Exemplo n.º 1
static CRenderModel *FindQ2Model(const char *name, const char *part)
	TString<MAX_QPATH> Filename;
	Filename.sprintf("players/%s/%s", name, part);
	if (!strchr(part, '.')) Filename += ".md2";
	return RE_RegisterModel(Filename);
Exemplo n.º 2
int	G2_Get_Bone_Index(CGhoul2Info *ghoul2, const char *boneName)
  	model_t		*mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(ghoul2->mFileName));
	model_t		*mod_a = R_GetModelByHandle(mod_m->mdxm->animIndex);

	return (G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, ghoul2->mBlist, boneName));
Exemplo n.º 3
// given a model, bonelist and bonename, lets pause an anim if it's playing.
qboolean G2_Pause_Bone_Anim(const char *fileName, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName, const int currentTime)
  	model_t		*mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(fileName));
	model_t		*mod_a = R_GetModelByHandle(mod_m->mdxm->animIndex);
	int			index = G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName);

	// did we find it?
	if (index != -1)
		// are we pausing or un pausing?
		if (blist[index].pauseTime)
			int		startFrame, endFrame, flags;
			float	currentFrame, animSpeed;

			// figure out what frame we are on now
			G2_Get_Bone_Anim(fileName, blist, boneName, blist[index].pauseTime, &currentFrame, &startFrame, &endFrame, &flags, &animSpeed, NULL, 0);
			// reset start time so we are actually on this frame right now
			G2_Set_Bone_Anim(fileName, blist, boneName, startFrame, endFrame, flags, animSpeed, currentTime, currentFrame, 0);
			// no pausing anymore
			blist[index].pauseTime = 0;
		// ahh, just pausing, the easy bit
			blist[index].pauseTime = currentTime;

		return qtrue;

	return qfalse;
Exemplo n.º 4
// Given a model handle, and a bone name, we want to remove this bone from the bone override list
qboolean G2_Remove_Bone (const char *fileName, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName)
	model_t		*mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(fileName));
	model_t		*mod_a = R_GetModelByHandle(mod_m->mdxm->animIndex);
	int			index = G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName);

	return G2_Remove_Bone_Index(blist, index);
Exemplo n.º 5
char *G2API_GetGLAName(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, int modelIndex)
	if (((int)&ghoul2) && (ghoul2.size() > modelIndex))
		model_t	*mod = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(ghoul2[modelIndex].mFileName));
		return mod->mdxm->animName;
	return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 6
// Given a model handle, and a bone name, we want to set angles specifically for overriding
qboolean G2_Set_Bone_Angles(const char *fileName, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName, const float *angles,
							const int flags, const Eorientations up, const Eorientations left, const Eorientations forward,
							qhandle_t *modelList, const int modelIndex, const int blendTime, const int currentTime)
	model_t		*mod_m;

	if (!fileName[0])
		mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(modelList[modelIndex]);
		mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(fileName));

	model_t		*mod_a = R_GetModelByHandle(mod_m->mdxm->animIndex);
	int			index = G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName);

	// did we find it?
	if (index != -1)
		// yes, so set the angles and flags correctly
		blist[index].flags &= ~(BONE_ANGLES_TOTAL);
		blist[index].flags |= flags;
		blist[index].boneBlendStart = currentTime;
		blist[index].boneBlendTime = blendTime;
		OutputDebugString(va("%2d %6d   (%6.2f,%6.2f,%6.2f) %d %d %d %d\n",index,currentTime,angles[0],angles[1],angles[2],up,left,forward,flags));

		G2_Generate_Matrix(mod_a, blist, index, angles, flags, up, left, forward);
		return qtrue;

	// no - lets try and add this bone in
	index = G2_Add_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName);

	// did we find a free one?
	if (index != -1)
		// yes, so set the angles and flags correctly
		blist[index].flags &= ~(BONE_ANGLES_TOTAL);
		blist[index].flags |= flags;
		blist[index].boneBlendStart = currentTime;
		blist[index].boneBlendTime = blendTime;
		OutputDebugString(va("%2d %6d   (%6.2f,%6.2f,%6.2f) %d %d %d %d\n",index,currentTime,angles[0],angles[1],angles[2],up,left,forward,flags));

		G2_Generate_Matrix(mod_a, blist, index, angles, flags, up, left, forward);
		return qtrue;

	// no
	return qfalse;
Exemplo n.º 7
static void Gun_Model_f(int argc, char **argv)
	if (argc != 2)
		gun_model = NULL;
	gun_model = RE_RegisterModel(va("models/%s/tris.md2", argv[1]));
Exemplo n.º 8
char *G2API_GetGLAName(g2handle_t g2h, int modelIndex)
	CGhoul2Info_v *ghoul2 = G2API_GetGhoul2Model(g2h);

	if (ghoul2 && (unsigned)modelIndex < ghoul2->size())
		model_t	*mod = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel((*ghoul2)[modelIndex].mFileName));
		return mod->mdxm->animName;
	return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 9
 * G2_GetAnimFileName
 *    obtain the .gla filename for a model
 * Input
 *    filename of model 
 * Output
 *    true if we successfully obtained a filename, false otherwise
qboolean G2_GetAnimFileName(const char *fileName, char **filename)
	// find the model we want
	model_t				*mod = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(fileName));

	if (mod && mod->mdxm && (mod->mdxm->animName[0] != 0))
		*filename = mod->mdxm->animName;
		return qtrue;
	return qfalse;
Exemplo n.º 10
	//similarly, pre-cache funstuff
	static void PreCache_UT_Models (void) {
		char*		dirptr;
		char			dirlist[8192],filename[1024];
		int			numdirs,dirlen, i;

		numdirs = FS_GetFileList("models/players/funstuff/", ".md3", dirlist, 8192 );
		dirptr  = dirlist;
		for (i = 0; i < numdirs; i++, dirptr += dirlen+1) {
			dirlen = strlen(dirptr);
			strcpy(filename, "models/players/funstuff/");
			strcat(filename, dirptr);
			RE_RegisterModel (filename);
Exemplo n.º 11
// given a model, bonelist and bonename, lets stop an anim if it's playing.
qboolean G2_Stop_Bone_Angles(const char *fileName, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName)
  	model_t		*mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(fileName));
	model_t		*mod_a = R_GetModelByHandle(mod_m->mdxm->animIndex);
	int			index = G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName);

	// did we find it?
	if (index != -1)
		blist[index].flags &= ~(BONE_ANGLES_TOTAL);
		// try and remove this bone if we can
		return G2_Remove_Bone_Index(blist, index);

	return qfalse;
Exemplo n.º 12
// Given a model handle, and a bone name, we want to set angles specifically for overriding - using a matrix directly
qboolean G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Matrix(const char *fileName, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName, const mdxaBone_t &matrix,
								   const int flags, qhandle_t *modelList, const int modelIndex, const int blendTime, const int currentTime)
		model_t		*mod_m;
	if (!fileName[0])
		mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(modelList[modelIndex]);
		mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(fileName));
	model_t		*mod_a = R_GetModelByHandle(mod_m->mdxm->animIndex);
	int			index = G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName);

	// did we find it?
	if (index != -1)
		// yes, so set the angles and flags correctly
		blist[index].flags &= ~(BONE_ANGLES_TOTAL);
		blist[index].flags |= flags;

		memcpy(&blist[index].matrix, &matrix, sizeof(mdxaBone_t));
		memcpy(&blist[index].newMatrix, &matrix, sizeof(mdxaBone_t));
		return qtrue;

	// no - lets try and add this bone in
	index = G2_Add_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName);

	// did we find a free one?
	if (index != -1)
		// yes, so set the angles and flags correctly
		blist[index].flags &= ~(BONE_ANGLES_TOTAL);
		blist[index].flags |= flags;

		memcpy(&blist[index].matrix, &matrix, sizeof(mdxaBone_t));
		memcpy(&blist[index].newMatrix, &matrix, sizeof(mdxaBone_t));
		return qtrue;

	// no
	return qfalse;
Exemplo n.º 13
char *G2API_GetSurfaceName(CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo, int surfNumber)
	static char noSurface[1] = "";
	model_t	*mod = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(ghlInfo->mFileName));
	mdxmSurface_t		*surf = 0;
	mdxmSurfHierarchy_t	*surfInfo = 0;

	surf = (mdxmSurface_t *)G2_FindSurface((void *)mod, surfNumber, 0);
	if (surf)
		mdxmHierarchyOffsets_t	*surfIndexes = (mdxmHierarchyOffsets_t *)((byte *)mod->mdxm + sizeof(mdxmHeader_t));
		surfInfo = (mdxmSurfHierarchy_t *)((byte *)surfIndexes + surfIndexes->offsets[surf->thisSurfaceIndex]);
		return surfInfo->name;

	return noSurface;
Exemplo n.º 14

Specifies the model that will be used as the world
void RE_BeginRegistration(char *model)
  char fullname[MAX_QPATH];
  cvar_t *flushmap;

  r_oldviewcluster = -1; // force markleafs
  Com_sprintf(fullname, sizeof(fullname), "maps/%s.bsp", model);

  // explicitly free the old map if different
  // this guarantees that mod_known[0] is the world map
  flushmap = Cvar_Get("flushmap", "0", 0);
  if (strcmp(mod_known[0].name, fullname) || flushmap->value)
  r_worldmodel = RE_RegisterModel(fullname);
Exemplo n.º 15
qboolean G2_Get_Bone_Anim_Range(const char *fileName, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName, int *startFrame, int *endFrame)
	model_t		*mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(fileName));
	model_t		*mod_a = R_GetModelByHandle(mod_m->mdxm->animIndex);
	int			index = G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName);

	// did we find it?
	if (index != -1)
		// are we an animating bone?
		if (blist[index].flags & (BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP | BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE))
			*startFrame = blist[index].startFrame;
			*endFrame = blist[index].endFrame;
			return qtrue;
	return qfalse;
Exemplo n.º 16
qboolean	G2_IsPaused(const char *fileName, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName)
  	model_t		*mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(fileName));
	model_t		*mod_a = R_GetModelByHandle(mod_m->mdxm->animIndex);
	int			index = G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName);

	// did we find it?
	if (index != -1)
		// are we paused?
		if (blist[index].pauseTime)
			// yup. paused.
			return qtrue;
		return qfalse;

	return qfalse;
Exemplo n.º 17
// list all bones associated with a model
void G2_List_Model_Bones(const char *fileName, int frame)
	int				x, i;
	mdxaSkel_t		*skel;
	mdxaSkelOffsets_t	*offsets;
  	model_t			*mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(fileName)); 
	model_t			*mod_a = R_GetModelByHandle(mod_m->mdxm->animIndex);
// 	mdxaFrame_t		*aframe=0;
//	int				frameSize;
	mdxaHeader_t	*header = mod_a->mdxa;

	// figure out where the offset list is
	offsets = (mdxaSkelOffsets_t *)((byte *)header + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t));

//    frameSize = (int)( &((mdxaFrame_t *)0)->boneIndexes[ header->numBones ] );   

//	aframe = (mdxaFrame_t *)((byte *)header + header->ofsFrames + (frame * frameSize));
	// walk each bone and list it's name
	for (x=0; x< mod_a->mdxa->numBones; x++)
		skel = (mdxaSkel_t *)((byte *)header + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t) + offsets->offsets[x]);
		Com_Printf("Bone %i Name %s\n", x, skel->name);

		Com_Printf("X pos %f, Y pos %f, Z pos %f\n", skel->BasePoseMat.matrix[0][3], skel->BasePoseMat.matrix[1][3], skel->BasePoseMat.matrix[2][3]);

		// if we are in verbose mode give us more details
		if (r_verbose->value)
			Com_Printf("Num Descendants %i\n",  skel->numChildren);
			for (i=0; i<skel->numChildren; i++)
				Com_Printf("Num Descendants %i\n",  skel->numChildren);
Exemplo n.º 18
// given a model, bone name, a bonelist, a start/end frame number, a anim speed and some anim flags, set up or modify an existing bone entry for a new set of anims
qboolean G2_Set_Bone_Anim(const char *fileName,
						  boneInfo_v &blist,
						  const char *boneName,
						  const int startFrame,
						  const int endFrame,
						  const int flags,
						  const float animSpeed,
						  const int currentTime,
						  const float setFrame,
						  const int blendTime)
  	model_t		*mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(fileName));
	model_t		*mod_a = R_GetModelByHandle(mod_m->mdxm->animIndex);
	int			index = G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName);
	if (index == -1)
		index = G2_Add_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName);
	if (index != -1)
		return G2_Set_Bone_Anim_Index(blist,index,startFrame,endFrame,flags,animSpeed,currentTime,setFrame,blendTime);
	return qfalse;
Exemplo n.º 19
static void TestEntities()
	r_numentities = 32;
	memset(r_entities, 0, sizeof(r_entities));

	for (int i = 0; i < r_numentities; i++)
		entity_t &ent = r_entities[i];

		float r = 64 * (i % 4) - (1*64+32);
		float f = 64 * (i / 4) - (3*64+32);
		VectorMA(cl.refdef.vieworg, 192, cl.v_forward, ent.pos.origin);
		ent.pos.origin[0] += r;
		ent.pos.origin[1] += f;
		ent.pos.axis = identAxis;
		// animate frames
#if 0
#define FIRST_FRAME	0
#define LAST_FRAME	39
#define FIRST_FRAME 40
#define LAST_FRAME	45
		ent.frame = (cl.time + 99) / 100 % (LAST_FRAME-FIRST_FRAME+1) + FIRST_FRAME;
		ent.oldframe = ent.frame - 1;
		if (ent.oldframe < FIRST_FRAME)
			ent.oldframe = LAST_FRAME;
		ent.backlerp = 1.0f - (cl.time % 100) / 100.0f;
		if (ent.backlerp == 1)
			ent.backlerp = 0;
		ent.model = RE_RegisterModel("players/male/tris.md2");
		ent.skin = NULL;	//??
Exemplo n.º 20
static CRenderModel *FindQ3Model(const char *name, const char *part)
	TString<MAX_QPATH> Filename;
	Filename.sprintf("models/players/%s/%s.md3", name, part);
	return RE_RegisterModel(Filename);
Exemplo n.º 21
int G2API_InitGhoul2Model(g2handle_t *g2hPtr, const char *fileName, int modelIndex, qhandle_t customSkin,
	qhandle_t customShader, int modelFlags, int lodBias)
	CGhoul2Info		newModel;
	g2handle_t		g2h = *g2hPtr;

	// are we actually asking for a model to be loaded.
	if (!(strlen(fileName)))
		return -1;

	if (g2h == 0)
		*g2hPtr = g2h = nextGhoul2Handle++;

	CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2 = ghoultable[RicksCrazyOnServer][g2h];

	// find a free spot in the list
	for (CGhoul2Info_v::iterator it = ghoul2.begin(); it != ghoul2.end(); ++it)
		if (it->mModelindex == -1)
			// this is only valid and used on the game side. Client side ignores this
			it->mModelindex = modelIndex;
			if (maxModelIndex[RicksCrazyOnServer] < modelIndex)
				maxModelIndex[RicksCrazyOnServer] = modelIndex;
				// on the game side this is valid. On the client side it is valid only after it has been filled in by trap_G2_SetGhoul2ModelIndexes
			it->mModel = RE_RegisterModel(fileName);
			model_t		*mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(it->mModel);
			if (mod_m->type == MOD_BAD)
				return -1;

			// init what is necessary for this ghoul2 model
			// fau - what about remaining fields?
			it->mCustomShader = customShader;
			it->mCustomSkin = customSkin;
			Q_strncpyz(it->mFileName, fileName, sizeof(it->mFileName));
			it->mCreationID = modelFlags;
			it->mLodBias = lodBias;
			it->mAnimFrameDefault = 0;
			it->mFlags = 0;

			it->mSkelFrameNum = -1;
			it->mMeshFrameNum = -1;

			// we aren't attached to anyone upfront
			it->mModelBoltLink = -1;
			return it - ghoul2.begin();

	// if we got this far, then we didn't find a spare position, so lets insert a new one
	newModel.mModelindex = modelIndex;
	if (maxModelIndex[RicksCrazyOnServer] < modelIndex)
		maxModelIndex[RicksCrazyOnServer] = modelIndex;
	// on the game side this is valid. On the client side it is valid only after it has been filled in by trap_G2_SetGhoul2ModelIndexes
	if (customShader <= -20)
	{ //This means the server is making the function call. And the server does not like registering models.
		newModel.mModel = RE_RegisterServerModel(fileName);
		customShader = 0;
		newModel.mModel = RE_RegisterModel(fileName);
	model_t		*mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(newModel.mModel);
	if (mod_m->type == MOD_BAD)
		if (ghoul2.size() == 0)//very first model created
		{//you can't have an empty vector, so let's not give it one
		return -1;

	// init what is necessary for this ghoul2 model
	newModel.mCustomShader = customShader;
	newModel.mCustomSkin = customSkin;
	Q_strncpyz(newModel.mFileName, fileName, sizeof(newModel.mFileName));
	newModel.mCreationID = modelFlags;
	newModel.mLodBias = lodBias;
	newModel.mAnimFrameDefault = 0;
	newModel.mFlags = 0;

	// we aren't attached to anyone upfront
	newModel.mModelBoltLink = -1;

	// insert into list.

	return ghoul2.size() - 1;
Exemplo n.º 22
// initialise all that needs to be on a new Ghoul II model
int G2API_InitGhoul2Model(CGhoul2Info_v **ghoul2Ptr, const char *fileName, int modelIndex, qhandle_t customSkin,
						  qhandle_t customShader, int modelFlags, int lodBias)
	int				model = -1;
	CGhoul2Info		newModel;

	// are we actually asking for a model to be loaded.
	if (!(strlen(fileName)))
		return -1;

	if (!(*ghoul2Ptr))
		*ghoul2Ptr = new CGhoul2Info_v;
		if (RicksCrazyOnServer)

	CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2 = *(*ghoul2Ptr);

	// find a free spot in the list
	for (model=0; model< ghoul2.size(); model++)
		if (ghoul2[model].mModelindex == -1)
			// this is only valid and used on the game side. Client side ignores this
			ghoul2[model].mModelindex = modelIndex;
				// on the game side this is valid. On the client side it is valid only after it has been filled in by trap_G2_SetGhoul2ModelIndexes
			ghoul2[model].mModel = RE_RegisterModel((char *)fileName);
		  	model_t		*mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(ghoul2[model].mModel);
			if (mod_m->type == MOD_BAD)
				return -1;

			// init what is necessary for this ghoul2 model
			ghoul2[model].mCustomShader = customShader;
			ghoul2[model].mCustomSkin = customSkin;
			strcpy(ghoul2[model].mFileName, fileName);
			ghoul2[model].mCreationID = modelFlags;
			ghoul2[model].mLodBias = lodBias;
			ghoul2[model].mAnimFrameDefault = 0;
			ghoul2[model].mFlags = 0;

			// we aren't attached to anyone upfront
			ghoul2[model].mModelBoltLink = -1;
			return model;

	// if we got this far, then we didn't find a spare position, so lets insert a new one
	newModel.mModelindex = modelIndex;
	// on the game side this is valid. On the client side it is valid only after it has been filled in by trap_G2_SetGhoul2ModelIndexes
	if (customShader <= -20)
	{ //This means the server is making the function call. And the server does not like registering models.
		newModel.mModel = RE_RegisterServerModel((char *)fileName);
		customShader = 0;
		newModel.mModel = RE_RegisterModel((char *)fileName);
  	model_t		*mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(newModel.mModel);
	if (mod_m->type == MOD_BAD)
		if (ghoul2.size() == 0)//very first model created
		{//you can't have an empty vector, so let's not give it one
			delete *ghoul2Ptr;
			*ghoul2Ptr = 0;
		return -1;

	// init what is necessary for this ghoul2 model
	newModel.mCustomShader = customShader;
	newModel.mCustomSkin = customSkin;
	strcpy(newModel.mFileName, fileName);
	newModel.mCreationID = modelFlags;
	newModel.mLodBias = lodBias;
	newModel.mAnimFrameDefault = 0;
	newModel.mFlags = 0;

	// we aren't attached to anyone upfront
	newModel.mModelBoltLink = -1;

	// insert into list.
	model = ghoul2.size();

	return model;
Exemplo n.º 23
// given a model, bonelist and bonename, return the current frame, startframe and endframe of the current animation
// NOTE if we aren't running an animation, then qfalse is returned
qboolean G2_Get_Bone_Anim(const char *fileName, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName, const int currentTime,
						  float *currentFrame, int *startFrame, int *endFrame, int *flags, float *retAnimSpeed, qhandle_t *modelList, int modelIndex)
  	model_t		*mod_m;
	if (!fileName[0])
		mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(modelList[modelIndex]);
		mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(fileName));

	model_t		*mod_a = R_GetModelByHandle(mod_m->mdxm->animIndex);
	int			index = G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName);

	// did we find it?
	if (index != -1)
		// are we an animating bone?
		if (blist[index].flags & (BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP | BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE))
			// yes - add in animation speed to current frame
			float	animSpeed = blist[index].animSpeed;
			float	time = (currentTime - blist[index].startTime) / 50.0f;
			float	mendFrame = (float)blist[index].endFrame ;

			// are we a paused anim?
			if (blist[index].pauseTime)
				time = (blist[index].pauseTime - blist[index].startTime) / 50.0f;
			if (time<0)

			float	newFrame_g = blist[index].startFrame + (time * animSpeed);
			*currentFrame = newFrame_g;

			int		animSize = blist[index].endFrame - blist[index].startFrame;
			// we are supposed to be animating right?
			if (animSize)
				// did we run off the end?
				if (((animSpeed > 0.0f) && (newFrame_g > mendFrame-1)) ||
					((animSpeed < 0.0f) && (newFrame_g < mendFrame+1)))
					// yep - decide what to do
					if (blist[index].flags & BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP)

						// get our new animation frame back within the bounds of the animation set
						if (animSpeed < 0.0f)
							if (newFrame_g <= mendFrame+1)
							if (newFrame_g >= mendFrame)

						*currentFrame = newFrame_g;
						// nope, we ran off the end of the current anim
						if (blist[index].flags & BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE)
							if (animSpeed > 0.0f)
								*currentFrame = blist[index].endFrame -1;
								*currentFrame = blist[index].endFrame +1;
							*currentFrame = 0;
				*currentFrame = blist[index].startFrame;

			*startFrame = blist[index].startFrame;
			*endFrame = blist[index].endFrame;
			*flags = blist[index].flags;
			*retAnimSpeed = animSpeed;
			return qtrue;
	*startFrame =0;
	*endFrame =1 ;
	*currentFrame = 0;
	*flags = 0; //hmmmm this used to be -1
	*retAnimSpeed = 1.0f;
	return qfalse;
Exemplo n.º 24
void V_InitRenderer()

	int		i;

	if (!cl.configstrings[CS_MODELS+1][0]) return;			// no map loaded

	// wait a small time to let server complete initialization
	// allow map to be changed before initializing renderer, when loading savegames,
	// saved at point of changing map; this situation is possible because:
	//   - server frame#1:
	//      - loading savegame, will create configstrings + may be insert command string "gamemap <newmap>"
	//      - send configstrings#1
	//   - server frame#2:
	//      - exec "gamemap" command from previous frame, change map etc.
	//      - send configstrings#2
	// in some circumstances, client will receive configstrings#1 after server frame#2 - this will load
	// client map#1 after loading server map#2 (out-of-sync client/server maps -- fatal error)
	static int startTime = 0;
	static int serverCount = 0;
	if (serverCount != cl.servercount)
		serverCount = cl.servercount;
		startTime = cls.realtime;
	if (cls.realtime < startTime + 300)

	CL_ClearEffects();		// can use shaders ...
	CL_ClearTEnts();		// temp entities linked to models, which are invalid after vid_restart

	// let the render dll load the map
	char mapname[MAX_QPATH];
	strcpy(mapname, cl.configstrings[CS_MODELS+1] + 5);	// skip "maps/"
	mapname[strlen(mapname)-4] = 0;		// cut off ".bsp"

	// compute total loading weight
	float totalWeight = W_MAP + W_TEXTURES + W_SKY;
	for (i = 1; i < MAX_MODELS && cl.configstrings[CS_MODELS+i][0]; i++) // models
		if (cl.configstrings[CS_MODELS+i][0] != '*')
			totalWeight += W_MODEL;
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++)	// clients
		if (cl.configstrings[CS_PLAYERSKINS+i][0])
			totalWeight += W_CLIENT;

	// register models, pics, and skins
	float loadingFrac = 0;
	SCR_LoadingNotify(va("map: %s", mapname), 0);
	loadingFrac += W_MAP / totalWeight;

	// precache status bar pics


	strcpy(cl_weaponmodels[0], "weapon.md2");	// default weapon model
	num_cl_weaponmodels = 1;

	for (i = 1; i < MAX_MODELS && cl.configstrings[CS_MODELS+i][0]; i++)
		const char *name = cl.configstrings[CS_MODELS+i];
		if (name[0] != '*')
			SCR_LoadingNotify(name, loadingFrac);
			loadingFrac += W_MODEL / totalWeight;
		if (name[0] == '#')
			// special player weapon model
			if (num_cl_weaponmodels < MAX_CLIENTWEAPONMODELS)
				strncpy(cl_weaponmodels[num_cl_weaponmodels++], cl.configstrings[CS_MODELS+i]+1,
			const char *mdl = cl.configstrings[CS_MODELS + i];
			const char *ext = strrchr(name, '.');
			// load model, but do not reload BSP file:
			cl.model_draw[i] = (!ext || stricmp(ext, ".bsp")) ? RE_RegisterModel(mdl) : NULL;
			cl.model_clip[i] = (name[0] == '*') ? CM_InlineModel(mdl) : NULL;

	SCR_LoadingNotify("textures", loadingFrac);
	loadingFrac += W_TEXTURES / totalWeight;
	for (i = 1; i < MAX_IMAGES && cl.configstrings[CS_IMAGES+i][0]; i++)
		cl.image_precache[i] = RE_RegisterPic(va("pics/%s", cl.configstrings[CS_IMAGES+i]));

	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++)
		if (!cl.configstrings[CS_PLAYERSKINS+i][0])
		SCR_LoadingNotify(va("client %d: %s", i, cl.configstrings[CS_PLAYERSKINS+i]), loadingFrac);
		loadingFrac += W_CLIENT / totalWeight;
	if (!cl.configstrings[CS_PLAYERSKINS+cl.playernum][0])
		// in a singleplayer mode, server will not send clientinfo - generate it by
		// ourself for correct third-person view
//		Com_DPrintf("Fixing CI[playernum]\n");

	// setup sky
	SCR_LoadingNotify("sky", loadingFrac);
	float rotate = atof(cl.configstrings[CS_SKYROTATE]);
	CVec3 axis;
	sscanf(cl.configstrings[CS_SKYAXIS], "%f %f %f", &axis[0], &axis[1], &axis[2]);
	RE_SetSky(cl.configstrings[CS_SKY], rotate, axis);

	// the renderer can now free unneeded stuff

	cl.rendererReady  = true;
	cl.forceViewFrame = true;

	// start the cd track
	CDAudio_Play(atoi(cl.configstrings[CS_CDTRACK]), true);

Exemplo n.º 25
int G2_Add_Bolt(const char *fileName, boltInfo_v &bltlist, surfaceInfo_v &slist, const char *boneName)
	model_t		*mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(fileName));
	model_t		*mod_a = R_GetModelByHandle(mod_m->mdxm->animIndex);
	int					i, x, surfNum = -1;
	mdxaSkel_t			*skel;
	mdxaSkelOffsets_t	*offsets;
	mdxmHierarchyOffsets_t	*surfOffsets;
	boltInfo_t			tempBolt;
	int					flags;

	surfOffsets = (mdxmHierarchyOffsets_t *)((byte*)mod_m->mdxm + sizeof(mdxmHeader_t));
	// first up, we'll search for that which this bolt names in all the surfaces
	surfNum = G2_IsSurfaceLegal((void*)mod_m, boneName, &flags);

	// did we find it as a surface?
	if (surfNum != -1)
		 // look through entire list - see if it's already there first
		for(i=0; i<bltlist.size(); i++)
			// already there??
			if (bltlist[i].surfaceNumber == surfNum)
				// increment the usage count
				return i;

		 // look through entire list - see if we can re-use one
		for(i=0; i<bltlist.size(); i++)
			// if this surface entry has info in it, bounce over it
		  	if (bltlist[i].boneNumber == -1 && bltlist[i].surfaceNumber == -1)
				// if we found an entry that had a -1 for the bone / surface number, then we hit a surface / bone slot that was empty
				bltlist[i].surfaceNumber = surfNum;
				bltlist[i].boltUsed = 1;
				bltlist[i].surfaceType = 0;
		 		return i;

		// ok, we didn't find an existing surface of that name, or an empty slot. Lets add an entry
		tempBolt.surfaceNumber = surfNum;
		tempBolt.boneNumber = -1;
		tempBolt.boltUsed = 1;
		tempBolt.surfaceType = 0;
		return (int)bltlist.size()-1;

	// no, check to see if it's a bone then

   	offsets = (mdxaSkelOffsets_t *)((byte *)mod_a->mdxa + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t));

 	// walk the entire list of bones in the gla file for this model and see if any match the name of the bone we want to find
 	for (x=0; x< mod_a->mdxa->numBones; x++)
 		skel = (mdxaSkel_t *)((byte *)mod_a->mdxa + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t) + offsets->offsets[x]);
 		// if name is the same, we found it
 		if (!stricmp(skel->name, boneName))

	// check to see we did actually make a match with a bone in the model
	if (x == mod_a->mdxa->numBones)
		// didn't find it? Error
		assert(0&&x == mod_a->mdxa->numBones);
		return -1;

	// look through entire list - see if it's already there first
	for(i=0; i<bltlist.size(); i++)
		// already there??
		if (bltlist[i].boneNumber == x)
			// increment the usage count
			return i;

	// look through entire list - see if we can re-use it
	for(i=0; i<bltlist.size(); i++)
		// if this bone entry has info in it, bounce over it
		if (bltlist[i].boneNumber == -1 && bltlist[i].surfaceNumber == -1)
			// if we found an entry that had a -1 for the bonenumber, then we hit a bone slot that was empty
			bltlist[i].boneNumber = x;
			bltlist[i].boltUsed = 1;
			bltlist[i].surfaceType = 0;
	 		return i;

	// ok, we didn't find an existing bone of that name, or an empty slot. Lets add an entry
	tempBolt.boneNumber = x;
	tempBolt.surfaceNumber = -1;
	tempBolt.boltUsed = 1;
	tempBolt.surfaceType = 0;
	return (int)bltlist.size()-1;

Exemplo n.º 26
int RE_InitGhoul2Model( void **ptr, const char *filename, int modelIndex, qhandle_t customSkin, qhandle_t customShader, int modelFlags, int lodBias ) {
	if( ptr ) {
		CGhoul2Info_v	*g2;
		qhandle_t		hG2, hModel;
		model_t			*model;
		int				k;
		if ( !filename || !filename[0] ) {
			ri.Printf( PRINT_ALL, "RE_InitGhoul2Model: NULL name\n" );
			*ptr = NULL;
			return 0;

		if ( strlen( filename ) >= MAX_QPATH ) {
			ri.Printf( PRINT_ALL, "Model name exceeds MAX_QPATH\n" );
			*ptr = NULL;
			return 0;

		if ( modelIndex < 0 || modelIndex > 3 ) {
			ri.Printf( PRINT_ALL, "Modelindex out of bounds\n" );
			*ptr = NULL;
			return 0;

		// search the currently loaded models
		for ( hG2 = 1 ; hG2 < tr.numG2Instances; hG2++ ) {
			g2 = tr.g2Instances[hG2];
			for ( k = 0; k < 4 ; k++ ) {
				if ( k == modelIndex && &g2->anims[k] && !Q_stricmp( g2->anims[k].meshName, filename ) ) {
					//if( g2->anims[k]->ent_owner == -1 ) {
					//	*ptr = NULL;
					//	return 0;
					*ptr = g2;
					return hG2;

		// allocate a new model_t

		if ( ( g2 = R_InitGhoul2Instance() ) == NULL ) {
			ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "RE_InitGhoul2Model: R_InitGhoul2Instance() failed for '%s'\n", filename);
			*ptr = NULL;
			return 0;

		hModel = RE_RegisterModel(filename);
		model = R_GetModelByHandle(hModel);
		if(hModel > 0 && model) {
			glmHeader_t *glm = (glmHeader_t *)model->modelData;
			if(glm) {
				g2->anims[modelIndex].meshHandle = hModel;
				Q_strncpyz(g2->anims[modelIndex].meshName, filename, sizeof(g2->anims[modelIndex].meshName));
				g2->anims[modelIndex].animHandle = glm->animIndex;
				Q_strncpyz(g2->anims[modelIndex].animName, glm->animName, sizeof(g2->anims[modelIndex].animName));
		else {
			*ptr = NULL;
			return 0;
		*ptr = g2;
		return hG2;
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 27
qboolean R_LoadGLM( model_t *mod, void *buffer, int filesize, const char *mod_name ) {
	int					i, j, lodindex, surfindex;
	glmHeader_t		*header, *glm;
	glmLOD_t			*lod;
	glmLODSurfOffset_t	*lod_surf_ofs;
	glmSurfHierarchy_t	*surfh;
	glmVertexTexCoord_t *vcor;
	glmSurface_t		*surf;
	glmTriangle_t		*tri;
	glmVertex_t		*v;
	int					version;
	int					size;
	shader_t			*sh;
	vec3_t				tempVert;
	vec3_t				tempNorm;
	//int					frameSize;

	float zrots[3][4];
	qboolean do_zrot = qfalse;
	zrots[0][0] = 0.0;
	zrots[0][1] = -1.0;
	zrots[0][2] = 0.0;
	zrots[0][3] = 0.0;
	zrots[1][0] = 1.0;
	zrots[1][1] = 0.0;
	zrots[1][2] = 0.0;
	zrots[1][3] = 0.0;
	zrots[2][0] = 0.0;
	zrots[2][1] = 0.0;
	zrots[2][2] = 1.0;
	zrots[2][3] = 0.0;

	if( filesize < sizeof( glmHeader_t ) ) {
		return qfalse;

	header = (glmHeader_t *)buffer;

	version = LittleLong( header->version );

	if( version != GLM_VERSION ) {
		ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadGLM: %s has wrong version (%i should be %i)\n", mod_name, version, GLM_VERSION );
		return qfalse;

	size = LittleLong( header->ofsEnd );

	if( size > filesize ) {
		ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadGLM: Header of %s is broken. Wrong filesize declared!\n", mod_name );
		return qfalse;

	mod->type = MOD_GLM;
	size = LittleLong(header->ofsEnd);
	mod->dataSize += size;
	//ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "R_LoadGLM: %s alloc %d\n", mod_name, size );
	mod->modelData = ri.Hunk_Alloc( size, h_low );
	glm = (glmHeader_t *)mod->modelData;

	Com_Memcpy( glm, buffer, size );

	LL( glm->ident );
	LL( glm->animIndex );
	LL( glm->numBones );
	LL( glm->numLODs );
	LL( glm->ofsLODs );
	LL( glm->numSurfaces );
	LL( glm->ofsSurfHierarchy );

	if ( GLM_CheckRange( glm, glm->ofsSurfHierarchy, glm->numSurfaces, sizeof( glmSurfHierarchy_t ) ) ) {
		return qfalse;

	// swap the surf Hierarchy!
	surfh = (glmSurfHierarchy_t *) ( (byte *)glm + glm->ofsSurfHierarchy );
	for( surfindex = 0; surfindex < glm->numSurfaces; surfindex++ )
		Q_strlwr( surfh->name );
		Q_strlwr( surfh->shader );
		//ri.Printf( PRINT_ALL, "surf %d, name '%s' shader '%s'\n", surfindex, surfh->name, surfh->shader );
		sh = R_FindShader( surfh->shader, LIGHTMAP_NONE, qtrue );
		if ( sh->defaultShader ) {
			surfh->shaderIndex = 0;
		} else {
			surfh->shaderIndex = sh->index;
		for( i = 0; i < surfh->numChildren; i++ ) {
		surfh = (glmSurfHierarchy_t *) ( (byte *)&surfh->childIndexes[surfh->numChildren] );

	if ( GLM_CheckRange( glm, glm->ofsLODs, glm->numLODs, sizeof( glmLOD_t ) ) ) {
		return qfalse;

	// swap all the LOD's
	lod = (glmLOD_t *) ( (byte *)glm + glm->ofsLODs );
	LL( lod->ofsEnd );
	//ri.Printf (PRINT_WARNING,"RE_RegisterModel: couldn't load %s\n", name);
	//ri.Printf (PRINT_WARNING,"lod ofsEnd is 0x%08x\n", lod->ofsEnd );
	for ( lodindex = 0 ; lodindex < glm->numLODs ; lodindex++ )
		lod_surf_ofs = ( glmLODSurfOffset_t *) ((byte *)lod + 4 );
		for( i = 0; i < glm->numSurfaces; i++ )
			//lod_surf_ofs->offsets[i] += 4;
			//printf( "lod %d surf ofs %d is 0x%08x\n", lodindex, lod_surf_ofs->offsets[i] );
		// swap all the surfaces
		for ( i = 0 ; i < glm->numSurfaces ; i++) {
			surf = (glmSurface_t *) ( (byte *)lod_surf_ofs + lod_surf_ofs->offsets[i] );
			if(0) ri.Printf( PRINT_ALL, "surf %d, ident %d, index %d, numverts %d, numtris %d, num bone refs %d\n", i, surf->ident, surf->thisSurfaceIndex, surf->numVerts, surf->numTriangles, surf->numBoneReferences );
			// change to surface identifier
			surf->ident = SF_GLM;
			tri = (glmTriangle_t *) ( (byte *)surf + surf->ofsBoneReferences );
			for( j=0; j<surf->numBoneReferences; j++ )
				if(0) ri.Printf( PRINT_ALL, "j is %d\n", j );
				if(0) ri.Printf( PRINT_ALL, "surf %d, boneref %d is %d\n", i, j, tri->indexes[j] );
			if(0) ri.Printf( PRINT_ALL, "swap the triangles!\n" );

			// swap all the triangles
			tri = (glmTriangle_t *) ( (byte *)surf + surf->ofsTriangles );
			for ( j = 0 ; j < surf->numTriangles ; j++ ) {
				tri = (glmTriangle_t *)((byte *)tri + 12 );
			v = (glmVertex_t *) ( (byte *)surf + surf->ofsVerts);
			for ( j = 0 ; j < surf->numVerts ; j++ )
				v->normal[0] = LittleFloat( v->normal[0] );
				v->normal[1] = LittleFloat( v->normal[1] );
				v->normal[2] = LittleFloat( v->normal[2] );
				v->vertCoords[0] = LittleFloat( v->vertCoords[0] );
				v->vertCoords[1] = LittleFloat( v->vertCoords[1] );
				v->vertCoords[2] = LittleFloat( v->vertCoords[2] );
				if( do_zrot )
					VectorCopy( v->normal, tempNorm );
					VectorCopy( v->vertCoords, tempVert );
					Matrix34VectorRotate( zrots, tempVert, v->vertCoords );
					Matrix34VectorRotate( zrots, tempNorm, v->normal );
				//v->texCoords[0] = LittleFloat( v->texCoords[0] );
				//v->texCoords[1] = LittleFloat( v->texCoords[1] );
				v->numWeights = LittleLong( v->numWeights );

				for ( k = 0 ; k < v->numWeights ; k++ ) {
					v->weights[k].boneIndex = LittleLong( v->weights[k].boneIndex );
					v->weights[k].boneWeight = LittleFloat( v->weights[k].boneWeight );
				   v->weights[k].offset[0] = LittleFloat( v->weights[k].offset[0] );
				   v->weights[k].offset[1] = LittleFloat( v->weights[k].offset[1] );
				   v->weights[k].offset[2] = LittleFloat( v->weights[k].offset[2] );
				v = (glmVertex_t *)( ( byte *)v + 32 );
			vcor = (glmVertexTexCoord_t *)( ( byte *)v );
			for ( j = 0 ; j < surf->numVerts ; j++ )
				vcor->texCoords[0] = LittleFloat( vcor->texCoords[0] );
				vcor->texCoords[1] = LittleFloat( vcor->texCoords[1] );
				vcor = (glmVertexTexCoord_t *)( ( byte *)vcor + 8 );
		lod = (glmLOD_t *)( (byte *)lod + lod->ofsEnd );

	glm->animIndex = 0;
	if(0) ri.Printf( PRINT_DEVELOPER, "glm (%s) animname is '%s'\n", mod_name, glm->animName );
	if( Q_strncmp( glm->animName, sDEFAULT_GLA_NAME, strlen(sDEFAULT_GLA_NAME) ) ) //if there's a difference
		Q_strcat( glm->animName, MAX_QPATH, ".gla" );
		//Com_DPrintf ( "glm: trying to load animfile: '%s'\n", glm->animName );
		//ri.Printf( PRINT_ALL, "glm: trying to load animfile: '%s'\n", glm->animName );
		glm->animIndex = RE_RegisterModel( glm->animName );
		glm->animIndex = 0;

	return qtrue;
Exemplo n.º 28
qhandle_t G2API_PrecacheGhoul2Model(const char *fileName)
	return RE_RegisterModel((char *)fileName);
Exemplo n.º 29
static void cWeapModel(int argc, char **argv)
	loadingWeap->model = RE_RegisterModel(argv[1]);