Exemplo n.º 1
/* part of report class dtor */
static void Report(struct NaClApp *nap)
  GString *report = g_string_sized_new(BIG_ENOUGH_STRING);
  char *eol = hide_report ? "; " : "\n";

  /* report validator state and user return code */
  g_string_append_printf(report, "%s%d%s", REPORT_VALIDATOR, validation_state, eol);
  g_string_append_printf(report, "%s%d%s", REPORT_RETCODE, user_code, eol);

  /* add memory digest to cumulative digests if asked */
  if(nap != NULL && nap->manifest != NULL)
    if(nap->manifest->mem_tag != NULL)
      ReportTag(STDRAM, GetMemoryDigest(nap));

  /* report tags digests and remove ending " " if exist */
  g_string_append_printf(report, "%s", REPORT_ETAG);
  g_string_append_printf(report, "%s", digests->len == 0
      ? TAG_ENGINE_DISABLED : digests->str);
  g_string_truncate(report, report->len - 1);

  /* report accounting and session message */
  g_string_append_printf(report, "%s%s%s%s", eol, REPORT_ACCOUNTING, GetAccountingInfo(), eol);
  g_string_append_printf(report, "%s%s%s", REPORT_STATE, zvm_state, eol);

  /* output report */
    ZLOGS(LOG_ERROR, "%s", report->str);
    ZLOGIF(write(STDOUT_FILENO, report->str, report->len) != report->len,
        "report write error %d: %s", errno, strerror(errno));

  g_string_free(report, TRUE);
  g_string_free(digests, TRUE);
Exemplo n.º 2
void Report(struct NaClApp *nap)
    GString *r = g_string_sized_new(BIG_ENOUGH_STRING);
    char *eol = report_mode == 1 ? "; " : "\n";
    char *acc = FinalAccounting();

    /* report validator state and user return code */
    REPORT(r, "%s%d%s", REPORT_VALIDATOR, validation_state, eol);
    REPORT(r, "%s%d%s", REPORT_DAEMON, daemon_state, eol);
    REPORT(r, "%s%d%s", REPORT_RETCODE, user_code, eol);

    /* add memory digest to cumulative digests if asked */
    if(nap != NULL && nap->manifest != NULL)
        if(nap->manifest->mem_tag != NULL)
            ReportTag(STDRAM, GetMemoryDigest(nap));

    /* report tags digests and remove ending " " if exist */
    REPORT(r, "%s", REPORT_ETAG);
    REPORT(r, "%s", digests->len == 0
           ? TAG_ENGINE_DISABLED : digests->str);
    g_string_truncate(r, r->len - 1);

    /* report accounting and session message */
    if(zvm_state == NULL) zvm_state = UNKNOWN_STATE;
    REPORT(r, "%s%s%s%s", eol, REPORT_ACCOUNTING, acc, eol);
    REPORT(r, "%s%s%s", REPORT_STATE,
           zvm_state == NULL ? UNKNOWN_STATE : zvm_state, eol);
    REPORT(r, "%s%s", REPORT_CMD, eol);

    g_string_free(r, TRUE);
Exemplo n.º 3
void ReportError(Lexer *lexer, Node *element, Node *node, uint code)

    /* keep quiet after 6 errors */
    if (lexer->errors > 6)



        tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Error: missing quotemark for attribute value");
    else if (code == DUPLICATE_FRAMESET)
        tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Error: repeated FRAMESET element");
    else if (code == UNKNOWN_ELEMENT)
        tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Error: ");
        ReportTag(lexer, node);
        tidy_out(lexer->errout, " is not recognized!");
    else if (code == UNEXPECTED_ENDTAG)  /* generated by XML docs */
        tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: unexpected </%s>", node->element);

        if (element)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, " in <%s>", element->element);

    tidy_out(lexer->errout, "\n");
Exemplo n.º 4
void ReportWarning(Lexer *lexer, Node *element, Node *node, uint code)

    /* keep quiet after 6 errors */
    if (lexer->errors > 6)

    if (ShowWarnings)
        /* on end of file adjust reported position to end of input */
        if (code == UNEXPECTED_END_OF_FILE)
            lexer->lines = lexer->in->curline;
            lexer->columns = lexer->in->curcol;


        if (code == MISSING_ENDTAG_FOR)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: missing </%s>", element->element);
        else if (code == MISSING_ENDTAG_BEFORE)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: missing </%s> before ", element->element);
            ReportTag(lexer, node);
        else if (code == DISCARDING_UNEXPECTED)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: discarding unexpected ");
            ReportTag(lexer, node);
        else if (code == NESTED_EMPHASIS)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: nested emphasis ");
            ReportTag(lexer, node);
        else if (code == COERCE_TO_ENDTAG)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: <%s> is probably intended as </%s>",
                node->element, node->element);
        else if (code == NON_MATCHING_ENDTAG)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: replacing unexpected ");
            ReportTag(lexer, node);
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, " by </%s>", element->element);
        else if (code == TAG_NOT_ALLOWED_IN)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: ");
            ReportTag(lexer, node);
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, " isn't allowed in <%s> elements", element->element);
        else if (code == DOCTYPE_AFTER_TAGS)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: <!DOCTYPE> isn't allowed after elements");
        else if (code == MISSING_STARTTAG)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: missing <%s>", node->element);
        else if (code == UNEXPECTED_ENDTAG)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: unexpected </%s>", node->element);

            if (element)
                tidy_out(lexer->errout, " in <%s>", element->element);
        else if (code == TOO_MANY_ELEMENTS)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: too many %s elements", node->element);

            if (element)
                tidy_out(lexer->errout, " in <%s>", element->element);
        else if (code == USING_BR_INPLACE_OF)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: using <br> in place of ");
            ReportTag(lexer, node);
        else if (code == INSERTING_TAG)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: inserting implicit <%s>", node->element);
        else if (code == CANT_BE_NESTED)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: ");
            ReportTag(lexer, node);
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, " can't be nested");
        else if (code == PROPRIETARY_ELEMENT)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: ");
            ReportTag(lexer, node);
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, " is not approved by W3C");

            if (node->tag == tag_layer)
                lexer->badLayout |= USING_LAYER;
            else if (node->tag == tag_spacer)
                lexer->badLayout |= USING_SPACER;
            else if (node->tag == tag_nobr)
                lexer->badLayout |= USING_NOBR;
        else if (code == OBSOLETE_ELEMENT)
            if (element->tag && (element->tag->model & CM_OBSOLETE))
                tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: replacing obsolete element ");
                tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: replacing element ");

            ReportTag(lexer, element);
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, " by ");
            ReportTag(lexer, node);
        else if (code == TRIM_EMPTY_ELEMENT)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: trimming empty ");
            ReportTag(lexer, element);
        else if (code == MISSING_TITLE_ELEMENT)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: inserting missing 'title' element");
        else if (code == ILLEGAL_NESTING)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: ");
            ReportTag(lexer, element);
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, " shouldn't be nested");
        else if (code == NOFRAMES_CONTENT)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: ");
            ReportTag(lexer, node);
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, " not inside 'noframes' element");
        else if (code == INCONSISTENT_VERSION)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: html doctype doesn't match content");
        else if (code == MALFORMED_DOCTYPE)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: expected \"html PUBLIC\" or \"html SYSTEM\"");
        else if (code == CONTENT_AFTER_BODY)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: content occurs after end of body");
        else if (code == MALFORMED_COMMENT)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: adjacent hyphens within comment");
        else if (code == BAD_COMMENT_CHARS)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: expecting -- or >");
        else if (code == BAD_XML_COMMENT)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: XML comments can't contain --");
        else if (code == BAD_CDATA_CONTENT)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: '<' + '/' + letter not allowed here");
        else if (code == INCONSISTENT_NAMESPACE)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: html namespace doesn't match content");
        else if (code == DTYPE_NOT_UPPER_CASE)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: SYSTEM, PUBLIC, W3C, DTD, EN must be upper case");
        else if (code == UNEXPECTED_END_OF_FILE)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: unexpected end of file");
            ReportTag(lexer, element);

        tidy_out(lexer->errout, "\n");
Exemplo n.º 5
void ReportAttrError(Lexer *lexer, Node *node, char *attr, uint code)

    /* keep quiet after 6 errors */
    if (lexer->errors > 6)

    if (ShowWarnings)
        /* on end of file adjust reported position to end of input */
        if (code == UNEXPECTED_END_OF_FILE)
            lexer->lines = lexer->in->curline;
            lexer->columns = lexer->in->curcol;


        if (code == UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: unknown attribute \"%s\"", attr);
        else if (code == MISSING_ATTRIBUTE)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: ");
            ReportTag(lexer, node);
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, " lacks \"%s\" attribute", attr);
        else if (code == MISSING_ATTR_VALUE)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: ");
            ReportTag(lexer, node);
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, " attribute \"%s\" lacks value", attr);
        else if (code == MISSING_IMAGEMAP)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: ");
            ReportTag(lexer, node);
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, " should use client-side image map");
            lexer->badAccess |= MISSING_IMAGE_MAP;
        else if (code == BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: ");
            ReportTag(lexer, node);
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, " unknown attribute value \"%s\"", attr);
        else if (code == XML_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: ");
            ReportTag(lexer, node);
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, " has XML attribute \"%s\"", attr);
        else if (code == UNEXPECTED_GT)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Error: ");
            ReportTag(lexer, node);
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, " missing '>' for end of tag");
        else if (code == UNEXPECTED_QUOTEMARK)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: ");
            ReportTag(lexer, node);
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, " unexpected or duplicate quote mark");
        else if (code == REPEATED_ATTRIBUTE)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: ");
            ReportTag(lexer, node);
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, " repeated attribute \"%s\"", attr);
        else if (code == PROPRIETARY_ATTR_VALUE)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: ");
            ReportTag(lexer, node);
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, " proprietary attribute value \"%s\"", attr);
        else if (code == UNEXPECTED_END_OF_FILE)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: end of file while parsing attributes");
        else if (code == ID_NAME_MISMATCH)
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Warning: ");
            ReportTag(lexer, node);
            tidy_out(lexer->errout, " id and name attribute value mismatch");

        tidy_out(lexer->errout, "\n");
    else if (code == UNEXPECTED_GT)
        tidy_out(lexer->errout, "Error: ");
        ReportTag(lexer, node);
        tidy_out(lexer->errout, " missing '>' for end of tag\n");