Exemplo n.º 1
 * @brief      Remove a flag node from list
 * @param[in]  pnode    A node that will remove from flag waiting list.
 * @param[out] None
 * @retval     pnode    Next node of the node that have removed out.
 * @par Description
 * @details   This function is called to remove a flag node from the wait list.
 * @note
static P_FLAG_NODE RemoveFromLink(P_FLAG_NODE pnode)
    P_OSTCB ptcb;

    RemoveLinkNode(pnode);            /* Remove the flag node from wait list. */
    ptcb = pnode->waitTask;

    /* The task in the delay list */
    if(ptcb->delayTick != INVALID_VALUE)/* If the task is in tick delay list  */
        RemoveDelayList(ptcb);        /* Remove the task from tick delay list */

	ptcb->pnode = (void*)0xffffffff;

	if(ptcb == TCBRunning)
		ptcb->state = TASK_RUNNING;
		InsertToTCBRdyList(ptcb);         /* Insert the task to ready list        */
    return (pnode->nextNode);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * @brief      Reset task delay ticks
 * @param[in]  ptcb    Task that want to insert into DELAY list.
 * @param[in]  ticks   Specify system tick number which will delay .
 * @param[out] None
 * @retval     E_CALL               Error call in ISR.
 * @retval     E_INVALID_ID         Invalid task id.
 * @retval     E_NOT_IN_DELAY_LIST  Task not in delay list.
 * @retval     E_OK                 The current task was inserted to DELAY list
 *                                  successful,it will delay for specify time.
 * @par Description
 * @details    This function delay specify ticks for current task.
StatusType CoResetTaskDelayTick(OS_TID taskID,U32 ticks) {
	P_OSTCB ptcb;

#if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0              /* Check validity of parameter        */
		return E_INVALID_ID;

	ptcb = &TCBTbl[taskID];
	if(ptcb->stkPtr == Co_NULL) {
		return E_INVALID_ID;

	if(ptcb->delayTick == INVALID_VALUE) { /* Is tick==INVALID_VALUE?          */
		return E_NOT_IN_DELAY_LIST;       /* Yes,error return                 */
	OsSchedLock();                        /* Lock schedule                    */
	RemoveDelayList(ptcb);                /* Remove task from the DELAY list  */

	if(ticks == 0) {                      /* Is delay tick==0?                */
		InsertToTCBRdyList(ptcb);         /* Insert task into the DELAY list  */
	} else {
		InsertDelayList(ptcb,ticks);      /* No,insert task into DELAY list   */
	OsSchedUnlock();                /* Unlock schedule,and call task schedule */
	return E_OK;                          /* Return OK                        */
Exemplo n.º 3
 * @brief      Move a task from event WAITING list to the DELAY list	  
 * @param[in]  pecb    Pointer to event control block corresponding to the event. 		 	  
 * @param[out] None  
 * @retval     None	 
 * @par Description
 * @details    This function is called to remove a task from event wait list,and	 
 *             then insert it into the READY list.
void EventTaskToRdy(P_ECB pecb)
    P_OSTCB ptcb;
    P_QCB   pqcb;
    ptcb = pecb->eventTCBList;
    if(ptcb == NULL)
    pecb->eventTCBList = ptcb->waitNext;/* Get first task in event waiting list*/
    if(pecb->eventTCBList != NULL)      /* Is no item in event waiting list?  */
        pecb->eventTCBList->waitPrev = NULL; /* No,clear link for first item  */
    ptcb->waitNext = NULL;                /* Clear event waiting link for task*/
    ptcb->eventID  = INVALID_ID;          /* Sign that not to use.            */
    if(ptcb->delayTick != INVALID_VALUE)  /* Is task in delay list?           */		         
        RemoveDelayList(ptcb);            /* Yes,remove task from DELAY list  */
    if(pecb->eventType == EVENT_TYPE_MBOX)/* Is it a mailbox event?           */
        ptcb->pmail    = pecb->eventPtr;  /* Yes,send mail to task            */
        pecb->eventPtr = NULL;            /* Clear event sign                 */
    else if(pecb->eventType == EVENT_TYPE_QUEUE)  /* Is it a queue event?     */
        pqcb        = (P_QCB)pecb->eventPtr;      /* Yes,get queue pointer    */
        ptcb->pmail = *(pqcb->qStart + pqcb->head);   /* Send mail to task    */
        pqcb->head++;                             /* Clear event sign         */
        if(pqcb->head == pqcb->qMaxSize)
            pqcb->head = 0;	

    else if(pecb->eventType == EVENT_TYPE_SEM)/* Is it a semaphore event?     */
        pecb->eventCounter--;                 /* Yes,clear event sign         */
        ptcb->pmail = (void*)0xffffffff;      /* Indicate task woke by event  */
	if(ptcb == TCBRunning)
		ptcb->state = TASK_RUNNING;
		InsertToTCBRdyList(ptcb);            /* Insert task into ready list  */
Exemplo n.º 4
 * @brief      Delete a event	  
 * @param[in]  pecb     Pointer to event control block which will be deleted. 
 * @param[in]  opt      Delete option.
 * @arg        == OPT_DEL_ANYWAY     Delete event always   
 * @arg        == OPT_DEL_NO_PEND	 Delete event only when no task pending on.
 * @param[out] None  	 
 * @retval     E_INVALID_PARAMETER   Parameter passed is invalid,deleted fail.
 * @retval     E_TASK_WAITTING       These are one more tasks waitting event.  
 * @retval     E_OK                  Delete event control block successful.
 * @par Description
 * @details    This function is called to delete a event from the event wait list
 *             use specify option.
 * @note       This is a internal function of Coocox CoOS,user can't call.		
StatusType DeleteEvent(P_ECB pecb,U8 opt)
    P_OSTCB ptcb;
    if(opt == OPT_DEL_NO_PEND)          /* Do delete event when no task pend? */
        if(pecb->eventTCBList != NULL)  /* Yes,is there task pend this event? */
            return E_TASK_WAITING;      /* Yes,error return                   */
            ReleaseECB(pecb);           /* No,release resource that event hold*/
    else if(opt == OPT_DEL_ANYWAY)      /* Do delete event anyway?            */
        OsSchedLock();                      /* Lock schedule                  */
        while(pecb->eventTCBList != NULL)   /* Is there task pend this event? */
        {                                   /* Yes,remove it                  */
            ptcb = pecb->eventTCBList;/* Get first task in event waiting list */
            if(ptcb->delayTick != INVALID_VALUE) /* Is task in delay list?    */
                RemoveDelayList(ptcb);    /* Yes,remove task from delay list  */

            /* Set next item as event waiting list head */
            pecb->eventTCBList = ptcb->waitNext; 
            ptcb->waitNext     = NULL;  /* Clear link for event waiting list  */
            ptcb->eventID      = INVALID_ID;  /* Sign that not to use.        */

			InsertToTCBRdyList(ptcb);         /* Insert task into ready list  */
        OsSchedUnlock();                  /* Unlock schedule                  */
        ReleaseECB(pecb);                 /* Release resource that event hold */
    return E_OK;                          /* Return OK                        */