Exemplo n.º 1
void	SnnsCLib::RbfMulTranspMatrix(RbfFloatMatrix *m1, RbfFloatMatrix *m2)
    int	dest_c;
    int	dest_r;
    int	count;
    register float scalar_product;

	if (m2 -> rows != m1 -> rows ||
	    m2 -> rows != m1 -> columns)
		ErrMess("RbfMulTranspMatrix: incompatible matrixes.\n");

    /* notice that m2*m2T is a symmetric matrix!                        */

    for (dest_r = 0; dest_r < m1 -> rows; dest_r++)
	for (dest_c = dest_r; dest_c < m1 -> rows; dest_c++)
	    scalar_product = 0.0;
	    for (count = 0; count < m2 -> columns; count++)
		scalar_product += RbfMatrixGetValue(m2, dest_r, count) *
			          RbfMatrixGetValue(m2, dest_c, count);
	    RbfMatrixSetValue(m1, dest_r, dest_c, scalar_product);
	    if (dest_r != dest_c)
		RbfMatrixSetValue(m1, dest_c, dest_r, scalar_product);
Exemplo n.º 2
void RbfIdempotentMatrix(RbfFloatMatrix *m)
register int     i,j;

for (i = m->rows -1 ; i>=0; i--)
    for (j = m->columns -1 ; j>=0; j--)
      RbfMatrixSetValue(m,  i, j, 0);
    RbfMatrixSetValue(m, i, i, 1);

Exemplo n.º 3
void	SnnsCLib::RbfMulMatrix(RbfFloatMatrix *m1, RbfFloatMatrix *m2, RbfFloatMatrix *m3)
	int	dest_c;
	int	dest_r;
	int	count;

	if (m1 -> rows != m2 -> rows ||
	    m1 -> columns != m3 -> columns ||
	    m2 -> columns != m3 -> rows)
		ErrMess("RbfMulMatrix: incompatible matrixes.\n");

	/* This seems to be a strange way to multiply two matrices but  */
	/* it prevents the swapper from trashing:                       */

	RbfClearMatrix(m1, 0.0);

	for (dest_r = 0; dest_r < m1 -> rows; dest_r++)
	    for (count = 0; count < m2 -> columns; count++)
		for (dest_c = 0; dest_c < m1 -> columns; dest_c++)
		    RbfMatrixSetValue(m1, dest_r, dest_c,
			    RbfMatrixGetValue(m2, dest_r, count) *
			    RbfMatrixGetValue(m3, count, dest_c) +
			    RbfMatrixGetValue(m1, dest_r, dest_c));
Exemplo n.º 4
void RbfMulScalarMatrix(RbfFloatMatrix *m, float a)
register int     i,j;

for (i = m->rows -1 ; i>=0; i--)
    for (j = m->columns -1 ; j>=0; j--)
      RbfMatrixSetValue(m, i, j, a * RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, j) );

Exemplo n.º 5
int	RbfInvMatrix(RbfFloatMatrix *m)
	register 	int	i, j;
	register	int	*indx;
	register	float	*b;
	register	int	tmp_err;
	RbfFloatMatrix	help;

	if (m -> rows != m -> columns)
	    ErrMess("RbfInvMatrix: matrix not of form N x N.\n");

	if (!RbfAllocMatrix(m -> rows, m -> rows, &help) ||
	    (indx = (int *) malloc(m -> rows * sizeof(int))) == NULL ||
	    (b = (float *) malloc(m -> rows * sizeof(float))) == NULL)
	    ErrMess("RbfInvMatrix: impossible to allocate helpmatrix.\n");

	RbfSetMatrix(&help, m);
	if ((tmp_err = RbfLUDcmp(&help, indx)) != 1)
	    return tmp_err;

	for (j = 0; j < m -> rows; j++)
	    for (i = 0; i < m -> rows; i++)
		b[i] = 0.0;
	    b[j] = 1.0;
	    RbfLUBksb(&help, indx, b);
	    for (i = 0; i < m -> rows; i++)
		RbfMatrixSetValue(m, i, j, b[i]);


	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 6
void	RbfTranspMatrix(RbfFloatMatrix *m1, RbfFloatMatrix *m2)
	int		r;
	int		c;

	if (m1 -> rows != m2 -> columns ||
	    m1 -> columns != m2 -> rows)
		ErrMess("RbfTranspMatrix: incompatible matrixes.\n"); 

	/* make m1 to become m2 transposed				*/

	for (r = 0; r < m2 -> rows; r++)
	    for (c = 0; c < m2 -> columns; c++)
		RbfMatrixSetValue(m1, c, r, RbfMatrixGetValue(m2, r, c));
Exemplo n.º 7
void	SnnsCLib::RbfAddMatrix(RbfFloatMatrix *m1, RbfFloatMatrix *m2, RbfFloatMatrix *m3)
	int	dest_c;
	int	dest_r;

	if (!(m1 -> rows == m2 -> rows &&
	      m2 -> rows == m3 -> rows) ||
	    !(m1 -> columns == m2 -> columns &&
	      m2 -> columns == m3 -> columns)
		ErrMess("RbfAddMatrix: incompatible matrixes.\n");

	for (dest_r = 0; dest_r < m1 -> rows; dest_r++)
	    for (dest_c = 0; dest_c < m1 -> columns; dest_c++)
		RbfMatrixSetValue(m1, dest_r, dest_c,
		    RbfMatrixGetValue(m2, dest_r, dest_c) +
		    RbfMatrixGetValue(m3, dest_r, dest_c));
Exemplo n.º 8
static int RbfLUDcmp(RbfFloatMatrix *m, int *indx)
	register float		sum;
	register float		dum;
	register float		big;
	register int		i, j, k, imax;
	register float		temp;
	register float		*vv;

	if ((vv = (float *) malloc(m -> rows * sizeof(float))) == NULL)
	    ErrMess("RbfLUDcmp: impossible to allocate helpmatrix.\n");

	for (i = 0; i < m -> rows; i++)
	    big = 0.0;
	    for (j = 0; j < m -> rows; j++)
		if ((temp = fabs(RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, j))) > big)
		    big = temp;
	    if (big == 0.0)
		return 0;
	    vv[i] = 1.0/big;
	for (j = 0; j < m -> rows; j++)
	    for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
		sum = RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, j);
		for (k = 0; k < i; k++)
		    sum -= RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, k) *
			   RbfMatrixGetValue(m, k, j);
		RbfMatrixSetValue(m, i, j, sum);
	    big = 0.0;
	    for (i = j; i < m -> rows; i++)
		sum = RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, j);
		for (k = 0; k < j; k++)
		    sum -= RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, k) *
			   RbfMatrixGetValue(m, k, j);
		RbfMatrixSetValue(m, i, j, sum);
		if ((dum = vv[i] * fabs(sum)) >= big)
		    big = dum;
		    imax = i;
	    if (j != imax)
		for (k = 0; k < m -> rows; k++)
		    dum = RbfMatrixGetValue(m, imax, k);
		    RbfMatrixSetValue(m, imax, k, 
			RbfMatrixGetValue(m, j, k));
		    RbfMatrixSetValue(m, j, k, dum);
		dum = vv[imax];
		vv[imax] = vv[j];
		vv[j] = dum;
	    indx[j] = imax;
	    if (RbfMatrixGetValue(m, j, j) == 0.0)
		fprintf(stderr,"RbfLUDcmp: seems to be a singular matrix\n");
		return 0;
	    if (j != (m -> rows - 1))
		dum = 1.0/RbfMatrixGetValue(m, j, j);
		for (i = j+1; i < m -> rows; i++)
		    RbfMatrixSetValue(m, i, j,
			RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, j) * dum);
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 9
int	SnnsCLib::RbfInvMatrix(RbfFloatMatrix *m)
	RbfFloatMatrix	help;
	int		i, j, r, k, n;
	float		max, hr, hi;

	if (m -> rows != m -> columns)
	    ErrMess(const_cast<char*>("RbfInvMatrix: matrix not of form N x N.\n"));

	n = m -> rows;			/* n = dimension of matrix	*/

	/* allocate helpmatrix: 0. row: field p[N] of algorithm		*/
	/*			1. row: field hv[N] of algorithm	*/

	if (!RbfAllocMatrix(2, n, &help))
	    ErrMess(const_cast<char*>("RbfInvMatrix: impossible to allocate helpmatrix.\n"));

	/* initialize permutation field:				*/
	for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
	    RbfMatrixSetValue(&help, 0, j, (float) j);

	/* invert matrix:						*/
	/* notation in comments: m[r,c] means element at row r column c */

	for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
	    /* looking for pivot:					*/
	    /* find row r, where r >= j and m[r,j] is maximal		*/

	    max = fabs(RbfMatrixGetValue(m, j, j));
	    r = j;
	    for (i = j+1; i < n; i++)
		hi = fabs(RbfMatrixGetValue(m, j, i));
		if (hi > max)
		    max = hi;
		    r = i;

	    /* test if matrix is singulary:				*/
	    /* if true, then return directly and report errorcode	*/

	    if (max == 0.0)
		return 0;

	    /* if r != j (r > j) then switch row r with row j and mark	*/
	    /* this in helpmatrix:					*/

	    if (r > j)
		for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
		    hr = RbfMatrixGetValue(m, j, k);
		    RbfMatrixSetValue(m, j, k, RbfMatrixGetValue(m, r, k));
		    RbfMatrixSetValue(m, r, k, hr);
		hi = RbfMatrixGetValue(&help, 0, j);
		RbfMatrixSetValue(&help, 0, j, RbfMatrixGetValue(&help, 0, r));
		RbfMatrixSetValue(&help, 0, r, hi);

	    /* do the transformation:					*/

	    hr = 1.0 / RbfMatrixGetValue(m, j, j);
	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		RbfMatrixSetValue(m, i, j, hr * RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, j));
	    RbfMatrixSetValue(m, j, j, hr);
	    for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
		if (k != j)
		    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
			if (i != j)
				RbfMatrixSetValue(m, i, k,
				    RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, k) -
				    RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, j) *
				    RbfMatrixGetValue(m, j, k));
		    RbfMatrixSetValue(m, j, k, 
			-hr * RbfMatrixGetValue(m, j, k));

	/* now switch back the columns:					*/

	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
	    for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
		RbfMatrixSetValue(&help, 1, 
		    (int) RbfMatrixGetValue(&help, 0, k),
		    RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, k));
	    for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
		RbfMatrixSetValue(m, i, k,
		    RbfMatrixGetValue(&help, 1, k));

	/* report success:						*/

	return 1;