int main() { HANDLE fd; DCB OldConf; char cad[16]="Enviando Texto"; int n; fd=Open_Port("COM1"); // Abre el puerto serie // fd=Open_Port("/dev/ttyS0"); OldConf=Get_Configure_Port(fd); // guardo la configuracion del puerto Configure_Port(fd,B115200,"8N1"); // Configuro el puerto serie // Bloqueante por defecto, pero tambien // se puede usar // IO_Blocking(fd,TRUE); n=Write_Port(fd,cad,16); // Escribo en el puerto serie while(Kbhit_Port(fd)<16); // Espero a leer hasta que se tengan // 16 bytes en el buffer de entrada n=Read_Port(fd,cad,16); // Leo el puerto serie printf(cad); // Muestro los datos Set_Configure_Port(fd,OldConf); // Restituyo la antigua configuracion // del puerto Close_Port(fd); // Cierro el puerto serie printf("\nPresione ENTER para terminar\n"); getchar(); return 0; }
*cdecl cpx_init( XCPB *Xcpb ) { OBJECT *tree; int port; int temp_port; xcpb = Xcpb; if( xcpb->booting ) { /* Read in defaults and set the options */ store = ( BUFFER *)(*xcpb->Get_Buffer)(); Modem = save_vars; Set_Machine_Code(); Set_Number_Of_Ports(); for( port = 0; port < Num_Ports; port++ ) { Write_Port( port, store ); store++; } Modem.cur_port = Set_Active_Port( Modem.cur_port ); return( ( CPXINFO *)TRUE ); } else { appl_init(); AES_Version =[0]; if( !xcpb->SkipRshFix ) (*xcpb->rsh_fix)( NUM_OBS, NUM_FRSTR, NUM_FRIMG, NUM_TREE, rs_object, rs_tedinfo, rs_strings, rs_iconblk, rs_bitblk, rs_frstr, rs_frimg, rs_trindex, rs_imdope ); Supexec( Get_OS ); tree = ( OBJECT *)rs_trindex[ RS232 ]; Disable( PORT ); Set_Machine_Code(); (( IsTT() || IsSTE() ) ? ( Enable( PORT ) ) : ( Disable( PORT ) ) ); Set_Number_Of_Ports(); store = ( BUFFER *)(*xcpb->Get_Buffer)(); Modem = save_vars; /* Get the Defaults and fill up all 4 ports with info */ /* Get the ACTUAL system values for as many ports as possible.*/ temp_port = Get_Active_Port(); for( port = 0; port < Num_Ports; port++ ) { Read_Port( port, store ); store++; } Modem.cur_port = Set_Active_Port( temp_port ); push_data(); open_vwork(); close_vwork(); gl_ncolors = work_out[13]; if( !xcpb->SkipRshFix ) { if(( AES_Version >= 0x0330 ) && ( gl_ncolors > LWHITE )) { tree = (OBJECT *)rs_trindex[RS232]; MakeActivator( RS232, SAVE ); MakeActivator( RS232, RS232OK ); MakeActivator( RS232, RS232CAN ); } } cpxinfo.cpx_call = cpx_call; cpxinfo.cpx_draw = NULL; cpxinfo.cpx_wmove = NULL; cpxinfo.cpx_timer = NULL; cpxinfo.cpx_key = NULL; cpxinfo.cpx_button = NULL; cpxinfo.cpx_m1 = NULL; cpxinfo.cpx_m2 = NULL; cpxinfo.cpx_hook = NULL; cpxinfo.cpx_close = NULL; return( &cpxinfo ); } }