Exemplo n.º 1
void SQVM::Raise_ParamTypeError(SQInteger nparam,SQInteger typemask,SQInteger type)
	SQObjectPtr exptypes = SQString::Create(_ss(this), "", -1);
	SQInteger found = 0;
	for(SQInteger i=0; i<16; i++)
		SQInteger mask = 0x00000001 << i;
		if(typemask & (mask)) {
			if(found>0) StringCat(exptypes,SQString::Create(_ss(this), "|", -1), exptypes);
			found ++;
			StringCat(exptypes,SQString::Create(_ss(this), IdType2Name((SQObjectType)mask), -1), exptypes);
	Raise_Error("parameter %d has an invalid type '%s' ; expected: '%s'", nparam, IdType2Name((SQObjectType)type), _stringval(exptypes));
Exemplo n.º 2
bool SQVM::BW_OP(SQUnsignedInteger op,SQObjectPtr &trg,const SQObjectPtr &o1,const SQObjectPtr &o2)
	SQInteger res;
	if((type(o1)|type(o2)) == OT_INTEGER)
		SQInteger i1 = _integer(o1), i2 = _integer(o2);
		switch(op) {
			case BW_AND:	res = i1 & i2; break;
			case BW_OR:		res = i1 | i2; break;
			case BW_XOR:	res = i1 ^ i2; break;
			case BW_SHIFTL:	res = i1 << i2; break;
			case BW_SHIFTR:	res = i1 >> i2; break;
			case BW_USHIFTR:res = (SQInteger)(*((SQUnsignedInteger*)&i1) >> i2); break;
			default: { Raise_Error(_SC("internal vm error bitwise op failed")); return false; }
Exemplo n.º 3
bool SQVM::BW_OP(SQUnsignedInteger op,SQObjectPtr &trg,const SQObjectPtr &o1,const SQObjectPtr &o2)
	SQInteger res;
	SQInteger i1 = _integer(o1), i2 = _integer(o2);
	if((type(o1)==OT_INTEGER) && (type(o2)==OT_INTEGER))
		switch(op) {
			case BW_AND:	res = i1 & i2; break;
			case BW_OR:		res = i1 | i2; break;
			case BW_XOR:	res = i1 ^ i2; break;
			case BW_SHIFTL:	res = i1 << i2; break;
			case BW_SHIFTR:	res = i1 >> i2; break;
			case BW_USHIFTR:res = (SQInteger)(*((SQUnsignedInteger*)&i1) >> i2); break;
			default: { Raise_Error("internal vm error bitwise op failed"); return false; }
	else { Raise_Error("bitwise op between '%s' and '%s'",GetTypeName(o1),GetTypeName(o2)); return false;}
Exemplo n.º 4
void SQVM::Raise_IdxError(const SQObject &o)
	SQObjectPtr oval = PrintObjVal(o);
	Raise_Error("the index '%.50s' does not exist", _stringval(oval));
Exemplo n.º 5
void SQVM::Raise_CompareError(const SQObject &o1, const SQObject &o2)
	SQObjectPtr oval1 = PrintObjVal(o1), oval2 = PrintObjVal(o2);
	Raise_Error("comparison between '%.50s' and '%.50s'", _stringval(oval1), _stringval(oval2));
Exemplo n.º 6
void SQVM::Raise_ErrorV(const SQChar *s, va_list &vl)
	scvsprintf(_sp(rsl((SQInteger)scstrlen(s)+(NUMBER_MAX_CHAR*2))), s, vl);