Exemplo n.º 1
bool ModeParser::DelMode(ModeHandler* mh)
	if ((mh->GetModeChar() < 'A') || (mh->GetModeChar() > 'z'))
		return false;

	ModeHandlerMap& mhmap = modehandlersbyname[mh->GetModeType()];
	ModeHandlerMap::iterator mhmapit = mhmap.find(mh->name);
	if ((mhmapit == mhmap.end()) || (mhmapit->second != mh))
		return false;

	ModeHandler*& slot = modehandlers[mh->GetModeType()][mh->GetModeChar()-65];
	if (slot != mh)
		return false;

	/* Note: We can't stack here, as we have modes potentially being removed across many different channels.
	 * To stack here we have to make the algorithm slower. Discuss.
	switch (mh->GetModeType())
			const user_hash& users = ServerInstance->Users->GetUsers();
			for (user_hash::const_iterator i = users.begin(); i != users.end(); )
				User* user = i->second;
			const chan_hash& chans = ServerInstance->GetChans();
			for (chan_hash::const_iterator i = chans.begin(); i != chans.end(); )
				// The channel may not be in the hash after RemoveMode(), see m_permchannels
				Channel* chan = i->second;

				Modes::ChangeList changelist;
				mh->RemoveMode(chan, changelist);
				this->Process(ServerInstance->FakeClient, chan, NULL, changelist, MODE_LOCALONLY);

	if (mh->GetId() != MODEID_MAX)
		modehandlersbyid[mh->GetModeType()][mh->GetId()] = NULL;
	slot = NULL;
	if (mh->IsPrefixMode())
		mhlist.prefix.erase(std::find(mhlist.prefix.begin(), mhlist.prefix.end(), mh->IsPrefixMode()));
	else if (mh->IsListModeBase())
		mhlist.list.erase(std::find(mhlist.list.begin(), mhlist.list.end(), mh->IsListModeBase()));

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool ModeParser::DelMode(ModeHandler* mh)
	unsigned char mask = 0;
	unsigned char pos = 0;

	if ((mh->GetModeChar() < 'A') || (mh->GetModeChar() > 'z'))
		return false;

	mh->GetModeType() == MODETYPE_USER ? mask = MASK_USER : mask = MASK_CHANNEL;
	pos = (mh->GetModeChar()-65) | mask;

	if (modehandlers[pos] != mh)
		return false;

	/* Note: We can't stack here, as we have modes potentially being removed across many different channels.
	 * To stack here we have to make the algorithm slower. Discuss.
	switch (mh->GetModeType())
			for (user_hash::iterator i = ServerInstance->Users->clientlist->begin(); i != ServerInstance->Users->clientlist->end(); )
				User* user = i->second;
			for (chan_hash::iterator i = ServerInstance->chanlist->begin(); i != ServerInstance->chanlist->end(); )
				// The channel may not be in the hash after RemoveMode(), see m_permchannels
				Channel* chan = i->second;

				irc::modestacker stack(false);
				mh->RemoveMode(chan, stack);

				std::vector<std::string> stackresult;
				while (stack.GetStackedLine(stackresult))
					this->Process(stackresult, ServerInstance->FakeClient, MODE_LOCALONLY);
					stackresult.erase(stackresult.begin() + 1, stackresult.end());

	modehandlers[pos] = NULL;
	if (mh->IsPrefixMode())
		mhlist.prefix.erase(std::find(mhlist.prefix.begin(), mhlist.prefix.end(), mh->IsPrefixMode()));
	else if (mh->IsListModeBase())
		mhlist.list.erase(std::find(mhlist.list.begin(), mhlist.list.end(), mh->IsListModeBase()));

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
void ModeParser::AddMode(ModeHandler* mh)
	/* Yes, i know, this might let people declare modes like '_' or '^'.
	 * If they do that, thats their problem, and if i ever EVER see an
	 * official InspIRCd developer do that, i'll beat them with a paddle!
	if ((mh->GetModeChar() < 'A') || (mh->GetModeChar() > 'z'))
		throw ModuleException("Invalid letter for mode " + mh->name);

	/* A mode prefix of ',' is not acceptable, it would f**k up server to server.
	 * A mode prefix of ':' will f**k up both server to server, and client to server.
	 * A mode prefix of '#' will mess up /whois and /privmsg
	PrefixMode* pm = mh->IsPrefixMode();
	if (pm)
		if ((pm->GetPrefix() > 126) || (pm->GetPrefix() == ',') || (pm->GetPrefix() == ':') || (pm->GetPrefix() == '#'))
			throw ModuleException("Invalid prefix for mode " + mh->name);

		if (FindPrefix(pm->GetPrefix()))
			throw ModuleException("Prefix already exists for mode " + mh->name);

	ModeHandler*& slot = modehandlers[mh->GetModeType()][mh->GetModeChar()-65];
	if (slot)
		throw ModuleException("Letter is already in use for mode " + mh->name);

	// The mode needs an id if it is either a user mode, a simple mode (flag) or a parameter mode.
	// Otherwise (for listmodes and prefix modes) the id remains MODEID_MAX, which is invalid.
	ModeHandler::Id modeid = MODEID_MAX;
	if ((mh->GetModeType() == MODETYPE_USER) || (mh->IsParameterMode()) || (!mh->IsListMode()))
		modeid = AllocateModeId(mh->GetModeType());

	if (!modehandlersbyname[mh->GetModeType()].insert(std::make_pair(mh->name, mh)).second)
		throw ModuleException("Mode name already in use: " + mh->name);

	// Everything is fine, add the mode

	// If we allocated an id for this mode then save it and put the mode handler into the slot
	if (modeid != MODEID_MAX)
		mh->modeid = modeid;
		modehandlersbyid[mh->GetModeType()][modeid] = mh;

	slot = mh;
	if (pm)
	else if (mh->IsListModeBase())

Exemplo n.º 4
bool ModeParser::AddMode(ModeHandler* mh)
	unsigned char mask = 0;
	unsigned char pos = 0;

	/* Yes, i know, this might let people declare modes like '_' or '^'.
	 * If they do that, thats their problem, and if i ever EVER see an
	 * official InspIRCd developer do that, i'll beat them with a paddle!
	if ((mh->GetModeChar() < 'A') || (mh->GetModeChar() > 'z'))
		return false;

	/* A mode prefix of ',' is not acceptable, it would f**k up server to server.
	 * A mode prefix of ':' will f**k up both server to server, and client to server.
	 * A mode prefix of '#' will mess up /whois and /privmsg
	PrefixMode* pm = mh->IsPrefixMode();
	if (pm)
		if ((pm->GetPrefix() > 126) || (pm->GetPrefix() == ',') || (pm->GetPrefix() == ':') || (pm->GetPrefix() == '#'))
			return false;

		if (FindPrefix(pm->GetPrefix()))
			return false;

	mh->GetModeType() == MODETYPE_USER ? mask = MASK_USER : mask = MASK_CHANNEL;
	pos = (mh->GetModeChar()-65) | mask;

	if (modehandlers[pos])
		return false;

	// Everything is fine, add the mode
	modehandlers[pos] = mh;
	if (pm)
	else if (mh->IsListModeBase())

	return true;