Exemplo n.º 1
void incoming_connection(io_handle_t *server) {
    char buf[30];
    io_handle_t *client = (io_handle_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(io_handle_t));

    RET_IF_ERR(io_tcp_accept(server, client, buf, 30));

    printf("new connection from %s\n", buf);
    printf("handle count: %i\n", loop.handle_count);

    RET_IF_ERR(io_read_start(client, echo_alloc, echo_read));
Exemplo n.º 2
//! Parses the readreg command parameters and invokes the I2C APIs
//! i2c readreg 0x<dev_addr> 0x<reg_offset> <rdlen>
//! \param pcInpString pointer to the readreg command parameters
//! This function  
//!    1. Parses the readreg command parameters.
//!    2. Invokes the corresponding I2C APIs
//! \return 0: Success, < 0: Failure.
ProcessReadRegCommand(char *pcInpString)
    unsigned char ucDevAddr, ucRegOffset, ucRdLen;
    unsigned char aucRdDataBuf[256];
    char *pcErrPtr;

    // Get the device address
    pcInpString = strtok(NULL, " ");
    RETERR_IF_TRUE(pcInpString == NULL);
    ucDevAddr = (unsigned char)strtoul(pcInpString+2, &pcErrPtr, 16);
    // Get the register offset address
    pcInpString = strtok(NULL, " ");
    RETERR_IF_TRUE(pcInpString == NULL);
    ucRegOffset = (unsigned char)strtoul(pcInpString+2, &pcErrPtr, 16);

    // Get the length of data to be read
    pcInpString = strtok(NULL, " ");
    RETERR_IF_TRUE(pcInpString == NULL);
    ucRdLen = (unsigned char)strtoul(pcInpString, &pcErrPtr, 10);
    //RETERR_IF_TRUE(ucLen > sizeof(aucDataBuf));

    // Write the register address to be read from.
    // Stop bit implicitly assumed to be 0.
    // Read the specified length of data
    RET_IF_ERR(I2C_IF_Read(ucDevAddr, &aucRdDataBuf[0], ucRdLen));

    UART_PRINT("I2C Read From address complete\n\r");
    // Display the buffer over UART on successful readreg
    DisplayBuffer(aucRdDataBuf, ucRdLen);

    return SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 3
//! Get the raw accelerometer data register readings
//! \param psAccX pointer to the raw AccX store
//! \param psAccY pointer to the raw AccY store
//! \param psAccZ pointer to the raw AccZ store
//! This function  
//!    1. Reads the data registers over I2C.
//!    2. Returns the accelerometer readings
//! \return 0: Success, < 0: Failure.
BMA222ReadNew(signed char *pcAccX, signed char *pcAccY, signed char *pcAccZ)
    char cAccX[6];
    // Read the acclerometer output registers LSB and MSB
    RET_IF_ERR(BlockRead(BMA222_ACC_DATA_X_NEW, (unsigned char *)cAccX,6));

    // Check whether new Sensor Data is available
    if((cAccX[0] & 0x1) && (cAccX[2] & 0x1) && (cAccX[4] & 0x1))
        *pcAccX = cAccX[1];
        *pcAccY = cAccX[3];
        *pcAccZ = cAccX[5];
        return SUCCESS;

    //New Sensor Data Not Available
    return FAILURE;

Exemplo n.º 4
//! Parses the writereg command parameters and invokes the I2C APIs
//! i2c writereg 0x<dev_addr> 0x<reg_offset> <wrlen> <0x<byte0> [0x<byte1> ... ]>
//! \param pcInpString pointer to the readreg command parameters
//! This function  
//!    1. Parses the writereg command parameters.
//!    2. Invokes the corresponding I2C APIs
//! \return 0: Success, < 0: Failure.
ProcessWriteRegCommand(char *pcInpString)
    unsigned char ucDevAddr, ucRegOffset, ucWrLen;
    unsigned char aucDataBuf[256];
    char *pcErrPtr;
    int iLoopCnt = 0;

    // Get the device address
    pcInpString = strtok(NULL, " ");
    RETERR_IF_TRUE(pcInpString == NULL);
    ucDevAddr = (unsigned char)strtoul(pcInpString+2, &pcErrPtr, 16);
    // Get the register offset to be written
    pcInpString = strtok(NULL, " ");
    RETERR_IF_TRUE(pcInpString == NULL);
    ucRegOffset = (unsigned char)strtoul(pcInpString+2, &pcErrPtr, 16);
    aucDataBuf[iLoopCnt] = ucRegOffset;
    // Get the length of data to be written
    pcInpString = strtok(NULL, " ");
    RETERR_IF_TRUE(pcInpString == NULL);
    ucWrLen = (unsigned char)strtoul(pcInpString, &pcErrPtr, 10);
    //RETERR_IF_TRUE(ucWrLen > sizeof(aucDataBuf));
    // Get the bytes to be written
    for(; iLoopCnt < ucWrLen + 1; iLoopCnt++)
        // Store the data to be written
        pcInpString = strtok(NULL, " ");
        RETERR_IF_TRUE(pcInpString == NULL);
        aucDataBuf[iLoopCnt] = 
                (unsigned char)strtoul(pcInpString+2, &pcErrPtr, 16);
    // Write the data values.

    UART_PRINT("I2C Write To address complete\n\r");

    return SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 5
void file_changed(io_handle_t *handle, const char *path, int events) {
   if(strncmp(path, ttyACM, 6) != 0) return;

   if((events & IN_CREATE) && serl.fd == -1) {
      strcpy(addr, "/dev/");
      strcat(addr, path);
      printf("arduino plugged in (%s).\n", path);
      RET_IF_ERR(io_serial(&loop, &serl, addr, B115200, SERIAL_8N1));  
      DIE_IF_ERR(io_publish_start(&serl, &channel, data_published));
Exemplo n.º 6
//! Initialize the BMA222 accelerometer device with defaults
//! \param None
//! This function  
//!    1. Reads the CHIP ID.
//! \return 0: Success, < 0: Failure.
    unsigned char ucRegVal;
    // Read the CHIP ID NUM
    RET_IF_ERR(GetRegisterValue(BMA222_CHID_ID_NUM, &ucRegVal));
    DBG_PRINT("CHIP ID: 0x%x\n\r", ucRegVal);

    return SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 7
//! Get the accelerometer data readings
//! \param pfAccX pointer to the AccX store
//! \param pfAccY pointer to the AccY store
//! \param pfAccZ pointer to the AccZ store
//! This function  
//!    1. Reads the data registers over I2C.
//!    2. Applies the range conversion to the raw values
//! \return 0: Success, < 0: Failure.
BMA222Read(signed char *pcAccX, signed char *pcAccY, signed char *pcAccZ)
    char cAccX = 0;
    char cAccY = 0;
    char cAccZ = 0;
    // Read the acclerometer output registers LSB and MSB
    RET_IF_ERR(BlockRead(BMA222_ACC_DATA_X, (unsigned char *)&cAccX,

    RET_IF_ERR(BlockRead(BMA222_ACC_DATA_Y, (unsigned char *)&cAccY,

    RET_IF_ERR(BlockRead(BMA222_ACC_DATA_Z, (unsigned char *)&cAccZ,

    *pcAccX = cAccX;
    *pcAccY = cAccY;
    *pcAccZ = cAccZ;

    return SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 8
void new_rfcm_conn(io_handle_t *server) {
   if(rfcm.fd != -1) io_rfcomm_close(&rfcm);
   RET_IF_ERR(io_rfcomm_accept(server, &rfcm, addr, 30));
   printf("rfcm connected: %s\n", addr);
   RET_IF_ERR(io_read_start(&rfcm, rfcm_alloc, rfcm_read));
Exemplo n.º 9
void new_tcp3_conn(io_handle_t *server) {
   if(tcp3.fd != -1) io_tcp_close(&tcp3);
   RET_IF_ERR(io_tcp_accept(server, &tcp3, addr, 30));
   printf("tcp3 connected: %s\n", addr);
   RET_IF_ERR(io_read_start(&tcp3, tcp3_alloc, tcp3_read));
Exemplo n.º 10
void new_tcp2_conn(io_handle_t *server) {
   if(tcp2.fd != -1) io_tcp_close(&tcp2);
   RET_IF_ERR(io_tcp_accept(server, &tcp2, addr, 30));
   printf("tcp2 connected: %s\n", addr);
   RET_IF_ERR(io_splice_start(&tcp2, &rfcm, tcp2_spliced));
Exemplo n.º 11
void new_tcp1_conn(io_handle_t *server) {
   if(tcp1.fd != -1) io_tcp_close(&tcp1);
   RET_IF_ERR(io_tcp_accept(server, &tcp1, addr, 30));
   printf("tcp1 connected: %s\n", addr);
   RET_IF_ERR(io_splice_start(&tcp1, &serl, tcp1_spliced));