Exemplo n.º 1
// update text entry values for RGB/HSL (can't be done in ::draw () since this overwrites input
void LLFloaterColorPicker::updateTextEntry ()
	// set values in spinners
	getChild<LLUICtrl>("rspin")->setValue(( getCurR () * 255.0f ) );
	getChild<LLUICtrl>("gspin")->setValue(( getCurG () * 255.0f ) );
	getChild<LLUICtrl>("bspin")->setValue(( getCurB () * 255.0f ) );
	getChild<LLUICtrl>("hspin")->setValue(( getCurH () * 360.0f ) );
	getChild<LLUICtrl>("sspin")->setValue(( getCurS () * 100.0f ) );
	getChild<LLUICtrl>("lspin")->setValue(( getCurL () * 100.0f ) );
	getChild<LLUICtrl>("hexval")->setValue(RGBToHex(getCurR() * 255, getCurG() * 255, getCurB() * 255));
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Writes Final SVG corresponding to original image.
 * Arguments: Vector of regions in the image, output File name and background color.
void SVG::writeFinalOutput(std::vector<Region> &rgn, std::string outFileName, pixel bgColor)
	std::ofstream ofsFinal(outFileName.c_str(), std::ofstream::out);

	ofsFinal << "<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\" height=\"" << imageHeight << "\" width=\"" << imageWidth << "\">" << std::endl << "<g>" << std::endl;
	ofsFinal << "<rect width=\"" << imageWidth << "\" height=\"" << imageHeight << "\" fill=\"" << RGBToHex((uint)bgColor.r, (uint)bgColor.g, (uint)bgColor.b) << "\"  stroke-width=\"0\" /> " << std::endl;

	//iterate over all regions
	for(uint i = 0; i < rgn.size(); ++i)
		//No printing of empty paths
		if(rgn[i].closedPath.size() == 1)
			ofsFinal << "<path  fill=\"" << RGBToHex((uint)rgn[i].col.r, (uint)rgn[i].col.g, (uint)rgn[i].col.b) << "\" stroke-width=\"0\" stroke=\"" << RGBToHex((uint)rgn[i].col.r, (uint)rgn[i].col.g, (uint)rgn[i].col.b) << "\" d = \"";
			ofsFinal << "<path  fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill=\"" << RGBToHex((uint)rgn[i].col.r, (uint)rgn[i].col.g, (uint)rgn[i].col.b) << "\" stroke-width=\"0\" stroke=\"" << RGBToHex((uint)rgn[i].col.r, (uint)rgn[i].col.g, (uint)rgn[i].col.b) << "\" d = \"";	

		//iterate over the closedpaths surrounding the region
		for(uint j = 0; j < rgn[i].closedPath.size(); ++j)
			//iterate over the curves in a closed path
			for(uint k = 0; k < rgn[i].closedPath[j].size(); ++k)
				int count = 0;				//count == 0 signifies start of a bezier curve segment
				bool cMayBePlaced = false;

				//iterate over the points in the curve
				for(uint m = 0; m < rgn[i].closedPath[j][k]->pt.size(); ++m)
					count = count % 3;					
					if(m == 0)
						//print starting point of first curve in a closed path
						if(k == 0)
							//if SC1C2E forms a straight line and its the start of the bezier curve segment i.e. count==0
							if(count == 0 && m+4 <= rgn[i].closedPath[j][k]->pt.size() && ifEqualPoint2(rgn[i].closedPath[j][k]->pt[m], rgn[i].closedPath[j][k]->pt[m+1]) && ifEqualPoint2(rgn[i].closedPath[j][k]->pt[m+2], rgn[i].closedPath[j][k]->pt[m+3]))
								ofsFinal << " M" << rgn[i].closedPath[j][k]->start.x << " " << rgn[i].closedPath[j][k]->start.y << " L";
								m = m + 2;				//jump to the C2 skipping C1
								cMayBePlaced = true;	//C may be placed after E
								ofsFinal << " M" << rgn[i].closedPath[j][k]->start.x << " " << rgn[i].closedPath[j][k]->start.y << " C";
								count = count + 1;
								cMayBePlaced = false;	//C is already placed
						//if SC1C2E forms a straight line and its a start of the bezier curve segment i.e. count==0
						if(count == 0 && m+4 <= rgn[i].closedPath[j][k]->pt.size() && ifEqualPoint2(rgn[i].closedPath[j][k]->pt[m], rgn[i].closedPath[j][k]->pt[m+1]) && ifEqualPoint2(rgn[i].closedPath[j][k]->pt[m+2], rgn[i].closedPath[j][k]->pt[m+3]))
							ofsFinal << rgn[i].closedPath[j][k]->pt[m].x << "," << rgn[i].closedPath[j][k]->pt[m].y << " L";
							m = m + 2;				//jump to the C2 skipping C1
							cMayBePlaced = true;	//C may be placed after E
							//we don't want to place C after last bezier curve segment
							if(cMayBePlaced && !(k == rgn[i].closedPath[j].size() - 1 && m == rgn[i].closedPath[j][k]->pt.size() - 1))
								ofsFinal << rgn[i].closedPath[j][k]->pt[m].x << "," << rgn[i].closedPath[j][k]->pt[m].y << " C";
								ofsFinal << rgn[i].closedPath[j][k]->pt[m].x << "," << rgn[i].closedPath[j][k]->pt[m].y << " ";
							count = count + 1;
							cMayBePlaced = false;	//C already placed or last bezier curve segment
		//for closed path
		ofsFinal << " Z\" />" << std::endl;
		ofsFinal << std::endl;
	ofsFinal << "</g>" << std::endl << "</svg>" << std::endl;
