Exemplo n.º 1
int ZIPFAM::SkipRecord(PGLOBAL g, bool header)
  // Skip this record
  if (gzeof(Zfile))
    return RC_EF;
  else if (gzgets(Zfile, To_Buf, Buflen) == Z_NULL)
    return Zerror(g);

  if (header)

  return RC_OK;
  } // end of SkipRecord
Exemplo n.º 2
int ZIPFAM::ReadBuffer(PGLOBAL g)
  char *p;
  int   rc;

  if (!Zfile)
    return RC_EF;

  if (!Placed) {
    /*  Record file position in case of UPDATE or DELETE.              */
    if (RecordPos(g))
      return RC_FX;

    CurBlk = Rows++;                        // Update RowID
  } else
    Placed = false;

  if (gzeof(Zfile)) {
    rc = RC_EF;
  } else if (gzgets(Zfile, To_Buf, Buflen) != Z_NULL) {
    p = To_Buf + strlen(To_Buf) - 1;

    if (*p == '\n')
      *p = '\0';              // Eliminate ending new-line character

    if (*(--p) == '\r')
      *p = '\0';              // Eliminate eventuel carriage return

    strcpy(Tdbp->GetLine(), To_Buf);
    IsRead = true;
    rc = RC_OK;
  } else
    rc = Zerror(g);

  if (trace > 1)
    htrc(" Read: '%s' rc=%d\n", To_Buf, rc);

  return rc;
  } // end of ReadBuffer
Exemplo n.º 3
int DOSFAM::ReadBuffer(PGLOBAL g)
  char *p;
  int   rc;

  if (!Stream)
    return RC_EF;

  if (trace > 1)
    htrc("ReadBuffer: Tdbp=%p To_Line=%p Placed=%d\n",
                      Tdbp, Tdbp->To_Line, Placed); 

  if (!Placed) {
    /*  Record file position in case of UPDATE or DELETE.              */
    if (RecordPos(g))
      return RC_FX;

    CurBlk = (int)Rows++;

     if (trace > 1)
      htrc("ReadBuffer: CurBlk=%d\n", CurBlk); 

  } else
    Placed = false;

  if (trace > 1)
    htrc(" About to read: stream=%p To_Buf=%p Buflen=%d\n",
                          Stream, To_Buf, Buflen);

  if (fgets(To_Buf, Buflen, Stream)) {
    p = To_Buf + strlen(To_Buf) - 1;

    if (trace > 1)
      htrc(" Read: To_Buf=%p p=%c\n", To_Buf, To_Buf, p);

#if defined(UNIX)
    if (true) {
      // Data files can be imported from Windows (having CRLF)
    if (Bin) {
      // Data file is read in binary so CRLF remains
      if (*p == '\n' || *p == '\r') {
        // is this enough for Unix ???
        *p = '\0';          // Eliminate ending CR or LF character

        if (p > To_Buf) {
          // is this enough for Unix ???

          if (*p == '\n' || *p == '\r')
            *p = '\0';      // Eliminate ending CR or LF character

          } // endif To_Buf

        } // endif p

    } else if (*p == '\n')
      *p = '\0';          // Eliminate ending new-line character

    if (trace > 1)
      htrc(" To_Buf='%s'\n", To_Buf);

    strcpy(Tdbp->To_Line, To_Buf);
    rc = RC_OK;
  } else if (feof(Stream)) {
    rc = RC_EF;
  } else {
#if defined(UNIX)
    sprintf(g->Message, MSG(READ_ERROR), To_File, strerror(0));
    sprintf(g->Message, MSG(READ_ERROR), To_File, _strerror(NULL));

    if (trace)
      htrc("%s\n", g->Message);

    rc = RC_FX;
  } // endif's fgets

  if (trace > 1)
    htrc("ReadBuffer: rc=%d\n", rc);

  IsRead = true;
  return rc;
  } // end of ReadBuffer

/*  WriteBuffer: File write routine for DOS access method.             */
int DOSFAM::WriteBuffer(PGLOBAL g)
  char *crlf = "\n";
  int  curpos = 0;
  bool  moved = true;

  // T_Stream is the temporary stream or the table file stream itself
  if (!T_Stream)
    if (UseTemp && Tdbp->Mode == MODE_UPDATE) {
      if (OpenTempFile(g))
        return RC_FX;

    } else
      T_Stream = Stream;

  if (Tdbp->Mode == MODE_UPDATE) {
    /*  Here we simply rewrite a record on itself. There are two cases */
    /*  were another method should be used, a/ when Update apply to    */
    /*  the whole file, b/ when updating the last field of a variable  */
    /*  length file. The method could be to rewrite a new file, then   */
    /*  to erase the old one and rename the new updated file.          */
    curpos = ftell(Stream);

    if (trace)
      htrc("Last : %d cur: %d\n", Fpos, curpos);

    if (UseTemp) {
      /*  We are using a temporary file. Before writing the updated    */
      /*  record, we must eventually copy all the intermediate records */
      /*  that have not been updated.                                  */
      if (MoveIntermediateLines(g, &moved))
        return RC_FX;

      Spos = curpos;                          // New start position
    } else
      // Update is directly written back into the file,
      //   with this (fast) method, record size cannot change.
      if (fseek(Stream, Fpos, SEEK_SET)) {
        sprintf(g->Message, MSG(FSETPOS_ERROR), 0);
        return RC_FX;
        } // endif

    } // endif mode

  /*  Prepare the write buffer.                                        */
#if defined(WIN32)
  if (Bin)
    crlf = "\r\n";
#endif   // WIN32
  strcat(strcpy(To_Buf, Tdbp->To_Line), crlf);

  /*  Now start the writing process.                                   */
  if ((fputs(To_Buf, T_Stream)) == EOF) {
    sprintf(g->Message, MSG(FPUTS_ERROR), strerror(errno));
    return RC_FX;
    } // endif EOF

  if (Tdbp->Mode == MODE_UPDATE && moved)
    if (fseek(Stream, curpos, SEEK_SET)) {
      sprintf(g->Message, MSG(FSEEK_ERROR), strerror(errno));
      return RC_FX;
      } // endif

  if (trace)
    htrc("write done\n");

  return RC_OK;
  } // end of WriteBuffer