Exemplo n.º 1
 * Test execution worker.
 * @returns nothing.
 * @param   pszDevice    The device to use for testing.
static void usbTestExec(const char *pszDevice)
    int iDevFd;

    RTTestSub(g_hTest, "Opening device");
    iDevFd = open(pszDevice, O_RDWR);
    if (iDevFd != -1)
        USBTESTPARAMS Params;

        RTTestPassed(g_hTest, "Opening device successful\n");

         * Fill params with some defaults.
         * @todo: Make them configurable.
        Params.cIterations = 1000;
        Params.cbData = 512;
        Params.cbVariation = 512;
        Params.cSgLength = 32;

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < USBTEST_TEST_CASES; i++)
            RTTestSub(g_hTest, g_apszTests[i]);

            Params.idxTest = i;

            /* Assume the test interface has the number 0 for now. */
            int rcPosix = usbTestIoctl(iDevFd, 0, &Params);
            if (rcPosix < 0 && errno == EOPNOTSUPP)
                RTTestSkipped(g_hTest, "Not supported");

            if (rcPosix < 0)
                RTTestFailed(g_hTest, "Test failed with %Rrc\n", RTErrConvertFromErrno(errno));
                uint64_t u64Ns = Params.TimeTest.tv_sec * RT_NS_1SEC + Params.TimeTest.tv_usec * RT_NS_1US;
                RTTestValue(g_hTest, "Runtime", u64Ns, RTTESTUNIT_NS);

        RTTestFailed(g_hTest, "Opening device failed with %Rrc\n", RTErrConvertFromErrno(errno));

Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    /* the child response. */
    if (argc != 1)
        return 0;

    RTTEST hTest;
    RTEXITCODE rcExit = RTTestInitAndCreate("tstRTProcCreatePrf", &hTest);
    if (rcExit)
        return rcExit;

    char szExecPath[RTPATH_MAX];
    if (!RTProcGetExecutablePath(szExecPath, sizeof(szExecPath)))
        RTStrCopy(szExecPath, sizeof(szExecPath), argv[0]);

    const char *apszArgs[4] = { szExecPath, "child", "process", NULL };

    uint64_t NsStart = RTTimeNanoTS();
    uint32_t i;
#if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) || defined(RT_OS_OS2) || defined(RT_OS_DARWIN)
    for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
    for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
        RTPROCESS hProc;
        RTTEST_CHECK_RC_BREAK(hTest, RTProcCreate(szExecPath, apszArgs, RTENV_DEFAULT, 0 /* fFlags*/, &hProc), VINF_SUCCESS);
        RTPROCSTATUS ChildStatus;
        RTTEST_CHECK_BREAK(hTest, ChildStatus.enmReason == RTPROCEXITREASON_NORMAL);
        RTTEST_CHECK_BREAK(hTest, ChildStatus.iStatus == 0);
    uint64_t cNsElapsed = RTTimeNanoTS() - NsStart;
    if (i)
        RTTestValue(hTest, "Time per process", cNsElapsed / i, RTTESTUNIT_NS);

     * Summary.
    return RTTestSummaryAndDestroy(hTest);
Exemplo n.º 3
int main()
     * Init.
    RTTEST hTest;
    RTEXITCODE rcExit = RTTestInitExAndCreate(0, NULL, RTR3INIT_FLAGS_SUPLIB, "tstRTTime", &hTest);
    if (rcExit != RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS)
        return rcExit;

     * RTNanoTimeTS() shall never return something which
     * is less or equal to the return of the previous call.

    RTTimeSystemNanoTS(); RTTimeNanoTS(); RTThreadYield();
    uint64_t u64RTStartTS = RTTimeNanoTS();
    uint64_t u64OSStartTS = RTTimeSystemNanoTS();

    uint32_t i;
    uint64_t u64Prev = RTTimeNanoTS();
    for (i = 0; i < 100*_1M; i++)
        uint64_t u64 = RTTimeNanoTS();
        if (u64 <= u64Prev)
            /** @todo wrapping detection. */
            RTTestFailed(hTest, "i=%#010x u64=%#llx u64Prev=%#llx (1)\n", i, u64, u64Prev);
            if (RTTestErrorCount(hTest) >= 256)
            u64 = RTTimeNanoTS();
        else if (u64 - u64Prev > 1000000000 /* 1sec */)
            RTTestFailed(hTest, "i=%#010x u64=%#llx u64Prev=%#llx delta=%lld\n", i, u64, u64Prev, u64 - u64Prev);
            if (RTTestErrorCount(hTest) >= 256)
            u64 = RTTimeNanoTS();
        if (!(i & (_1M*2 - 1)))
            RTTestPrintf(hTest, RTTESTLVL_INFO, "i=%#010x u64=%#llx u64Prev=%#llx delta=%lld\n", i, u64, u64Prev, u64 - u64Prev);
            u64 = RTTimeNanoTS();
        u64Prev = u64;

    RTTimeSystemNanoTS(); RTTimeNanoTS(); RTThreadYield();
    uint64_t u64RTElapsedTS = RTTimeNanoTS();
    uint64_t u64OSElapsedTS = RTTimeSystemNanoTS();
    u64RTElapsedTS -= u64RTStartTS;
    u64OSElapsedTS -= u64OSStartTS;
    int64_t i64Diff = u64OSElapsedTS >= u64RTElapsedTS ? u64OSElapsedTS - u64RTElapsedTS : u64RTElapsedTS - u64OSElapsedTS;
    if (i64Diff > (int64_t)(u64OSElapsedTS / 1000))
        RTTestFailed(hTest, "total time differs too much! u64OSElapsedTS=%#llx u64RTElapsedTS=%#llx delta=%lld\n",
                     u64OSElapsedTS, u64RTElapsedTS, u64OSElapsedTS - u64RTElapsedTS);
        if (u64OSElapsedTS >= u64RTElapsedTS)
            RTTestValue(hTest, "Total time delta", u64OSElapsedTS - u64RTElapsedTS, RTTESTUNIT_NS);
            RTTestValue(hTest, "Total time delta", u64RTElapsedTS - u64OSElapsedTS, RTTESTUNIT_NS);
        RTTestPrintf(hTest, RTTESTLVL_INFO, "total time difference: u64OSElapsedTS=%#llx u64RTElapsedTS=%#llx delta=%lld\n",
                     u64OSElapsedTS, u64RTElapsedTS, u64OSElapsedTS - u64RTElapsedTS);

#if defined(RT_ARCH_AMD64) || defined(RT_ARCH_X86) /** @todo This isn't really x86 or AMD64 specific... */
    RTTestValue(hTest, "RTTimeDbgSteps",        RTTimeDbgSteps(),                           RTTESTUNIT_OCCURRENCES);
    RTTestValue(hTest, "RTTimeDbgSteps pp",     ((uint64_t)RTTimeDbgSteps() * 1000) / i,    RTTESTUNIT_PP1K);
    RTTestValue(hTest, "RTTimeDbgExpired",      RTTimeDbgExpired(),                         RTTESTUNIT_OCCURRENCES);
    RTTestValue(hTest, "RTTimeDbgExpired pp",   ((uint64_t)RTTimeDbgExpired() * 1000) / i,  RTTESTUNIT_PP1K);
    RTTestValue(hTest, "RTTimeDbgBad",          RTTimeDbgBad(),                             RTTESTUNIT_OCCURRENCES);
    RTTestValue(hTest, "RTTimeDbgBad pp",       ((uint64_t)RTTimeDbgBad() * 1000) / i,      RTTESTUNIT_PP1K);
    RTTestValue(hTest, "RTTimeDbgRaces",        RTTimeDbgRaces(),                           RTTESTUNIT_OCCURRENCES);
    RTTestValue(hTest, "RTTimeDbgRaces pp",     ((uint64_t)RTTimeDbgRaces() * 1000) / i,    RTTESTUNIT_PP1K);

    return RTTestSummaryAndDestroy(hTest);
static void Test4(unsigned cThreads, unsigned cSeconds, unsigned uWritePercent, bool fYield, bool fQuiet)
    unsigned i;
    uint64_t acIterations[32];
    RTTHREAD aThreads[RT_ELEMENTS(acIterations)];
    AssertRelease(cThreads <= RT_ELEMENTS(acIterations));

    RTTestSubF(g_hTest, "Test4 - %u threads, %u sec, %u%% writes, %syielding",
               cThreads, cSeconds, uWritePercent, fYield ? "" : "non-");

     * Init globals.
    g_fYield = fYield;
    g_fQuiet = fQuiet;
    g_fTerminate = false;
    g_uWritePercent = uWritePercent;
    g_cConcurrentWriters = 0;
    g_cConcurrentReaders = 0;

    RTTEST_CHECK_RC_RETV(g_hTest, RTCritSectRwInit(&g_CritSectRw), VINF_SUCCESS);

     * Create the threads and let them block on the semrw.
    RTTEST_CHECK_RC_RETV(g_hTest, RTCritSectRwEnterExcl(&g_CritSectRw), VINF_SUCCESS);

    for (i = 0; i < cThreads; i++)
        acIterations[i] = 0;
        RTTEST_CHECK_RC_RETV(g_hTest, RTThreadCreateF(&aThreads[i], Test4Thread, &acIterations[i], 0,
                                                      RTTHREADTYPE_DEFAULT, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE,
                                                      "test-%u", i), VINF_SUCCESS);

     * Do the test run.
    uint32_t cErrorsBefore = RTTestErrorCount(g_hTest);
    uint64_t u64StartTS = RTTimeNanoTS();
    RTTEST_CHECK_RC(g_hTest, RTCritSectRwLeaveExcl(&g_CritSectRw), VINF_SUCCESS);
    RTThreadSleep(cSeconds * 1000);
    ASMAtomicWriteBool(&g_fTerminate, true);
    uint64_t ElapsedNS = RTTimeNanoTS() - u64StartTS;

     * Clean up the threads and semaphore.
    for (i = 0; i < cThreads; i++)
        RTTEST_CHECK_RC(g_hTest, RTThreadWait(aThreads[i], 5000, NULL), VINF_SUCCESS);

    RTTEST_CHECK_MSG(g_hTest, g_cConcurrentWriters == 0, (g_hTest, "g_cConcurrentWriters=%u at end of test\n", g_cConcurrentWriters));
    RTTEST_CHECK_MSG(g_hTest, g_cConcurrentReaders == 0, (g_hTest, "g_cConcurrentReaders=%u at end of test\n", g_cConcurrentReaders));

    RTTEST_CHECK_RC(g_hTest, RTCritSectRwDelete(&g_CritSectRw), VINF_SUCCESS);

    if (RTTestErrorCount(g_hTest) != cErrorsBefore)

     * Collect and display the results.
    uint64_t cItrTotal = acIterations[0];
    for (i = 1; i < cThreads; i++)
        cItrTotal += acIterations[i];

    uint64_t cItrNormal = cItrTotal / cThreads;
    uint64_t cItrMinOK = cItrNormal / 20; /* 5% */
    uint64_t cItrMaxDeviation = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < cThreads; i++)
        uint64_t cItrDelta = RT_ABS((int64_t)(acIterations[i] - cItrNormal));
        if (acIterations[i] < cItrMinOK)
            RTTestFailed(g_hTest, "Thread %u did less than 5%% of the iterations - %llu (it) vs. %llu (5%%) - %llu%%\n",
                         i, acIterations[i], cItrMinOK, cItrDelta * 100 / cItrNormal);
        else if (cItrDelta > cItrNormal / 2)
            RTTestPrintf(g_hTest, RTTESTLVL_ALWAYS,
                         "Warning! Thread %u deviates by more than 50%% - %llu (it) vs. %llu (avg) - %llu%%\n",
                         i, acIterations[i], cItrNormal, cItrDelta * 100 / cItrNormal);
        if (cItrDelta > cItrMaxDeviation)
            cItrMaxDeviation = cItrDelta;


    //RTTestPrintf(g_hTest, RTTESTLVL_ALWAYS,
    //             "Threads: %u  Total: %llu  Per Sec: %llu  Avg: %llu ns  Max dev: %llu%%\n",
    //             cThreads,
    //             cItrTotal,
    //             cItrTotal / cSeconds,
    //             ElapsedNS / cItrTotal,
    //             cItrMaxDeviation * 100 / cItrNormal
    //             );
    RTTestValue(g_hTest, "Thruput", cItrTotal * UINT32_C(1000000000) / ElapsedNS, RTTESTUNIT_CALLS_PER_SEC);
    RTTestValue(g_hTest, "Max diviation", cItrMaxDeviation * 100 / cItrNormal, RTTESTUNIT_PCT);
Exemplo n.º 5
void tstFileAioTestReadWriteBasic(RTFILE File, bool fWrite, void *pvTestBuf,
                                  size_t cbTestBuf, size_t cbTestFile, uint32_t cMaxReqsInFlight)
    /* Allocate request array. */
    paReqs = (PRTFILEAIOREQ)RTTestGuardedAllocHead(g_hTest, cMaxReqsInFlight * sizeof(RTFILEAIOREQ));
    RT_BZERO(paReqs, sizeof(cMaxReqsInFlight * sizeof(RTFILEAIOREQ)));

    /* Allocate array holding pointer to data buffers. */
    void **papvBuf = (void **)RTTestGuardedAllocHead(g_hTest, cMaxReqsInFlight * sizeof(void *));

    /* Allocate the buffers*/
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < cMaxReqsInFlight; i++)
        RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK_RETV(RTTestGuardedAlloc(g_hTest, cbTestBuf, PAGE_SIZE, true /*fHead*/, &papvBuf[i]));
        if (fWrite)
            memcpy(papvBuf[i], pvTestBuf, cbTestBuf);
        if (fWrite)
            memcpy(papvBuf[i], pvTestBuf, cbTestBuf);
            RT_BZERO(papvBuf[i], cbTestBuf);

    /* Allocate array holding completed requests. */
    RTFILEAIOREQ *paReqsCompleted;
    paReqsCompleted = (PRTFILEAIOREQ)RTTestGuardedAllocHead(g_hTest, cMaxReqsInFlight * sizeof(RTFILEAIOREQ));
    RT_BZERO(paReqsCompleted, cMaxReqsInFlight * sizeof(RTFILEAIOREQ));

    /* Create a context and associate the file handle with it. */
    RTFILEAIOCTX hAioContext;
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_RETV(RTFileAioCtxCreate(&hAioContext, cMaxReqsInFlight, 0 /* fFlags */), VINF_SUCCESS);
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_RETV(RTFileAioCtxAssociateWithFile(hAioContext, File), VINF_SUCCESS);

    /* Initialize requests. */
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < cMaxReqsInFlight; i++)

    RTFOFF      off    = 0;
    int         cRuns  = 0;
    uint64_t    NanoTS = RTTimeNanoTS();
    size_t      cbLeft = cbTestFile;
    while (cbLeft)
        int rc;
        int cReqs = 0;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < cMaxReqsInFlight; i++)
            size_t cbTransfer = cbLeft < cbTestBuf ? cbLeft : cbTestBuf;
            if (!cbTransfer)

            if (fWrite)
                rc = RTFileAioReqPrepareWrite(paReqs[i], File, off, papvBuf[i],
                                              cbTransfer, papvBuf[i]);
                rc = RTFileAioReqPrepareRead(paReqs[i], File, off, papvBuf[i],
                                             cbTransfer, papvBuf[i]);

            cbLeft -= cbTransfer;
            off    += cbTransfer;

        rc = RTFileAioCtxSubmit(hAioContext, paReqs, cReqs);
        RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(rc == VINF_SUCCESS, ("Failed to submit tasks after %d runs. rc=%Rrc\n", cRuns, rc));
        if (rc != VINF_SUCCESS)

        /* Wait */
        uint32_t cCompleted = 0;
        RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(rc = RTFileAioCtxWait(hAioContext, cReqs, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT,
                                               paReqsCompleted, cMaxReqsInFlight, &cCompleted),
        if (rc != VINF_SUCCESS)

        if (!fWrite)
            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cCompleted; i++)
                /* Compare that we read the right stuff. */
                void *pvBuf = RTFileAioReqGetUser(paReqsCompleted[i]);

                size_t cbTransfered;
                RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(rc = RTFileAioReqGetRC(paReqsCompleted[i], &cbTransfered), VINF_SUCCESS);
                if (rc != VINF_SUCCESS)
                RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(cbTransfered == cbTestBuf, ("cbTransfered=%zd\n", cbTransfered));
                RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(rc = (memcmp(pvBuf, pvTestBuf, cbTestBuf) == 0 ? VINF_SUCCESS : VERR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT));
                if (rc != VINF_SUCCESS)
                memset(pvBuf, 0, cbTestBuf);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))

    NanoTS = RTTimeNanoTS() - NanoTS;
    uint64_t SpeedKBs = (uint64_t)(cbTestFile / (NanoTS / 1000000000.0) / 1024);
    RTTestValue(g_hTest, "Throughput", SpeedKBs, RTTESTUNIT_KILOBYTES_PER_SEC);

    /* cleanup */
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < cMaxReqsInFlight; i++)
        RTTestGuardedFree(g_hTest, papvBuf[i]);
    RTTestGuardedFree(g_hTest, papvBuf);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < cMaxReqsInFlight; i++)
        RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(RTFileAioReqDestroy(paReqs[i]), VINF_SUCCESS);
    RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(RTFileAioCtxDestroy(hAioContext), VINF_SUCCESS);
    RTTestGuardedFree(g_hTest, paReqs);