Exemplo n.º 1
SEXP dbarts_makeModelMatrixFromDataFrame(SEXP x, SEXP dropColumnsExpr)
  int errorCode = 0;
  SEXP result = R_NilValue;
  SEXP dropPatternExpr = R_NilValue;
  int protectCount = 0;
  size_t numInputColumns = (size_t) rc_getLength(x);
  size_t numOutputColumns = 0;
  column_type columnTypes[numInputColumns];
  getColumnTypes(x, columnTypes);
  bool createDropPattern = false;
  if (Rf_isLogical(dropColumnsExpr)) {
    createDropPattern = LOGICAL(dropColumnsExpr)[0] == TRUE;
    if (createDropPattern) {
      dropPatternExpr = PROTECT(rc_newList(numInputColumns));
      if (rc_getNames(x) != R_NilValue) rc_setNames(dropPatternExpr, rc_getNames(x));
  } else if (!createDropPattern && Rf_isVector(dropColumnsExpr)) {
    dropPatternExpr = dropColumnsExpr;
  countMatrixColumns(x, columnTypes, dropPatternExpr, createDropPattern, &numOutputColumns);
  size_t numRows = getNumRowsForDataFrame(x);
  if (numRows == 0) {
    errorCode = EINVAL;
    goto mkmm_cleanup;
  result = PROTECT(rc_newReal(numRows * numOutputColumns));
  rc_setDims(result, (int) numRows, (int) numOutputColumns, -1);
  SEXP dimNamesExpr = PROTECT(rc_newList(2));
  rc_setDimNames(result, dimNamesExpr);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(dimNamesExpr, 1, rc_newCharacter(numOutputColumns));
  errorCode = createMatrix(x, numRows, result, columnTypes, dropPatternExpr);
  if (errorCode != 0) {
    if (protectCount > 0) UNPROTECT(protectCount);
    Rf_warning("error in makeModelMatrix: %s", strerror(errorCode));
    return R_NilValue;
  if (dropPatternExpr != NULL) Rf_setAttrib(result, Rf_install("drop"), dropPatternExpr);
  if (protectCount > 0) UNPROTECT(protectCount);
  return result;
Exemplo n.º 2
int find_offset(SEXP x, SEXP index, int i) {
  if (!Rf_isVector(index) || Rf_length(index) != 1)
    Rf_errorcall(R_NilValue, "Index %i is not a length 1 vector", i + 1);

  int n = Rf_length(x);

  if (TYPEOF(index) == INTSXP) {
    int val = INTEGER(index)[0];

    if (val == NA_INTEGER)
      return -1;

    if (val < 0 || val >= n)
      return -1;

    return val;
  } if (TYPEOF(index) == REALSXP) {
    double val = REAL(index)[0];

    if (!R_finite(val))
      return -1;

    if (val < 0 || val >= n)
      return -1;

    return val;
  } else if (TYPEOF(index) == STRSXP) {
    SEXP names = Rf_getAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol);
    if (names == R_NilValue) // vector doesn't have names
      return -1;

    if (STRING_ELT(index, 0) == NA_STRING)
      return -1;

    const char* val = Rf_translateCharUTF8(STRING_ELT(index, 0));
    if (val[0] == '\0') // "" matches nothing
      return -1;

    for (int j = 0; j < Rf_length(names); ++j) {
      if (STRING_ELT(names, j) == NA_STRING)

      const char* names_j = Rf_translateCharUTF8(STRING_ELT(names, j));
      if (strcmp(names_j, val) == 0)
        return j;

    return -1;

  } else {
      "Don't know how to index with object of type %s at level %i",
      Rf_type2char(TYPEOF(index)), i + 1

Exemplo n.º 3
 std::vector<bool> ToVectorBool(SEXP logical_vector){
   if(!Rf_isVector(logical_vector)) {
     report_error("ToVectorBool requires a logical vector argument.");
   PROTECT(logical_vector = Rf_coerceVector(logical_vector, LGLSXP));
   int n = Rf_length(logical_vector);
   std::vector<bool> ans(n);
   int *data = LOGICAL(logical_vector);
   ans.assign(data, data + n);
   return ans;
Exemplo n.º 4
SEXP extract_impl(SEXP x, SEXP index, SEXP missing) {
  if (!Rf_isVector(x)) {
    Rf_errorcall(R_NilValue, "`x` must be a vector (not a %s)",

  if (TYPEOF(index) != VECSXP) {
    Rf_errorcall(R_NilValue, "`index` must be a vector (not a %s)",

  int n = Rf_length(index);

  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    SEXP index_i = VECTOR_ELT(index, i);

    int offset = find_offset(x, index_i, i);
    if (offset < 0)
      return missing;

    switch(TYPEOF(x)) {
    case NILSXP:  return missing;
    case LGLSXP:  x = Rf_ScalarLogical(LOGICAL(x)[offset]); break;
    case INTSXP:  x = Rf_ScalarInteger(INTEGER(x)[offset]); break;
    case REALSXP: x = Rf_ScalarReal(REAL(x)[offset]); break;
    case STRSXP:  x = Rf_ScalarString(STRING_ELT(x, offset)); break;
    case VECSXP:  x = VECTOR_ELT(x, offset); break;
        "Don't know how to index object of type %s at level %i",
        Rf_type2char(TYPEOF(x)), i + 1

  return x;
Exemplo n.º 5
SEXP transpose_impl(SEXP x, SEXP names_template) {
  if (TYPEOF(x) != VECSXP)
    Rf_errorcall(R_NilValue, "`.l` is not a list (%s)", Rf_type2char(TYPEOF(x)));

  int n = Rf_length(x);
  if (n == 0) {
    return Rf_allocVector(VECSXP, 0);

  int has_template = !Rf_isNull(names_template);

  SEXP x1 = VECTOR_ELT(x, 0);
  if (!Rf_isVector(x1))
    Rf_errorcall(R_NilValue, "Element 1 is not a vector (%s)", Rf_type2char(TYPEOF(x1)));
  int m = has_template ? Rf_length(names_template) : Rf_length(x1);

  // Create space for output
  SEXP out = PROTECT(Rf_allocVector(VECSXP, m));
  SEXP names1 = Rf_getAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol);

  for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
    SEXP xj = PROTECT(Rf_allocVector(VECSXP, n));
    if (!Rf_isNull(names1)) {
      Rf_setAttrib(xj, R_NamesSymbol, names1);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(out, j, xj);

  SEXP names2 = has_template ? names_template : Rf_getAttrib(x1, R_NamesSymbol);
  if (!Rf_isNull(names2)) {
    Rf_setAttrib(out, R_NamesSymbol, names2);

  // Fill output
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    SEXP xi = VECTOR_ELT(x, i);
    if (!Rf_isVector(xi))
      Rf_errorcall(R_NilValue, "Element %i is not a vector (%s)", i + 1, Rf_type2char(TYPEOF(x1)));

    // find mapping between names and index. Use -1 to indicate not found
    SEXP names_i = Rf_getAttrib(xi, R_NamesSymbol);
    SEXP index;
    if (!Rf_isNull(names2) && !Rf_isNull(names_i)) {
      index = PROTECT(Rf_match(names_i, names2, 0));
      // Rf_match returns 1-based index; convert to 0-based for C
      for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
        INTEGER(index)[i] = INTEGER(index)[i] - 1;
    } else {
      index = PROTECT(Rf_allocVector(INTSXP, m));
      int mi = Rf_length(xi);

      if (m != mi) {
        Rf_warningcall(R_NilValue, "Element %i has length %i not %i", i + 1, mi, m);
      for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
        INTEGER(index)[i] = (i < mi) ? i : -1;

    int* pIndex = INTEGER(index);

    for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
      int pos = pIndex[j];
      if (pos == -1)

      switch(TYPEOF(xi)) {
      case LGLSXP:
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(VECTOR_ELT(out, j), i, Rf_ScalarLogical(LOGICAL(xi)[pos]));
      case INTSXP:
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(VECTOR_ELT(out, j), i, Rf_ScalarInteger(INTEGER(xi)[pos]));
      case REALSXP:
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(VECTOR_ELT(out, j), i, Rf_ScalarReal(REAL(xi)[pos]));
      case STRSXP:
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(VECTOR_ELT(out, j), i, Rf_ScalarString(STRING_ELT(xi, pos)));
      case VECSXP:
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(VECTOR_ELT(out, j), i, VECTOR_ELT(xi, pos));
        Rf_errorcall(R_NilValue, "Unsupported type %s", Rf_type2char(TYPEOF(xi)));


  return out;