Exemplo n.º 1
* Mod_AliasBuildMeshesForFrame0
static void Mod_AliasBuildMeshesForFrame0( model_t *mod )
	int i, j, k;
	size_t size;
	maliasframe_t *frame;
	maliasmodel_t *aliasmodel = ( maliasmodel_t * )mod->extradata;

	frame = &aliasmodel->frames[0];
	for( k = 0; k < aliasmodel->nummeshes; k++ )
		maliasmesh_t *mesh = &aliasmodel->meshes[k];

		size = sizeof( vec3_t ) + sizeof( vec3_t ); // xyz and normals
		size += sizeof( vec4_t );       // s-vectors
		size *= mesh->numverts;

		mesh->xyzArray = ( vec3_t * )Mod_Malloc( mod, size );
		mesh->normalsArray = ( vec3_t * )( ( qbyte * )mesh->xyzArray + mesh->numverts * sizeof( vec3_t ) );
		mesh->sVectorsArray = ( vec4_t * )( ( qbyte * )mesh->normalsArray + mesh->numverts * sizeof( vec3_t ) );

		for( i = 0; i < mesh->numverts; i++ )
			for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
				mesh->xyzArray[i][j] = frame->translate[j] + frame->scale[j] * mesh->vertexes[i].point[j];
			R_LatLongToNorm( mesh->vertexes[i].latlong, mesh->normalsArray[i] );

		R_BuildTangentVectors( mesh->numverts, mesh->xyzArray, mesh->normalsArray, mesh->stArray, mesh->numtris, mesh->elems, mesh->sVectorsArray );

		if( glConfig.ext.vertex_buffer_object ) {
			// build a static vertex buffer object to be used for rendering simple models, such as items
			Mod_AliasBuildStaticVBOForMesh( mesh );
Exemplo n.º 2
* R_LightForOrigin
void R_LightForOrigin( const vec3_t origin, vec3_t dir, vec4_t ambient, vec4_t diffuse, float radius )
	int i, j;
	int k, s;
	int vi[3], elem[4];
	float dot, t[8], scale;
	vec3_t vf, vf2, tdir;
	vec3_t ambientLocal, diffuseLocal;
	vec_t *gridSize, *gridMins;
	int *gridBounds;
	static mgridlight_t lightarray[8];
	lightstyle_t *lightStyles = rsc.lightStyles;

	VectorSet( ambientLocal, 0, 0, 0 );
	VectorSet( diffuseLocal, 0, 0, 0 );

	if( !rsh.worldModel /* || (rn.refdef.rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL)*/ ||
		!rsh.worldBrushModel->lightgrid || !rsh.worldBrushModel->numlightgridelems )
		VectorSet( dir, 0.1f, 0.2f, 0.7f );
		goto dynamic;

	gridSize = rsh.worldBrushModel->gridSize;
	gridMins = rsh.worldBrushModel->gridMins;
	gridBounds = rsh.worldBrushModel->gridBounds;

	for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		vf[i] = ( origin[i] - gridMins[i] ) / gridSize[i];
		vi[i] = (int)vf[i];
		vf[i] = vf[i] - floor( vf[i] );
		vf2[i] = 1.0f - vf[i];

	elem[0] = vi[2] * gridBounds[3] + vi[1] * gridBounds[0] + vi[0];
	elem[1] = elem[0] + gridBounds[0];
	elem[2] = elem[0] + gridBounds[3];
	elem[3] = elem[2] + gridBounds[0];

	for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
		lightarray[i*2+0] = *rsh.worldBrushModel->lightarray[bound( 0, elem[i]+0, (int)rsh.worldBrushModel->numlightarrayelems-1)];
		lightarray[i*2+1] = *rsh.worldBrushModel->lightarray[bound( 1, elem[i]+1, (int)rsh.worldBrushModel->numlightarrayelems-1)];

	t[0] = vf2[0] * vf2[1] * vf2[2];
	t[1] = vf[0] * vf2[1] * vf2[2];
	t[2] = vf2[0] * vf[1] * vf2[2];
	t[3] = vf[0] * vf[1] * vf2[2];
	t[4] = vf2[0] * vf2[1] * vf[2];
	t[5] = vf[0] * vf2[1] * vf[2];
	t[6] = vf2[0] * vf[1] * vf[2];
	t[7] = vf[0] * vf[1] * vf[2];

	VectorClear( dir );

	for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
		R_LatLongToNorm( lightarray[i*2].direction, tdir );
		VectorScale( tdir, t[i*2], tdir );
		for( k = 0; k < MAX_LIGHTMAPS && ( s = lightarray[i*2].styles[k] ) != 255; k++ )
			dir[0] += lightStyles[s].rgb[0] * tdir[0];
			dir[1] += lightStyles[s].rgb[1] * tdir[1];
			dir[2] += lightStyles[s].rgb[2] * tdir[2];

		R_LatLongToNorm( lightarray[i*2+1].direction, tdir );
		VectorScale( tdir, t[i*2+1], tdir );
		for( k = 0; k < MAX_LIGHTMAPS && ( s = lightarray[i*2+1].styles[k] ) != 255; k++ )
			dir[0] += lightStyles[s].rgb[0] * tdir[0];
			dir[1] += lightStyles[s].rgb[1] * tdir[1];
			dir[2] += lightStyles[s].rgb[2] * tdir[2];

	for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
		if( ambient )
			for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
				for( k = 0; k < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; k++ )
					if( ( s = lightarray[i*2].styles[k] ) != 255 )
						ambientLocal[j] += t[i*2] * lightarray[i*2].ambient[k][j] * lightStyles[s].rgb[j];
					if( ( s = lightarray[i*2+1].styles[k] ) != 255 )
						ambientLocal[j] += t[i*2+1] * lightarray[i*2+1].ambient[k][j] * lightStyles[s].rgb[j];
		if( diffuse || radius )
			for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
				for( k = 0; k < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; k++ )
					if( ( s = lightarray[i*2].styles[k] ) != 255 )
						diffuseLocal[j] += t[i*2] * lightarray[i*2].diffuse[k][j] * lightStyles[s].rgb[j];
					if( ( s = lightarray[i*2+1].styles[k] ) != 255 )
						diffuseLocal[j] += t[i*2+1] * lightarray[i*2+1].diffuse[k][j] * lightStyles[s].rgb[j];

	// convert to grayscale
	if( r_lighting_grayscale->integer ) {
		vec_t grey;

		if( ambient ) {
			grey = ColorGrayscale( ambientLocal );
			ambientLocal[0] = ambientLocal[1] = ambientLocal[2] = bound( 0, grey, 255 );

		if( diffuse || radius ) {
			grey = ColorGrayscale( diffuseLocal );
			diffuseLocal[0] = diffuseLocal[1] = diffuseLocal[2] = bound( 0, grey, 255 );

	// add dynamic lights
	if( radius && r_dynamiclight->integer )
		unsigned int lnum;
		dlight_t *dl;
		float dist, dist2, add;
		vec3_t direction;
		qboolean anyDlights = qfalse;

		for( lnum = 0; lnum < rsc.numDlights; lnum++ )
			dl = rsc.dlights + lnum;
			if( Distance( dl->origin, origin ) > dl->intensity + radius )

			VectorSubtract( dl->origin, origin, direction );
			dist = VectorLength( direction );

			if( !dist || dist > dl->intensity + radius )

			if( !anyDlights )
				VectorNormalizeFast( dir );
				anyDlights = qtrue;

			add = 1.0 - (dist / (dl->intensity + radius));
			dist2 = add * 0.5 / dist;
			for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
				dot = dl->color[i] * add;
				diffuseLocal[i] += dot;
				ambientLocal[i] += dot * 0.05;
				dir[i] += direction[i] * dist2;

	VectorNormalizeFast( dir );

	scale = mapConfig.mapLightColorScale / 255.0f;

	if( ambient )
		float scale2 = bound( 0.0f, r_lighting_ambientscale->value, 1.0f ) * scale;

		for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
			ambient[i] = ambientLocal[i] * scale2;

		ambient[3] = 1.0f;

	if( diffuse )
		float scale2 = bound( 0.0f, r_lighting_directedscale->value, 1.0f ) * scale;

		for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
			diffuse[i] = diffuseLocal[i] * scale2;

		diffuse[3] = 1.0f;
Exemplo n.º 3

static void R_SetupEntityLightingGrid( trRefEntity_t *ent ) {
	vec3_t	lightOrigin;
	//int		pos[3];

	//byte	*gridData;
	//float	frac[3];
	//int		gridStep[3];
	vec3_t	direction;
	//float	totalFactor;

	int		i, j;
	int		k, s;
	int		vi[3], elem[4];
	float	t[8];
	vec3_t	vf, vf2, tdir;
	vec_t	*gridSize, *gridMins;
	int		*gridBounds;
	static dgrid_t lightarray[8];

	if ( ent->e.renderfx & RF_LIGHTING_ORIGIN ) {
		// seperate lightOrigins are needed so an object that is
		// sinking into the ground can still be lit, and so
		// multi-part models can be lit identically
		VectorCopy( ent->e.lightingOrigin, lightOrigin );
	} else {
		VectorCopy( ent->e.origin, lightOrigin );

	gridSize = tr.world->lightGridSize;
	gridMins = tr.world->lightGridMins;
	gridBounds = tr.world->lightGridBounds;

	for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		vf[i] = ( lightOrigin[i] - gridMins[i] ) / gridSize[i];
		vi[i] = (int)vf[i];
		vf[i] = vf[i] - floor( vf[i] );
		vf2[i] = 1.0f - vf[i];

	elem[0] = vi[2] * gridBounds[3] + vi[1] * gridBounds[0] + vi[0];
	elem[1] = elem[0] + gridBounds[0];
	elem[2] = elem[0] + gridBounds[3];
	elem[3] = elem[2] + gridBounds[0];

	for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
		lightarray[i*2+0] = *tr.world->lightGridArray[BOUND( 0, elem[i]+0, tr.world->numLightGridArrayItems-1)];
		lightarray[i*2+1] = *tr.world->lightGridArray[BOUND( 0, elem[i]+1, tr.world->numLightGridArrayItems-1)];

	t[0] = vf2[0] * vf2[1] * vf2[2];
	t[1] = vf[0] * vf2[1] * vf2[2];
	t[2] = vf2[0] * vf[1] * vf2[2];
	t[3] = vf[0] * vf[1] * vf2[2];
	t[4] = vf2[0] * vf2[1] * vf[2];
	t[5] = vf[0] * vf2[1] * vf[2];
	t[6] = vf2[0] * vf[1] * vf[2];
	t[7] = vf[0] * vf[1] * vf[2];

	VectorClear( ent->ambientLight );
	VectorClear( ent->directedLight );
	VectorClear( direction );

	for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
		R_LatLongToNorm( lightarray[i*2].latLong, tdir );
		VectorScale( tdir, t[i*2], tdir );
		for( k = 0; k < MAXLIGHTMAPS && ( s = lightarray[i*2].styles[k] ) != 255; k++ )
			direction[0] += tr.lightStyles[s].rgb[0] * tdir[0];
			direction[1] += tr.lightStyles[s].rgb[1] * tdir[1];
			direction[2] += tr.lightStyles[s].rgb[2] * tdir[2];

		R_LatLongToNorm( lightarray[i*2+1].latLong, tdir );
		VectorScale( tdir, t[i*2+1], tdir );
		for( k = 0; k < MAXLIGHTMAPS && ( s = lightarray[i*2+1].styles[k] ) != 255; k++ )
			direction[0] += tr.lightStyles[s].rgb[0] * tdir[0];
			direction[1] += tr.lightStyles[s].rgb[1] * tdir[1];
			direction[2] += tr.lightStyles[s].rgb[2] * tdir[2];

	for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
		//if( ambient )
			for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
				for( k = 0; k < MAXLIGHTMAPS; k++ )
					if( ( s = lightarray[i*2].styles[k] ) != 255 )
						ent->ambientLight[j] += t[i*2] * lightarray[i*2].ambientLight[k][j] * tr.lightStyles[s].rgb[j];
					if( ( s = lightarray[i*2+1].styles[k] ) != 255 )
						ent->ambientLight[j] += t[i*2+1] * lightarray[i*2+1].ambientLight[k][j] * tr.lightStyles[s].rgb[j];
		//if( diffuse || radius )
			for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
				for( k = 0; k < MAXLIGHTMAPS; k++ )
					if( ( s = lightarray[i*2].styles[k] ) != 255 )
						ent->directedLight[j] += t[i*2] * lightarray[i*2].directLight[k][j] * tr.lightStyles[s].rgb[j];
					if( ( s = lightarray[i*2+1].styles[k] ) != 255 )
						ent->directedLight[j] += t[i*2+1] * lightarray[i*2+1].directLight[k][j] * tr.lightStyles[s].rgb[j];

	VectorScale( ent->ambientLight, r_ambientScale->value, ent->ambientLight );
	VectorScale( ent->directedLight, r_directedScale->value, ent->directedLight );

	VectorNormalize2( direction, ent->lightDir );

#if 0

	//VectorSubtract( lightOrigin, tr.world->lightGridOrigin, lightOrigin );

	for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
		float	v;

		v = lightOrigin[i]*tr.world->lightGridInverseSize[i];
		pos[i] = floor( v );
		frac[i] = v - pos[i];
		if ( pos[i] < 0 ) {
			pos[i] = 0;
		} else if ( pos[i] >= tr.world->lightGridBounds[i] - 1 ) {
			pos[i] = tr.world->lightGridBounds[i] - 1;

	VectorClear( ent->ambientLight );
	VectorClear( ent->directedLight );
	VectorClear( direction );

	assert( tr.world->lightGridData ); // NULL with -nolight maps

	// trilerp the light value
	gridStep[0] = 8;
	gridStep[1] = 8 * tr.world->lightGridBounds[0];
	gridStep[2] = 8 * tr.world->lightGridBounds[0] * tr.world->lightGridBounds[1];
	gridData = tr.world->lightGridData + pos[0] * gridStep[0]
		+ pos[1] * gridStep[1] + pos[2] * gridStep[2];

	totalFactor = 0;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ ) {
		float	factor;
		byte	*data;
		int		lat, lng;
		vec3_t	normal;
		#if idppc
		float d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5;
		factor = 1.0;
		data = gridData;
		for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ ) {
			if ( i & (1<<j) ) {
				factor *= frac[j];
				data += gridStep[j];
			} else {
				factor *= (1.0f - frac[j]);

		if ( !(data[0]+data[1]+data[2]) ) {
			continue;	// ignore samples in walls
		totalFactor += factor;
		#if idppc
		d0 = data[0]; d1 = data[1]; d2 = data[2];
		d3 = data[3]; d4 = data[4]; d5 = data[5];

		ent->ambientLight[0] += factor * d0;
		ent->ambientLight[1] += factor * d1;
		ent->ambientLight[2] += factor * d2;

		ent->directedLight[0] += factor * d3;
		ent->directedLight[1] += factor * d4;
		ent->directedLight[2] += factor * d5;
		ent->ambientLight[0] += factor * data[0];
		ent->ambientLight[1] += factor * data[1];
		ent->ambientLight[2] += factor * data[2];

		ent->directedLight[0] += factor * data[3];
		ent->directedLight[1] += factor * data[4];
		ent->directedLight[2] += factor * data[5];
		lat = data[7];
		lng = data[6];
		lat *= (FUNCTABLE_SIZE/256);
		lng *= (FUNCTABLE_SIZE/256);

		// decode X as cos( lat ) * sin( long )
		// decode Y as sin( lat ) * sin( long )
		// decode Z as cos( long )

		normal[0] = tr.sinTable[(lat+(FUNCTABLE_SIZE/4))&FUNCTABLE_MASK] * tr.sinTable[lng];
		normal[1] = tr.sinTable[lat] * tr.sinTable[lng];
		normal[2] = tr.sinTable[(lng+(FUNCTABLE_SIZE/4))&FUNCTABLE_MASK];

		VectorMA( direction, factor, normal, direction );

	if ( totalFactor > 0 && totalFactor < 0.99 ) {
		totalFactor = 1.0f / totalFactor;
		VectorScale( ent->ambientLight, totalFactor, ent->ambientLight );
		VectorScale( ent->directedLight, totalFactor, ent->directedLight );

	VectorScale( ent->ambientLight, r_ambientScale->value, ent->ambientLight );
	VectorScale( ent->directedLight, r_directedScale->value, ent->directedLight );

	VectorNormalize2( direction, ent->lightDir );
Exemplo n.º 4
* R_DrawAliasSurf
* Interpolates between two frames and origins
qboolean R_DrawAliasSurf( const entity_t *e, const shader_t *shader, const mfog_t *fog, drawSurfaceAlias_t *drawSurf )
	int i;
	int framenum, oldframenum;
	float backv[3], frontv[3];
	vec3_t normal, oldnormal;
	qboolean calcVerts, calcNormals, calcSTVectors;
	vec3_t move;
	const maliasframe_t *frame, *oldframe;
	const maliasvertex_t *v, *ov;
	float backlerp = e->backlerp;
	const maliasmodel_t *model = ( const maliasmodel_t * )drawSurf->model->extradata;
	const maliasmesh_t *aliasmesh = drawSurf->mesh;
	vattribmask_t vattribs;

	// see what vertex attribs backend needs
	vattribs = RB_GetVertexAttribs();

	framenum = bound( e->frame, 0, model->numframes );
	oldframenum = bound( e->oldframe, 0, model->numframes );

	frame = model->frames + framenum;
	oldframe = model->frames + oldframenum;
	for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		move[i] = frame->translate[i] + ( oldframe->translate[i] - frame->translate[i] ) * backlerp;

	// based on backend's needs
	calcNormals = calcSTVectors = qfalse;
	calcNormals = ( ( vattribs & VATTRIB_NORMAL_BIT ) != 0 ) && ( ( framenum != 0 ) || ( oldframenum != 0 ) );
	calcSTVectors = ( ( vattribs & VATTRIB_SVECTOR_BIT ) != 0 ) && calcNormals;

	if( aliasmesh->vbo != NULL && !framenum && !oldframenum )
		RB_BindVBO( aliasmesh->vbo->index, GL_TRIANGLES );

		RB_DrawElements( 0, aliasmesh->numverts, 0, aliasmesh->numtris * 3 );
		mesh_t *rb_mesh;
		vec3_t *inVertsArray;
		vec3_t *inNormalsArray;
		vec4_t *inSVectorsArray;


		rb_mesh = RB_MapBatchMesh( aliasmesh->numverts, aliasmesh->numtris * 3 );
		if( !rb_mesh ) {
			ri.Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "R_DrawAliasSurf: RB_MapBatchMesh returned NULL for (%s)(%s)", 
				drawSurf->model->name, aliasmesh->name );
			return qfalse;

		inVertsArray = rb_mesh->xyzArray;
		inNormalsArray = rb_mesh->normalsArray;
		inSVectorsArray = rb_mesh->sVectorsArray;

		if( !framenum && !oldframenum )
			calcVerts = qfalse;

			if( calcNormals )
				v = aliasmesh->vertexes;
				for( i = 0; i < aliasmesh->numverts; i++, v++ )
					R_LatLongToNorm( v->latlong, inNormalsArray[i] );
		else if( framenum == oldframenum )
			calcVerts = qtrue;

			for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
				frontv[i] = frame->scale[i];

			v = aliasmesh->vertexes + framenum * aliasmesh->numverts;
			for( i = 0; i < aliasmesh->numverts; i++, v++ )
				VectorSet( inVertsArray[i],
					move[0] + v->point[0]*frontv[0],
					move[1] + v->point[1]*frontv[1],
					move[2] + v->point[2]*frontv[2] );

				if( calcNormals )
					R_LatLongToNorm( v->latlong, inNormalsArray[i] );
			calcVerts = qtrue;

			for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
				backv[i] = backlerp * oldframe->scale[i];
				frontv[i] = ( 1.0f - backlerp ) * frame->scale[i];

			v = aliasmesh->vertexes + framenum * aliasmesh->numverts;
			ov = aliasmesh->vertexes + oldframenum * aliasmesh->numverts;
			for( i = 0; i < aliasmesh->numverts; i++, v++, ov++ )
				VectorSet( inVertsArray[i],
					move[0] + v->point[0]*frontv[0] + ov->point[0]*backv[0],
					move[1] + v->point[1]*frontv[1] + ov->point[1]*backv[1],
					move[2] + v->point[2]*frontv[2] + ov->point[2]*backv[2] );

				if( calcNormals )
					R_LatLongToNorm( v->latlong, normal );
					R_LatLongToNorm( ov->latlong, oldnormal );

					VectorSet( inNormalsArray[i],
						normal[0] + ( oldnormal[0] - normal[0] ) * backlerp,
						normal[1] + ( oldnormal[1] - normal[1] ) * backlerp,
						normal[2] + ( oldnormal[2] - normal[2] ) * backlerp );

		if( calcSTVectors )
			R_BuildTangentVectors( aliasmesh->numverts, inVertsArray, inNormalsArray, aliasmesh->stArray, aliasmesh->numtris, aliasmesh->elems, inSVectorsArray );

		if( !calcVerts ) {
			rb_mesh->xyzArray = aliasmesh->xyzArray;
		rb_mesh->elems = aliasmesh->elems;
		rb_mesh->numElems = aliasmesh->numtris * 3;
		rb_mesh->numVerts = aliasmesh->numverts;

		rb_mesh->stArray = aliasmesh->stArray;
		if( !calcNormals ) {
			rb_mesh->normalsArray = aliasmesh->normalsArray;
		if( !calcSTVectors ) {
			rb_mesh->sVectorsArray = aliasmesh->sVectorsArray;

		RB_UploadMesh( rb_mesh );


	return qfalse;
Exemplo n.º 5
* R_DrawAliasFrameLerp
* Interpolates between two frames and origins
static void R_DrawAliasFrameLerp( const meshbuffer_t *mb, float backlerp )
	int i, meshnum;
	int features;
	float backv[3], frontv[3];
	vec3_t normal, oldnormal;
	qboolean calcVerts, calcNormals, calcSTVectors;
	vec3_t move;
	maliasframe_t *frame, *oldframe;
	maliasmesh_t *mesh;
	maliasvertex_t *v, *ov;
	entity_t *e;
	model_t	*mod;
	maliasmodel_t *model;
	shader_t *shader;

	MB_NUM2ENTITY( mb->sortkey, e );
	mod = Mod_ForHandle( mb->LODModelHandle );
	model = ( maliasmodel_t * )mod->extradata;

	meshnum = -mb->infokey - 1;
	if( meshnum < 0 || meshnum >= model->nummeshes )
	mesh = model->meshes + meshnum;

	frame = model->frames + e->frame;
	oldframe = model->frames + e->oldframe;
	for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		move[i] = frame->translate[i] + ( oldframe->translate[i] - frame->translate[i] ) * backlerp;

	MB_NUM2SHADER( mb->shaderkey, shader );

	features = MF_NONBATCHED | shader->features;
	if( !mb->vboIndex ) {
		features &= ~MF_HARDWARE;

	if( ri.params & RP_SHADOWMAPVIEW )
		if( !( shader->features & MF_DEFORMVS ) )
			features &= ~MF_NORMALS;
		if( features & MF_SVECTORS )
			features |= MF_NORMALS;
		if( e->outlineHeight )
			features |= MF_NORMALS|(glConfig.ext.GLSL ? MF_ENABLENORMALS : 0);

	calcNormals = calcSTVectors = qfalse;
	calcNormals = ( ( features & MF_NORMALS ) != 0 ) && ( ( e->frame != 0 ) || ( e->oldframe != 0 ) );
	calcSTVectors = ( ( features & MF_SVECTORS ) != 0 ) && calcNormals;

	if( mb->vboIndex != 0 )
		calcVerts = calcNormals = calcSTVectors = qfalse;
		if( !e->frame && !e->oldframe )
			calcVerts = qfalse;

			if( calcNormals )
				v = mesh->vertexes;
				for( i = 0; i < mesh->numverts; i++, v++ )
					R_LatLongToNorm( v->latlong, inNormalsArray[i] );
		else if( e->frame == e->oldframe )
			calcVerts = qtrue;

			for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
				frontv[i] = frame->scale[i];

			v = mesh->vertexes + e->frame * mesh->numverts;
			for( i = 0; i < mesh->numverts; i++, v++ )
				Vector4Set( inVertsArray[i],
					move[0] + v->point[0]*frontv[0],
					move[1] + v->point[1]*frontv[1],
					move[2] + v->point[2]*frontv[2], 1 );

				if( calcNormals )
					R_LatLongToNorm( v->latlong, inNormalsArray[i] );
			calcVerts = qtrue;

			for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
				backv[i] = backlerp * oldframe->scale[i];
				frontv[i] = ( 1.0f - backlerp ) * frame->scale[i];

			v = mesh->vertexes + e->frame * mesh->numverts;
			ov = mesh->vertexes + e->oldframe * mesh->numverts;
			for( i = 0; i < mesh->numverts; i++, v++, ov++ )
				Vector4Set( inVertsArray[i],
					move[0] + v->point[0]*frontv[0] + ov->point[0]*backv[0],
					move[1] + v->point[1]*frontv[1] + ov->point[1]*backv[1],
					move[2] + v->point[2]*frontv[2] + ov->point[2]*backv[2], 1 );

				if( calcNormals )
					R_LatLongToNorm( v->latlong, normal );
					R_LatLongToNorm( ov->latlong, oldnormal );

					VectorSet( inNormalsArray[i],
						normal[0] + ( oldnormal[0] - normal[0] ) * backlerp,
						normal[1] + ( oldnormal[1] - normal[1] ) * backlerp,
						normal[2] + ( oldnormal[2] - normal[2] ) * backlerp );

		if( calcSTVectors )
			R_BuildTangentVectors( mesh->numverts, inVertsArray, inNormalsArray, mesh->stArray, mesh->numtris, mesh->elems, inSVectorsArray );

	alias_mesh.xyzArray = calcVerts ? inVertsArray : mesh->xyzArray;
	alias_mesh.elems = mesh->elems;
	alias_mesh.numElems = mesh->numtris * 3;
	alias_mesh.numVerts = mesh->numverts;

	alias_mesh.stArray = mesh->stArray;
	if( features & MF_NORMALS )
		alias_mesh.normalsArray = calcNormals ? inNormalsArray : mesh->normalsArray;
	if( features & MF_SVECTORS )
		alias_mesh.sVectorsArray = calcSTVectors ? inSVectorsArray : mesh->sVectorsArray;

	R_RotateForEntity( e );
	R_PushMesh( &alias_mesh, mb->vboIndex != 0, features );
	R_RenderMeshBuffer( mb, NULL );