Exemplo n.º 1
int cseg_read_cell(CSEG * cseg, char *map_name, char *mapset)
    GW_LARGE_INT row, nrows;
    int map_fd;
    CELL *buffer;

    cseg->name = NULL;
    cseg->mapset = NULL;

    map_fd = Rast_open_old(map_name, mapset);
    nrows = Rast_window_rows();
    buffer = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
    for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
	Rast_get_c_row(map_fd, buffer, row);
	if (Segment_put_row(&(cseg->seg), buffer, row) < 0) {
	    G_warning("%s(): unable to segment put row for [%s] in [%s]",
		    me, map_name, mapset);
	    return (-1);


    cseg->name = G_store(map_name);
    cseg->mapset = G_store(mapset);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int get_stats(const char *name, struct Cell_stats *statf)
    int fd;
    CELL *cell;
    int row, nrows, ncols;

    fd = Rast_open_old(name, "");
    nrows = Rast_window_rows();
    ncols = Rast_window_cols();
    cell = Rast_allocate_c_buf();

    G_message(_("Reading %s ..."), name);
    for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
	G_percent(row, nrows, 2);
	Rast_get_c_row(fd, cell, row);
	Rast_update_cell_stats(cell, ncols, statf);
    if (row < nrows)
    G_percent(row, nrows, 2);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
transform(int *datafds, int *outfds, int rows, int cols,
	  double **eigmat, int bands, CELL *mins, CELL *maxs)
    int i, j, k, l;
    double *sum;
    CELL **rowbufs;

    sum = G_alloc_vector(bands);
    rowbufs = (CELL**)G_calloc(bands, sizeof(CELL*));

    /* allocate row buffers for each band */
    for (i = 0; i < bands; i++)
	if ((rowbufs[i] = Rast_allocate_c_buf()) == NULL)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to allocate cell buffers."));

    for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
	/* get one row of data */
	for (j = 0; j < bands; j++)
	    Rast_get_c_row(datafds[j], rowbufs[j], i);

	/* transform each cell in the row */
	for (l = 0; l < cols; l++) {
	    for (j = 0; j < bands; j++) {
		sum[j] = 0.0;
		for (k = 0; k < bands; k++) {
		    sum[j] += eigmat[j][k] * (double)rowbufs[k][l];
	    for (j = 0; j < bands; j++) {
		rowbufs[j][l] = (CELL) (sum[j] + 0.5);
		if (rowbufs[j][l] > maxs[j])
		    maxs[j] = rowbufs[j][l];
		if (rowbufs[j][l] < mins[j])
		    mins[j] = rowbufs[j][l];

	/* output the row of data */
	for (j = 0; j < bands; j++)
	    Rast_put_row(outfds[j], rowbufs[j], CELL_TYPE);
    for (i = 0; i < bands; i++)


    G_message(_("Transform completed.\n"));

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
int sg_factor(void)
    int r, c;
    CELL low_elev, hih_elev;
    double height, length, S, sin_theta;

    G_message(_("SECTION 4: RUSLE LS and/or S factor determination."));

    if (ril_flag)
	ril_buf = Rast_allocate_c_buf();

    for (r = 0; r < nrows; r++) {
	G_percent(r, nrows, 3);
	if (ril_flag) {
	    Rast_get_c_row(ril_fd, ril_buf, r);
	for (c = 0; c < ncols; c++) {
	    low_elev = alt[SEG_INDEX(alt_seg, r, c)];
	    hih_elev = r_h[SEG_INDEX(r_h_seg, r, c)];
	    length = s_l[SEG_INDEX(s_l_seg, r, c)];
	    height = 1.0 * (hih_elev - low_elev) / ele_scale;
	    if (length > max_length) {
		height *= max_length / length;
		length = max_length;
	    sin_theta = height / sqrt(height * height + length * length);
	    if (height / length < .09)
		S = 10.8 * sin_theta + .03;
		S = 16.8 * sin_theta - .50;
	    if (sg_flag)
		s_g[SEG_INDEX(s_g_seg, r, c)] = S;
	    if (ls_flag) {
		length *= METER_TO_FOOT;
		len_slp_equ(length, sin_theta, S, r, c);
    G_percent(nrows, nrows, 1);	/* finish it */

    if (ril_flag) {

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: Gs3.c Projeto: caomw/grass
   \brief Load raster map as integer map

   Calling function must have already allocated space in buff for
   struct BM of wind->rows & wind->cols.

   This routine simply loads the map into the bitmap by repetitve calls
   to get_map_row.  Any value other than 0 in the map will set the bitmap.
   (may want to change later to allow specific value to set)

   Changed to use null.

   \param wind current window
   \param map_name raster map name
   \param[out] buff data buffer

   \returns 1 on success
   \return -1 on failure
int Gs_loadmap_as_bitmap(struct Cell_head *wind, const char *map_name,
			 struct BM *buff)
    FILEDESC cellfile;
    const char *map_set;
    int *tmp_buf;
    int row, col;

    G_debug(3, "Gs_loadmap_as_bitmap");

    map_set = G_find_raster2(map_name, "");
    if (!map_set) {
	G_warning(_("Raster map <%s> not found"), map_name);
	return -1;

    cellfile = Rast_open_old(map_name, map_set);

    tmp_buf = (int *)G_malloc(wind->cols * sizeof(int));	/* G_fatal_error */
    if (!tmp_buf) {
	return -1;

    G_message(_("Loading raster map <%s>..."),
	      G_fully_qualified_name(map_name, map_set));

    for (row = 0; row < wind->rows; row++) {
	Rast_get_c_row(cellfile, tmp_buf, row);

	for (col = 0; col < wind->cols; col++) {
	    if (Rast_is_c_null_value(&tmp_buf[col])) {
		/* no data */
		BM_set(buff, col, row, 1);
	    else {
		BM_set(buff, col, row, 0);



    return (1);
Exemplo n.º 6
   \brief Read or simulate null value row

   Read or simulate null value row and set the cells corresponding 
   to null value to 1. The masked out cells are set to null when the
   mask exists. (the MASK is taken care of by null values
   (if the null file doesn't exist for this map, then the null row
   is simulated by assuming that all zeros in raster map are nulls.
   Also all masked out cells become nulls.

   \param fd file descriptor for the opened map
   \param buf buffer for the row to be placed into
   \param flags
   \param row data row desired

   \return void
void Rast_get_null_value_row(int fd, char *flags, int row)
    struct fileinfo *fcb = &R__.fileinfo[fd];

    if (!fcb->reclass_flag)
	get_null_value_row(fd, flags, row, 1);
    else {
	CELL *buf = G_alloca(R__.rd_window.cols * sizeof(CELL));
	int i;

	Rast_get_c_row(fd, buf, row);
	for (i = 0; i < R__.rd_window.cols; i++)
	    flags[i] = Rast_is_c_null_value(&buf[i]) ? 1 : 0;

Exemplo n.º 7
static void do_output(int base_fd, char **outputs, const char *covermap)
    int *out_fd = G_malloc(num_quants * sizeof(int));
    CELL *base_buf = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
    DCELL *out_buf = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
    const char *mapset = G_mapset();
    struct Colors colors;
    int have_colors;
    int quant;
    int row, col;

    G_message(_("Writing output maps"));

    for (quant = 0; quant < num_quants; quant++) {
	const char *output = outputs[quant];

	out_fd[quant] = Rast_open_fp_new(output);

    have_colors = Rast_read_colors(covermap, "", &colors) > 0;

    for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
	Rast_get_c_row(base_fd, base_buf, row);

	for (quant = 0; quant < num_quants; quant++) {
	    for (col = 0; col < cols; col++)
		if (Rast_is_c_null_value(&base_buf[col]))
		    Rast_set_d_null_value(&out_buf[col], 1);
		    out_buf[col] = basecats[base_buf[col] - min].quants[quant];

	    Rast_put_d_row(out_fd[quant], out_buf);

	G_percent(row, rows, 2);

    G_percent(row, rows, 2);

    for (quant = 0; quant < num_quants; quant++) {
	if (have_colors)
	    Rast_write_colors(outputs[quant], mapset, &colors);
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: Gs3.c Projeto: caomw/grass
   \brief Load raster map as integer map

   Calling function must have already allocated space in buff for
   wind->rows * wind->cols floats.

   This routine simply loads the map into a 2d array by repetitve calls
   to get_f_raster_row.

   \todo fn body of Gs_loadmap_as_float()

   \param wind current window
   \param map_name raster map name
   \param[out] buff data buffer
   \param[out] nullmap null map buffer
   \param[out] has_null indicates if raster map contains null-data

   \return 1 on success
   \return 0 on failure
int Gs_loadmap_as_int(struct Cell_head *wind, const char *map_name, int *buff,
		      struct BM *nullmap, int *has_null)
    FILEDESC cellfile;
    const char *map_set;
    int offset, row, col;

    G_debug(3, "Gs_loadmap_as_int");

    map_set = G_find_raster2(map_name, "");
    if (!map_set) {
	G_warning(_("Raster map <%s> not found"), map_name);
	return 0;
    *has_null = 0;

    cellfile = Rast_open_old(map_name, map_set);

    G_message(_("Loading raster map <%s>..."),
	      G_fully_qualified_name(map_name, map_set));

    for (row = 0; row < wind->rows; row++) {
	offset = row * wind->cols;
	Rast_get_c_row(cellfile, &(buff[offset]), row);

	G_percent(row, wind->rows, 2);

	for (col = 0; col < wind->cols; col++) {
	    if (Rast_is_f_null_value(buff + offset + col)) {
		*has_null = 1;
		BM_set(nullmap, col, row, 1);

	    /* set nm */
    G_percent(1, 1, 1);

    return (1);
Exemplo n.º 9
static void fill_bins(int basefile, int coverfile)
    CELL *basebuf = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
    DCELL *coverbuf = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
    int row, col;

    G_message(_("Binning data"));

    for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
	Rast_get_c_row(basefile, basebuf, row);
	Rast_get_d_row(coverfile, coverbuf, row);

	for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
	    struct basecat *bc;
	    int i, bin;
	    struct bin *b;

	    if (Rast_is_c_null_value(&basebuf[col]))

	    if (Rast_is_d_null_value(&coverbuf[col]))

	    i = get_slot(coverbuf[col]);
	    bc = &basecats[basebuf[col] - min];
	    if (!bc->slot_bins[i])

	    bin = bc->slot_bins[i] - 1;
	    b = &bc->bins[bin];

	    bc->values[b->base + b->count++] = coverbuf[col];

	G_percent(row, rows, 2);

    G_percent(rows, rows, 2);
Exemplo n.º 10
static void get_slot_counts(int basefile, int coverfile)
    CELL *basebuf = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
    DCELL *coverbuf = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
    int row, col;

    G_message(_("Computing histograms"));

    for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
	Rast_get_c_row(basefile, basebuf, row);
	Rast_get_d_row(coverfile, coverbuf, row);

	for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
	    struct basecat *bc;
	    int i;

	    if (Rast_is_c_null_value(&basebuf[col]))

	    if (Rast_is_d_null_value(&coverbuf[col]))

	    i = get_slot(coverbuf[col]);
	    bc = &basecats[basebuf[col] - min];


	G_percent(row, rows, 2);

    G_percent(rows, rows, 2);
Exemplo n.º 11
int renumber(int in, int out)
    CELL *cell, *c;
    int row, col;

    cell = Rast_allocate_c_buf();

    G_message(_("%s: STEP 3 ... "), G_program_name());
    for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
	G_percent(row, nrows, 5);
	Rast_get_c_row(in, c = cell, row);
	col = ncols;
	while (col-- > 0) {
	    if (!Rast_is_c_null_value(c))
		*c = table[*c];
	Rast_put_row(out, cell, CELL_TYPE);
    G_percent(row, nrows, 10);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 12
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    /* variables */
    DCELL *data_buf;
    CELL *clump_buf;
    CELL i, max;

    int row, col, rows, cols;
    int out_mode, use_MASK, *n, *e;
    long int *count;
    int fd_data, fd_clump;

    const char *datamap, *clumpmap, *centroidsmap;
    double avg, vol, total_vol, east, north, *sum;

    struct Cell_head window;

    struct Map_info *fd_centroids;
    struct line_pnts *Points;
    struct line_cats *Cats;
    struct field_info *Fi;

    char buf[DB_SQL_MAX];
    dbString sql;
    dbDriver *driver;

    struct GModule *module;
    struct {
        struct Option *input, *clump, *centroids, *output;
    } opt;
    struct {
        struct Flag *report;
    } flag;

    /* define parameters and flags */

    module = G_define_module();
    module->label =
	_("Calculates the volume of data \"clumps\".");
    module->description = _("Optionally produces a GRASS vector points map "
                            "containing the calculated centroids of these clumps.");

    opt.input = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    opt.input->description =
	_("Name of input raster map representing data that will be summed within clumps");

    opt.clump = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    opt.clump->key = "clump";
    opt.clump->required = NO;
    opt.clump->label =
        _("Name of input clump raster map");
    opt.clump->description = _("Preferably the output of r.clump. "
                               "If no clump map is given than MASK is used.");

    opt.centroids = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT);
    opt.centroids->key = "centroids";
    opt.centroids->required = NO;
    opt.centroids->description = _("Name for output vector points map to contain clump centroids");

    opt.output = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_OUTPUT);
    opt.output->required = NO;
    opt.output->label =
	_("Name for output file to hold the report");
    opt.output->description =
	_("If no output file given report is printed to standard output");

    flag.report = G_define_flag();
    flag.report->key = 'f';
    flag.report->description = _("Generate unformatted report (items separated by colon)");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    /* get arguments */
    datamap = opt.input->answer;
    clumpmap = NULL;
    if (opt.clump->answer)
	clumpmap = opt.clump->answer;
    centroidsmap = NULL;
    fd_centroids = NULL;
    Points = NULL;
    Cats = NULL;
    driver = NULL;
    if (opt.centroids->answer) {
	centroidsmap = opt.centroids->answer;
        fd_centroids = G_malloc(sizeof(struct Map_info));
    out_mode = (!flag.report->answer);

     * see if MASK or a separate "clumpmap" raster map is to be used
     * -- it must(!) be one of those two choices.
    use_MASK = 0;
    if (!clumpmap) {
	clumpmap = "MASK";
	use_MASK = 1;
        if (!G_find_raster2(clumpmap, G_mapset()))
            G_fatal_error(_("No MASK found. If no clump map is given than the MASK is required. "
                            "You need to define a clump raster map or create a MASK by r.mask command."));
        G_important_message(_("No clump map given, using MASK"));
    /* open input and clump raster maps */
    fd_data = Rast_open_old(datamap, "");
    fd_clump = Rast_open_old(clumpmap, use_MASK ? G_mapset() : "");
    /* initialize vector map (for centroids) if needed */
    if (centroidsmap) {
	if (Vect_open_new(fd_centroids, centroidsmap, WITHOUT_Z) < 0)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"), centroidsmap);
        Points = Vect_new_line_struct();
        Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();
        /* initialize data structures */
        Vect_append_point(Points, 0., 0., 0.);
        Vect_cat_set(Cats, 1, 1);
    /* initialize output file */
    if (opt.output->answer && strcmp(opt.output->answer, "-") != 0) {
	if (freopen(opt.output->answer, "w", stdout) == NULL) {

    /* initialize data accumulation arrays */
    max = Rast_get_max_c_cat(clumpmap, use_MASK ? G_mapset() : "");

    sum = (double *)G_malloc((max + 1) * sizeof(double));
    count = (long int *)G_malloc((max + 1) * sizeof(long int));

    G_zero(sum, (max + 1) * sizeof(double));
    G_zero(count, (max + 1) * sizeof(long int));
    data_buf = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
    clump_buf = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
    /* get window size */
    rows = window.rows;
    cols = window.cols;

    /* now get the data -- first pass */
    for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
	G_percent(row, rows, 2);
	Rast_get_d_row(fd_data, data_buf, row);
	Rast_get_c_row(fd_clump, clump_buf, row);
	for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
	    i = clump_buf[col];
	    if (i > max)
		G_fatal_error(_("Invalid category value %d (max=%d): row=%d col=%d"),
                              i, max, row, col);
	    if (i < 1) {
                G_debug(3, "row=%d col=%d: zero or negs ignored", row, col);
		continue;	/* ignore zeros and negs */
	    if (Rast_is_d_null_value(&data_buf[col])) {
                G_debug(3, "row=%d col=%d: NULL ignored", row, col);
	    sum[i] += data_buf[col];
    G_percent(1, 1, 1);
    /* free some buffer space */

    /* data lists for centroids of clumps */
    e = (int *)G_malloc((max + 1) * sizeof(int));
    n = (int *)G_malloc((max + 1) * sizeof(int));

    i = centroids(fd_clump, e, n, 1, max);

    /* close raster maps */
    /* got everything, now do output */
    if (centroidsmap) {
        G_message(_("Creating vector point map <%s>..."), centroidsmap);
        /* set comment */
	sprintf(buf, _("From '%s' on raster map <%s> using clumps from <%s>"),
                argv[0], datamap, clumpmap);
        Vect_set_comment(fd_centroids, buf);

        /* create attribute table */        
        Fi = Vect_default_field_info(fd_centroids, 1, NULL, GV_1TABLE);
        driver = db_start_driver_open_database(Fi->driver,
                                               Vect_subst_var(Fi->database, fd_centroids));
	if (driver == NULL) {
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open database <%s> by driver <%s>"),
			  Vect_subst_var(Fi->database, fd_centroids), Fi->driver);
	sprintf(buf, "create table %s (cat integer, volume double precision, "
                "average double precision, sum double precision, count integer)",
	db_set_string(&sql, buf);
	Vect_map_add_dblink(fd_centroids, 1, NULL, Fi->table, GV_KEY_COLUMN, Fi->database,

	G_debug(3, "%s", db_get_string(&sql));
	if (db_execute_immediate(driver, &sql) != DB_OK) {
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create table: %s"), db_get_string(&sql));

    /* print header */
    if (out_mode) {
	fprintf(stdout, _("\nVolume report on data from <%s> using clumps on <%s> raster map"),
                datamap, clumpmap);
        fprintf(stdout, "\n\n");
		_("Category   Average   Data   # Cells        Centroid             Total\n"));
		_("Number     in clump  Total  in clump   Easting     Northing     Volume"));
        fprintf(stdout, "\n%s\n", SEP);
    total_vol = 0.0;

    /* print output, write centroids */
    for (i = 1; i <= max; i++) {
	if (count[i]) {
	    avg = sum[i] / (double)count[i];
	    vol = sum[i] * window.ew_res * window.ns_res;
	    total_vol += vol;
	    east = window.west + (e[i] + 0.5) * window.ew_res;
	    north = window.north - (n[i] + 0.5) * window.ns_res;
	    if (fd_centroids) { /* write centroids if requested */
                Points->x[0] = east;
                Points->y[0] = north;
                Cats->cat[0] = i;
                Vect_write_line(fd_centroids, GV_POINT, Points, Cats);
                sprintf(buf, "insert into %s values (%d, %f, %f, %f, %ld)",
                        Fi->table, i, vol, avg, sum[i], count[i]);
                db_set_string(&sql, buf);

                if (db_execute_immediate(driver, &sql) != DB_OK)
                    G_fatal_error(_("Cannot insert new row: %s"),
	    if (out_mode)
			"%8d%10.2f%10.0f %7ld  %10.2f  %10.2f %16.2f\n", i,
			avg, sum[i], count[i], east, north, vol);
		fprintf(stdout, "%d:%.2f:%.0f:%ld:%.2f:%.2f:%.2f\n",
			i, avg, sum[i], count[i], east, north, vol);

    /* write centroid attributes and close the map*/
    if (fd_centroids) {
    /* print total value */
    if (total_vol > 0.0 && out_mode) {
        fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", SEP);
	fprintf(stdout, "%60s = %14.2f", _("Total Volume"), total_vol);
        fprintf(stdout, "\n");

Exemplo n.º 13
int extract_points(int z_flag)
    struct line_pnts *points = Vect_new_line_struct();
    CELL *cellbuf;
    FCELL *fcellbuf;
    DCELL *dcellbuf;
    int row, col;
    double x, y;
    int count;

    switch (data_type) {
    case CELL_TYPE:
	cellbuf = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
    case FCELL_TYPE:
	fcellbuf = Rast_allocate_f_buf();
    case DCELL_TYPE:
	dcellbuf = Rast_allocate_d_buf();

    G_message(_("Extracting points..."));

    count = 1;
    for (row = 0; row < cell_head.rows; row++) {
	G_percent(row, n_rows, 2);

	y = Rast_row_to_northing((double)(row + .5), &cell_head);

	switch (data_type) {
	case CELL_TYPE:
	    Rast_get_c_row(input_fd, cellbuf, row);
	    Rast_get_f_row(input_fd, fcellbuf, row);
	    Rast_get_d_row(input_fd, dcellbuf, row);

	for (col = 0; col < cell_head.cols; col++) {
	    int cat, val;
	    double dval;

	    x = Rast_col_to_easting((double)(col + .5), &cell_head);

	    switch (data_type) {
	    case CELL_TYPE:
		if (Rast_is_c_null_value(cellbuf + col))
		val = cellbuf[col];
		dval = val;
	    case FCELL_TYPE:
		if (Rast_is_f_null_value(fcellbuf + col))
		dval = fcellbuf[col];
	    case DCELL_TYPE:
		if (Rast_is_d_null_value(dcellbuf + col))
		dval = dcellbuf[col];

	    /* value_flag is used only for CELL type */
	    cat = (value_flag) ? val : count;

	    Vect_cat_set(Cats, 1, cat);

	    Vect_append_point(points, x, y, dval);
	    Vect_write_line(&Map, GV_POINT, points, Cats);

	    if ((driver != NULL) && !value_flag) {
		insert_value(cat, val, dval);


    G_percent(row, n_rows, 2);

    switch (data_type) {
    case CELL_TYPE:
    case FCELL_TYPE:
    case DCELL_TYPE:

    return (1);
Exemplo n.º 14
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int fd, maskfd;
    CELL *cell, *mask;
    struct Cell_head window;
    int row, col;
    double north, east;
    double dx, dy;
    double maxdist, dist;
    double sum1, sum2;
    int i, n, max;
    struct GModule *module;
    struct History history;
	struct Option *input, *npoints, *output;
    } parm;


    module = G_define_module();
    module->description = _("Surface generation program.");

    parm.input = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);

    parm.output = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);

    parm.npoints = G_define_option();
    parm.npoints->key = "npoints";
    parm.npoints->key_desc = "count";
    parm.npoints->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    parm.npoints->required = NO;
    parm.npoints->description = _("Number of interpolation points");
    parm.npoints->answer = "12";

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    /* Make sure that the current projection is not lat/long */
    if ((G_projection() == PROJECTION_LL))
	G_fatal_error(_("Lat/long databases not supported by r.surf.idw2. Use r.surf.idw instead!"));

    if (sscanf(parm.npoints->answer, "%d", &search_points) != 1 ||
	search_points < 1)
	G_fatal_error(_("%s=%s - illegal number of interpolation points"),
		      parm.npoints->key, parm.npoints->answer);

    list = (struct Point *)G_calloc(search_points, sizeof(struct Point));

    /* read the elevation points from the input raster map */

    if (npoints == 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("%s: no data points found"), G_program_name());
    nsearch = npoints < search_points ? npoints : search_points;

    /* get the window, allocate buffers, etc. */

    cell = Rast_allocate_c_buf();

    if ((maskfd = Rast_maskfd()) >= 0)
	mask = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
	mask = NULL;

    fd = Rast_open_c_new(parm.output->answer);

    G_message(_("Interpolating raster map <%s>... %d rows... "),
	      parm.output->answer, window.rows);

    north = window.north - window.ns_res / 2.0;
    for (row = 0; row < window.rows; row++) {
	G_percent(row, window.rows, 2);

	if (mask)
	    Rast_get_c_row(maskfd, mask, row);

	north += window.ns_res;
	east = window.west - window.ew_res / 2.0;
	for (col = 0; col < window.cols; col++) {
	    east += window.ew_res;
	    /* don't interpolate outside of the mask */
	    if (mask && mask[col] == 0) {
		cell[col] = 0;
	    /* fill list with first nsearch points */
	    for (i = 0; i < nsearch; i++) {
		dy = points[i].north - north;
		dx = points[i].east - east;
		list[i].dist = dy * dy + dx * dx;
		list[i].z = points[i].z;
	    /* find the maximum distance */
	    maxdist = list[max = 0].dist;
	    for (n = 1; n < nsearch; n++) {
		if (maxdist < list[n].dist)
		    maxdist = list[max = n].dist;
	    /* go thru rest of the points now */
	    for (; i < npoints; i++) {
		dy = points[i].north - north;
		dx = points[i].east - east;
		dist = dy * dy + dx * dx;

		if (dist < maxdist) {
		    /* replace the largest dist */
		    list[max].z = points[i].z;
		    list[max].dist = dist;
		    maxdist = list[max = 0].dist;
		    for (n = 1; n < nsearch; n++) {
			if (maxdist < list[n].dist)
			    maxdist = list[max = n].dist;

	    /* interpolate */
	    sum1 = 0.0;
	    sum2 = 0.0;
	    for (n = 0; n < nsearch; n++) {
		if ((dist = list[n].dist)) {
		    sum1 += list[n].z / dist;
		    sum2 += 1.0 / dist;
		else {
		    sum1 = list[n].z;
		    sum2 = 1.0;
	    cell[col] = (CELL) (sum1 / sum2 + 0.5);

	Rast_put_row(fd, cell, CELL_TYPE);


    /* writing history file */
    Rast_short_history(parm.output->answer, "raster", &history);
    Rast_write_history(parm.output->answer, &history);
    G_done_msg(" ");

Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: main.c Projeto: caomw/grass
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    static DCELL *count, *sum, *mean, *sumu, *sum2, *sum3, *sum4, *min, *max;
    DCELL *result;
    struct GModule *module;
    struct {
	struct Option *method, *basemap, *covermap, *output;
    } opt;
    struct {
	struct Flag *c, *r;
    } flag;
    char methods[2048];
    const char *basemap, *covermap, *output;
    int usecats;
    int reclass;
    int base_fd, cover_fd;
    struct Categories cats;
    CELL *base_buf;
    DCELL *cover_buf;
    struct Range range;
    CELL mincat, ncats;
    int method;
    int rows, cols;
    int row, col, i;


    module = G_define_module();
    module->description =
	_("Calculates category or object oriented statistics (accumulator-based statistics).");

    opt.basemap = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_BASE);

    opt.covermap = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_COVER);

    opt.method = G_define_option();
    opt.method->key = "method";
    opt.method->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt.method->required = YES;
    opt.method->description = _("Method of object-based statistic");

    for (i = 0; menu[i].name; i++) {
	if (i)
	    strcat(methods, ",");
	    *(methods) = 0;
	strcat(methods, menu[i].name);
    opt.method->options = G_store(methods);

    for (i = 0; menu[i].name; i++) {
	if (i)
	    strcat(methods, ";");
	    *(methods) = 0;
	strcat(methods, menu[i].name);
	strcat(methods, ";");
	strcat(methods, menu[i].text);
    opt.method->descriptions = G_store(methods);

    opt.output = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
    opt.output->description = _("Resultant raster map");
    opt.output->required = YES;

    flag.c = G_define_flag();
    flag.c->key = 'c';
    flag.c->description =
	_("Cover values extracted from the category labels of the cover map");

    flag.r = G_define_flag();
    flag.r->key = 'r';
    flag.r->description =
	_("Create reclass map with statistics as category labels");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    basemap = opt.basemap->answer;
    covermap = opt.covermap->answer;
    output = opt.output->answer;
    usecats = flag.c->answer;
    reclass = flag.r->answer;

    for (i = 0; menu[i].name; i++)
	if (strcmp(menu[i].name, opt.method->answer) == 0)

    if (!menu[i].name) {
	G_warning(_("<%s=%s> unknown %s"), opt.method->key, opt.method->answer,

    method = menu[i].val;

    base_fd = Rast_open_old(basemap, "");

    cover_fd = Rast_open_old(covermap, "");

    if (usecats && Rast_read_cats(covermap, "", &cats) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read category file of cover map <%s>"), covermap);

    if (Rast_map_is_fp(basemap, "") != 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("The base map must be an integer (CELL) map"));

    if (Rast_read_range(basemap, "", &range) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read range of base map <%s>"), basemap);

    mincat = range.min;
    ncats = range.max - range.min + 1;

    rows = Rast_window_rows();
    cols = Rast_window_cols();

    switch (method) {
    case COUNT:
	count = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
    case SUM:
	sum = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
    case MIN:
	min = G_malloc(ncats * sizeof(DCELL));
    case MAX:
	max = G_malloc(ncats * sizeof(DCELL));
    case RANGE:
	min = G_malloc(ncats * sizeof(DCELL));
	max = G_malloc(ncats * sizeof(DCELL));
    case AVERAGE:
    case ADEV:
    case VARIANCE2:
    case STDDEV2:
    case SKEWNESS2:
    case KURTOSIS2:
	count = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	sum = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
    case VARIANCE1:
    case STDDEV1:
	count = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	sum = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	sum2 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
    case SKEWNESS1:
	count = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	sum = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	sum2 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	sum3 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
    case KURTOSIS1:
	count = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	sum = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	sum2 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	sum4 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));

    if (min)
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    min[i] = 1e300;
    if (max)
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    max[i] = -1e300;

    base_buf = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
    cover_buf = Rast_allocate_d_buf();

    G_message(_("First pass"));

    for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
	Rast_get_c_row(base_fd, base_buf, row);
	Rast_get_d_row(cover_fd, cover_buf, row);

	for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
	    int n;
	    DCELL v;

	    if (Rast_is_c_null_value(&base_buf[col]))
	    if (Rast_is_d_null_value(&cover_buf[col]))

	    n = base_buf[col] - mincat;

	    if (n < 0 || n >= ncats)

	    v = cover_buf[col];
	    if (usecats)
		sscanf(Rast_get_c_cat((CELL *) &v, &cats), "%lf", &v);

	    if (count)
	    if (sum)
		sum[n] += v;
	    if (sum2)
		sum2[n] += v * v;
	    if (sum3)
		sum3[n] += v * v * v;
	    if (sum4)
		sum4[n] += v * v * v * v;
	    if (min && min[n] > v)
		min[n] = v;
	    if (max && max[n] < v)
		max[n] = v;

	G_percent(row, rows, 2);

    G_percent(row, rows, 2);

    result = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));

    switch (method) {
    case ADEV:
    case VARIANCE2:
    case STDDEV2:
    case SKEWNESS2:
    case KURTOSIS2:
	mean = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    mean[i] = sum[i] / count[i];

    switch (method) {
    case ADEV:
	sumu = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
    case VARIANCE2:
    case STDDEV2:
	sum2 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
    case SKEWNESS2:
	sum2 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	sum3 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
    case KURTOSIS2:
	sum2 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	sum4 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));

    if (mean) {
	G_message(_("Second pass"));

	for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
	    Rast_get_c_row(base_fd, base_buf, row);
	    Rast_get_d_row(cover_fd, cover_buf, row);

	    for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
		int n;
		DCELL v, d;

		if (Rast_is_c_null_value(&base_buf[col]))
		if (Rast_is_d_null_value(&cover_buf[col]))

		n = base_buf[col] - mincat;

		if (n < 0 || n >= ncats)

		v = cover_buf[col];
		if (usecats)
		    sscanf(Rast_get_c_cat((CELL *) &v, &cats), "%lf", &v);
		d = v - mean[n];

		if (sumu)
		    sumu[n] += fabs(d);
		if (sum2)
		    sum2[n] += d * d;
		if (sum3)
		    sum3[n] += d * d * d;
		if (sum4)
		    sum4[n] += d * d * d * d;

	    G_percent(row, rows, 2);

	G_percent(row, rows, 2);

    switch (method) {
    case COUNT:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    result[i] = count[i];
    case SUM:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    result[i] = sum[i];
    case AVERAGE:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    result[i] = sum[i] / count[i];
    case MIN:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    result[i] = min[i];
    case MAX:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    result[i] = max[i];
    case RANGE:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    result[i] = max[i] - min[i];
    case VARIANCE1:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) {
	    double n = count[i];
	    double var = (sum2[i] - sum[i] * sum[i] / n) / (n - 1);
	    result[i] = var;
    case STDDEV1:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) {
	    double n = count[i];
	    double var = (sum2[i] - sum[i] * sum[i] / n) / (n - 1);
	    result[i] = sqrt(var);
    case SKEWNESS1:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) {
	    double n = count[i];
	    double var = (sum2[i] - sum[i] * sum[i] / n) / (n - 1);
	    double skew = (sum3[i] / n
			   - 3 * sum[i] * sum2[i] / (n * n)
			   + 2 * sum[i] * sum[i] * sum[i] / (n * n * n))
		/ (pow(var, 1.5));
	    result[i] = skew;
    case KURTOSIS1:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) {
	    double n = count[i];
	    double var = (sum2[i] - sum[i] * sum[i] / n) / (n - 1);
	    double kurt = (sum4[i] / n
			   - 4 * sum[i] * sum3[i] / (n * n)
			   + 6 * sum[i] * sum[i] * sum2[i] / (n * n * n)
			   - 3 * sum[i] * sum[i] * sum[i] * sum[i] / (n * n * n * n))
		/ (var * var) - 3;
	    result[i] = kurt;
    case ADEV:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    result[i] = sumu[i] / count[i];
    case VARIANCE2:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    result[i] = sum2[i] / (count[i] - 1);
    case STDDEV2:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    result[i] = sqrt(sum2[i] / (count[i] - 1));
    case SKEWNESS2:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) {
	    double n = count[i];
	    double var = sum2[i] / (n - 1);
	    double sdev = sqrt(var);
	    result[i] = sum3[i] / (sdev * sdev * sdev) / n;
    case KURTOSIS2:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) {
	    double n = count[i];
	    double var = sum2[i] / (n - 1);
	    result[i] = sum4[i] / (var * var) / n - 3;

    if (reclass) {
	const char *tempfile = G_tempfile();
	char *input_arg = G_malloc(strlen(basemap) + 7);
	char *output_arg = G_malloc(strlen(output) + 8);
	char *rules_arg = G_malloc(strlen(tempfile) + 7);
	FILE *fp;

	G_message(_("Generating reclass map"));

	sprintf(input_arg, "input=%s", basemap);
	sprintf(output_arg, "output=%s", output);
	sprintf(rules_arg, "rules=%s", tempfile);

	fp = fopen(tempfile, "w");
	if (!fp)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open temporary file"));

	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    fprintf(fp, "%d = %d %f\n", mincat + i, mincat + i, result[i]);


	G_spawn("r.reclass", "r.reclass", input_arg, output_arg, rules_arg, NULL);
    else {
	int out_fd;
	DCELL *out_buf;
	struct Colors colors;

	G_message(_("Writing output map"));

	out_fd = Rast_open_fp_new(output);

	out_buf = Rast_allocate_d_buf();

	for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
	    Rast_get_c_row(base_fd, base_buf, row);

	    for (col = 0; col < cols; col++)
		if (Rast_is_c_null_value(&base_buf[col]))
		    Rast_set_d_null_value(&out_buf[col], 1);
		    out_buf[col] = result[base_buf[col] - mincat];

	    Rast_put_d_row(out_fd, out_buf);

	    G_percent(row, rows, 2);

	G_percent(row, rows, 2);


	if (Rast_read_colors(covermap, "", &colors) > 0)
	    Rast_write_colors(output, G_mapset(), &colors);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 16
int open_file(char *name)
    int cell_file, buf_len;
    int i, row;
    CELL *buf;

    /* open raster map */
    cell_file = Rast_open_old(name, "");
    if (Rast_get_map_type(cell_file) != CELL_TYPE) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Input raster must be of type CELL."));

    n_rows = Rast_window_rows();
    n_cols = Rast_window_cols();
    G_message(_("File %s -- %d rows X %d columns"), name, n_rows, n_cols);
    n_cols += (PAD << 1);

    /* copy raster map into our read/write file */
    work_file_name = G_tempfile();

    /* create the file and then open it for read and write */
    close(creat(work_file_name, 0666));
    if ((work_file = open(work_file_name, 2)) < 0) {
	G_fatal_error(_("%s: Unable to create temporary file <%s> -- errno = %d"),
		      error_prefix, work_file_name, errno);
    buf_len = n_cols * sizeof(CELL);
    buf = (CELL *) G_malloc(buf_len);
    Rast_set_c_null_value(buf, n_cols);
    for (i = 0; i < PAD; i++) {
	if (write(work_file, buf, buf_len) != buf_len) {
	    G_fatal_error(_("%s: Error writing temporary file"),
    for (row = 0; row < n_rows; row++) {
	Rast_get_c_row(cell_file, buf + PAD, row);
	if (write(work_file, buf, buf_len) != buf_len) {
	    G_fatal_error(_("%s: Error writing temporary file"),

    Rast_set_c_null_value(buf, n_cols);

    for (i = 0; i < PAD; i++) {
	if (write(work_file, buf, buf_len) != buf_len) {
	    G_fatal_error(_("%s: Error writing temporary file"),
    n_rows += (PAD << 1);
    Rowio_setup(&row_io, work_file, MAX_ROW, n_cols * sizeof(CELL), read_row,

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 17
Arquivo: clump.c Projeto: caomw/grass
CELL clump(int in_fd, int out_fd, int diag, int print)
    register int col;
    register int n;
    CELL *temp_cell, *temp_clump;
    CELL *prev_in, *cur_in, *out_cell;
    CELL *prev_clump, *cur_clump;
    CELL *index, *renumber;
    CELL label;
    int nrows, ncols;
    int row;
    int len;
    int nalloc;
    long cur_time;
    char *cname;
    int cfd, csize;
    CELL cat;

    nrows = Rast_window_rows();
    ncols = Rast_window_cols();

    /* allocate clump index */
    nalloc = INCR;
    index = (CELL *) G_malloc(nalloc * sizeof(CELL));
    index[0] = 0;
    renumber = NULL;

    /* allocate CELL buffers two columns larger than current window */
    len = (ncols + 2) * sizeof(CELL);
    prev_in = (CELL *) G_malloc(len);
    cur_in = (CELL *) G_malloc(len);
    prev_clump = (CELL *) G_malloc(len);
    cur_clump = (CELL *) G_malloc(len);
    out_cell = (CELL *) G_malloc(len);

    /* temp file for initial clump IDs */
    cname = G_tempfile();
    if ((cfd = open(cname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0600)) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open temp file"));
    csize = ncols * sizeof(CELL);


    /* fake a previous row which is all NULL */
    Rast_set_c_null_value(prev_in, ncols + 2);

    /* set left and right edge to NULL */
    Rast_set_c_null_value(&cur_in[0], 1);
    Rast_set_c_null_value(&cur_in[ncols + 1], 1);

    /* initialize clump labels */
    G_zero(cur_clump, len);
    G_zero(prev_clump, len);
    label = 0;

     *                      PASS 1                      *
     * pass thru the input, create initial clump labels *

    G_message(_("Pass 1 of 2..."));
    for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
	Rast_get_c_row(in_fd, cur_in + 1, row);

	G_percent(row, nrows, 4);
	Rast_set_c_null_value(&X, 1);
	for (col = 1; col <= ncols; col++) {
	    LEFT = X;
	    X = cur_in[col];
	    if (Rast_is_c_null_value(&X)) {	/* don't clump NULL data */
		cur_clump[col] = 0;

	     * if the cell value is different to the left and above
	     * (diagonal: and above left and above right)
	     * then we must start a new clump
	     * this new clump may eventually collide with another
	     * clump and will have to be merged

	    /* try to connect the current cell to an existing clump */
	    OLD = NEW = 0;
	    /* same clump as to the left */
	    if (X == LEFT) {
		OLD = cur_clump[col] = cur_clump[col - 1];

	    if (diag) {
		/* check above right, center, left, in that order */
		n = 2;
		temp_clump = prev_clump + col + 1;
		temp_cell = prev_in + col + 1;
		do {
		    if (X == *temp_cell) {
			cur_clump[col] = *temp_clump;
			if (OLD == 0) {
			    OLD = *temp_clump;
			else {
			    NEW = *temp_clump;
		} while (n-- > 0);
	    else {
		/* check above */
		if (X == prev_in[col]) {
		    temp_clump = prev_clump + col;
		    cur_clump[col] = *temp_clump;
		    if (OLD == 0) {
			OLD = *temp_clump;
		    else {
			NEW = *temp_clump;

	    if (NEW == 0 || OLD == NEW) {	/* ok */
		if (OLD == 0) {
		    /* start a new clump */
		    cur_clump[col] = label;
		    if (label >= nalloc) {
			nalloc += INCR;
			index =
			    (CELL *) G_realloc(index,
					       nalloc * sizeof(CELL));
		    index[label] = label;

	    /* conflict! preserve NEW clump ID and change OLD clump ID.
	     * Must go back to the left in the current row and to the right
	     * in the previous row to change all the clump values as well.

	    /* left of the current row from 1 to col - 1 */
	    temp_clump = cur_clump;
	    n = col - 1;
	    while (n-- > 0) {
		temp_clump++;	/* skip left edge */
		if (*temp_clump == OLD)
		    *temp_clump = NEW;

	    /* right of previous row from col + 1 to ncols */
	    temp_clump = prev_clump;
	    temp_clump += col;
	    n = ncols - col;
	    while (n-- > 0) {
		temp_clump++;	/* skip col */
		if (*temp_clump == OLD)
		    *temp_clump = NEW;

	    /* modify the OLD index */
	    index[OLD] = NEW;

	/* write initial clump IDs */
	/* this works also with writing out cur_clump, but only 
	 * prev_clump is complete and will not change any more */
	if (row > 0) {
	    if (write(cfd, prev_clump + 1, csize) != csize)
		G_fatal_error(_("Unable to write to temp file"));

	/* switch the buffers so that the current buffer becomes the previous */
	temp_cell = cur_in;
	cur_in = prev_in;
	prev_in = temp_cell;

	temp_clump = cur_clump;
	cur_clump = prev_clump;
	prev_clump = temp_clump;
    /* write last row with initial clump IDs */
    if (write(cfd, prev_clump + 1, csize) != csize)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to write to temp file"));
    G_percent(1, 1, 1);

    /* generate a renumbering scheme */
    G_message(_("Generating renumbering scheme..."));
    G_debug(1, "%d initial labels", label);
    /* allocate final clump ID */
    renumber = (CELL *) G_malloc((label + 1) * sizeof(CELL));
    renumber[0] = 0;
    cat = 1;
    G_percent(0, label, 1);
    for (n = 1; n <= label; n++) {
	G_percent(n, label, 1);
	OLD = n;
	NEW = index[n];
	if (OLD != NEW) {
	    renumber[n] = 0;
	    /* find valid clump ID */
	    while (OLD != NEW) {
		OLD = NEW;
		NEW = index[OLD];
	    index[n] = NEW;
	    /* set final clump id */
	    renumber[n] = cat++;
    /* rewind temp file */
    lseek(cfd, 0, SEEK_SET);

    if (print) {
	fprintf(stdout, "clumps=%d\n", cat - 1);
    else {
	 *                      PASS 2                      *
	 * apply renumbering scheme to initial clump labels *

	/* the input raster is no longer needed, 
	 * using instead the temp file with initial clump labels */

	G_message(_("Pass 2 of 2..."));
	for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {

	    G_percent(row, nrows, 4);
	    if (read(cfd, cur_clump, csize) != csize)
		G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read from temp file"));

	    temp_clump = cur_clump;
	    temp_cell = out_cell;

	    for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) {
		*temp_cell = renumber[index[*temp_clump]];
		if (*temp_cell == 0)
		    Rast_set_c_null_value(temp_cell, 1);
	    Rast_put_row(out_fd, out_cell, CELL_TYPE);
	G_percent(1, 1, 1);



    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 18
int cell_stats(int fd[], int with_percents, int with_counts,
	       int with_areas, int do_sort, int with_labels, char *fmt)
    CELL **cell;
    int i;
    int row;
    double unit_area;
    int planimetric = 0;
    int compute_areas;
    double G_area_of_cell_at_row();

    /* allocate i/o buffers for each raster map */
    cell = (CELL **) G_calloc(nfiles, sizeof(CELL *));
    for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
	cell[i] = Rast_allocate_c_buf();

    /* if we want area totals, set this up.
     * distinguish projections which are planimetric (all cells same size)
     * from those which are not (e.g., lat-long)
    unit_area = 0.0;
    if (with_areas) {
	switch (G_begin_cell_area_calculations()) {
	case 0:		/* areas don't make sense, but ignore this for now */
	case 1:
	    planimetric = 1;
	    unit_area = G_area_of_cell_at_row(0);
	    planimetric = 0;
    compute_areas = with_areas && !planimetric;

    /* here we go */

    for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
	if (compute_areas)
	    unit_area = G_area_of_cell_at_row(row);

	G_percent(row, nrows, 2);

	for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++) {
	    Rast_get_c_row(fd[i], cell[i], row);

	    /* include max FP value in nsteps'th bin */
		fix_max_fp_val(cell[i], ncols);

	    /* we can't compute hash on null values, so we change all
	       nulls to max+1, set NULL_CELL to max+1, and later compare
	       with NULL_CELL to chack for nulls */
	    reset_null_vals(cell[i], ncols);

	update_cell_stats(cell, ncols, unit_area);

    G_percent(row, nrows, 2);

    print_cell_stats(fmt, with_percents, with_counts, with_areas, with_labels,

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 19
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    /* Global variable & function declarations */
    struct GModule *module;
    struct {
	struct Option *orig, *real, *imag;
    } opt;
    const char *Cellmap_real, *Cellmap_imag;
    const char *Cellmap_orig;
    int realfd, imagfd,  outputfd, maskfd;	/* the input and output file descriptors */
    struct Cell_head realhead, imaghead;
    DCELL *cell_real, *cell_imag;
    CELL *maskbuf;

    int i, j;			/* Loop control variables */
    int rows, cols;		/* number of rows & columns */
    long totsize;		/* Total number of data points */
    double (*data)[2];		/* Data structure containing real & complex values of FFT */


    /* Set description */
    module = G_define_module();
    G_add_keyword(_("Fast Fourier Transform"));
    module->description =
	_("Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) for image processing.");

    /* define options */
    opt.real = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    opt.real->key = "real";
    opt.real->description = _("Name of input raster map (image fft, real part)");

    opt.imag = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    opt.imag->key = "imaginary";
    opt.imag->description = _("Name of input raster map (image fft, imaginary part");

    opt.orig = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
    opt.orig->description = _("Name for output raster map");
    /*call parser */
    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    Cellmap_real = opt.real->answer;
    Cellmap_imag = opt.imag->answer;
    Cellmap_orig = opt.orig->answer;

    /* get and compare the original window data */
    Rast_get_cellhd(Cellmap_real, "", &realhead);
    Rast_get_cellhd(Cellmap_imag, "", &imaghead);

    if (realhead.proj   != imaghead.proj   ||
	realhead.zone   != imaghead.zone   ||
	realhead.north  != imaghead.north  ||
	realhead.south  != imaghead.south  ||
	realhead.east   != imaghead.east   ||
	realhead.west   != imaghead.west   ||
	realhead.ew_res != imaghead.ew_res ||
	realhead.ns_res != imaghead.ns_res)
	G_fatal_error(_("The real and imaginary original windows did not match"));

    Rast_set_window(&realhead);	/* set the window to the whole cell map */

    /* open input raster map */
    realfd = Rast_open_old(Cellmap_real, "");
    imagfd = Rast_open_old(Cellmap_imag, "");

    /* get the rows and columns in the current window */
    rows = Rast_window_rows();
    cols = Rast_window_cols();
    totsize = rows * cols;

    /* Allocate appropriate memory for the structure containing
       the real and complex components of the FFT.  DATA[0] will
       contain the real, and DATA[1] the complex component.
    data = G_malloc(rows * cols * 2 * sizeof(double));

    /* allocate the space for one row of cell map data */
    cell_real = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
    cell_imag = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
#define C(i, j) ((i) * cols + (j))

    /* Read in cell map values */
    G_message(_("Reading raster maps..."));
    for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
	Rast_get_d_row(realfd, cell_real, i);
	Rast_get_d_row(imagfd, cell_imag, i);
	for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
	    data[C(i, j)][0] = cell_real[j];
	    data[C(i, j)][1] = cell_imag[j];
	G_percent(i+1, rows, 2);

    /* close input cell maps */

    /* Read in cell map values */
    G_message(_("Masking raster maps..."));
    maskfd = Rast_maskfd();
    if (maskfd >= 0) {
	maskbuf = Rast_allocate_c_buf();

	for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
	    Rast_get_c_row(maskfd, maskbuf, i);
	    for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
		if (maskbuf[j] == 0) {
		    data[C(i, j)][0] = 0.0;
		    data[C(i, j)][1] = 0.0;
	    G_percent(i+1, rows, 2);


#define SWAP1(a, b)				\
    do {					\
	double temp = (a);			\
	(a) = (b);				\
	(b) = temp;				\
    } while (0)

#define SWAP2(a, b)				\
    do {					\
	SWAP1(data[(a)][0], data[(b)][0]);	\
	SWAP1(data[(a)][1], data[(b)][1]);	\
    } while (0)

    /* rotate the data array for standard display */
    G_message(_("Rotating data..."));
    for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)
	for (j = 0; j < cols / 2; j++)
	    SWAP2(C(i, j), C(i, j + cols / 2));
    for (i = 0; i < rows / 2; i++)
	for (j = 0; j < cols; j++)
	    SWAP2(C(i, j), C(i + rows / 2, j));

    /* perform inverse FFT */
    G_message(_("Starting Inverse FFT..."));
    fft2(1, data, totsize, cols, rows);

    /* open the output cell map */
    outputfd = Rast_open_fp_new(Cellmap_orig);

    /* Write out result to a new cell map */
    G_message(_("Writing raster map <%s>..."),
    for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
	for (j = 0; j < cols; j++)
	    cell_real[j] = data[C(i, j)][0];
	Rast_put_d_row(outputfd, cell_real);

	G_percent(i+1, rows, 2);




    /* Release memory resources */

    G_done_msg(" ");

Exemplo n.º 20
int INPUT(struct Map_info *In, char *column, char *scol, char *wheresql)
    struct quadruple *point;
    double x, y, z, w, nz = 0., sm;
    double c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, nsg;
    int i, j, k = 0, a, irev, cfmask;
    int ddisk = 0;
    double deltx, delty, deltz;
    int first_time = 1;
    CELL *cellmask;
    const char *mapsetm;
    char buf[500];
    int cat, intval;
    struct field_info *Fi;
    dbDriver *Driver;
    dbCatValArray cvarr, sarray;
    int nrec, nrec1, ctype, sctype;
    struct line_pnts *Points;
    struct line_cats *Cats;

    OUTRANGE = 0;
    NPOINT = 0;
    dmin = dmin * dmin;

    /* Read attributes */
    if (scol != NULL)
    Fi = Vect_get_field(In, 1);
    if (Fi == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to get layer info for vector map"));

    Driver = db_start_driver_open_database(Fi->driver, Fi->database);
    if (Driver == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open database <%s> by driver <%s>"),
		      Fi->database, Fi->driver);

    nrec =
	db_select_CatValArray(Driver, Fi->table, Fi->key, column, wheresql,
    ctype = cvarr.ctype;
    G_debug(3, "nrec = %d", nrec);

    if (ctype != DB_C_TYPE_INT && ctype != DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE)
	G_fatal_error(_("Column type of wcolumn is not supported (must be integer or double)"));

    if (nrec < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to select data from table"));
    G_message("%d records selected from table", nrec);

    if (scol != NULL) {

	nrec1 =
	    db_select_CatValArray(Driver, Fi->table, Fi->key, scol, wheresql,
	sctype = cvarr.ctype;

	if (sctype == -1)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Cannot read column type of smooth column"));
	if (sctype == DB_C_TYPE_DATETIME)
		(_("Column type of smooth column (datetime) is not supported"));
	if (sctype != DB_C_TYPE_INT && sctype != DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Column type of smooth column is not supported (must be integer or double)"));

    Points = Vect_new_line_struct();
    Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();


    while (1) {
	int ival, type, ret;

	if (-1 == (type = Vect_read_next_line(In, Points, Cats)))
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read vector map"));

	if (type == -2)
	    break;		/* EOF */

	if (!(type & GV_POINTS))

	Vect_cat_get(Cats, 1, &cat);
	if (cat < 0) {
	    G_warning(_("Point without category"));

	x = Points->x[0];
	y = Points->y[0];
	z = Points->z[0];

	if (ctype == DB_C_TYPE_INT) {
	    ret = db_CatValArray_get_value_int(&cvarr, cat, &ival);
	    w = ival;
	else {			/* DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE */
	    ret = db_CatValArray_get_value_double(&cvarr, cat, &w);

	if (ret != DB_OK) {
	    if (wheresql != NULL)
		/* G_message(_("Database record for cat %d not used due to SQL statement")); */
		/* do nothing in this case to not confuse user. Or implement second cat list */
		G_warning(_("No record for category %d in table <%s>"), cat,

	if (rsm == -1 && scol != NULL) {

	    if (sctype == DB_C_TYPE_INT) {
		ret = db_CatValArray_get_value_int(&sarray, cat, &intval);
		sm = intval;
	    else {		/* DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE */
		ret = db_CatValArray_get_value_double(&sarray, cat, &sm);

	G_debug(3, "%f %f %f %f", x, y, z, w);

	w = w * wmult;
	z = z * zmult;
	c1 = x - ((struct octdata *)(root->data))->x_orig;
	c2 = ((struct octdata *)(root->data))->x_orig +
	    ((struct octdata *)(root->data))->n_cols * ew_res - x;
	c3 = y - ((struct octdata *)(root->data))->y_orig;
	c4 = ((struct octdata *)(root->data))->y_orig +
	    ((struct octdata *)(root->data))->n_rows * ns_res - y;
	c5 = z - ((struct octdata *)(root->data))->z_orig;
	c6 = ((struct octdata *)(root->data))->z_orig +
	    ((struct octdata *)(root->data))->n_levs * tb_res - z;

	if (!
	    ((c1 >= 0) && (c2 >= 0) && (c3 >= 0) && (c4 >= 0) && (c5 >= 0) &&
	     (c6 >= 0))) {
	    if (!OUTRANGE) {
		G_warning(_("Some points outside of region -- will ignore..."));
	else {
	    if (!(point = point_new(x, y, z, w, sm))) {
		G_fatal_error(_("Cannot allocate memory for point"));

	    a = OT_insert_oct(point, root);
	    if (a == 0) {
	    if (a < 0) {
		G_warning(_("Can't insert %lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf a=%d"), x, y, z,
			  w, sm, a);
		return -1;

	    if (first_time) {
		first_time = 0;
		xmin = x;
		ymin = y;
		zmin = z;
		wmin = w;
		xmax = x;
		ymax = y;
		zmax = z;
		wmax = w;

	    xmin = amin1(xmin, x);
	    ymin = amin1(ymin, y);
	    zmin = amin1(zmin, z);
	    wmin = amin1(wmin, w);
	    xmax = amax1(xmax, x);
	    ymax = amax1(ymax, y);
	    zmax = amax1(zmax, z);
	    wmax = amax1(wmax, w);
    }				/* while */


    c1 = xmin - ((struct octdata *)(root->data))->x_orig;
    c2 = ((struct octdata *)(root->data))->x_orig +
	((struct octdata *)(root->data))->n_cols * ew_res - xmax;
    c3 = ymin - ((struct octdata *)(root->data))->y_orig;
    c4 = ((struct octdata *)(root->data))->y_orig +
	((struct octdata *)(root->data))->n_rows * ns_res - ymax;
    c5 = zmin - ((struct octdata *)(root->data))->z_orig;
    c6 = ((struct octdata *)(root->data))->z_orig +
	((struct octdata *)(root->data))->n_levs * tb_res - zmax;

    if ((c1 > 5 * ew_res) || (c2 > 5 * ew_res) ||
	(c3 > 5 * ns_res) || (c4 > 5 * ns_res) ||
	(c5 > 5 * tb_res) || (c6 > 5 * tb_res)) {
	static int once = 0;

	if (!once) {
	    once = 1;
	    G_warning(_("Strip exists with insufficient data"));

    nz = wmin;
    totsegm = translate_oct(root, ((struct octdata *)(root->data))->x_orig,
			    ((struct octdata *)(root->data))->y_orig,
			    ((struct octdata *)(root->data))->z_orig, nz);
    if (!totsegm) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Zero segments!"));

    ((struct octdata *)(root->data))->x_orig = 0;
    ((struct octdata *)(root->data))->y_orig = 0;
    ((struct octdata *)(root->data))->z_orig = 0;	/* was commented out */

    if (outz != NULL)
	ddisk += disk;
    if (gradient != NULL)
	ddisk += disk;
    if (aspect1 != NULL)
	ddisk += disk;
    if (ncurv != NULL)
	ddisk += disk;
    if (gcurv != NULL)
	ddisk += disk;
    if (mcurv != NULL)
	ddisk += disk;

	("Processing all selected output files will require %d bytes of disk space for temp files",


    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    if (OUTRANGE > 0)
	    (_("There are points outside specified 2D/3D region--ignored %d points (total points: %d)"),
	     OUTRANGE, k);
    if (NPOINT > 0)
	    (_("Points are more dense than specified 'DMIN'--ignored %d points (remain %d)"),
	     NPOINT, k - NPOINT);
    if (NPOINT < KMIN) {
	if (NPOINT != 0) {
		(_("%d points given for interpolation (after thinning) is less than given NPMIN=%d"),
	else {
	    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: zero points in the given region!\n");
	    return -1;
		"ERROR: segmentation parameters set to invalid values: npmin = %d, segmax = %d \n",
		"for smooth connection of segments, npmin > segmax (see manual) \n");
	return -1;

	    (_("There is less than %d points for interpolation, no segmentation is necessary, to run the program faster, set segmax=%d (see manual)"),

    deltx = xmax - xmin;
    delty = ymax - ymin;
    deltz = zmax - zmin;
    nsg = (double)NPOINT / (double)KMIN;
    dnorm = deltx * delty * deltz / nsg;
    nsg = 3.0;
    nsg = 1. / nsg;
    dnorm = pow(dnorm, nsg);
    /* DEBUG
       if (fd4 != NULL)
       fprintf (fd4, "deltx,delty %f %f \n", deltx, delty);
    nsizc = current_region.cols;	/* ((int)(deltx/ew_res))+1;  */
    nsizr = current_region.rows;	/* ((int)(delty/ns_res))+1;   */
    NPT = k;
    x0utm = 0.;
    y0utm = 0.;
    z0utm = 0.;

  /** create a bitmap mask from given raster map **/
    if (maskmap != NULL) {
	mapsetm = G_find_raster2(maskmap, "");
	if (!mapsetm) {
	    G_fatal_error(_("Mask raster map [%s] not found"), maskmap);
	bitmask = BM_create(nsizc, nsizr);
	cellmask = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
	cfmask = Rast_open_old(maskmap, mapsetm);
	for (i = 0; i < nsizr; i++) {
	    irev = nsizr - i - 1;
	    Rast_get_c_row(cfmask, cellmask, i);
	    for (j = 0; j < nsizc; j++) {
		if ((cellmask[j] == 0) || Rast_is_c_null_value(&cellmask[j]))
		    BM_set(bitmask, j, irev, 0);
		    BM_set(bitmask, j, irev, 1);
	G_message(_("Bitmap mask created"));

    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 21
interpolate(MELEMENT rowlist[], SHORT nrows, SHORT ncols, SHORT datarows,
	    int npoints, int out_fd, int maskfd)
    extern CELL *cell;

    MELEMENT *Rptr;
    EW *search, *ewptr, *current_row,	/* start row for north/south search */
     *lastrow;			/* last element in search array */
    SHORT row, col;
    NEIGHBOR *nbr_head, *Nptr;
    double sum1, sum2;

    /* initialize search array and neighbors array */
    current_row = search = (EW *) G_calloc(datarows, sizeof(EW));
    lastrow = search + datarows - 1;
    nbr_head = (NEIGHBOR *) G_calloc(npoints + 1, sizeof(NEIGHBOR));
#if 0
    nbr_head->distance = maxdist;
    nbr_head->searchptr = &(nbr_head->Mptr);	/* see replace_neighbor */

    G_message(_("Interpolating raster map <%s> (%d rows)..."), output,

    for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {	/*  loop over rows      */
	G_percent(row+1, nrows, 2);

	/* if mask occurs, read current row of the mask */
	if (mask)
	    Rast_get_c_row(maskfd, mask, row);

	/* prepare search array for next row of interpolations */
	for (ewptr = search, Rptr = rowlist; ewptr <= lastrow;
	     Rptr++, ewptr++)
	    ewptr->start = Rptr->next;	/* start at first item in row */

	for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) {	/*  loop over columns   */

	    /* if (row != 279 && col != 209) continue; */

	    /* don't interpolate outside of the mask */
	    if (mask && mask[col] == 0) {
		cell[col] = 0;

	    /* make a list of npoints neighboring data pts */
	    nbr_head->next = NULL;
	    if (make_neighbors_list(search, lastrow, current_row, row, col, nbr_head, npoints)) {	/* otherwise, known data value assigned */

		/* calculate value to be set for the cell from the data values
		 * of npoints closest neighboring points        */
		sum1 = sum2 = 0.0;
		Nptr = nbr_head->next;

		do {
		    sum1 += Nptr->Mptr->value / Nptr->distance;
		    sum2 += 1.0 / Nptr->distance;
		    Nptr = Nptr->next;
		} while (Nptr);	/* to end of list */

		cell[col] = (CELL) (sum1 / sum2 + .5);
		/* fprintf (stdout,"%d,%d = %d\n", col, row, cell[col]); */

		if (error_flag)	/* output interpolation error for this cell */
		    cell[col] -= mask[col];
	}			/* end of loop over columns */

	Rast_put_row(out_fd, cell, CELL_TYPE);

	/* advance current row pointer if necessary */
	if (current_row->start->y == row && current_row != lastrow)
    }				/* end of loop over rows */


    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 22
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int n, verbose = 1,
	backrow, backcol,
	col, row,
	len, flag,
	srows, scols,
	backrow_fd, backcol_fd, path_fd, in_row_fd, in_col_fd, out_fd;
    const char *current_mapset,
	*backcol_mapset, *in_row_file, *in_col_file, *out_file;
    CELL *cell;
    struct Cell_head window;
    double east, north;
    struct Option *opt1, *opt2, *opt3, *opt4;
    struct Flag *flag1;
    struct GModule *module;


    /* Set description */
    module = G_define_module();
    G_add_keyword(_("cumulative costs"));
    module->description =
	_("Recursively traces the least cost path backwards to "
	  "cells from which the cumulative cost was determined.");

    opt1 = G_define_option();
    opt1->key = "x_input";
    opt1->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt1->required = YES;
    opt1->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
    opt1->description =
	_("Name of raster map containing back-path easting information");

    opt2 = G_define_option();
    opt2->key = "y_input";
    opt2->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt2->required = YES;
    opt2->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
    opt2->description =
	_("Name of raster map containing back-path northing information");

    opt3 = G_define_option();
    opt3->key = "coordinate";
    opt3->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt3->multiple = YES;
    opt3->key_desc = "x,y";
    opt3->description =
	_("The map E and N grid coordinates of starting points");

    opt4 = G_define_option();
    opt4->key = "output";
    opt4->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt4->required = YES;
    opt4->gisprompt = "new,cell,raster";
    opt4->description = _("Name of spread path raster map");

    flag1 = G_define_flag();
    flag1->key = 'v';
    flag1->description = _("Run verbosely");

    /*   Do command line parsing    */
    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    current_mapset = G_mapset();
    in_row_file = G_tempfile();
    in_col_file = G_tempfile();
    out_file = G_tempfile();

    /*  Get database window parameters      */

    verbose = flag1->answer;

    /*  Check if backrow layer exists in data base  */
    search_mapset = "";

    strcpy(backrow_layer, opt2->answer);
    strcpy(backcol_layer, opt1->answer);

    backrow_mapset = G_find_raster(backrow_layer, search_mapset);
    backcol_mapset = G_find_raster(backcol_layer, search_mapset);

    if (backrow_mapset == NULL)
	G_fatal_error("%s - not found", backrow_layer);

    if (backcol_mapset == NULL)
	G_fatal_error("%s - not found", backcol_layer);

    search_mapset = "";

    strcpy(path_layer, opt4->answer);

    path_mapset = G_find_raster(path_layer, search_mapset);

    /*  find number of rows and cols in window    */
    nrows = Rast_window_rows();
    ncols = Rast_window_cols();

    cell = Rast_allocate_c_buf();

    /*  Open back cell layers for reading  */
    backrow_fd = Rast_open_old(backrow_layer, backrow_mapset);
    backcol_fd = Rast_open_old(backcol_layer, backcol_mapset);

    /*   Parameters for map submatrices   */
    len = sizeof(CELL);

    srows = nrows / 4 + 1;
    scols = ncols / 4 + 1;

    if (verbose)
	    ("\nReading the input map -%s- and -%s- and creating some temporary files...",
	     backrow_layer, backcol_layer);

    /* Create segmented files for back cell and output layers  */
    in_row_fd = creat(in_row_file, 0666);
    segment_format(in_row_fd, nrows, ncols, srows, scols, len);
    in_col_fd = creat(in_col_file, 0666);
    segment_format(in_col_fd, nrows, ncols, srows, scols, len);

    out_fd = creat(out_file, 0666);
    segment_format(out_fd, nrows, ncols, srows, scols, len);

    /*   Open initialize and segment all files  */
    in_row_fd = open(in_row_file, 2);
    segment_init(&in_row_seg, in_row_fd, 4);
    in_col_fd = open(in_col_file, 2);
    segment_init(&in_col_seg, in_col_fd, 4);

    out_fd = open(out_file, 2);
    segment_init(&out_seg, out_fd, 4);

    /*   Write the back cell layers in the segmented files, and  
     *   Change UTM coordinates to ROWs and COLUMNs */
    for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
	Rast_get_c_row(backrow_fd, cell, row);

	for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++)
	    if (cell[col] > 0)
		cell[col] =
		    (window.north - cell[col]) / window.ns_res /* - 0.5 */ ;
		cell[col] = -1;
	segment_put_row(&in_row_seg, cell, row);
	Rast_get_c_row(backcol_fd, cell, row);

	for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++)
	    if (cell[col] > 0)
		cell[col] =
		    (cell[col] - window.west) / window.ew_res /* - 0.5 */ ;
	segment_put_row(&in_col_seg, cell, row);

    /* Convert easting and northing from the command line to row and col */
    if (opt3->answer) {
	for (n = 0; opt3->answers[n] != NULL; n += 2) {
	    G_scan_easting(opt3->answers[n], &east, G_projection());
	    G_scan_northing(opt3->answers[n + 1], &north, G_projection());
	    row = (window.north - north) / window.ns_res;
	    col = (east - window.west) / window.ew_res;
	    /* ignore pt outside window */
	    if (east < window.west || east > window.east ||
		north < window.south || north > window.north) {
		G_warning("Ignoring point outside window: ");
		G_warning("   %.4f,%.4f", east, north);

	    value = (char *)&backrow;
	    segment_get(&in_row_seg, value, row, col);
	    /* ignore pt in no-data area */
	    if (backrow < 0) {
		G_warning("Ignoring point in NO-DATA area :");
		G_warning("   %.4f,%.4f", east, north);
	    value = (char *)&backcol;
	    segment_get(&in_col_seg, value, row, col);

	    insert(&PRESENT_PT, row, col, backrow, backcol);

    /*  Set flag according to input */
    if (path_mapset != NULL) {
	if (head_start_pt == NULL)
	    /*output layer exists and start pts are not given on cmd line */
	    flag = 1;

	/* output layer exists and starting pts are given on cmd line */
	    flag = 2;
	flag = 3;		/* output layer does not previously exist */

    /* If the output layer containing the starting positions */
    /* create a linked list of of them  */
    if (flag == 1) {
	path_fd = Rast_open_old(path_layer, path_mapset);

	/*  Search for the marked starting pts and make list    */
	for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
	    Rast_get_c_row(path_fd, cell, row);

	    for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) {
		if (cell[col] > 0) {
		    value = (char *)&backrow;
		    segment_get(&in_row_seg, value, row, col);
		    /* ignore pt in no-data area */
		    if (backrow < 0) {
			G_warning("Ignoring point in NO-DATA area:");
			G_warning("   %.4f,%.4f\n",
				  window.west + window.ew_res * (col + 0.5),
				  window.north - window.ns_res * (row + 0.5));
		    value = (char *)&backcol;
		    segment_get(&in_col_seg, value, row, col);
		    insert(&PRESENT_PT, row, col, backrow, backcol);
	    }			/* loop over cols */
	}			/* loop over rows */


    /* loop over the starting points to find the least cost paths */
    if (verbose)
	G_message("\nFinding the least cost paths ...");

    PRES_PT = head_start_pt;
    while (PRES_PT != NULL) {
	path_finder(PRES_PT->row, PRES_PT->col, PRES_PT->backrow,


    /* Write pending updates by segment_put() to outputmap */

    if (verbose)
	G_message("\nWriting the output map  -%s-...", path_layer);

    path_fd = Rast_open_c_new(path_layer);
    for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
	segment_get_row(&out_seg, cell, row);
	Rast_put_row(path_fd, cell, CELL_TYPE);

    if (verbose)

    segment_release(&in_row_seg);	/* release memory  */

    close(in_row_fd);		/* close all files */


    unlink(in_row_file);	/* remove submatrix files  */

Exemplo n.º 23
void filter_holes(Gfile * out)
    int row, col, nrows, ncols;

    void *arast, *brast, *crast;
    int i, pixel[9], cold, warm, shadow, nulo, lim;

    Gfile tmp;

    nrows = Rast_window_rows();
    ncols = Rast_window_cols();

    if (nrows < 3 || ncols < 3)

    /* Open to read */
    if ((out->fd = Rast_open_old(out->name, "")) < 0)
        G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open raster map <%s>"), out->name);

    arast = Rast_allocate_buf(CELL_TYPE);
    brast = Rast_allocate_buf(CELL_TYPE);
    crast = Rast_allocate_buf(CELL_TYPE);

    /* Open to write */
    sprintf(tmp.name, "_%d.BBB", getpid());
    tmp.rast = Rast_allocate_buf(CELL_TYPE);
    if ((tmp.fd = Rast_open_new(tmp.name, CELL_TYPE)) < 0)
        G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create raster map <%s>"), tmp.name);

    G_important_message(_("Filling small holes in clouds..."));

    /* Se puede acelerar creandolos nulos y luego arast = brast
       brast = crast y cargando crast solamente
       G_set_f_null_value(cell[2], ncols);

    for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
        G_percent(row, nrows, 2);
        /* Read row values */
        if (row != 0) {
            Rast_get_c_row(out->fd, arast, row - 1);
        Rast_get_c_row(out->fd, brast, row);
        if (row != (nrows - 1)) {
            Rast_get_c_row(out->fd, crast, row + 1);
        /* Analysis of all pixels */
        for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) {
            pixel[0] = pval(brast, col);
            if (pixel[0] == 0) {
                if (row == 0) {
                    pixel[1] = -1;
                    pixel[2] = -1;
                    pixel[3] = -1;
                    if (col == 0) {
                        pixel[4] = -1;
                        pixel[5] = pval(brast, col + 1);
                        pixel[6] = -1;
                        pixel[7] = pval(crast, col);
                        pixel[8] = pval(crast, col + 1);
                    else if (col != (ncols - 1)) {
                        pixel[4] = pval(brast, col - 1);
                        pixel[5] = pval(brast, col + 1);
                        pixel[6] = pval(crast, col - 1);
                        pixel[7] = pval(crast, col);
                        pixel[8] = pval(crast, col + 1);
                    else {
                        pixel[4] = pval(brast, col - 1);
                        pixel[5] = -1;
                        pixel[6] = pval(crast, col - 1);
                        pixel[7] = pval(crast, col);
                        pixel[8] = -1;
                else if (row != (nrows - 1)) {
                    if (col == 0) {
                        pixel[1] = -1;
                        pixel[2] = pval(arast, col);
                        pixel[3] = pval(arast, col + 1);
                        pixel[4] = -1;
                        pixel[5] = pval(brast, col + 1);
                        pixel[6] = -1;
                        pixel[7] = pval(crast, col);
                        pixel[8] = pval(crast, col + 1);
                    else if (col != (ncols - 1)) {
                        pixel[1] = pval(arast, col - 1);
                        pixel[2] = pval(arast, col);
                        pixel[3] = pval(arast, col + 1);
                        pixel[4] = pval(brast, col - 1);
                        pixel[5] = pval(brast, col + 1);
                        pixel[6] = pval(crast, col - 1);
                        pixel[7] = pval(crast, col);
                        pixel[8] = pval(crast, col + 1);
                    else {
                        pixel[1] = pval(arast, col - 1);
                        pixel[2] = pval(arast, col);
                        pixel[3] = -1;
                        pixel[4] = pval(brast, col - 1);
                        pixel[5] = -1;
                        pixel[6] = pval(crast, col - 1);
                        pixel[7] = pval(crast, col);
                        pixel[8] = -1;
                else {
                    pixel[6] = -1;
                    pixel[7] = -1;
                    pixel[8] = -1;
                    if (col == 0) {
                        pixel[1] = -1;
                        pixel[2] = pval(arast, col);
                        pixel[3] = pval(arast, col + 1);
                        pixel[4] = -1;
                        pixel[5] = pval(brast, col + 1);
                    else if (col != (ncols - 1)) {
                        pixel[1] = pval(arast, col - 1);
                        pixel[2] = pval(arast, col);
                        pixel[3] = pval(arast, col + 1);
                        pixel[4] = pval(brast, col - 1);
                        pixel[5] = pval(brast, col + 1);
                    else {
                        pixel[1] = pval(arast, col - 1);
                        pixel[2] = pval(arast, col);
                        pixel[3] = -1;
                        pixel[4] = pval(brast, col - 1);
                        pixel[5] = -1;

                cold = warm = shadow = nulo = 0;
                for (i = 1; i < 9; i++) {
                    switch (pixel[i]) {
                    case IS_COLD_CLOUD:
                    case IS_WARM_CLOUD:
                    case IS_SHADOW:
                lim = (int)(cold + warm + shadow + nulo) / 2;

                /* Entra pixel[0] = 0 */
                if (nulo < lim) {
                    if (shadow >= (cold + warm))
                        pixel[0] = IS_SHADOW;
                        pixel[0] =
                            (warm > cold) ? IS_WARM_CLOUD : IS_COLD_CLOUD;
            if (pixel[0] != 0) {
                ((CELL *) tmp.rast)[col] = pixel[0];
            else {
                Rast_set_c_null_value((CELL *) tmp.rast + col, 1);
        Rast_put_row(tmp.fd, tmp.rast, CELL_TYPE);
    G_percent(1, 1, 1);



    G_remove("cats", out->name);
    G_remove("cell", out->name);
    G_remove("cellhd", out->name);
    G_remove("cell_misc", out->name);
    G_remove("hist", out->name);

    G_rename("cats", tmp.name, out->name);
    G_rename("cell", tmp.name, out->name);
    G_rename("cellhd", tmp.name, out->name);
    G_rename("cell_misc", tmp.name, out->name);
    G_rename("hist", tmp.name, out->name);

Exemplo n.º 24
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    /* variables   */
    CELL *data_buf, *clump_buf;
    CELL i, max;
    int row, col, rows, cols;
    int out_mode, use_MASK, *n, *e;
    long int *count;
    int fd_data, fd_clump;
    const char *datamap, *clumpmap, *site_list;
    const char *clump_mapset;
    double avg, vol, total_vol, east, north, *sum;
    struct Cell_head window;
    struct Map_info *fd_sites = NULL;
    Site *mysite;
    Site_head site_info;
    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *opt1, *opt2, *opt3;
    struct Flag *flag1;

    /* Initialize GIS */

    module = G_define_module();
    module->description =
	_("Calculates the volume of data \"clumps\", "
	  "and (optionally) produces a GRASS vector points map "
	  "containing the calculated centroids of these clumps.");

    opt1 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    opt1->description =
	_("Existing raster map representing data that will be summed within clumps");

    opt2 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    opt2->key = "clump";
    opt2->required = NO;
    opt2->description =
	_("Existing raster map, preferably the output of r.clump");

    opt3 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT);
    opt3->key = "centroids";
    opt3->required = NO;
    opt3->description = _("Vector points map to contain clump centroids");

    flag1 = G_define_flag();
    flag1->key = 'f';
    flag1->description = _("Generate unformatted report");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    /* get current window */

    /* initialize */
    out_mode = 1;		/* assume full output text */
    mysite = G_site_new_struct(CELL_TYPE, 2, 0, 4);

    /* get arguments */
    datamap = opt1->answer;

    if (opt2->answer)
	clumpmap = opt2->answer;
	clumpmap = "";

    if (opt3->answer)
	site_list = opt3->answer;
	site_list = "";

    out_mode = (!flag1->answer);

    if (*datamap == 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("No data map specified"));

     * See if MASK or a separate "clumpmap" layer is to be used-- it must(!)
     * be one of those two choices.
    use_MASK = 0;
    if (*clumpmap == '\0') {
	clumpmap = "MASK";
	use_MASK = 1;
    fd_data = Rast_open_old(datamap, "");
    if (use_MASK)
	clump_mapset = G_mapset();
	clump_mapset = "";

    fd_clump = Rast_open_old(clumpmap, clump_mapset);

    /* initialize sites file (for centroids) if needed */
    if (*site_list) {
	fd_sites = G_fopen_sites_new(site_list);
	if (fd_sites == NULL)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open centroids vector points map"));

    /* initialize data accumulation arrays */
    max = Rast_get_max_c_cat(clumpmap, clump_mapset);

    sum = (double *)G_malloc((max + 1) * sizeof(double));
    count = (long int *)G_malloc((max + 1) * sizeof(long int));

    for (i = 0; i <= max; i++) {
	sum[i] = 0;
	count[i] = 0;

    data_buf = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
    clump_buf = Rast_allocate_c_buf();

    /* get window size */
    rows = window.rows;
    cols = window.cols;

    /* now get the data -- first pass */
    G_message("Complete ...");
    for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
	G_percent(row, rows, 2);
	Rast_get_c_row(fd_data, data_buf, row);
	Rast_get_c_row(fd_clump, clump_buf, row);
	for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
	    i = clump_buf[col];
	    if (i > max)
		    "Row=%d Col=%d Cat=%d in clump map [%s]; max=%d.\n"
		    "Cat value > max returned by Rast_get_max_c_cat.",
		    row, col, i, clumpmap, max);
	    if (i < 1)
		continue;	/* ignore zeros and negs */
	    sum[i] += data_buf[col];
    G_percent(row, rows, 2);
    /* free some buffer space */

    /* data lists for centroids of clumps */
    e = (int *)G_malloc((max + 1) * sizeof(int));
    n = (int *)G_malloc((max + 1) * sizeof(int));

    i = centroids(fd_clump, e, n, 1, max);

    /* got everything, now do output */
    if (*site_list) {
	char desc[GNAME_MAX * 2 + 40];

	site_info.form = NULL;
	site_info.time = NULL;
	site_info.stime = NULL;
	sprintf(desc, "from %s on map %s using clumps from %s",
		argv[0], datamap, clumpmap);
	site_info.desc = G_store(desc);
	site_info.name = G_store(site_list);
	site_info.labels =
	    G_store("centroid east|centroid north|#cat vol avg t n");
	G_site_put_head(fd_sites, &site_info);
    if (out_mode) {
	fprintf(stdout, "Volume report on data from %s", datamap);
	fprintf(stdout, " using clumps on %s map\n\n", clumpmap);
		" Cat    Average   Data   # Cells        Centroid             Total\n");
		"Number  in clump  Total  in clump   Easting   Northing       Volume\n\n");
    total_vol = 0.0;

    for (i = 1; i <= max; i++) {
	if (count[i]) {
	    avg = sum[i] / (double)count[i];
	    vol = sum[i] * window.ew_res * window.ns_res;
	    total_vol += vol;
	    east = window.west + (e[i] + 0.5) * window.ew_res;
	    north = window.north - (n[i] + 0.5) * window.ns_res;
	    if (*site_list) {
		mysite->east = east;
		mysite->north = north;
		mysite->ccat = i;
		mysite->dbl_att[0] = vol;
		mysite->dbl_att[1] = avg;
		mysite->dbl_att[2] = sum[i];
		mysite->dbl_att[3] = (double)count[i];
		/*       "%-1.2f|%-1.2f|#%5d v=%-1.2f a=%-1.2f t=%-1.0f n=%ld\n", */
		/* east, north, i, vol, avg, sum[i], count[i]); */
		G_site_put(fd_sites, mysite);
	    if (out_mode)
			"%5d%10.2f%10.0f %7ld  %10.2f  %10.2f %16.2f\n", i,
			avg, sum[i], count[i], east, north, vol);
		fprintf(stdout, "%d:%.2f:%.0f:%ld:%.2f:%.2f:%.2f\n",
			i, avg, sum[i], count[i], east, north, vol);
    if (total_vol > 0.0 && out_mode)
	fprintf(stdout, "%58s %14.2f", "Total Volume =", total_vol);
    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
}				/* end of main() */
Exemplo n.º 25
static int load_seeds(struct globals *globals, int srows, int scols, int nseg)
    int row, col;
    SEGMENT seeds_seg;
    CELL *seeds_buf, seeds_val;
    int seeds_fd;
    int spos, sneg, have_seeds;
    struct rc Ri;

    G_debug(1, "load_seeds()");
    G_message(_("Loading seeds from raster map <%s>..."), globals->seeds);

    if (Segment_open
	(&seeds_seg, G_tempfile(), globals->nrows, globals->ncols,
	 srows, scols, sizeof(CELL), nseg) != TRUE)
	G_fatal_error("Unable to create bounds temporary files");

    seeds_fd = Rast_open_old(globals->seeds, "");
    seeds_buf = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
    have_seeds = 0;

    /* load seeds map to segment structure */
    for (row = 0; row < globals->nrows; row++) {
	Rast_get_c_row(seeds_fd, seeds_buf, row);
	for (col = 0; col < globals->ncols; col++) {
	    if (FLAG_GET(globals->null_flag, row, col)) {
		Rast_set_c_null_value(&seeds_val, 1);
	    else {
		seeds_val = seeds_buf[col];
		if (!Rast_is_c_null_value(&seeds_val))
		    have_seeds = 1;
	    if (Segment_put(&seeds_seg, &seeds_val, row, col) != 1)
		G_fatal_error(_("Unable to write to temporary file"));

    if (!have_seeds) {
	G_warning(_("No seeds found in '%s'!"), globals->seeds);
	return 0;

    spos = 1;
    sneg = -1;

    /* convert seeds to regions */
    G_debug(1, "convert seeds to regions");
    Rast_set_c_null_value(&seeds_val, 1);
    for (row = 0; row < globals->nrows; row++) {
	Rast_get_c_row(seeds_fd, seeds_buf, row);
	for (col = 0; col < globals->ncols; col++) {
	    if (!(FLAG_GET(globals->null_flag, row, col)) && 
	        !(FLAG_GET(globals->candidate_flag, row, col))) {

		if (Rast_is_c_null_value(&(seeds_buf[col]))) {
		    if (Segment_put(&globals->rid_seg, &sneg, row, col) != 1)
			G_fatal_error(_("Unable to write to temporary file"));
		else {
		    Ri.row = row;
		    Ri.col = col;
		    read_seed(globals, &seeds_seg, &Ri, spos);


    globals->n_regions = spos - 1;
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 26
int open_files(struct globals *globals)
    struct Ref Ref;		/* group reference list */
    int *in_fd, bounds_fd, is_null;
    int n, row, col, srows, scols, inlen, outlen, nseg;
    DCELL **inbuf;		/* buffers to store lines from each of the imagery group rasters */
    CELL *boundsbuf, bounds_val;
    int have_bounds = 0;
    CELL s, id;
    struct Range range;	/* min/max values of bounds map */
    struct FPRange *fp_range;	/* min/max values of each input raster */
    DCELL *min, *max;
    struct ngbr_stats Ri, Rk;

    /*allocate memory for flags */
    globals->null_flag = flag_create(globals->nrows, globals->ncols);
    globals->candidate_flag = flag_create(globals->nrows, globals->ncols);


    G_debug(1, "Checking image group...");

    /* ****** open the input rasters ******* */

    if (!I_get_group_ref(globals->image_group, &Ref))
	G_fatal_error(_("Group <%s> not found in the current mapset"),

    if (Ref.nfiles <= 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Group <%s> contains no raster maps"),

    /* Read Imagery Group */

    in_fd = G_malloc(Ref.nfiles * sizeof(int));
    inbuf = (DCELL **) G_malloc(Ref.nfiles * sizeof(DCELL *));
    fp_range = G_malloc(Ref.nfiles * sizeof(struct FPRange));
    min = G_malloc(Ref.nfiles * sizeof(DCELL));
    max = G_malloc(Ref.nfiles * sizeof(DCELL));

    G_debug(1, "Opening input rasters...");
    for (n = 0; n < Ref.nfiles; n++) {
	inbuf[n] = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
	in_fd[n] = Rast_open_old(Ref.file[n].name, Ref.file[n].mapset);

    /* Get min/max values of each input raster for scaling */

    globals->max_diff = 0.;
    globals->nbands = Ref.nfiles;

    for (n = 0; n < Ref.nfiles; n++) {
	/* returns -1 on error, 2 on empty range, quitting either way. */
	if (Rast_read_fp_range(Ref.file[n].name, Ref.file[n].mapset, &fp_range[n]) != 1)
	    G_fatal_error(_("No min/max found in raster map <%s>"),
	Rast_get_fp_range_min_max(&(fp_range[n]), &min[n], &max[n]);

	G_debug(1, "Range for layer %d: min = %f, max = %f",
		    n, min[n], max[n]);
    if (globals->weighted == FALSE)
	globals->max_diff = Ref.nfiles;
    else {
	/* max difference with selected similarity method */
	Ri.mean = max;
	Rk.mean = min;
	globals->max_diff = 1;
	globals->max_diff = (*globals->calculate_similarity) (&Ri, &Rk, globals);

    /* ********** find out file segmentation size ************ */
    G_debug(1, "Calculate temp file sizes...");

    /* size of each element to be stored */

    inlen = sizeof(DCELL) * Ref.nfiles;
    outlen = sizeof(CELL);
    G_debug(1, "data element size, in: %d , out: %d ", inlen, outlen);
    globals->datasize = sizeof(double) * globals->nbands;

    /* count non-null cells */
    globals->notnullcells = (long)globals->nrows * globals->ncols;
    for (row = 0; row < globals->nrows; row++) {
	for (n = 0; n < Ref.nfiles; n++) {
	    Rast_get_d_row(in_fd[n], inbuf[n], row);
	for (col = 0; col < globals->ncols; col++) {

	    is_null = 0;	/*Assume there is data */
	    for (n = 0; n < Ref.nfiles; n++) {
		if (Rast_is_d_null_value(&inbuf[n][col])) {
		    is_null = 1;
	    if (is_null) {
		FLAG_SET(globals->null_flag, row, col);
    G_verbose_message(_("Non-NULL cells: %ld"), globals->notnullcells);
    if (globals->notnullcells < 2)
	G_fatal_error(_("Insufficient number of non-NULL cells in current region"));

    /* segment lib segment size */
    srows = 64;
    scols = 64;

    nseg = manage_memory(srows, scols, globals);

    /* create segment structures */
    if (Segment_open
	(&globals->bands_seg, G_tempfile(), globals->nrows, globals->ncols, srows,
	 scols, inlen, nseg) != 1)
	G_fatal_error("Unable to create input temporary files");

    if (Segment_open
	(&globals->rid_seg, G_tempfile(), globals->nrows, globals->ncols, srows,
	 scols, outlen, nseg * 2) != 1)
	G_fatal_error("Unable to create input temporary files");

    /* load input bands to segment structure */
    if (Ref.nfiles > 1)
	G_message(_("Loading input bands..."));
	G_message(_("Loading input band..."));

    globals->bands_val = (double *)G_malloc(inlen);
    globals->second_val = (double *)G_malloc(inlen);
    /* initial segment ID */
    s = 1;

    globals->row_min = globals->nrows;
    globals->row_max = 0;
    globals->col_min = globals->ncols;
    globals->col_max = 0;
    for (row = 0; row < globals->nrows; row++) {
	G_percent(row, globals->nrows, 4);
	for (n = 0; n < Ref.nfiles; n++) {
	    Rast_get_d_row(in_fd[n], inbuf[n], row);
	for (col = 0; col < globals->ncols; col++) {

	    is_null = 0;	/*Assume there is data */
	    for (n = 0; n < Ref.nfiles; n++) {
		globals->bands_val[n] = inbuf[n][col];
		if (Rast_is_d_null_value(&inbuf[n][col])) {
		    is_null = 1;
		else {
		    if (globals->weighted == FALSE)
		    	/* scaled version */
			globals->bands_val[n] = (inbuf[n][col] - min[n]) / (max[n] - min[n]);
	    if (Segment_put(&globals->bands_seg,
	                    (void *)globals->bands_val, row, col) != 1)
		G_fatal_error(_("Unable to write to temporary file"));

	    if (!is_null) {
		if (!globals->seeds) {
		    /* sequentially number all cells with a unique segment ID */
		    id = s;

		/* get min/max row/col to narrow the processing window */
		if (globals->row_min > row)
		    globals->row_min = row;
		if (globals->row_max < row)
		    globals->row_max = row;
		if (globals->col_min > col)
		    globals->col_min = col;
		if (globals->col_max < col)
		    globals->col_max = col;
	    else {
		/* all input bands NULL */
		Rast_set_c_null_value(&id, 1);
		FLAG_SET(globals->null_flag, row, col);
	    if (!globals->seeds || is_null) {
		if (Segment_put(&globals->rid_seg,
		                (void *)&id, row, col) != 1)
		    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to write to temporary file"));
    G_percent(1, 1, 1);
    G_debug(1, "nrows: %d, min row: %d, max row %d",
	       globals->nrows, globals->row_min, globals->row_max);
    G_debug(1, "ncols: %d, min col: %d, max col %d",
               globals->ncols, globals->col_min, globals->col_max);
    globals->ncells = (long)(globals->row_max - globals->row_min) *
			    (globals->col_max - globals->col_min);

    /* bounds/constraints */

    Rast_set_c_null_value(&globals->upper_bound, 1);
    Rast_set_c_null_value(&globals->lower_bound, 1);

    if (globals->bounds_map != NULL) {
	if (Segment_open
	    (&globals->bounds_seg, G_tempfile(), globals->nrows, globals->ncols,
	     srows, scols, sizeof(CELL), nseg) != TRUE)
	    G_fatal_error("Unable to create bounds temporary files");

	if (Rast_read_range(globals->bounds_map, globals->bounds_mapset, &range) != 1)
	    G_fatal_error(_("No min/max found in raster map <%s>"),
	Rast_get_range_min_max(&range, &globals->upper_bound,

	if (Rast_is_c_null_value(&globals->upper_bound) ||
	    Rast_is_c_null_value(&globals->lower_bound)) {
	    G_fatal_error(_("No min/max found in raster map <%s>"),

	bounds_fd = Rast_open_old(globals->bounds_map, globals->bounds_mapset);
	boundsbuf = Rast_allocate_c_buf();

	for (row = 0; row < globals->nrows; row++) {
	    Rast_get_c_row(bounds_fd, boundsbuf, row);
	    for (col = 0; col < globals->ncols; col++) {
		bounds_val = boundsbuf[col];
		if (FLAG_GET(globals->null_flag, row, col)) {
		    Rast_set_c_null_value(&bounds_val, 1);
		else {
		    if (!Rast_is_c_null_value(&bounds_val)) {
			have_bounds = 1;
			if (globals->lower_bound > bounds_val)
			    globals->lower_bound = bounds_val;
			if (globals->upper_bound < bounds_val)
			    globals->upper_bound = bounds_val;
		if (Segment_put(&globals->bounds_seg, &bounds_val, row, col) != 1)
		    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to write to temporary file"));

	if (!have_bounds) {
	    G_warning(_("There are no boundary constraints in '%s'"), globals->bounds_map);
	    Rast_set_c_null_value(&globals->upper_bound, 1);
	    Rast_set_c_null_value(&globals->lower_bound, 1);
	    globals->bounds_map = NULL;
	    globals->bounds_mapset = NULL;
    else {
	G_debug(1, "no boundary constraint supplied.");

    /* other info */
    globals->candidate_count = 0;	/* counter for remaining candidate pixels */

    /* Free memory */

    for (n = 0; n < Ref.nfiles; n++) {

    globals->rs.sum = G_malloc(globals->datasize);
    globals->rs.mean = G_malloc(globals->datasize);

    globals->reg_tree = rgtree_create(globals->nbands, globals->datasize);
    globals->n_regions = s - 1;

    if (globals->seeds) {
	load_seeds(globals, srows, scols, nseg);

    G_debug(1, "Number of initial regions: %d", globals->n_regions);


    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 27
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i, j, nlines, type, field, cat;
    int fd;

    /* struct Categories RCats; *//* TODO */
    struct Cell_head window;
    RASTER_MAP_TYPE out_type;
    CELL *cell;
    DCELL *dcell;
    double drow, dcol;
    char buf[2000];
    struct Option *vect_opt, *rast_opt, *field_opt, *col_opt, *where_opt;
    int Cache_size;
    struct order *cache;
    int cur_row;
    struct GModule *module;

    struct Map_info Map;
    struct line_pnts *Points;
    struct line_cats *Cats;
    int point;
    int point_cnt;		/* number of points in cache */
    int outside_cnt;		/* points outside region */
    int nocat_cnt;		/* points inside region but without category */
    int dupl_cnt;		/* duplicate categories */
    struct bound_box box;

    int *catexst, *cex;
    struct field_info *Fi;
    dbString stmt;
    dbDriver *driver;
    int select, norec_cnt, update_cnt, upderr_cnt, col_type;


    module = G_define_module();
    G_add_keyword(_("attribute table"));
    module->description =
	_("Uploads raster values at positions of vector points to the table.");

    vect_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT);
    vect_opt->key = "vector";
    vect_opt->description =
	_("Name of input vector points map for which to edit attribute table");

    rast_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    rast_opt->key = "raster";
    rast_opt->description = _("Name of existing raster map to be queried");

    field_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD);

    col_opt = G_define_option();
    col_opt->key = "column";
    col_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    col_opt->required = YES;
    col_opt->description =
	_("Column name (will be updated by raster values)");

    where_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_WHERE);

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    field = atoi(field_opt->answer);

    Points = Vect_new_line_struct();
    Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();

    Vect_region_box(&window, &box);	/* T and B set to +/- PORT_DOUBLE_MAX */

    /* Open vector */
    Vect_open_old(&Map, vect_opt->answer, "");

    Fi = Vect_get_field(&Map, field);
    if (Fi == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Database connection not defined for layer %d"),

    /* Open driver */
    driver = db_start_driver_open_database(Fi->driver, Fi->database);
    if (driver == NULL) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open database <%s> by driver <%s>"),
		      Fi->database, Fi->driver);

    /* Open raster */
    fd = Rast_open_old(rast_opt->answer, "");

    out_type = Rast_get_map_type(fd);

    /* TODO: Later possibly category labels */
       if ( Rast_read_cats (name, "", &RCats) < 0 )
       G_fatal_error ( "Cannot read category file");

    /* Check column type */
    col_type = db_column_Ctype(driver, Fi->table, col_opt->answer);

    if (col_type == -1)
	G_fatal_error(_("Column <%s> not found"), col_opt->answer);

    if (col_type != DB_C_TYPE_INT && col_type != DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE)
	G_fatal_error(_("Column type not supported"));

    if (out_type == CELL_TYPE && col_type == DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE)
	G_warning(_("Raster type is integer and column type is float"));

    if (out_type != CELL_TYPE && col_type == DB_C_TYPE_INT)
	G_warning(_("Raster type is float and column type is integer, some data lost!!"));

    /* Read vector points to cache */
    Cache_size = Vect_get_num_primitives(&Map, GV_POINT);
    /* Note: Some space may be wasted (outside region or no category) */

    cache = (struct order *)G_calloc(Cache_size, sizeof(struct order));

    point_cnt = outside_cnt = nocat_cnt = 0;

    nlines = Vect_get_num_lines(&Map);

    G_debug(1, "Reading %d vector features fom map", nlines);

    for (i = 1; i <= nlines; i++) {
	type = Vect_read_line(&Map, Points, Cats, i);
	G_debug(4, "line = %d type = %d", i, type);

	/* check type */
	if (!(type & GV_POINT))
	    continue;		/* Points only */

	/* check region */
	if (!Vect_point_in_box(Points->x[0], Points->y[0], 0.0, &box)) {

	Vect_cat_get(Cats, field, &cat);
	if (cat < 0) {		/* no category of given field */

	G_debug(4, "    cat = %d", cat);

	/* Add point to cache */
	drow = Rast_northing_to_row(Points->y[0], &window);
	dcol = Rast_easting_to_col(Points->x[0], &window);

	/* a special case.
	 *   if north falls at southern edge, or east falls on eastern edge,
	 *   the point will appear outside the window.
	 *   So, for these edges, bring the point inside the window
	if (drow == window.rows)
	if (dcol == window.cols)

	cache[point_cnt].row = (int)drow;
	cache[point_cnt].col = (int)dcol;
	cache[point_cnt].cat = cat;
	cache[point_cnt].count = 1;


    G_debug(1, "Read %d vector points", point_cnt);
    /* Cache may contain duplicate categories, sort by cat, find and remove duplicates 
     * and recalc count and decrease point_cnt  */
    qsort(cache, point_cnt, sizeof(struct order), by_cat);

    G_debug(1, "Points are sorted, starting duplicate removal loop");

    for (i = 0, j = 1; j < point_cnt; j++)
	if (cache[i].cat != cache[j].cat)
	    cache[++i] = cache[j];
    point_cnt = i + 1;

    G_debug(1, "%d vector points left after removal of duplicates",

    /* Report number of points not used */
    if (outside_cnt)
	G_warning(_("%d points outside current region were skipped"),

    if (nocat_cnt)
	G_warning(_("%d points without category were skipped"), nocat_cnt);

    /* Sort cache by current region row */
    qsort(cache, point_cnt, sizeof(struct order), by_row);

    /* Allocate space for raster row */
    if (out_type == CELL_TYPE)
	cell = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
	dcell = Rast_allocate_d_buf();

    /* Extract raster values from file and store in cache */
    G_debug(1, "Extracting raster values");

    cur_row = -1;

    for (point = 0; point < point_cnt; point++) {
	if (cache[point].count > 1)
	    continue;		/* duplicate cats */

	if (cur_row != cache[point].row) {
	    if (out_type == CELL_TYPE)
		Rast_get_c_row(fd, cell, cache[point].row);
		Rast_get_d_row(fd, dcell, cache[point].row);
	cur_row = cache[point].row;

	if (out_type == CELL_TYPE) {
	    cache[point].value = cell[cache[point].col];
	else {
	    cache[point].dvalue = dcell[cache[point].col];
    }				/* point loop */

    /* Update table from cache */
    G_debug(1, "Updating db table");

    /* select existing categories to array (array is sorted) */
    select = db_select_int(driver, Fi->table, Fi->key, NULL, &catexst);


    norec_cnt = update_cnt = upderr_cnt = dupl_cnt = 0;

    for (point = 0; point < point_cnt; point++) {
	if (cache[point].count > 1) {
	    G_warning(_("More points (%d) of category %d, value set to 'NULL'"),
		      cache[point].count, cache[point].cat);

	/* category exist in DB ? */
	cex =
	    (int *)bsearch((void *)&(cache[point].cat), catexst, select,
			   sizeof(int), srch_cat);
	if (cex == NULL) {	/* cat does not exist in DB */
	    G_warning(_("No record for category %d in table <%s>"),
		      cache[point].cat, Fi->table);

	sprintf(buf, "update %s set %s = ", Fi->table, col_opt->answer);

	db_set_string(&stmt, buf);

	if (out_type == CELL_TYPE) {
	    if (cache[point].count > 1 ||
		Rast_is_c_null_value(&cache[point].value)) {
		sprintf(buf, "NULL");
	    else {
		sprintf(buf, "%d ", cache[point].value);
	else {			/* FCELL or DCELL */
	    if (cache[point].count > 1 ||
		Rast_is_d_null_value(&cache[point].dvalue)) {
		sprintf(buf, "NULL");
	    else {
		sprintf(buf, "%.10f", cache[point].dvalue);
	db_append_string(&stmt, buf);

	sprintf(buf, " where %s = %d", Fi->key, cache[point].cat);
	db_append_string(&stmt, buf);
	/* user provides where condition: */
	if (where_opt->answer) {
	    sprintf(buf, " AND %s", where_opt->answer);
	    db_append_string(&stmt, buf);
	G_debug(3, db_get_string(&stmt));

	/* Update table */
	if (db_execute_immediate(driver, &stmt) == DB_OK) {
	else {

    G_debug(1, "Committing DB transaction");

    /* Report */
    G_message(_("%d categories loaded from table"), select);
    G_message(_("%d categories loaded from vector"), point_cnt);
    G_message(_("%d categories from vector missing in table"), norec_cnt);
    G_message(_("%d duplicate categories in vector"), dupl_cnt);
    if (!where_opt->answer)
	G_message(_("%d records updated"), update_cnt);
    G_message(_("%d update errors"), upderr_cnt);

Exemplo n.º 28
int init_vars(int argc, char *argv[])
    int r, c;
    int ele_fd, wat_fd, fd = -1;
    int seg_rows, seg_cols, num_cseg_total, num_open_segs, num_open_array_segs;
    double memory_divisor, heap_mem, seg_factor, disk_space;

    /* int page_block, num_cseg; */
    int max_bytes;
    CELL *buf, alt_value, *alt_value_buf, block_value;
    char asp_value;
    DCELL wat_value;
    DCELL dvalue;
    WAT_ALT wa, *wabuf;
    ASP_FLAG af, af_nbr, *afbuf;
    char MASK_flag;
    void *elebuf, *ptr, *watbuf, *watptr;
    int ele_map_type, wat_map_type;
    size_t ele_size, wat_size;
    int ct_dir, r_nbr, c_nbr;

    /* input */
    ele_flag = pit_flag = run_flag = ril_flag = 0;
    /* output */
    wat_flag = asp_flag = bas_flag = seg_flag = haf_flag = tci_flag = 0;
    bas_thres = 0;
    /* shed, unused */
    arm_flag = dis_flag = 0;
    /* RUSLE */
    ob_flag = st_flag = sl_flag = sg_flag = ls_flag = er_flag = 0;
    nxt_avail_pt = 0;
    /* dep_flag = 0; */
    max_length = d_zero = 0.0;
    d_one = 1.0;
    ril_value = -1.0;
    /* dep_slope = 0.0; */
    max_bytes = 0;
    sides = 8;
    mfd = 1;
    c_fac = 5;
    abs_acc = 0;
    ele_scale = 1;
    segs_mb = 300;
    /* scan options */
    for (r = 1; r < argc; r++) {
	if (sscanf(argv[r], "elevation=%s", ele_name) == 1)
	else if (sscanf(argv[r], "accumulation=%s", wat_name) == 1)
	else if (sscanf(argv[r], "tci=%s", tci_name) == 1)
	else if (sscanf(argv[r], "drainage=%s", asp_name) == 1)
	else if (sscanf(argv[r], "depression=%s", pit_name) == 1)
	else if (sscanf(argv[r], "threshold=%d", &bas_thres) == 1) ;
	else if (sscanf(argv[r], "max_slope_length=%lf", &max_length) == 1) ;
	else if (sscanf(argv[r], "basin=%s", bas_name) == 1)
	else if (sscanf(argv[r], "stream=%s", seg_name) == 1)
	else if (sscanf(argv[r], "half_basin=%s", haf_name) == 1)
	else if (sscanf(argv[r], "flow=%s", run_name) == 1)
	else if (sscanf(argv[r], "ar=%s", arm_name) == 1)
	/* slope length
	else if (sscanf(argv[r], "slope_length=%s", sl_name) == 1)
	    sl_flag++; */
	else if (sscanf(argv[r], "slope_steepness=%s", sg_name) == 1)
	else if (sscanf(argv[r], "length_slope=%s", ls_name) == 1)
	else if (sscanf(argv[r], "blocking=%s", ob_name) == 1)
	else if (sscanf(argv[r], "memory=%lf", &segs_mb) == 1) ;
	else if (sscanf(argv[r], "disturbed_land=%s", ril_name) == 1) {
	    if (sscanf(ril_name, "%lf", &ril_value) == 0) {
		ril_value = -1.0;
	/* slope deposition
	else if (sscanf (argv[r], "sd=%[^\n]", dep_name) == 1) dep_flag++; */
	else if (sscanf(argv[r], "-%d", &sides) == 1) {
	    if (sides != 4)
	else if (sscanf(argv[r], "convergence=%d", &c_fac) == 1) ;
	else if (strcmp(argv[r], "-s") == 0)
	    mfd = 0;
	else if (strcmp(argv[r], "-a") == 0)
	    abs_acc = 1;
    /* check options */
    if (mfd == 1 && (c_fac < 1 || c_fac > 10)) {
	G_fatal_error("Convergence factor must be between 1 and 10.");
    if ((ele_flag != 1)
	((arm_flag == 1) &&
	 ((bas_thres <= 0) || ((haf_flag != 1) && (bas_flag != 1))))
	((bas_thres <= 0) &&
	 ((bas_flag == 1) || (seg_flag == 1) || (haf_flag == 1) ||
	  (sl_flag == 1) || (sg_flag == 1) || (ls_flag == 1)))
    tot_parts = 4;
    if (sl_flag || sg_flag || ls_flag)
	er_flag = 1;
    /* do RUSLE */
    if (er_flag)
    /* define basins */
    if (seg_flag || bas_flag || haf_flag)

    G_message(_n("SECTION 1 beginning: Initiating Variables. %d section total.", 
        "SECTION 1 beginning: Initiating Variables. %d sections total.", 

    this_mapset = G_mapset();
    /* for sd factor
       if (dep_flag)        {
       if (sscanf (dep_name, "%lf", &dep_slope) != 1)       {
       dep_flag = -1;
    nrows = Rast_window_rows();
    ncols = Rast_window_cols();
    if (max_length <= d_zero)
	max_length = 10 * nrows * window.ns_res + 10 * ncols * window.ew_res;
    if (window.ew_res < window.ns_res)
	half_res = .5 * window.ew_res;
	half_res = .5 * window.ns_res;
    diag = sqrt(window.ew_res * window.ew_res +
		window.ns_res * window.ns_res);
    if (sides == 4)
	diag *= 0.5;

    /* Segment rows and cols: 64 */

    seg_rows = SROW;
    seg_cols = SCOL;
    /* seg_factor * <size in bytes> = segment size in KB */
    seg_factor = seg_rows * seg_rows / 1024.;

    if (segs_mb < 3.0) {
	segs_mb = 3;
	G_warning(_("Maximum memory to be used was smaller than 3 MB,"
	            " set to 3 MB."));

    /* balance segment files */
    /* elevation + accumulation: * 2 */
    memory_divisor = sizeof(WAT_ALT) * 2;
    disk_space = sizeof(WAT_ALT);
    /* aspect and flags: * 4 */
    memory_divisor += sizeof(ASP_FLAG) * 4;
    disk_space += sizeof(ASP_FLAG);
    /* astar_points: / 16 */
    /* ideally only a few but large segments */
    memory_divisor += sizeof(POINT) / 16.;
    disk_space += sizeof(POINT);
    /* heap points: / 4 */
    memory_divisor += sizeof(HEAP_PNT) / 4.;
    disk_space += sizeof(HEAP_PNT);
    /* TCI: as is */
    if (tci_flag) {
	memory_divisor += sizeof(double);
	disk_space += sizeof(double);
    /* RUSLE */
    if (er_flag) {
	/* r_h */
	memory_divisor += 4;
	disk_space += 4;
	/* s_l */
	memory_divisor += 8;
	disk_space += 8;
	/* s_g */
	if (sg_flag) {
	    memory_divisor += 8;
	    disk_space += 8;
	/* l_s */
	if (ls_flag) {
	    memory_divisor += 8;
	    disk_space += 8;
	/* ril */
	if (ril_flag) {
	    memory_divisor += 8;
	    disk_space += 8;
    /* KB -> MB */
    memory_divisor = memory_divisor * seg_factor / 1024.;
    disk_space = disk_space * seg_factor / 1024.;
    num_open_segs = segs_mb / memory_divisor;
    heap_mem = num_open_segs * seg_factor * sizeof(HEAP_PNT) / (4. * 1024.);

    G_debug(1, "segs MB: %.0f", segs_mb);
    G_debug(1, "region rows: %d", nrows);
    G_debug(1, "seg rows: %d", seg_rows);
    G_debug(1, "region cols: %d", ncols);
    G_debug(1, "seg cols: %d", seg_cols);

    num_cseg_total = nrows / SROW + 1;
    G_debug(1, "   row segments:\t%d", num_cseg_total);

    num_cseg_total = ncols / SCOL + 1;
    G_debug(1, "column segments:\t%d", num_cseg_total);

    num_cseg_total = (ncols / seg_cols + 1) * (nrows / seg_rows + 1);
    G_debug(1, " total segments:\t%d", num_cseg_total);
    G_debug(1, "  open segments:\t%d", num_open_segs);

    /* nonsense to have more segments open than exist */
    if (num_open_segs > num_cseg_total)
	num_open_segs = num_cseg_total;
    G_debug(1, "  open segments after adjusting:\t%d", num_open_segs);

    disk_space *= num_cseg_total;
    if (disk_space < 1024.0)
	G_verbose_message(_("Will need up to %.2f MB of disk space"), disk_space);
	G_verbose_message(_("Will need up to %.2f GB (%.0f MB) of disk space"),
	           disk_space / 1024.0, disk_space);

    if (er_flag) {
	cseg_open(&r_h, seg_rows, seg_cols, num_open_segs);
	cseg_read_cell(&r_h, ele_name, "");
    /* read elevation input and mark NULL/masked cells */

    /* scattered access: alt, watalt, bitflags, asp */
    seg_open(&watalt, nrows, ncols, seg_rows, seg_cols, num_open_segs * 2, sizeof(WAT_ALT));
    seg_open(&aspflag, nrows, ncols, seg_rows, seg_cols, num_open_segs * 4, sizeof(ASP_FLAG));

    if (tci_flag)
	dseg_open(&tci, seg_rows, seg_cols, num_open_segs);

    /* open elevation input */
    ele_fd = Rast_open_old(ele_name, "");

    ele_map_type = Rast_get_map_type(ele_fd);
    ele_size = Rast_cell_size(ele_map_type);
    elebuf = Rast_allocate_buf(ele_map_type);
    afbuf = G_malloc(ncols * sizeof(ASP_FLAG));

    if (ele_map_type == FCELL_TYPE || ele_map_type == DCELL_TYPE)
	ele_scale = 1000; 	/* should be enough to do the trick */

    /* initial flow accumulation */
    if (run_flag) {
	wat_fd = Rast_open_old(run_name, "");

	wat_map_type = Rast_get_map_type(ele_fd);
	wat_size = Rast_cell_size(ele_map_type);
	watbuf = Rast_allocate_buf(ele_map_type);
    else {
	watbuf = watptr = NULL;
	wat_fd = wat_size = wat_map_type = -1;
    wabuf = G_malloc(ncols * sizeof(WAT_ALT));
    alt_value_buf = Rast_allocate_buf(CELL_TYPE);

    /* read elevation input and mark NULL/masked cells */
    G_message("SECTION 1a: Mark masked and NULL cells");
    MASK_flag = 0;
    do_points = (GW_LARGE_INT) nrows * ncols;
    for (r = 0; r < nrows; r++) {
	G_percent(r, nrows, 1);
	Rast_get_row(ele_fd, elebuf, r, ele_map_type);
	ptr = elebuf;

	if (run_flag) {
	    Rast_get_row(wat_fd, watbuf, r, wat_map_type);
	    watptr = watbuf;
	for (c = 0; c < ncols; c++) {

	    afbuf[c].flag = 0;
	    afbuf[c].asp = 0;

	    /* check for masked and NULL cells */
	    if (Rast_is_null_value(ptr, ele_map_type)) {
		FLAG_SET(afbuf[c].flag, NULLFLAG);
		FLAG_SET(afbuf[c].flag, INLISTFLAG);
		FLAG_SET(afbuf[c].flag, WORKEDFLAG);
		Rast_set_c_null_value(&alt_value, 1);
		/* flow accumulation */
		Rast_set_d_null_value(&wat_value, 1);
	    else {
		if (ele_map_type == CELL_TYPE) {
		    alt_value = *((CELL *)ptr);
		else if (ele_map_type == FCELL_TYPE) {
		    dvalue = *((FCELL *)ptr);
		    dvalue *= ele_scale;
		    alt_value = ele_round(dvalue);
		else if (ele_map_type == DCELL_TYPE) {
		    dvalue = *((DCELL *)ptr);
		    dvalue *= ele_scale;
		    alt_value = ele_round(dvalue);

		/* flow accumulation */
		if (run_flag) {
		    if (Rast_is_null_value(watptr, wat_map_type)) {
			wat_value = 0;    /* ok ? */
		    else {
			if (wat_map_type == CELL_TYPE) {
			    wat_value = *((CELL *)watptr);
			else if (wat_map_type == FCELL_TYPE) {
			    wat_value = *((FCELL *)watptr);
			else if (wat_map_type == DCELL_TYPE) {
			    wat_value = *((DCELL *)watptr);
		else {
		    wat_value = 1;
	    wabuf[c].wat = wat_value;
	    wabuf[c].ele = alt_value;
	    alt_value_buf[c] = alt_value;
	    ptr = G_incr_void_ptr(ptr, ele_size);
	    if (run_flag) {
		watptr = G_incr_void_ptr(watptr, wat_size);
	seg_put_row(&watalt, (char *) wabuf, r);
	seg_put_row(&aspflag, (char *)afbuf, r);
	if (er_flag) {
	    cseg_put_row(&r_h, alt_value_buf, r);
    G_percent(nrows, nrows, 1);    /* finish it */
    if (run_flag) {

    MASK_flag = (do_points < nrows * ncols);
    /* do RUSLE */
    if (er_flag) {
	if (ob_flag) {
	    fd = Rast_open_old(ob_name, "");
	    buf = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
	    for (r = 0; r < nrows; r++) {
		G_percent(r, nrows, 1);
		Rast_get_c_row(fd, buf, r);
		for (c = 0; c < ncols; c++) {
		    block_value = buf[c];
		    if (!Rast_is_c_null_value(&block_value) && block_value) {
			seg_get(&aspflag, (char *)&af, r, c);
			seg_put(&aspflag, (char *)&af, r, c);
	    G_percent(nrows, nrows, 1);    /* finish it */

	if (ril_flag) {
	    dseg_open(&ril, seg_rows, seg_cols, num_open_segs);
	    dseg_read_cell(&ril, ril_name, "");
	/* dseg_open(&slp, SROW, SCOL, num_open_segs); */

	dseg_open(&s_l, seg_rows, seg_cols, num_open_segs);
	if (sg_flag)
	    dseg_open(&s_g, seg_rows, seg_cols, num_open_segs);
	if (ls_flag)
	    dseg_open(&l_s, seg_rows, seg_cols, num_open_segs);

    G_debug(1, "open segments for A* points");
    /* columns per segment */
    seg_cols = seg_rows * seg_rows;
    num_cseg_total = do_points / seg_cols;
    if (do_points % seg_cols > 0)
    /* no need to have more segments open than exist */
    num_open_array_segs = num_open_segs / 16.;
    if (num_open_array_segs > num_cseg_total)
	num_open_array_segs = num_cseg_total;
    if (num_open_array_segs < 1)
	num_open_array_segs = 1;
    seg_open(&astar_pts, 1, do_points, 1, seg_cols, num_open_array_segs,

    /* one-based d-ary search_heap with astar_pts */
    G_debug(1, "open segments for A* search heap");
    G_debug(1, "heap memory %.2f MB", heap_mem);
    /* columns per segment */
    /* larger is faster */
    seg_cols = seg_rows * seg_rows;
    num_cseg_total = do_points / seg_cols;
    if (do_points % seg_cols > 0)
    /* no need to have more segments open than exist */
    num_open_array_segs = (1 << 20) * heap_mem / (seg_cols * sizeof(HEAP_PNT));
    if (num_open_array_segs > num_cseg_total)
	num_open_array_segs = num_cseg_total;
    if (num_open_array_segs < 2)
	num_open_array_segs = 2;

    G_debug(1, "A* search heap open segments %d, total %d",
            num_open_array_segs, num_cseg_total);
    /* the search heap will not hold more than 5% of all points at any given time ? */
    /* chances are good that the heap will fit into one large segment */
    seg_open(&search_heap, 1, do_points + 1, 1, seg_cols,
	     num_open_array_segs, sizeof(HEAP_PNT));

    G_message(_("SECTION 1b: Determining Offmap Flow."));

    /* heap is empty */
    heap_size = 0;

    if (pit_flag) {
	buf = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
	fd = Rast_open_old(pit_name, "");
	buf = NULL;
    first_astar = first_cum = -1;

    for (r = 0; r < nrows; r++) {
	G_percent(r, nrows, 1);
	if (pit_flag)
	    Rast_get_c_row(fd, buf, r);
	for (c = 0; c < ncols; c++) {
	    seg_get(&aspflag, (char *)&af, r, c);
	    if (!FLAG_GET(af.flag, NULLFLAG)) {
		if (er_flag)
		    dseg_put(&s_l, &half_res, r, c);
		asp_value = af.asp;
		if (r == 0 || c == 0 || r == nrows - 1 ||
		    c == ncols - 1) {
		    /* dseg_get(&wat, &wat_value, r, c); */
		    seg_get(&watalt, (char *)&wa, r, c);
		    wat_value = wa.wat;
		    if (wat_value > 0) {
			wat_value = -wat_value;
			/* dseg_put(&wat, &wat_value, r, c); */
			wa.wat = wat_value;
			seg_put(&watalt, (char *)&wa, r, c);
		    if (r == 0)
			asp_value = -2;
		    else if (c == 0)
			asp_value = -4;
		    else if (r == nrows - 1)
			asp_value = -6;
		    else if (c == ncols - 1)
			asp_value = -8;
		    /* cseg_get(&alt, &alt_value, r, c); */
		    alt_value = wa.ele;
		    add_pt(r, c, alt_value);
		    FLAG_SET(af.flag, INLISTFLAG);
		    FLAG_SET(af.flag, EDGEFLAG);
		    af.asp = asp_value;
		    seg_put(&aspflag, (char *)&af, r, c);
		else {
		    seg_get(&watalt, (char *)&wa, r, c);
		    for (ct_dir = 0; ct_dir < sides; ct_dir++) {
			/* get r, c (r_nbr, c_nbr) for neighbours */
			r_nbr = r + nextdr[ct_dir];
			c_nbr = c + nextdc[ct_dir];

			seg_get(&aspflag, (char *)&af_nbr, r_nbr, c_nbr);
			if (FLAG_GET(af_nbr.flag, NULLFLAG)) {
			    af.asp = -1 * drain[r - r_nbr + 1][c - c_nbr + 1];
			    add_pt(r, c, wa.ele);
			    FLAG_SET(af.flag, INLISTFLAG);
			    FLAG_SET(af.flag, EDGEFLAG);
			    seg_put(&aspflag, (char *)&af, r, c);
			    wat_value = wa.wat;
			    if (wat_value > 0) {
				wa.wat = -wat_value;
				seg_put(&watalt, (char *)&wa, r, c);
		/* real depression ? */
		if (pit_flag && asp_value == 0) {
		    if (!Rast_is_c_null_value(&buf[c]) && buf[c] != 0) {

			seg_get(&watalt, (char *)&wa, r, c);
			add_pt(r, c, wa.ele);

			FLAG_SET(af.flag, EDGEFLAG);
			seg_put(&aspflag, (char *)&af, r, c);
			wat_value = wa.wat;
			if (wat_value > 0) {
			    wa.wat = -wat_value;
			    seg_put(&watalt, (char *)&wa, r, c);

	    }  /* end non-NULL cell */
	}  /* end column */
    G_percent(r, nrows, 1);	/* finish it */

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 29
int read_input_map(char *input, char *mapset, int ZEROFLAG)
    int fd;
    int row;
    int hit;
    register int col;
    register CELL *cell;
    register MAPTYPE *ptr;

    map = (MAPTYPE *) G_malloc((size_t) window.rows * window.cols * sizeof(MAPTYPE));

    fd = Rast_open_old(input, mapset);

    cell = Rast_allocate_c_buf();

    ptr = map;

    minrow = -1;
    maxrow = -1;
    mincol = window.cols;
    maxcol = 0;

    G_message(_("Reading input raster map <%s>..."),
	      G_fully_qualified_name(input, mapset));

    count_rows_with_data = 0;

    for (row = 0; row < window.rows; row++) {
	hit = 0;
	G_percent(row, window.rows, 2);

	Rast_get_c_row(fd, cell, row);

	for (col = 0; col < window.cols; col++) {
	    if (ZEROFLAG) {
		if ((*ptr++ = (*cell++ != 0))) {
		    if (minrow < 0)
			minrow = row;
		    maxrow = row;
		    if (col < mincol)
			mincol = col;
		    if (col > maxcol)
			maxcol = col;
		    if (!hit) {
			hit = 1;
	    else {		/* use NULL */

		if ((*ptr++ = !Rast_is_c_null_value(cell++))) {
		    if (minrow < 0)
			minrow = row;
		    maxrow = row;
		    if (col < mincol)
			mincol = col;
		    if (col > maxcol)
			maxcol = col;
		    if (!hit) {
			hit = 1;
	cell -= window.cols;
    G_percent(row, window.rows, 2);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 30
void collect_ori(int start_fd)
    extern CELL *cell;
    extern CELL *map_base, *map_x_out, *map_y_out, *map_visit;
    extern float *map_out;
    extern char buf[];
    extern float neg, zero;
    extern int BARRIER;
    extern int nrows, ncols;
    extern long heap_len;
    extern struct costHa *heap;
    int row, col;

    for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
	G_percent(row, nrows, 2);

	Rast_get_c_row(start_fd, cell, row);

	for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) {
	    if (*(cell + col) > 0) {
		/*Check if starting sources legally ? */
		if (DATA(map_base, row, col) <= 0) {
		    G_warning("Can't start from a BARRIER at cell (%d,%d), request ignored",
			    col, row);

		DATA(map_out, row, col) = (float)init_time;
		insertHa((float)init_time, zero, row, col, heap, &heap_len);
		/*mark it to avoid redundant computing */
		DATA(map_visit, row, col) = 1;

		if (x_out)
		    DATA(map_x_out, row, col) = col;
		if (y_out)
		    DATA(map_y_out, row, col) = row;
		G_debug(4, "origin: row=%d col=%d", row, col);
#if 0
		if (display)
		    draw_a_burning_cell(row, col);
	    else {
		DATA(map_out, row, col) = neg;
		DATA(map_visit, row, col) = BARRIER;

    G_percent(row, nrows, 2);

#ifdef DEBUG
	int i;

	printf("\nheap_len=%d  ", heap_len);
	for (i = 1; i <= heap_len; i++)
	    printf("(%d,%d) ", heap[i].row, heap[i].col);