Exemplo n.º 1
ssize_t R_SockRead(int sockp, void *buf, size_t len, int blocking, int timeout)
    ssize_t res;

    if(blocking && R_SocketWait(sockp, 0, timeout) != 0) return 0;
    res = recv(sockp, buf, len, 0);
    return (res >= 0) ? res : -socket_errno();
Exemplo n.º 2
ssize_t R_SockRead(int sockp, void *buf, size_t len, int blocking, int timeout)
    ssize_t res;

    if(blocking && (res = R_SocketWait(sockp, 0, timeout)) != 0)
        return res < 0 ? res : 0; /* socket error or timeout */
    res = recv(sockp, buf, len, 0);
    return (res >= 0) ? res : -socket_errno();
Exemplo n.º 3
int R_SockListen(int sockp, char *buf, int len, int timeout)
    /* inserting a wait here will eliminate most blocking, but there
       are scenarios under which the Sock_listen call might block
       after the wait has completed. LT */
    R_SocketWait(sockp, 0, timeout);
    return Sock_listen(sockp, buf, len, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 4
int R_SockListen(int sockp, char *buf, int len, int timeout)
    /* inserting a wait here will eliminate most blocking, but there
       are scenarios under which the Sock_listen call might block
       after the wait has completed. LT */
    int res = 0;
    do {
        res = R_SocketWait(sockp, 0, timeout);
    } while (res < 0 && -res == EINTR);
    if(res != 0)
        return -1;              /* socket error or timeout */
    return Sock_listen(sockp, buf, len, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 5
ssize_t R_SockWrite(int sockp, const void *buf, size_t len, int timeout)
    ssize_t res, out = 0;

    /* Rprintf("socket %d writing |%s|\n", sockp, buf); */
    /* This function is not passed a `blocking' argument so the code
       here is equivalent to blocking == TRUE; it's not clear
       non-blocking writes make much sense with the current connection
       interface since there is no way to tell how much, if anything,
       has been written.  LT */
    do {
	if(R_SocketWait(sockp, 1, timeout) != 0) return out;
	res = send(sockp, buf, len, 0);
	if (res < 0 && socket_errno() != EWOULDBLOCK)
	    return -socket_errno();
	else {
	    { const char *cbuf = buf; cbuf += res; buf = cbuf; }
	    len -= res;
	    out += res;
    } while (/* ! blocking && */len > 0);
    return out;