Exemplo n.º 1
 * Links the segments of the module into the address space.
 * @returns VBox status code on failure.
 * @param   hAs     The address space.
 * @param   hMod    The module.
 * @param   paSegs  Array of segment indexes and load addresses.
 * @param   cSegs   The number of segments in the array.
static int dbgDiggerCommonLinkElfSegs(RTDBGAS hAs, RTDBGMOD hMod, PDBGDIGGERELFSEG paSegs, uint32_t cSegs)
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cSegs; i++)
        if (paSegs[i].iSeg != NIL_RTDBGSEGIDX)
            int rc = RTDbgAsModuleLinkSeg(hAs, hMod, paSegs[i].iSeg, paSegs[i].uLoadAddr, RTDBGASLINK_FLAGS_REPLACE);
            if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                RTDbgAsModuleUnlink(hAs, hMod);
                return rc;
    return VINF_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Wrapper around RTDbgAsModuleLink, RTDbgAsModuleLinkSeg and DBGFR3AsResolve.
 * @returns VBox status code.
 * @param   pVM             Pointer to the VM.
 * @param   hDbgAs          The address space handle.
 * @param   hMod            The module handle.
 * @param   pModAddress     The link address.
 * @param   iModSeg         The segment to link, NIL_RTDBGSEGIDX for the entire image.
 * @param   fFlags          Flags to pass to the link functions, see RTDBGASLINK_FLAGS_*.
VMMR3DECL(int) DBGFR3AsLinkModule(PVM pVM, RTDBGAS hDbgAs, RTDBGMOD hMod, PCDBGFADDRESS pModAddress, RTDBGSEGIDX iModSeg, uint32_t fFlags)
     * Input validation.
    AssertReturn(DBGFR3AddrIsValid(pVM, pModAddress), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
    RTDBGAS hRealAS = DBGFR3AsResolveAndRetain(pVM, hDbgAs);
    if (hRealAS == NIL_RTDBGAS)
        return VERR_INVALID_HANDLE;

     * Do the job.
    int rc;
    if (iModSeg == NIL_RTDBGSEGIDX)
        rc = RTDbgAsModuleLink(hRealAS, hMod, pModAddress->FlatPtr, fFlags);
        rc = RTDbgAsModuleLinkSeg(hRealAS, hMod, iModSeg, pModAddress->FlatPtr, fFlags);

    return rc;