0;
  /* Room for square, left link and speed */
  unsigned speedwidth = fontsize ? fontsize + gridsize : 0;
  unsigned mywidth = 2*gridsize + gridsize + speedwidth;
  unsigned totwidth, totheight;
  struct style style;
  unsigned center;


  RECURSE_VERT(level, &null_draw_methods, gridsize, 0);

  /* Square and left link */
  lstopo_set_object_color(methods, topology, level, 0, &style);
  methods->box(loutput, style.bg.r, style.bg.g, style.bg.b, depth, x, gridsize, y + PCI_HEIGHT/2 - gridsize/2, gridsize);
  methods->line(loutput, 0, 0, 0, depth, x + gridsize, y + PCI_HEIGHT/2, x + 2*gridsize, y + PCI_HEIGHT/2);

  if (level->io_arity > 0) {
    unsigned bottom = 0, top = 0;
    RECURSE_BEGIN(level, 0);

      /* Line to PCI device */
      center = y + totheight + PCI_HEIGHT / 2;
      if (!top)
        top = center;
      bottom = center;
      methods->line(loutput, 0, 0, 0, depth, x + 2*gridsize, center, x + 2*gridsize + gridsize + speedwidth, center);

      /* Negotiated link speed */
      if (fontsize) {
        float speed = 0.;
        if (child->type == HWLOC_OBJ_PCI_DEVICE)
          speed = child->attr->pcidev.linkspeed;
        if (child->type == HWLOC_OBJ_BRIDGE && child->attr->bridge.upstream_type == HWLOC_OBJ_BRIDGE_PCI)
          speed = child->attr->bridge.upstream.pci.linkspeed;
        if (speed != 0.) {
          char text[4];
          if (speed >= 10.)
	    snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%.0f", child->attr->pcidev.linkspeed);
	    snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%0.1f", child->attr->pcidev.linkspeed);
          methods->text(loutput, style.t2.r, style.t2.g, style.t2.b, fontsize, depth-1, x + 2*gridsize + gridsize, y + totheight, text);
    RECURSE_END_VERT(gridsize, 0);

    /* Vertical line */
    methods->line(loutput, 0, 0, 0, depth, x + 2*gridsize, top, x + 2*gridsize, bottom);
  } else
    RECURSE_VERT(level, methods, gridsize, 0);

  /* Empty bridges still need some room */
  if (*retheight < PCI_HEIGHT)
    *retheight = PCI_HEIGHT;
