GTEST_TEST(DownhillSimplex, bench4) { std::array<Rangef, 4> ranges; ranges[0] = Rangef(-50.f, 50); ranges[1] = Rangef(-50.f, 50); ranges[2] = Rangef(0, 1); ranges[3] = Rangef(0, 1); float timeToStepTarget = 0.3f; float timeAfterStepTarget = 0.3f; auto errorFunction = [timeToStepTarget, timeAfterStepTarget] (const Vector4f& vals) { LIP currentState(250.f); LIP targetState(250.f); float footTrans = -50.f; float posWeight = 1; float velWeight = 50; float timeWeight = 500; const float currentZmp = vals(0); const float nextZmp = vals(1); const float timeToStep = vals(2); const float timeAfterStep = vals(3); LIP forwardedState = currentState.predict(timeToStep, currentZmp); forwardedState.position += footTrans; forwardedState.update(timeAfterStep, nextZmp); return posWeight * sqr(targetState.position - forwardedState.position) + velWeight * sqr(targetState.velocity - forwardedState.velocity) + timeWeight * sqr(timeToStepTarget - timeToStep) + timeWeight * sqr(timeAfterStepTarget - timeAfterStep); }; auto optimizer = Optimizer::makeDownhillSimplexOptimizer(errorFunction, ranges); Eigen::BenchTimer optTimer; for(int i = 0; i < TRIES; ++i) { optimizer.initDelta(Vector4f(-1.f, 0.f, timeToStepTarget, timeAfterStepTarget), Vector4f(10.f, 10.f, 0.1f, 0.1f)); // waste some cycles to get the return type automatically auto res = optimizer.optimize(0.0001f, 1); optTimer.start(); for(int j = 0; j < RUNS; ++j) { res = optimizer.optimize(0.0001f, 1000); } optTimer.stop(); } PRINTF("overall - best: %.3fs, avg: %.3fs, worst: %.3fs \n",, / TRIES, optTimer.worst()); PRINTF("per run - best: %.6fs, avg: %.6fs, worst: %.6fs \n", / RUNS, / (TRIES * RUNS), optTimer.worst() / RUNS); }
void Ferns::train( const Image & img ) { RNG rng( time( NULL ) ); Eigen::Vector2i x0, x1; for( uint32_t i = 0; i < _numFerns; i++ ){ _ferns.push_back( Fern( _testsPerFern, _patchSize ) ); for( uint32_t t = 0; t < _testsPerFern; t++ ){ x0[ 0 ] = rng.uniform( 0, _patchSize ); x0[ 1 ] = rng.uniform( 0, _patchSize ); x1[ 0 ] = rng.uniform( 0, _patchSize ); x1[ 1 ] = rng.uniform( 0, _patchSize ); _ferns.back().addTest( x0, x1 ); } } // detect features in the "model"-image std::vector<Feature2Df> features; VectorFeature2DInserter<float> inserter( features ); _featureDetector->extract( img, inserter ); int32_t patchHalfSize = _patchSize >> 1; /* train the class */ PatchGenerator patchGen( Rangef( 0.0f, Math::TWO_PI ), Rangef( 0.6f, 1.5f ), _patchSize, 3.0 /* noise */ ); int x, y; for( size_t i = 0; i < features.size(); i++ ){ std::cout << "FEATURE " << i+1 << " / " << features.size() << std::endl; x = features[ i ].pt.x; y = features[ i ].pt.y; if( ( x - patchHalfSize ) < 0 || ( x + patchHalfSize ) >= ( int32_t )img.width() || ( y - patchHalfSize ) < 0 || ( y + patchHalfSize ) >= ( int32_t )img.height() ) continue; _modelFeatures.push_back( features[ i ] ); this->trainClass( _modelFeatures.size() - 1, patchGen, img ); } for( size_t i = 0; i < _ferns.size(); i++ ){ _ferns[ i ].normalizeStatistics( _trainingSamples ); } }
void CMA_ES_Population::init(const Configuration& configuration) { this->configuration = configuration; n = static_cast<unsigned>(configuration.initialization.size()); sigma = configuration.sigma; stopfitness = configuration.stopFitness; stopeval = 1e3f * std::pow(static_cast<float>(n), 2.f); lambda_ = 4 + static_cast<unsigned>(floorf(3.f * std::log(static_cast<float>(n)))); mu = lambda_ / 2.f; weights = VectorXf(static_cast<unsigned>(mu)); for(int i = 1; i <= weights.size(); i++) weights[i - 1] = std::log(mu + 0.5f) - std::log(static_cast<float>(i)); mu = floorf(mu); weights /= weights.sum(); mueff = std::pow(weights.sum(), 2.f) / weights.array().pow(2).sum(); cc = (4 + mueff / static_cast<float>(n)) / (static_cast<float>(n) + 4.f + 2.f * mueff / static_cast<float>(n)); cs = (mueff + 2.f) / (static_cast<float>(n) + mueff + 5.f); c1 = 2.f / (std::pow(static_cast<float>(n) + 1.3f, 2.f) + mueff); cmu = 2.f * (mueff - 2.f + 1.f / mueff) / (std::pow(static_cast<float>(n) + 1.f, 2.f) + 2.f * mueff / 2.f); damps = 1.f + 2.f * std::max(0.f, std::sqrt((mueff - 1.f) / (static_cast<float>(n) + 1.f)) - 1.f) + cs; pc = MatrixXf::Zero(n, 1); ps = MatrixXf::Zero(n, 1); B = D = MatrixXf::Identity(n, n); C = B* D* (B* D).transpose(); chiN = std::pow(static_cast<float>(n), 0.5f) * (1.f - 1.f / (4.f * static_cast<float>(n)) + 1.f / (21.f * std::pow(static_cast<float>(n), 2.f))); xmean = Eigen::Map<const Eigen::VectorXf>(, n); for(unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) { xmean[i] = configuration.limits[i].limit(xmean[i]); xmean[i] = std::atanh((xmean[i] - configuration.limits[i].min) / (configuration.limits[i].max - configuration.limits[i].min) * 2.f - 1.f); xmean[i] = Rangef(-3.f, 3.f).limit(xmean[i]); } total = lambda_; numFeatures = n; fitness.resize(total); updateIndividuals(); initialized = true; somethingChanged = true; }
GTEST_TEST(DownhillSimplex, bench1) { using Vector1f = Eigen::Matrix<float, 1, 1>; auto errorFunction = [] (const Vector1f& vals) { const LIP currentState(250.f); const LIP targetState(250.f); float timeToStep = 0.3f; float timeAfterStep = 0.3f; float footTrans = -50.f; float posWeight = 1; float velWeight = 50; const float currentZmp = vals(0); LIP forwardedState = currentState.predict(timeToStep, currentZmp); forwardedState.position += footTrans; forwardedState.update(timeAfterStep, 0.f); return posWeight * sqr(targetState.position - forwardedState.position) + velWeight * sqr(targetState.velocity - forwardedState.velocity); }; std::array<Rangef, 1> ranges; ranges[0] = Rangef(-50.f, 50); auto optimizer = Optimizer::makeDownhillSimplexOptimizer(errorFunction, ranges); auto errorFunction2 = [] (const float& currentZmp) { const LIP currentState(250.f); const LIP targetState(250.f); float timeToStep = 0.3f; float timeAfterStep = 0.3f; float footTrans = -50.f; float posWeight = 1; float velWeight = 50; LIP forwardedState = currentState.predict(timeToStep, currentZmp); forwardedState.position += footTrans; forwardedState.update(timeAfterStep, 0.f); return posWeight * sqr(targetState.position - forwardedState.position) + velWeight * sqr(targetState.velocity - forwardedState.velocity); }; const Rangef range(-50.f, 50); auto optimizer2 = Optimizer::makeDownhillSimplexOptimizer1(errorFunction2, range); Eigen::BenchTimer optTimer; Eigen::BenchTimer opt2Timer; for(int i = 0; i < TRIES; ++i) { Vector1f start, delta; start.x() = -1.f; delta.x() = 10.f; optimizer.initRandom(start); auto copy = optimizer.simplex; // waste some cycles to get the return type automatically auto res = optimizer.optimize(0.0001f, 1); optTimer.start(); for(int j = 0; j < RUNS; ++j) { optimizer.simplex = copy; res = optimizer.optimize(0.0001f, 100); } optTimer.stop(); optimizer2.simplex[0] = copy[0].values[0]; optimizer2.simplex[1] = copy[1].values[0]; auto copy2 = optimizer2.simplex; Optimizer::Result<float> res2; opt2Timer.start(); for(int j = 0; j < RUNS; ++j) { optimizer2.simplex = copy2; res2 = optimizer2.optimize(0.0001f, 100); } opt2Timer.stop(); if( == EXPECT_TRUE( ==; } PRINTF("generic optimizer overall - best: %.3fs, avg: %.3fs, worst: %.3fs \n",, / TRIES, optTimer.worst()); PRINTF("generic optimizer per run - best: %.6fs, avg: %.6fs, worst: %.6fs \n", / RUNS, / (TRIES * RUNS), optTimer.worst() / RUNS); PRINTF("special optimizer overall - best: %.3fs, avg: %.3fs, worst: %.3fs \n",, / TRIES, opt2Timer.worst()); PRINTF("special optimizer per run - best: %.6fs, avg: %.6fs, worst: %.6fs \n", / RUNS, / (TRIES * RUNS), opt2Timer.worst() / RUNS); }
void HeadMotionEngine::update(HeadJointRequest& headJointRequest) { // update requested angles requestedPan = theHeadAngleRequest.pan; requestedTilt = theHeadAngleRequest.tilt; // float maxAcc = ? 10.f : 1.f; // arbitrary value that seems to be good... MODIFY("module:HeadMotionEngine:maxAcceleration", maxAcc); float pan = requestedPan == JointAngles::off ? JointAngles::off : Rangef(theHeadLimits.minPan(), theHeadLimits.maxPan()).limit(requestedPan); float tilt = requestedTilt == JointAngles::off ? JointAngles::off : theHeadLimits.getTiltBound(pan).limit(requestedTilt); const float deltaTime = theFrameInfo.cycleTime; const Vector2f position(headJointRequest.pan == JointAngles::off ? theJointAngles.angles[Joints::headYaw] : headJointRequest.pan, headJointRequest.tilt == JointAngles::off ? theJointAngles.angles[Joints::headPitch] : headJointRequest.tilt); const Vector2f target(pan == JointAngles::off ? 0.f : pan, tilt == JointAngles::off ? 0.f : tilt); Vector2f offset(target - position); const float distanceToTarget = offset.norm(); // calculate max speed const float maxSpeedForDistance = std::sqrt(2.f * distanceToTarget * maxAcc * 0.8f); const float requestedSpeed = theHeadAngleRequest.stopAndGoMode ? theHeadAngleRequest.speed * (std::cos(pi2 / stopAndGoModeFrequenzy * theFrameInfo.time) / 2.f + .5f) : static_cast<float>(theHeadAngleRequest.speed); const float maxSpeed = std::min(maxSpeedForDistance, requestedSpeed); // max speed clipping if(distanceToTarget / deltaTime > maxSpeed) offset *= maxSpeed * deltaTime / distanceToTarget; //<=> offset.normalize(maxSpeed * deltaTime); // max acceleration clipping Vector2f speed(offset / deltaTime); Vector2f acc((speed - lastSpeed) / deltaTime); const float accSquareAbs = acc.squaredNorm(); if(accSquareAbs > maxAcc * maxAcc) { acc *= maxAcc * deltaTime / std::sqrt(accSquareAbs); speed = acc + lastSpeed; offset = speed * deltaTime; } /* <=> Vector2f speed(offset / deltaTime); Vector2f acc((speed - lastSpeed) / deltaTime); if(acc.squaredNorm() > maxAcc * maxAcc) { speed = acc.normalize(maxAcc * deltaTime) + lastSpeed; offset = speed * deltaTime; } */ PLOT("module:HeadMotionEngine:speed", toDegrees(speed.norm())); // calculate new position Vector2f newPosition(position + offset); // set new position headJointRequest.pan = pan == JointAngles::off ? JointAngles::off : newPosition.x(); headJointRequest.tilt = tilt == JointAngles::off ? JointAngles::off : newPosition.y(); headJointRequest.moving = pan != JointAngles::off && tilt != JointAngles::off && ((newPosition - position) / deltaTime).squaredNorm() > sqr(maxAcc * deltaTime * 0.5f); // check reachability headJointRequest.reachable = true; if(pan != requestedPan || tilt != requestedTilt) headJointRequest.reachable = false; // store some values for the next iteration lastSpeed = speed; }