 * Allocates and maps one physically contiguous page. The allocated page is
 * zero'd out.
 * @returns IPRT status code.
 * @param   pMemObj         Pointer to the ring-0 memory object.
 * @param   ppVirt          Where to store the virtual address of the
 *                          allocation.
 * @param   pPhys           Where to store the physical address of the
 *                          allocation.
static int gimR0HvPageAllocZ(PRTR0MEMOBJ pMemObj, PRTR0PTR ppVirt, PRTHCPHYS pHCPhys)

    int rc = RTR0MemObjAllocCont(pMemObj, PAGE_SIZE, false /* fExecutable */);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return rc;
    *ppVirt  = RTR0MemObjAddress(*pMemObj);
    *pHCPhys = RTR0MemObjGetPagePhysAddr(*pMemObj, 0 /* iPage */);
    ASMMemZero32(*ppVirt, PAGE_SIZE);
    return VINF_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Initalizes the triple fault / boot hack.
 * Always call vmmR0TripleFaultHackTerm to clean up, even when this call fails.
 * @returns VBox status code.
int vmmR0TripleFaultHackInit(void)
     * Map the first page.
    int rc = RTR0MemObjEnterPhys(&g_hMemPage0, 0, PAGE_SIZE, RTMEM_CACHE_POLICY_DONT_CARE);
    AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
    rc = RTR0MemObjMapKernel(&g_hMapPage0, g_hMemPage0, (void *)-1, 0, RTMEM_PROT_READ | RTMEM_PROT_WRITE);
    AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
    g_pbPage0 = (uint8_t *)RTR0MemObjAddress(g_hMapPage0);
    LogRel(("0040:0067 = %04x:%04x\n", RT_MAKE_U16(g_pbPage0[0x467+2],  g_pbPage0[0x467+3]),  RT_MAKE_U16(g_pbPage0[0x467+0],  g_pbPage0[0x467+1]) ));

     * Allocate some "low core" memory.  If that fails, just grab some memory.
    //rc = RTR0MemObjAllocPhys(&g_hMemLowCore, PAGE_SIZE, _1M - 1);
    rc = RTR0MemObjEnterPhys(&g_hMemLowCore, 0x7000, PAGE_SIZE, RTMEM_CACHE_POLICY_DONT_CARE);
    AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
    rc = RTR0MemObjMapKernel(&g_hMapLowCore, g_hMemLowCore, (void *)-1, 0, RTMEM_PROT_READ | RTMEM_PROT_WRITE);
    AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
    g_pbLowCore = (uint8_t *)RTR0MemObjAddress(g_hMapLowCore);
    g_HCPhysLowCore = RTR0MemObjGetPagePhysAddr(g_hMapLowCore, 0);
    LogRel(("Low core at %RHp mapped at %p\n", g_HCPhysLowCore, g_pbLowCore));

     * Save memory we'll be overwriting.
    g_pvSavedLowCore = RTMemAlloc(PAGE_SIZE);
    AssertReturn(g_pvSavedLowCore, VERR_NO_MEMORY);
    memcpy(g_pvSavedLowCore, g_pbLowCore, PAGE_SIZE);

    g_u32SavedVector = RT_MAKE_U32_FROM_U8(g_pbPage0[0x467], g_pbPage0[0x467+1], g_pbPage0[0x467+2], g_pbPage0[0x467+3]);
    g_u16SavedCadIndicator = RT_MAKE_U16(g_pbPage0[0x472], g_pbPage0[0x472+1]);

     * Install the code.
    size_t cbCode = (uintptr_t)&vmmR0TripleFaultHackEnd - (uintptr_t)&vmmR0TripleFaultHackStart;
    AssertLogRelReturn(cbCode <= PAGE_SIZE, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
    memcpy(g_pbLowCore, &vmmR0TripleFaultHackStart, cbCode);

    g_pbPage0[0x467+0] = 0x00;
    g_pbPage0[0x467+1] = 0x70;
    g_pbPage0[0x467+2] = 0x00;
    g_pbPage0[0x467+3] = 0x00;

    g_pbPage0[0x472+0] = 0x34;
    g_pbPage0[0x472+1] = 0x12;

     * Configure the status port and cmos shutdown command.
    uint32_t fSaved = ASMIntDisableFlags();

    ASMOutU8(0x70, 0x0f);
    ASMOutU8(0x71, 0x0a);

    ASMOutU8(0x70, 0x05);



#if 1 /* For testing & debugging. */

    return VINF_SUCCESS;