Exemplo n.º 1
static void rna_def_view2d_api(StructRNA *srna)
	FunctionRNA *func;
	PropertyRNA *parm;

	static const float view_default[2] = {0.0f, 0.0f};
	static const int region_default[2] = {0.0f, 0.0f};

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "region_to_view", "rna_View2D_region_to_view");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Transform region coordinates to 2D view");
	parm = RNA_def_int(func, "x", 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, "x", "Region x coordinate", -10000, 10000);
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_int(func, "y", 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, "y", "Region y coordinate", -10000, 10000);
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_float_array(func, "result", 2, view_default, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "Result", "View coordinates", -10000.0f, 10000.0f);
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP, 0);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "view_to_region", "rna_View2D_view_to_region");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Transform 2D view coordinates to region");
	parm = RNA_def_float(func, "x", 0.0f, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "x", "2D View x coordinate", -10000.0f, 10000.0f);
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_float(func, "y", 0.0f, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "y", "2D View y coordinate", -10000.0f, 10000.0f);
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "clip", 1, "Clip", "Clip coordinates to the visible region");
	parm = RNA_def_int_array(func, "result", 2, region_default, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, "Result", "Region coordinates", -10000, 10000);
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP, 0);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
Exemplo n.º 2
void RNA_api_camera(StructRNA *srna)
	FunctionRNA *func;
	PropertyRNA *parm;

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "view_frame", "rna_camera_view_frame");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Return 4 points for the cameras frame (before object transformation)");

	RNA_def_pointer(func, "scene", "Scene", "", "Scene to use for aspect calculation, when omitted 1:1 aspect is used");

	/* return location and normal */
	parm = RNA_def_float_vector(func, "result_1", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "Result", NULL, -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);

	parm = RNA_def_float_vector(func, "result_2", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "Result", NULL, -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);

	parm = RNA_def_float_vector(func, "result_3", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "Result", NULL, -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);

	parm = RNA_def_float_vector(func, "result_4", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "Result", NULL, -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
Exemplo n.º 3
static void rna_def_color_ramp(BlenderRNA *brna)
	StructRNA *srna;
	PropertyRNA *prop;
	FunctionRNA *func;

	static EnumPropertyItem prop_interpolation_items[] = {
		{1, "EASE", 0, "Ease", ""},
		{3, "CARDINAL", 0, "Cardinal", ""},
		{0, "LINEAR", 0, "Linear", ""},
		{2, "B_SPLINE", 0, "B-Spline", ""},
		{4, "CONSTANT", 0, "Constant", ""},
		{0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}};
	srna= RNA_def_struct(brna, "ColorRamp", NULL);
	RNA_def_struct_sdna(srna, "ColorBand");
	RNA_def_struct_path_func(srna, "rna_ColorRamp_path");
	RNA_def_struct_ui_text(srna, "Color Ramp", "Color ramp mapping a scalar value to a color");
	prop= RNA_def_property(srna, "elements", PROP_COLLECTION, PROP_COLOR);
	RNA_def_property_collection_sdna(prop, NULL, "data", "tot");
	RNA_def_property_struct_type(prop, "ColorRampElement");
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Elements", "");
	RNA_def_property_update(prop, 0, "rna_ColorRamp_update");
	rna_def_color_ramp_element_api(brna, prop);

	prop= RNA_def_property(srna, "interpolation", PROP_ENUM, PROP_NONE);
	RNA_def_property_enum_sdna(prop, NULL, "ipotype");
	RNA_def_property_enum_items(prop, prop_interpolation_items);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Interpolation", "");
	RNA_def_property_update(prop, 0, "rna_ColorRamp_update");

#if 0 // use len(elements)
	prop= RNA_def_property(srna, "total", PROP_INT, PROP_NONE);
	RNA_def_property_int_sdna(prop, NULL, "tot");
	/* needs a function to do the right thing when adding elements like colorband_add_cb() */
	RNA_def_property_clear_flag(prop, PROP_EDITABLE);
	RNA_def_property_range(prop, 0, 31); /* MAXCOLORBAND = 32 */
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Total", "Total number of elements");
	RNA_def_property_update(prop, 0, "rna_ColorRamp_update");
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "evaluate", "rna_ColorRamp_eval");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Evaluate ColorRamp");
	prop= RNA_def_float(func, "position", 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, "Position", "Evaluate ColorRamp at position", 0.0f, 1.0f);
	RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_REQUIRED);
	/* return */
	prop = RNA_def_float_color(func, "color", 4, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "Color", "Color at given position", -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
	RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_THICK_WRAP);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, prop);
Exemplo n.º 4
void RNA_api_scene_render(StructRNA *srna)
	FunctionRNA *func;
	PropertyRNA *parm;

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "frame_path", "rna_SceneRender_get_frame_path");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Return the absolute path to the filename to be written for a given frame");
	RNA_def_int(func, "frame", INT_MIN, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, "",
	            "Frame number to use, if unset the current frame will be used", MINAFRAME, MAXFRAME);
	parm = RNA_def_string_file_path(func, "filepath", "", FILE_MAX, "File Path",
	                                "The resulting filepath from the scenes render settings");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP); /* needed for string return value */
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
Exemplo n.º 5
void RNA_api_texture(StructRNA *srna)
	FunctionRNA *func;
	PropertyRNA *parm;

	func= RNA_def_function(srna, "evaluate", "texture_evaluate");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Evaluate the texture at the coordinates given");

	parm= RNA_def_float_vector(func, "value", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "", "", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);

	/* return location and normal */
	parm= RNA_def_float_vector(func, "result", 4, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "Result", NULL, -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);

Exemplo n.º 6
void RNA_api_keymapitem(StructRNA *srna)
  FunctionRNA *func;
  PropertyRNA *parm;

  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "compare", "WM_keymap_item_compare");
  parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "item", "KeyMapItem", "Item", "");
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
  parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "result", 0, "Comparison result", "");
  RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "to_string", "rna_KeyMapItem_to_string");
  RNA_def_boolean(func, "compact", false, "Compact", "");
  parm = RNA_def_string(func, "result", NULL, UI_MAX_SHORTCUT_STR, "result", "");
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP, 0);
  RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
Exemplo n.º 7
void RNA_api_object(StructRNA *srna)
	FunctionRNA *func;
	PropertyRNA *parm;

	static const EnumPropertyItem mesh_type_items[] = {
		{eModifierMode_Realtime, "PREVIEW", 0, "Preview", "Apply modifier preview settings"},
		{eModifierMode_Render, "RENDER", 0, "Render", "Apply modifier render settings"},
		{0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}

	static const EnumPropertyItem dupli_eval_mode_items[] = {
		{DAG_EVAL_VIEWPORT, "VIEWPORT", 0, "Viewport", "Generate duplis using viewport settings"},
		{DAG_EVAL_PREVIEW, "PREVIEW", 0, "Preview", "Generate duplis using preview settings"},
		{DAG_EVAL_RENDER, "RENDER", 0, "Render", "Generate duplis using render settings"},
		{0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}

#ifndef NDEBUG
	static const EnumPropertyItem mesh_dm_info_items[] = {
		{0, "SOURCE", 0, "Source", "Source mesh"},
		{1, "DEFORM", 0, "Deform", "Objects deform mesh"},
		{2, "FINAL", 0, "Final", "Objects final mesh"},
		{0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}

	/* Matrix space conversion */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "convert_space", "rna_Scene_mat_convert_space");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Convert (transform) the given matrix from one space to another");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "pose_bone", "PoseBone", "",
	                       "Bone to use to define spaces (may be None, in which case only the two 'WORLD' and "
	                       "'LOCAL' spaces are usable)");
	parm = RNA_def_property(func, "matrix", PROP_FLOAT, PROP_MATRIX);
	RNA_def_property_multi_array(parm, 2, rna_matrix_dimsize_4x4);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(parm, "", "The matrix to transform");
	parm = RNA_def_property(func, "matrix_return", PROP_FLOAT, PROP_MATRIX);
	RNA_def_property_multi_array(parm, 2, rna_matrix_dimsize_4x4);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(parm, "", "The transformed matrix");
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
	parm = RNA_def_enum(func, "from_space", space_items, CONSTRAINT_SPACE_WORLD, "",
	                    "The space in which 'matrix' is currently");
	parm = RNA_def_enum(func, "to_space", space_items, CONSTRAINT_SPACE_WORLD, "",
	                    "The space to which you want to transform 'matrix'");

	/* Camera-related operations */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "calc_matrix_camera", "rna_Object_calc_matrix_camera");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Generate the camera projection matrix of this object "
	                                      "(mostly useful for Camera and Lamp types)");
	parm = RNA_def_property(func, "result", PROP_FLOAT, PROP_MATRIX);
	RNA_def_property_multi_array(parm, 2, rna_matrix_dimsize_4x4);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(parm, "", "The camera projection matrix");
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
	parm = RNA_def_int(func, "x", 1, 0, INT_MAX, "", "Width of the render area", 0, 10000);
	parm = RNA_def_int(func, "y", 1, 0, INT_MAX, "", "Height of the render area", 0, 10000);
	parm = RNA_def_float(func, "scale_x", 1.0f, 1.0e-6f, FLT_MAX, "", "Width scaling factor", 1.0e-2f, 100.0f);
	parm = RNA_def_float(func, "scale_y", 1.0f, 1.0e-6f, FLT_MAX, "", "height scaling factor", 1.0e-2f, 100.0f);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "camera_fit_coords", "rna_Object_camera_fit_coords");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Compute the coordinate (and scale for ortho cameras) "
	                                      "given object should be to 'see' all given coordinates");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "scene", "Scene", "", "Scene to get render size information from, if available");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_float_array(func, "coordinates", 1, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "", "Coordinates to fit in",
	                           -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_NEVER_NULL | PROP_DYNAMIC, PARM_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_property(func, "co_return", PROP_FLOAT, PROP_XYZ);
	RNA_def_property_array(parm, 3);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(parm, "", "The location to aim to be able to see all given points");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_OUTPUT);
	parm = RNA_def_property(func, "scale_return", PROP_FLOAT, PROP_NONE);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(parm, "", "The ortho scale to aim to be able to see all given points (if relevant)");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_OUTPUT);

	/* mesh */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "to_mesh", "rna_Object_to_mesh");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Create a Mesh data-block with modifiers applied");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "scene", "Scene", "", "Scene within which to evaluate modifiers");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_NEVER_NULL, PARM_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "apply_modifiers", 0, "", "Apply modifiers");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_enum(func, "settings", mesh_type_items, 0, "", "Modifier settings to apply");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "calc_tessface", true, "Calculate Tessellation", "Calculate tessellation faces");
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "calc_undeformed", false, "Calculate Undeformed", "Calculate undeformed vertex coordinates");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "mesh", "Mesh", "",
	                       "Mesh created from object, remove it if it is only used for export");
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

	/* duplis */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "dupli_list_create", "rna_Object_create_duplilist");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Create a list of dupli objects for this object, needs to "
	                                "be freed manually with free_dupli_list to restore the "
	                                "objects real matrix and layers");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "scene", "Scene", "", "Scene within which to evaluate duplis");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_NEVER_NULL, PARM_REQUIRED);
	RNA_def_enum(func, "settings", dupli_eval_mode_items, 0, "", "Generate texture coordinates for rendering");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_REPORTS);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "dupli_list_clear", "rna_Object_free_duplilist");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Free the list of dupli objects");

	/* Armature */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "find_armature", "modifiers_isDeformedByArmature");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Find armature influencing this object as a parent or via a modifier");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "ob_arm", "Object", "", "Armature object influencing this object or NULL");
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

	/* Shape key */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "shape_key_add", "rna_Object_shape_key_add");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Add shape key to this object");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT | FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
	RNA_def_string(func, "name", "Key", 0, "", "Unique name for the new keyblock"); /* optional */
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "from_mix", 1, "", "Create new shape from existing mix of shapes");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "key", "ShapeKey", "", "New shape keyblock");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_RNAPTR);
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "shape_key_remove", "rna_Object_shape_key_remove");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Remove a Shape Key from this object");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_MAIN | FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "key", "ShapeKey", "", "Keyblock to be removed");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_NEVER_NULL, PARM_REQUIRED | PARM_RNAPTR);
	RNA_def_parameter_clear_flags(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP, 0);

	/* Ray Cast */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "ray_cast", "rna_Object_ray_cast");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Cast a ray onto in object space");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
	/* ray start and end */
	parm = RNA_def_float_vector(func, "origin", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "", "", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_float_vector(func, "direction", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "", "", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
	RNA_def_float(func, "distance", BVH_RAYCAST_DIST_MAX, 0.0, BVH_RAYCAST_DIST_MAX,
	              "", "Maximum distance", 0.0, BVH_RAYCAST_DIST_MAX);

	/* return location and normal */
	parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "result", 0, "", "");
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
	parm = RNA_def_float_vector(func, "location", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "Location",
	                            "The hit location of this ray cast", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP, 0);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
	parm = RNA_def_float_vector(func, "normal", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "Normal",
	                            "The face normal at the ray cast hit location", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP, 0);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
	parm = RNA_def_int(func, "index", 0, 0, 0, "", "The face index, -1 when original data isn't available", 0, 0);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);

	/* Nearest Point */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "closest_point_on_mesh", "rna_Object_closest_point_on_mesh");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Find the nearest point in object space");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_REPORTS);

	/* location of point for test and max distance */
	parm = RNA_def_float_vector(func, "origin", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "", "", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
	/* default is sqrt(FLT_MAX) */
	RNA_def_float(func, "distance", 1.844674352395373e+19, 0.0, FLT_MAX, "", "Maximum distance", 0.0, FLT_MAX);

	/* return location and normal */
	parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "result", 0, "", "");
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
	parm = RNA_def_float_vector(func, "location", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "Location",
	                            "The location on the object closest to the point", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP, 0);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
	parm = RNA_def_float_vector(func, "normal", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "Normal",
	                            "The face normal at the closest point", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP, 0);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);

	parm = RNA_def_int(func, "index", 0, 0, 0, "", "The face index, -1 when original data isn't available", 0, 0);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);

	/* View */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "is_visible", "rna_Object_is_visible");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Determine if object is visible in a given scene");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "scene", "Scene", "", "");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_NEVER_NULL, PARM_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "result", 0, "", "Object visibility");
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

	/* utility function for checking if the object is modified */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "is_modified", "rna_Object_is_modified");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Determine if this object is modified from the base mesh data");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "scene", "Scene", "", "");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_NEVER_NULL, PARM_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_enum(func, "settings", mesh_type_items, 0, "", "Modifier settings to apply");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "result", 0, "", "Object visibility");
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "is_deform_modified", "rna_Object_is_deform_modified");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Determine if this object is modified by a deformation from the base mesh data");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "scene", "Scene", "", "");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_NEVER_NULL, PARM_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_enum(func, "settings", mesh_type_items, 0, "", "Modifier settings to apply");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "result", 0, "", "Object visibility");
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

#ifndef NDEBUG
	/* mesh */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "dm_info", "rna_Object_dm_info");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Returns a string for derived mesh data");

	parm = RNA_def_enum(func, "type", mesh_dm_info_items, 0, "", "Modifier settings to apply");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
	/* weak!, no way to return dynamic string type */
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "result", NULL, 16384, "result", "");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP, 0); /* needed for string return value */
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
#endif /* NDEBUG */

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "update_from_editmode", "rna_Object_update_from_editmode");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Load the objects edit-mode data into the object data");
	parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "result", 0, "", "Success");
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "cache_release", "BKE_object_free_caches");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Release memory used by caches associated with this object. Intended to be used by render engines only");
Exemplo n.º 8
void RNA_api_image(StructRNA *srna)
	FunctionRNA *func;
	PropertyRNA *parm;

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "save_render", "rna_Image_save_render");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Save image to a specific path using a scenes render settings");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT | FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
	parm = RNA_def_string_file_path(func, "filepath", NULL, 0, "", "Save path");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	RNA_def_pointer(func, "scene", "Scene", "", "Scene to take image parameters from");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "save", "rna_Image_save");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Save image to its source path");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_REPORTS);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "pack", "rna_Image_pack");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Pack an image as embedded data into the .blend file");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "as_png", 0, "as_png", "Pack the image as PNG (needed for generated/dirty images)");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "unpack", "rna_Image_unpack");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Save an image packed in the .blend file to disk");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
	RNA_def_enum(func, "method", unpack_method_items, PF_USE_LOCAL, "method", "How to unpack");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "reload", "rna_Image_reload");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Reload the image from its source path");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "update", "rna_Image_update");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Update the display image from the floating point buffer");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_REPORTS);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "scale", "rna_Image_scale");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Scale the image in pixels");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
	parm = RNA_def_int(func, "width", 1, 1, 10000, "", "Width", 1, 10000);
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_int(func, "height", 1, 1, 10000, "", "Height", 1, 10000);
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "gl_touch", "rna_Image_gl_touch");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Delay the image from being cleaned from the cache due inactivity");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
	RNA_def_int(func, "frame", 0, 0, INT_MAX, "Frame",
	            "Frame of image sequence or movie", 0, INT_MAX);
	RNA_def_int(func, "filter", GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, -INT_MAX, INT_MAX, "Filter",
	            "The texture minifying function to use if the image wasn't loaded", -INT_MAX, INT_MAX);
	RNA_def_int(func, "mag", GL_LINEAR, -INT_MAX, INT_MAX, "Magnification",
	            "The texture magnification function to use if the image wasn't loaded", -INT_MAX, INT_MAX);
	/* return value */
	parm = RNA_def_int(func, "error", 0, -INT_MAX, INT_MAX, "Error", "OpenGL error value", -INT_MAX, INT_MAX);
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "gl_load", "rna_Image_gl_load");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Load the image into OpenGL graphics memory");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
	RNA_def_int(func, "frame", 0, 0, INT_MAX, "Frame",
	            "Frame of image sequence or movie", 0, INT_MAX);
	RNA_def_int(func, "filter", GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, -INT_MAX, INT_MAX, "Filter",
	            "The texture minifying function", -INT_MAX, INT_MAX);
	RNA_def_int(func, "mag", GL_LINEAR, -INT_MAX, INT_MAX, "Magnification",
	            "The texture magnification function", -INT_MAX, INT_MAX);

	/* return value */
	parm = RNA_def_int(func, "error", 0, -INT_MAX, INT_MAX, "Error", "OpenGL error value", -INT_MAX, INT_MAX);
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "gl_free", "rna_Image_gl_free");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Free the image from OpenGL graphics memory");

	/* path to an frame specified by image user */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "filepath_from_user", "rna_Image_filepath_from_user");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Return the absolute path to the filepath of an image frame specified by the image user");
	RNA_def_pointer(func, "image_user", "ImageUser", "", "Image user of the image to get filepath for");
	parm = RNA_def_string_file_path(func, "filepath", NULL, FILE_MAX, "File Path",
	                                "The resulting filepath from the image and it's user");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP);  /* needed for string return value */
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);

	/* TODO, pack/unpack, maybe should be generic functions? */
Exemplo n.º 9
static void rna_def_uilist(BlenderRNA *brna)
	StructRNA *srna;
	PropertyRNA *prop;
	PropertyRNA *parm;
	FunctionRNA *func;

	srna = RNA_def_struct(brna, "UIList", NULL);
	RNA_def_struct_ui_text(srna, "UIList", "UI list containing the elements of a collection");
	RNA_def_struct_sdna(srna, "uiList");
	RNA_def_struct_refine_func(srna, "rna_UIList_refine");
	RNA_def_struct_register_funcs(srna, "rna_UIList_register", "rna_UIList_unregister", NULL);
	RNA_def_struct_idprops_func(srna, "rna_UIList_idprops");

	/* Registration */
	prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "bl_idname", PROP_STRING, PROP_NONE);
	RNA_def_property_string_sdna(prop, NULL, "type->idname");
	RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_REGISTER);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "ID Name",
	                         "If this is set, the uilist gets a custom ID, otherwise it takes the "
	                         "name of the class used to define the uilist (for example, if the "
	                         "class name is \"OBJECT_UL_vgroups\", and bl_idname is not set by the "
	                         "script, then bl_idname = \"OBJECT_UL_vgroups\")");

	/* Data */
	prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "layout_type", PROP_ENUM, PROP_NONE);
	RNA_def_property_enum_items(prop, rna_enum_uilist_layout_type_items);
	RNA_def_property_clear_flag(prop, PROP_EDITABLE);

	/* Filter options */
	prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "use_filter_show", PROP_BOOLEAN, PROP_NONE);
	RNA_def_property_boolean_sdna(prop, NULL, "filter_flag", UILST_FLT_SHOW);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Show Filter", "Show filtering options");

	prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "filter_name", PROP_STRING, PROP_NONE);
	RNA_def_property_string_sdna(prop, NULL, "filter_byname");
	RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_TEXTEDIT_UPDATE);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Filter by Name", "Only show items matching this name (use '*' as wildcard)");

	prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "use_filter_invert", PROP_BOOLEAN, PROP_NONE);
	RNA_def_property_boolean_sdna(prop, NULL, "filter_flag", UILST_FLT_EXCLUDE);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Invert", "Invert filtering (show hidden items, and vice-versa)");

	prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "use_filter_sort_alpha", PROP_BOOLEAN, PROP_NONE);
	RNA_def_property_boolean_sdna(prop, NULL, "filter_sort_flag", UILST_FLT_SORT_ALPHA);
	RNA_def_property_ui_icon(prop, ICON_SORTALPHA, 0);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Sort by Name", "Sort items by their name");

	prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "use_filter_sort_reverse", PROP_BOOLEAN, PROP_NONE);
	RNA_def_property_boolean_sdna(prop, NULL, "filter_sort_flag", UILST_FLT_SORT_REVERSE);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Invert", "Invert the order of shown items");

	/* draw_item */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "draw_item", NULL);
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Draw an item in the list (NOTE: when you define your own draw_item "
	                                      "function, you may want to check given 'item' is of the right type...)");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_REGISTER_OPTIONAL);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "context", "Context", "", "");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "layout", "UILayout", "", "Layout to draw the item");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_NEVER_NULL, PARM_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "data", "AnyType", "", "Data from which to take Collection property");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED | PARM_RNAPTR);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "item", "AnyType", "", "Item of the collection property");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED | PARM_RNAPTR);
	parm = RNA_def_int(func, "icon", 0, 0, INT_MAX, "", "Icon of the item in the collection", 0, INT_MAX);
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "active_data", "AnyType", "",
	                       "Data from which to take property for the active element");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_NEVER_NULL, PARM_REQUIRED | PARM_RNAPTR);
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "active_property", NULL, 0, "",
	                      "Identifier of property in active_data, for the active element");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
	RNA_def_int(func, "index", 0, 0, INT_MAX, "", "Index of the item in the collection", 0, INT_MAX);
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED | PARM_PYFUNC_OPTIONAL);
	prop = RNA_def_property(func, "flt_flag", PROP_INT, PROP_UNSIGNED);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "", "The filter-flag result for this item");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED | PARM_PYFUNC_OPTIONAL);

	/* draw_filter */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "draw_filter", NULL);
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Draw filtering options");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_REGISTER_OPTIONAL);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "context", "Context", "", "");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "layout", "UILayout", "", "Layout to draw the item");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_NEVER_NULL, PARM_REQUIRED);

	/* filter */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "filter_items", NULL);
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Filter and/or re-order items of the collection (output filter results in "
	                                      "filter_flags, and reorder results in filter_neworder arrays)");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_REGISTER_OPTIONAL);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "context", "Context", "", "");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "data", "AnyType", "", "Data from which to take Collection property");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED | PARM_RNAPTR);
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "property", NULL, 0, "", "Identifier of property in data, for the collection");
	RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
	prop = RNA_def_property(func, "filter_flags", PROP_INT, PROP_UNSIGNED);
	RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PARM_REQUIRED | PROP_DYNAMIC);
	RNA_def_property_array(prop, 1);  /* XXX Dummy value, default 0 does not work */
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "", "An array of filter flags, one for each item in the collection (NOTE: "
	                                   "FILTER_ITEM bit is reserved, it defines whether the item is shown or not)");
	RNA_def_function_output(func, prop);
	prop = RNA_def_property(func, "filter_neworder", PROP_INT, PROP_UNSIGNED);
	RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PARM_REQUIRED | PROP_DYNAMIC);
	RNA_def_property_array(prop, 1);  /* XXX Dummy value, default 0 does not work */
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "", "An array of indices, one for each item in the collection, mapping the org "
	                                   "index to the new one");
	RNA_def_function_output(func, prop);

	/* "Constants"! */
	RNA_define_verify_sdna(0); /* not in sdna */

	prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "bitflag_filter_item", PROP_INT, PROP_UNSIGNED);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "FILTER_ITEM",
	                               "The value of the reserved bitflag 'FILTER_ITEM' (in filter_flags values)");
	RNA_def_property_int_funcs(prop, "rna_UIList_filter_const_FILTER_ITEM_get", NULL, NULL);
	RNA_def_property_clear_flag(prop, PROP_EDITABLE);
Exemplo n.º 10
void RNA_api_object(StructRNA *srna)
  FunctionRNA *func;
  PropertyRNA *parm;

  static const EnumPropertyItem mesh_type_items[] = {
      {eModifierMode_Realtime, "PREVIEW", 0, "Preview", "Apply modifier preview settings"},
      {eModifierMode_Render, "RENDER", 0, "Render", "Apply modifier render settings"},
      {0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL},

#  ifndef NDEBUG
  static const EnumPropertyItem mesh_dm_info_items[] = {
      {0, "SOURCE", 0, "Source", "Source mesh"},
      {1, "DEFORM", 0, "Deform", "Objects deform mesh"},
      {2, "FINAL", 0, "Final", "Objects final mesh"},
      {0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL},
#  endif

  /* Special wrapper to access the base selection value */
  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "select_get", "rna_Object_select_get");
      func, "Test if the object is selected. The selection state is per view layer");
  RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT | FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
  parm = RNA_def_pointer(
      func, "view_layer", "ViewLayer", "", "Use this instead of the active view layer");
  parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "result", 0, "", "Object selected");
  RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "select_set", "rna_Object_select_set");
      func, "Select or deselect the object. The selection state is per view layer");
  RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT | FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
  parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "state", 0, "", "Selection state to define");
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
  parm = RNA_def_pointer(
      func, "view_layer", "ViewLayer", "", "Use this instead of the active view layer");

  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "hide_get", "rna_Object_hide_get");
      "Test if the object is hidden for viewport editing. This hiding state is per view layer");
  RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT | FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
  parm = RNA_def_pointer(
      func, "view_layer", "ViewLayer", "", "Use this instead of the active view layer");
  parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "result", 0, "", "Object hideed");
  RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "hide_set", "rna_Object_hide_set");
      func, "Hide the object for viewport editing. This hiding state is per view layer");
  RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT | FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
  parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "state", 0, "", "Hide state to define");
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
  parm = RNA_def_pointer(
      func, "view_layer", "ViewLayer", "", "Use this instead of the active view layer");

  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "visible_get", "rna_Object_visible_get");
                                  "Test if the object is visible in the 3D viewport, taking into "
                                  "account all visibility settings");
  RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT | FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
  parm = RNA_def_pointer(
      func, "view_layer", "ViewLayer", "", "Use this instead of the active view layer");
  parm = RNA_def_pointer(
      func, "viewport", "SpaceView3D", "", "Use this instead of the active 3D viewport");
  parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "result", 0, "", "Object visible");
  RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "holdout_get", "rna_Object_holdout_get");
  RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Test if object is masked in the view layer");
  RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT | FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
  parm = RNA_def_pointer(
      func, "view_layer", "ViewLayer", "", "Use this instead of the active view layer");
  parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "result", 0, "", "Object holdout");
  RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "indirect_only_get", "rna_Object_indirect_only_get");
                                  "Test if object is set to contribute only indirectly (through "
                                  "shadows and reflections) in the view layer");
  RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT | FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
  parm = RNA_def_pointer(
      func, "view_layer", "ViewLayer", "", "Use this instead of the active view layer");
  parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "result", 0, "", "Object indirect only");
  RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

  /* Local View */
  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "local_view_get", "rna_Object_local_view_get");
  RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Get the local view state for this object");
  RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
  parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "viewport", "SpaceView3D", "", "Viewport in local view");
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_RNAPTR | PARM_REQUIRED);
  parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "result", 0, "", "Object local view state");
  RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "local_view_set", "rna_Object_local_view_set");
  RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Set the local view state for this object");
  RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
  parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "viewport", "SpaceView3D", "", "Viewport in local view");
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_RNAPTR | PARM_REQUIRED);
  parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "state", 0, "", "Local view state to define");
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);

  /* Matrix space conversion */
  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "convert_space", "rna_Object_mat_convert_space");
      func, "Convert (transform) the given matrix from one space to another");
  RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
  parm = RNA_def_pointer(
      "Bone to use to define spaces (may be None, in which case only the two 'WORLD' and "
      "'LOCAL' spaces are usable)");
  parm = RNA_def_property(func, "matrix", PROP_FLOAT, PROP_MATRIX);
  RNA_def_property_multi_array(parm, 2, rna_matrix_dimsize_4x4);
  RNA_def_property_ui_text(parm, "", "The matrix to transform");
  parm = RNA_def_property(func, "matrix_return", PROP_FLOAT, PROP_MATRIX);
  RNA_def_property_multi_array(parm, 2, rna_matrix_dimsize_4x4);
  RNA_def_property_ui_text(parm, "", "The transformed matrix");
  RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
  parm = RNA_def_enum(func,
                      "The space in which 'matrix' is currently");
  parm = RNA_def_enum(func,
                      "The space to which you want to transform 'matrix'");

  /* Camera-related operations */
  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "calc_matrix_camera", "rna_Object_calc_matrix_camera");
                                  "Generate the camera projection matrix of this object "
                                  "(mostly useful for Camera and Light types)");
  parm = RNA_def_pointer(
      func, "depsgraph", "Depsgraph", "", "Depsgraph to get evaluated data from");
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
  parm = RNA_def_property(func, "result", PROP_FLOAT, PROP_MATRIX);
  RNA_def_property_multi_array(parm, 2, rna_matrix_dimsize_4x4);
  RNA_def_property_ui_text(parm, "", "The camera projection matrix");
  RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
  parm = RNA_def_int(func, "x", 1, 0, INT_MAX, "", "Width of the render area", 0, 10000);
  parm = RNA_def_int(func, "y", 1, 0, INT_MAX, "", "Height of the render area", 0, 10000);
  parm = RNA_def_float(
      func, "scale_x", 1.0f, 1.0e-6f, FLT_MAX, "", "Width scaling factor", 1.0e-2f, 100.0f);
  parm = RNA_def_float(
      func, "scale_y", 1.0f, 1.0e-6f, FLT_MAX, "", "Height scaling factor", 1.0e-2f, 100.0f);

  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "camera_fit_coords", "rna_Object_camera_fit_coords");
                                  "Compute the coordinate (and scale for ortho cameras) "
                                  "given object should be to 'see' all given coordinates");
  parm = RNA_def_pointer(
      func, "depsgraph", "Depsgraph", "", "Depsgraph to get evaluated data from");
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
  parm = RNA_def_float_array(func,
                             "Coordinates to fit in",
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_NEVER_NULL | PROP_DYNAMIC, PARM_REQUIRED);
  parm = RNA_def_property(func, "co_return", PROP_FLOAT, PROP_XYZ);
  RNA_def_property_array(parm, 3);
  RNA_def_property_ui_text(parm, "", "The location to aim to be able to see all given points");
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_OUTPUT);
  parm = RNA_def_property(func, "scale_return", PROP_FLOAT, PROP_NONE);
      parm, "", "The ortho scale to aim to be able to see all given points (if relevant)");
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_OUTPUT);

  /* mesh */
  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "to_mesh", "rna_Object_to_mesh");
      "Create a Mesh data-block from the current state of the object. The object owns the "
      "data-block. To force free it use to_mesh_clear(). "
      "The result is temporary and can not be used by objects from the main database");
  RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
                  "Preserve all data layers in the mesh, like UV maps and vertex groups. "
                  "By default Blender only computes the subset of data layers needed for viewport "
                  "display and rendering, for better performance");
      "Dependency Graph",
      "Evaluated dependency graph which is required when preserve_all_data_layers is true");
  parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "mesh", "Mesh", "", "Mesh created from object");
  RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "to_mesh_clear", "rna_Object_to_mesh_clear");
  RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Clears mesh data-block created by to_mesh()");

  /* Armature */
  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "find_armature", "modifiers_isDeformedByArmature");
      func, "Find armature influencing this object as a parent or via a modifier");
  parm = RNA_def_pointer(
      func, "ob_arm", "Object", "", "Armature object influencing this object or NULL");
  RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

  /* Shape key */
  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "shape_key_add", "rna_Object_shape_key_add");
  RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Add shape key to this object");
  RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT | FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
  RNA_def_string(func, "name", "Key", 0, "", "Unique name for the new keyblock"); /* optional */
  RNA_def_boolean(func, "from_mix", 1, "", "Create new shape from existing mix of shapes");
  parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "key", "ShapeKey", "", "New shape keyblock");
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_RNAPTR);
  RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "shape_key_remove", "rna_Object_shape_key_remove");
  RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Remove a Shape Key from this object");
  RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_MAIN | FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
  parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "key", "ShapeKey", "", "Keyblock to be removed");
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_NEVER_NULL, PARM_REQUIRED | PARM_RNAPTR);
  RNA_def_parameter_clear_flags(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP, 0);

  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "shape_key_clear", "rna_Object_shape_key_clear");
  RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Remove all Shape Keys from this object");
  RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_MAIN);

  /* Ray Cast */
  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "ray_cast", "rna_Object_ray_cast");
      "Cast a ray onto evaluated geometry, in object space "
      "(using context's or provided depsgraph to get evaluated mesh if needed)");
  RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT | FUNC_USE_REPORTS);

  /* ray start and end */
  parm = RNA_def_float_vector(func,
                              "Origin of the ray, in object space",
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
  parm = RNA_def_float_vector(func,
                              "Direction of the ray, in object space",
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
                "Maximum distance",
  parm = RNA_def_pointer(
      "Depsgraph to use to get evaluated data, when called from original object "
      "(only needed if current Context's depsgraph is not suitable)");
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_RNAPTR);

  /* return location and normal */
  parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "result", 0, "", "Wheter the ray successfully hit the geometry");
  RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
  parm = RNA_def_float_vector(func,
                              "The hit location of this ray cast",
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP, 0);
  RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
  parm = RNA_def_float_vector(func,
                              "The face normal at the ray cast hit location",
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP, 0);
  RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
  parm = RNA_def_int(
      func, "index", 0, 0, 0, "", "The face index, -1 when original data isn't available", 0, 0);
  RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);

  /* Nearest Point */
  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "closest_point_on_mesh", "rna_Object_closest_point_on_mesh");
      "Find the nearest point on evaluated geometry, in object space "
      "(using context's or provided depsgraph to get evaluated mesh if needed)");
  RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT | FUNC_USE_REPORTS);

  /* location of point for test and max distance */
  parm = RNA_def_float_vector(func,
                              "Point to find closest geometry from (in object space)",
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
  /* default is sqrt(FLT_MAX) */
      func, "distance", 1.844674352395373e+19, 0.0, FLT_MAX, "", "Maximum distance", 0.0, FLT_MAX);
  parm = RNA_def_pointer(
      "Depsgraph to use to get evaluated data, when called from original object "
      "(only needed if current Context's depsgraph is not suitable)");
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_RNAPTR);

  /* return location and normal */
  parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "result", 0, "", "Wheter closest point on geometry was found");
  RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
  parm = RNA_def_float_vector(func,
                              "The location on the object closest to the point",
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP, 0);
  RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
  parm = RNA_def_float_vector(func,
                              "The face normal at the closest point",
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP, 0);
  RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);

  parm = RNA_def_int(
      func, "index", 0, 0, 0, "", "The face index, -1 when original data isn't available", 0, 0);
  RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);

  /* View */

  /* utility function for checking if the object is modified */
  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "is_modified", "rna_Object_is_modified");
                                  "Determine if this object is modified from the base mesh data");
  parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "scene", "Scene", "", "Scene in which to check the object");
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_NEVER_NULL, PARM_REQUIRED);
  parm = RNA_def_enum(func, "settings", mesh_type_items, 0, "", "Modifier settings to apply");
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
  parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "result", 0, "", "Whether the object is modified");
  RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "is_deform_modified", "rna_Object_is_deform_modified");
      func, "Determine if this object is modified by a deformation from the base mesh data");
  parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "scene", "Scene", "", "Scene in which to check the object");
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_NEVER_NULL, PARM_REQUIRED);
  parm = RNA_def_enum(func, "settings", mesh_type_items, 0, "", "Modifier settings to apply");
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
  parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "result", 0, "", "Whether the object is deform-modified");
  RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

#  ifndef NDEBUG
  /* mesh */
  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "dm_info", "rna_Object_me_eval_info");
      "Returns a string for original/evaluated mesh data (debug builds only, "
      "using context's or provided depsgraph to get evaluated mesh if needed)");
  RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);

  parm = RNA_def_enum(func, "type", mesh_dm_info_items, 0, "", "Modifier settings to apply");
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_REQUIRED);
  parm = RNA_def_pointer(
      "Depsgraph to use to get evaluated data, when called from original object "
      "(only needed if current Context's depsgraph is not suitable)");
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, 0, PARM_RNAPTR);
  /* weak!, no way to return dynamic string type */
  parm = RNA_def_string(func, "result", NULL, 16384, "", "Requested informations");
  RNA_def_parameter_flags(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP, 0); /* needed for string return value */
  RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
#  endif /* NDEBUG */

  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "update_from_editmode", "rna_Object_update_from_editmode");
  RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Load the objects edit-mode data into the object data");
  RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_MAIN);
  parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "result", 0, "", "Success");
  RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

  func = RNA_def_function(srna, "cache_release", "BKE_object_free_caches");
                                  "Release memory used by caches associated with this object. "
                                  "Intended to be used by render engines only");
Exemplo n.º 11
void RNA_api_scene(StructRNA *srna)
	FunctionRNA *func;
	PropertyRNA *parm;

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "frame_set", "rna_Scene_frame_set");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Set scene frame updating all objects immediately");
	parm = RNA_def_int(func, "frame", 0, MINAFRAME, MAXFRAME, "", "Frame number to set", MINAFRAME, MAXFRAME);
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	RNA_def_float(func, "subframe", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, "", "Sub-frame time, between 0.0 and 1.0", 0.0, 1.0);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "update", "rna_Scene_update_tagged");
	                                "Update data tagged to be updated from previous access to data or operators");

	/* Ray Cast */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "ray_cast", "rna_Scene_ray_cast");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Cast a ray onto in object space");

	/* ray start and end */
	parm = RNA_def_float_vector(func, "start", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "", "", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_float_vector(func, "end", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "", "", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);

	/* return location and normal */
	parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "result", 0, "", "");
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "object", "Object", "", "Ray cast object");
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
	parm = RNA_def_float_matrix(func, "matrix", 4, 4, NULL, 0.0f, 0.0f, "", "Matrix", 0.0f, 0.0f);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
	parm = RNA_def_float_vector(func, "location", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "Location",
	                            "The hit location of this ray cast", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
	parm = RNA_def_float_vector(func, "normal", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "Normal",
	                            "The face normal at the ray cast hit location", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);

	/* don't remove this, as COLLADA exporting cannot be done through operators in render() callback. */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "collada_export", "rna_Scene_collada_export");
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "filepath", "", FILE_MAX, "File Path", "File path to write Collada file");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	RNA_def_property_subtype(parm, PROP_FILEPATH); /* allow non utf8 */
	parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "apply_modifiers", 0, "Apply Modifiers", "Apply modifiers");
	parm = RNA_def_int(func, "export_mesh_type", 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX,
	            "Resolution", "Modifier resolution for export", INT_MIN, INT_MAX);
	parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "selected", 0, "Selection Only", "Export only selected elements");
	parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "include_children", 0, "Include Children", "Export all children of selected objects (even if not selected)");
	parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "include_armatures", 0, "Include Armatures", "Export related armatures (even if not selected)");
	parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "include_shapekeys", 0, "Include Shape Keys", "Export all Shape Keys from Mesh Objects");
	parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "deform_bones_only", 0, "Deform Bones only", "Only export deforming bones with armatures");

	parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "active_uv_only", 0, "Active UV Layer only", "Export only the active UV Layer");
	parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "include_uv_textures", 0, "Include UV Textures", "Export textures assigned to the object UV maps");
	parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "include_material_textures", 0, "Include Material Textures", "Export textures assigned to the object Materials");
	parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "use_texture_copies", 0, "copy", "Copy textures to same folder where the .dae file is exported");

	parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "use_ngons", 1, "Use NGons", "Keep NGons in Export");
	parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "use_object_instantiation", 1, "Use Object Instances", "Instantiate multiple Objects from same Data");
	parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "sort_by_name", 0, "Sort by Object name", "Sort exported data by Object name");
	parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "second_life", 0, "Export for Second Life", "Compatibility mode for Second Life");

	parm = RNA_def_int(func, "export_transformation_type", 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX,
	            "Transformation", "Transformation type for translation, scale and rotation", INT_MIN, INT_MAX);

	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Export to collada file");
Exemplo n.º 12
void RNA_api_object(StructRNA *srna)
	FunctionRNA *func;
	PropertyRNA *parm;

	static EnumPropertyItem mesh_type_items[] = {
		{eModifierMode_Realtime, "PREVIEW", 0, "Preview", "Apply modifier preview settings"},
		{eModifierMode_Render, "RENDER", 0, "Render", "Apply modifier render settings"},
		{0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}

#ifndef NDEBUG
	static EnumPropertyItem mesh_dm_info_items[] = {
		{0, "SOURCE", 0, "Source", "Source mesh"},
		{1, "DEFORM", 0, "Deform", "Objects deform mesh"},
	    {2, "FINAL", 0, "Final", "Objects final mesh"},
		{0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}

	/* mesh */
	func= RNA_def_function(srna, "to_mesh", "rna_Object_to_mesh");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Create a Mesh datablock with modifiers applied");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
	parm= RNA_def_pointer(func, "scene", "Scene", "", "Scene within which to evaluate modifiers");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED|PROP_NEVER_NULL);
	parm= RNA_def_boolean(func, "apply_modifiers", 0, "", "Apply modifiers");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm= RNA_def_enum(func, "settings", mesh_type_items, 0, "", "Modifier settings to apply");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm= RNA_def_pointer(func, "mesh", "Mesh", "", "Mesh created from object, remove it if it is only used for export");
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

	/* duplis */
	func= RNA_def_function(srna, "dupli_list_create", "rna_Object_create_duplilist");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Create a list of dupli objects for this object, needs to "
	                                      "be freed manually with free_dupli_list to restore the "
	                                      "objects real matrix and layers");
	parm= RNA_def_pointer(func, "scene", "Scene", "", "Scene within which to evaluate duplis");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED|PROP_NEVER_NULL);
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_REPORTS);

	func= RNA_def_function(srna, "dupli_list_clear", "rna_Object_free_duplilist");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Free the list of dupli objects");

	/* Armature */
	func= RNA_def_function(srna, "find_armature", "modifiers_isDeformedByArmature");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Find armature influencing this object as a parent or via a modifier");
	parm= RNA_def_pointer(func, "ob_arm", "Object", "", "Armature object influencing this object or NULL");
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

	/* Shape key */
	func= RNA_def_function(srna, "shape_key_add", "rna_Object_shape_key_add");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Add shape key to an object");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT|FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
	RNA_def_string(func, "name", "Key", 0, "", "Unique name for the new keylock"); /* optional */
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "from_mix", 1, "", "Create new shape from existing mix of shapes");
	parm= RNA_def_pointer(func, "key", "ShapeKey", "", "New shape keyblock");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_RNAPTR);
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

	/* Ray Cast */
	func= RNA_def_function(srna, "ray_cast", "rna_Object_ray_cast");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Cast a ray onto in object space");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_REPORTS);
	/* ray start and end */
	parm= RNA_def_float_vector(func, "start", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "", "", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm= RNA_def_float_vector(func, "end", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "", "", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);

	/* return location and normal */
	parm= RNA_def_float_vector(func, "location", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "Location", "The hit location of this ray cast", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
	parm= RNA_def_float_vector(func, "normal", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "Normal", "The face normal at the ray cast hit location", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
	parm= RNA_def_int(func, "index", 0, 0, 0, "", "The face index, -1 when no intersection is found", 0, 0);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);

	/* Nearest Point */
	func= RNA_def_function(srna, "closest_point_on_mesh", "rna_Object_closest_point_on_mesh");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Find the nearest point on the object");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_REPORTS);

	/* location of point for test and max distance */
	parm= RNA_def_float_vector(func, "point", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "", "", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	/* default is sqrt(FLT_MAX) */
	RNA_def_float(func, "max_dist", 1.844674352395373e+19, 0.0, FLT_MAX, "", "", 0.0, FLT_MAX);

	/* return location and normal */
	parm= RNA_def_float_vector(func, "location", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "Location", "The location on the object closest to the point", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
	parm= RNA_def_float_vector(func, "normal", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "Normal", "The face normal at the closest point", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);

	parm= RNA_def_int(func, "index", 0, 0, 0, "", "The face index, -1 when no closest point is found", 0, 0);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);

	/* View */
	func= RNA_def_function(srna, "is_visible", "rna_Object_is_visible");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Determine if object is visible in a given scene");
	parm= RNA_def_pointer(func, "scene", "Scene", "", "");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED|PROP_NEVER_NULL);
	parm= RNA_def_boolean(func, "result", 0, "", "Object visibility");
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

	/* utility function for checking if the object is modified */
	func= RNA_def_function(srna, "is_modified", "rna_Object_is_modified");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Determine if this object is modified from the base mesh data");
	parm= RNA_def_pointer(func, "scene", "Scene", "", "");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED|PROP_NEVER_NULL);
	parm= RNA_def_enum(func, "settings", mesh_type_items, 0, "", "Modifier settings to apply");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm= RNA_def_boolean(func, "result", 0, "", "Object visibility");
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

#ifndef NDEBUG
	/* mesh */
	func= RNA_def_function(srna, "dm_info", "rna_Object_dm_info");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Returns a string for derived mesh data");

	parm= RNA_def_enum(func, "type", mesh_dm_info_items, 0, "", "Modifier settings to apply");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	/* weak!, no way to return dynamic string type */
	parm= RNA_def_string(func, "result", "", 16384, "result", "");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_THICK_WRAP); /* needed for string return value */
	RNA_def_function_output(func, parm);
#endif /* NDEBUG */
Exemplo n.º 13
static void rna_def_rigidbody_world(BlenderRNA *brna)
	StructRNA *srna;
	PropertyRNA *prop;
	FunctionRNA *func;

	srna = RNA_def_struct(brna, "RigidBodyWorld", NULL);
	RNA_def_struct_sdna(srna, "RigidBodyWorld");
	RNA_def_struct_ui_text(srna, "Rigid Body World", "Self-contained rigid body simulation environment and settings");
	RNA_def_struct_path_func(srna, "rna_RigidBodyWorld_path");
	/* groups */
	prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "group", PROP_POINTER, PROP_NONE);
	RNA_def_property_struct_type(prop, "Group");
	RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_EDITABLE | PROP_ID_SELF_CHECK);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Group", "Group containing objects participating in this simulation");
	RNA_def_property_update(prop, NC_SCENE, "rna_RigidBodyWorld_reset");

	prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "constraints", PROP_POINTER, PROP_NONE);
	RNA_def_property_struct_type(prop, "Group");
	RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_EDITABLE | PROP_ID_SELF_CHECK);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Constraints", "Group containing rigid body constraint objects");
	RNA_def_property_update(prop, NC_SCENE, "rna_RigidBodyWorld_reset");
	/* booleans */
	prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "enabled", PROP_BOOLEAN, PROP_NONE);
	RNA_def_property_boolean_negative_sdna(prop, NULL, "flag", RBW_FLAG_MUTED);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Enabled", "Simulation will be evaluated");
	RNA_def_property_update(prop, NC_SCENE, NULL);
	/* time scale */
	prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "time_scale", PROP_FLOAT, PROP_NONE);
	RNA_def_property_float_sdna(prop, NULL, "time_scale");
	RNA_def_property_range(prop, 0.0f, 100.0f);
	RNA_def_property_ui_range(prop, 0.0f, 10.0f, 1, 3);
	RNA_def_property_float_default(prop, 1.0f);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Time Scale", "Change the speed of the simulation");
	RNA_def_property_update(prop, NC_SCENE, "rna_RigidBodyWorld_reset");
	/* timestep */
	prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "steps_per_second", PROP_INT, PROP_NONE);
	RNA_def_property_int_sdna(prop, NULL, "steps_per_second");
	RNA_def_property_range(prop, 1, SHRT_MAX);
	RNA_def_property_ui_range(prop, 60, 1000, 1, -1);
	RNA_def_property_int_default(prop, 60);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Steps Per Second",
	                         "Number of simulation steps taken per second (higher values are more accurate "
	                         "but slower)");
	RNA_def_property_update(prop, NC_SCENE, "rna_RigidBodyWorld_reset");
	/* constraint solver iterations */
	prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "solver_iterations", PROP_INT, PROP_NONE);
	RNA_def_property_int_sdna(prop, NULL, "num_solver_iterations");
	RNA_def_property_range(prop, 1, 1000);
	RNA_def_property_ui_range(prop, 10, 100, 1, -1);
	RNA_def_property_int_default(prop, 10);
	RNA_def_property_int_funcs(prop, NULL, "rna_RigidBodyWorld_num_solver_iterations_set", NULL);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Solver Iterations",
	                         "Number of constraint solver iterations made per simulation step (higher values are more "
	                         "accurate but slower)");
	RNA_def_property_update(prop, NC_SCENE, "rna_RigidBodyWorld_reset");
	/* split impulse */
	prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "use_split_impulse", PROP_BOOLEAN, PROP_NONE);
	RNA_def_property_boolean_sdna(prop, NULL, "flag", RBW_FLAG_USE_SPLIT_IMPULSE);
	RNA_def_property_boolean_funcs(prop, NULL, "rna_RigidBodyWorld_split_impulse_set");
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Split Impulse",
	                         "Reduce extra velocity that can build up when objects collide (lowers simulation "
	                         "stability a little so use only when necessary)");
	RNA_def_property_update(prop, NC_SCENE, "rna_RigidBodyWorld_reset");

	/* cache */
	prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "point_cache", PROP_POINTER, PROP_NONE);
	RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_NEVER_NULL);
	RNA_def_property_pointer_sdna(prop, NULL, "pointcache");
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Point Cache", "");

	/* effector weights */
	prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "effector_weights", PROP_POINTER, PROP_NONE);
	RNA_def_property_struct_type(prop, "EffectorWeights");
	RNA_def_property_clear_flag(prop, PROP_EDITABLE);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Effector Weights", "");

	/* Sweep test */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "convex_sweep_test", "rna_RigidBodyWorld_convex_sweep_test");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Sweep test convex rigidbody against the current rigidbody world");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_REPORTS);

	prop = RNA_def_pointer(func, "object", "Object", "", "Rigidbody object with a convex collision shape");
	RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_REQUIRED | PROP_NEVER_NULL);
	RNA_def_property_clear_flag(prop, PROP_THICK_WRAP);

	/* ray start and end */
	prop = RNA_def_float_vector(func, "start", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "", "", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_REQUIRED);
	prop = RNA_def_float_vector(func, "end", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "", "", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_REQUIRED);

	prop = RNA_def_float_vector(func, "object_location", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "Location",
	                            "The hit location of this sweep test", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_THICK_WRAP);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, prop);

	prop = RNA_def_float_vector(func, "hitpoint", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "Hitpoint",
	                            "The hit location of this sweep test", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_THICK_WRAP);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, prop);

	prop = RNA_def_float_vector(func, "normal", 3, NULL, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "Normal",
	                            "The face normal at the sweep test hit location", -1e4, 1e4);
	RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_THICK_WRAP);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, prop);

	prop = RNA_def_int(func, "has_hit", 0, 0, 0, "", "If the function has found collision point, value is 1, otherwise 0", 0, 0);
	RNA_def_function_output(func, prop);