Exemplo n.º 1
@func ret_t | rtl8370_getAsicPortIngressBandwidth | Get per-port total ingress bandwidth.
@parm uint32 | port | The port number.
@parm uint32* | bandwidth | The total ingress bandwidth (unit: 8Kbps), 0x1FFFF:disable. 
@parm uint32* | preifg | Include preamble and IFG, 0:Exclude, 1:Include.
@parm uint32* | enableFC | Action when input rate exceeds. 0: Drop    1: Flow Control
@rvalue RT_ERR_OK | Success.
@rvalue RT_ERR_SMI | SMI access error.
@rvalue RT_ERR_PORT_ID | Invalid port number.
@rvalue RT_ERR_INPUT | Invalid input parameter.
    The API can set port ingress bandwidth. Port ingress bandwidth = (bandwidth+1)*8Kbps.
    To disable port ingress bandwidth control, the parameter 'bandwidth' should be set as 0x1FFFF.
ret_t rtl8370_getAsicPortIngressBandwidth( uint32 port, uint32* pBandwidth, uint32* pPreifg, uint32* pEnableFC )
    uint32 retVal;
    uint32 regData;
    uint32 regAddr;

    /* Invalid input parameter */
    if(port >=RTL8370_PORTNO)
        return RT_ERR_PORT_ID;

    regAddr = RTL8370_INGRESSBW_PORT_RATE_LSB_REG(port);
    retVal = rtl8370_getAsicReg(regAddr, &regData);
    if(retVal != RT_ERR_OK)
        return retVal;

    *pBandwidth = regData;
    regAddr += 1;
    retVal = rtl8370_getAsicRegBit(regAddr, 0, &regData);
    if(retVal != RT_ERR_OK)
        return retVal;
    *pBandwidth |= (regData << RTL8370_QOS_GRANULARTY_MSB_OFFSET);

    regAddr = RTL8370_PORT_MISC_CFG_REG(port);
    retVal = rtl8370_getAsicRegBit(regAddr, RTL8370_INGRESSBW_PORT_IFG_OFFSET, pPreifg);
    if(retVal != RT_ERR_OK)
        return retVal;
    regAddr = RTL8370_PORT_MISC_CFG_REG(port);

    return rtl8370_getAsicRegBit(regAddr, RTL8370_INGRESSBW_PORT_FLOWCRTL_ENABLE_OFFSET, pEnableFC);
@func ret_t | rtl8370_getAsicSpecialCongestModeConfig | Get ASIC special congest mode configuration. 
@parm uint32 | port | port number (0~8).
@uint32* | sustain | sustain timer (0-15).
@rvalue RT_ERR_OK | Success.
@rvalue RT_ERR_SMI | SMI access error.
@rvalue RT_ERR_PORT_ID | Invalid port number.
    The API can get ASIC special congest mode setup per port.
ret_t rtl8370_getAsicSpecialCongestModeConfig(uint32 port, uint32 *sustain)
    if(port >= RTL8370_PORTNO)
        return RT_ERR_PORT_ID;

    return rtl8370_getAsicRegBits(RTL8370_PORT_MISC_CFG_REG(port), RTL8370_SPECIALCONGEST_SUSTAIN_TIMER_MASK, sustain); 
@func ret_t | rtl8370_getAsicVlanEgressTagMode | Get CVLAN egress tag mode
@parm uint32 | port | The EGRESS port number
@parm rtl8370_egtagmode* | ptr_tag_mode | The egress tag mode. Including Original mode, Keep tag mode and Priority tag mode.
@rvalue RT_ERR_OK | Success.
@rvalue RT_ERR_SMI | SMI access error.
@rvalue RT_ERR_INPUT | Invalid input parameter.
@rvalue RT_ERR_PORT_ID | Invalid port number.
    The API can Get Egress tag mode. There are 3 mode for egress tag:
    Original mode : Output frame will follow VLAN untag setting.
    Keep tag mode : Output frame will keep VLAN original format.
    Priority tag mode : Output frame will be priority tag.
ret_t rtl8370_getAsicVlanEgressTagMode( uint32 port, rtl8370_egtagmode *ptr_tag_mode)
    if(port > RTL8370_PORTIDMAX)
        return RT_ERR_PORT_ID;

    if(NULL == ptr_tag_mode)
        return RT_ERR_INPUT;

    return rtl8370_getAsicRegBits(RTL8370_PORT_MISC_CFG_REG(port), RTL8370_VLAN_EGRESS_MDOE_MASK, (uint32*)ptr_tag_mode);
Exemplo n.º 4
@func ret_t | rtl8370_setAsicPortIngressBandwidth | Set per-port total ingress bandwidth.
@parm uint32 | port | The port number.
@parm uint32 | bandwidth | The total ingress bandwidth (unit: 8Kbps), 0x1FFFF:disable. 
@parm uint32 | preifg | Include preamble and IFG, 0:Exclude, 1:Include.
@parm uint32 | enableFC | Action when input rate exceeds. 0: Drop    1: Flow Control
@rvalue RT_ERR_OK | Success.
@rvalue RT_ERR_SMI | SMI access error.
@rvalue RT_ERR_PORT_ID | Invalid port number.
@rvalue RT_ERR_INPUT | Invalid input parameter.
@rvalue RT_ERR_INBW_RATE | Invalid input rate parameter.
    The API can set port ingress bandwidth. Port ingress bandwidth = (bandwidth+1)*8Kbps.
    To disable port ingress bandwidth control, the parameter 'bandwidth' should be set as 0x1FFFF.
ret_t rtl8370_setAsicPortIngressBandwidth( uint32 port, uint32 bandwidth, uint32 preifg, uint32 enableFC)
    uint32 retVal;
    uint32 regData;
    uint32 regAddr;

    /* Invalid input parameter */
    if(port >= RTL8370_PORTNO)
        return RT_ERR_PORT_ID;

    if(bandwidth > RTL8370_QOS_GRANULARTY_MAX)
        return RT_ERR_INBW_RATE;
    if((enableFC > 1) || (preifg > 1))
        return RT_ERR_INPUT;
    regAddr = RTL8370_INGRESSBW_PORT_RATE_LSB_REG(port);
    regData = bandwidth & RTL8370_QOS_GRANULARTY_LSB_MASK;
    retVal = rtl8370_setAsicReg(regAddr, regData);
    if (retVal !=  RT_ERR_OK) 
        return retVal;

    regAddr += 1;
    retVal = rtl8370_setAsicRegBit(regAddr, 0, regData);
    if (retVal !=  RT_ERR_OK) 
        return retVal;

    regAddr = RTL8370_PORT_MISC_CFG_REG(port);
    retVal = rtl8370_setAsicRegBit(regAddr, RTL8370_INGRESSBW_PORT_IFG_OFFSET, preifg);
    if (retVal !=  RT_ERR_OK) 
        return retVal;

    regAddr = RTL8370_PORT_MISC_CFG_REG(port);

    return rtl8370_setAsicRegBit(regAddr, RTL8370_INGRESSBW_PORT_FLOWCRTL_ENABLE_OFFSET, enableFC);
@func ret_t | rtl8370_setAsicVlanEgressTagMode | Set CVLAN egress tag mode
@parm uint32 | port | The EGRESS port number
@parm rtl8370_egtagmode | tag_mode | The egress tag mode. Including Original mode, Keep tag mode and Priority tag mode.
@rvalue RT_ERR_OK | Success.
@rvalue RT_ERR_SMI | SMI access error.
@rvalue RT_ERR_INPUT | Invalid input parameter.
@rvalue RT_ERR_PORT_ID | Invalid port number.
    The API can Set Egress tag mode. There are 3 mode for egress tag:
    Original mode : Output frame will follow VLAN untag setting.
    Keep tag mode : Output frame will keep VLAN original format.
    Priority tag mode : Output frame will be priority tag.
ret_t rtl8370_setAsicVlanEgressTagMode( uint32 port, rtl8370_egtagmode tag_mode)
    ret_t  retVal;

    if(port > RTL8370_PORTIDMAX)
        return RT_ERR_PORT_ID;

    if(tag_mode >= EG_TAG_MODE_MAX_BOUND)
        return RT_ERR_INPUT;

    retVal = rtl8370_setAsicRegBits(RTL8370_PORT_MISC_CFG_REG(port), RTL8370_VLAN_EGRESS_MDOE_MASK, tag_mode);
    if(retVal != RT_ERR_OK)
        return retVal;
    return RT_ERR_OK;