Exemplo n.º 1
void PlayerConfig_DrawSkinSelection (void)
	char	scratch[MAX_QPATH];
	float	icon_x = SCREEN_WIDTH*0.5 - 5; //width - 325
	float	icon_y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - 108;
	float	icon_offset = 0;
	float	x, y, w, h;
	int		i, count, color[3];

	TextColor((int)Cvar_VariableValue("alt_text_color"), &color[0], &color[1], &color[2]);

	if (s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].nskins<NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS || s_player_skin_box.curvalue<4)
	else if (s_player_skin_box.curvalue > s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].nskins-4)

	// left arrow
	if (i>0)
		Com_sprintf (scratch, sizeof(scratch), "/gfx/ui/arrows/arrow_left.pcx");
		Com_sprintf (scratch, sizeof(scratch), "/gfx/ui/arrows/arrow_left_d.pcx");
	SCR_DrawPic (icon_x-39, icon_y+2, 32, 32,  ALIGN_CENTER, scratch, 1.0);

	// background
	SCR_DrawFill (icon_x-3, icon_y-3, NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS*34+4, 38, ALIGN_CENTER, 0,0,0,255);
	if (R_DrawFindPic("/gfx/ui/listbox_background.pcx")) {
		x = icon_x-2;	y = icon_y-2;	w = NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS*34+2;	h = 36;
		SCR_AdjustFrom640 (&x, &y, &w, &h, ALIGN_CENTER);
		R_DrawTileClear ((int)x, (int)y, (int)w, (int)h, "/gfx/ui/listbox_background.pcx");
		SCR_DrawFill (icon_x-2, icon_y-2, NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS*34+2, 36, ALIGN_CENTER, 60,60,60,255);
	for (count=0; count<NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS; i++,count++)
		if (i<0 || i>=s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].nskins)

		Com_sprintf (scratch, sizeof(scratch), "/players/%s/%s_i.pcx", 
			s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].skindisplaynames[i] );

		if (i==s_player_skin_box.curvalue)
			SCR_DrawFill (icon_x + icon_offset-1, icon_y-1, 34, 34, ALIGN_CENTER, color[0],color[1],color[2],255);
		SCR_DrawPic (icon_x + icon_offset, icon_y, 32, 32,  ALIGN_CENTER, scratch, 1.0);
		icon_offset += 34;

	// right arrow
	icon_offset = NUM_SKINBOX_ITEMS*34;
	if (s_pmi[s_player_model_box.curvalue].nskins-i>0)
		Com_sprintf (scratch, sizeof(scratch), "/gfx/ui/arrows/arrow_right.pcx");
		Com_sprintf (scratch, sizeof(scratch), "/gfx/ui/arrows/arrow_right_d.pcx"); 
	SCR_DrawPic (icon_x+icon_offset+5, icon_y+2, 32, 32,  ALIGN_CENTER, scratch, 1.0);
Exemplo n.º 2
void SCR_TileClear( void )
	int	i, top, bottom, left, right;
	dirty_t	clear;

	if( scr_viewsize->integer >= 120 )
		return; // full screen rendering

	// erase rect will be the union of the past three frames
	// so tripple buffering works properly
	clear = scr_dirty;

	for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
		if( scr_old_dirty[i].x1 < clear.x1 )
			clear.x1 = scr_old_dirty[i].x1;
		if( scr_old_dirty[i].x2 > clear.x2 )
			clear.x2 = scr_old_dirty[i].x2;
		if( scr_old_dirty[i].y1 < clear.y1 )
			clear.y1 = scr_old_dirty[i].y1;
		if( scr_old_dirty[i].y2 > clear.y2 )
			clear.y2 = scr_old_dirty[i].y2;

	scr_old_dirty[1] = scr_old_dirty[0];
	scr_old_dirty[0] = scr_dirty;

	scr_dirty.x1 = 9999;
	scr_dirty.x2 = -9999;
	scr_dirty.y1 = 9999;
	scr_dirty.y2 = -9999;

	if( clear.y2 <= clear.y1 )
		return; // nothing disturbed

	top = cl.refdef.viewport[1];
	bottom = top + cl.refdef.viewport[3] - 1;
	left = cl.refdef.viewport[0];
	right = left + cl.refdef.viewport[2] - 1;

	if( clear.y1 < top )
		// clear above view screen
		i = clear.y2 < top-1 ? clear.y2 : top - 1;
		R_DrawTileClear( clear.x1, clear.y1, clear.x2 - clear.x1 + 1, i - clear.y1 + 1 );
		clear.y1 = top;

	if( clear.y2 > bottom )
		// clear below view screen
		i = clear.y1 > bottom + 1 ? clear.y1 : bottom + 1;
		R_DrawTileClear( clear.x1, i, clear.x2 - clear.x1 + 1, clear.y2 - i + 1 );
		clear.y2 = bottom;

	if( clear.x1 < left )
		// clear left of view screen
		i = clear.x2 < left - 1 ? clear.x2 : left - 1;
		R_DrawTileClear( clear.x1, clear.y1, i - clear.x1 + 1, clear.y2 - clear.y1 + 1 );
		clear.x1 = left;

	if( clear.x2 > right )
		// clear left of view screen
		i = clear.x1 > right + 1 ? clear.x1 : right + 1;
		R_DrawTileClear( i, clear.y1, clear.x2 - i + 1, clear.y2 - clear.y1 + 1 );
		clear.x2 = right;