Exemplo n.º 1
//Allows the parkour controller to vertically wallrun
//	obj: A pointer to the object attached to the parkourController state
//	state: The parkourController state updating the object
static void State_ParkourController_VerticalWallrun(GObject* obj, State* state)
    //Get the members of this state
    struct State_ParkourController_Members* members = (struct State_ParkourController_Members*)state->members;

    Vector impulse;
    Vector_INIT_ON_STACK(impulse, 3);
    impulse.components[1] = members->jumpMag;
    RigidBody_ApplyImpulse(obj->body, &impulse, &Vector_ZERO);

    //Cap max upward speed
    if(obj->body->velocity->components[1] > members->maxVelocity)
        obj->body->velocity->components[1] = members->maxVelocity;

    if(obj->body->velocity->components[0] != 0.0f || obj->body->velocity->components[2])
        Vector_Copy(&impulse, &Vector_ZERO);

        impulse.components[0] -= obj->body->velocity->components[0];
        impulse.components[2] -= obj->body->velocity->components[2];

        RigidBody_ApplyImpulse(obj->body, &impulse, &Vector_ZERO);
//Lets the runner jump off of a wall
//	obj: A pointer to the object
//	state: A pointer to the runner controller state which is allowing the object to wall jump
void State_RunnerController_WallJump(GObject* obj, State* state)
	//Get the members of this state
	struct State_RunnerController_Members* members = (struct State_RunnerController_Members*)state->members;

	Vector impulse;
	Vector_INIT_ON_STACK(impulse, 3);

	Vector_Copy(&impulse, members->wallNormal);
	Vector_Scale(&impulse, members->jumpMag * 2);

	RigidBody_ApplyImpulse(obj->body, &impulse, &Vector_ZERO);

	Vector_Copy(&impulse, &Vector_E2);
	Vector_Scale(&impulse, members->jumpMag);
	RigidBody_ApplyImpulse(obj->body, &impulse, &Vector_ZERO);
Exemplo n.º 3
//Allows the parkour controller to jump
//	obj: A pointer to the object attached to the ParkourController state
//	state: The parkour state updating the object
static void State_ParkourController_Jump(GObject* obj, State* state)
    struct State_ParkourController_Members* members = (struct State_ParkourController_Members*)state->members;

    Vector jumpImpulse;
    Vector_INIT_ON_STACK(jumpImpulse, 3);

    jumpImpulse.components[1] = members->jumpMag;
    RigidBody_ApplyImpulse(obj->body, &jumpImpulse, &Vector_E1);
Exemplo n.º 4
//Lets the ParkourController vault over a wall
//	obj: A pointer to the object attached to the ParkourController state
//	state:
void State_ParkourController_WallVault(GObject* obj, State* state)
    //Get the members of this state
    struct State_ParkourController_Members* members = (struct State_ParkourController_Members*)state->members;

    Vector impulse;
    Vector_INIT_ON_STACK(impulse, 3);

    Vector_Copy(&impulse, members->wallNormal);
    Vector_Scale(&impulse, -members->maxVelocity);

    RigidBody_ApplyImpulse(obj->body, &impulse, &Vector_ZERO);
//Lets the runner vault off of a wall
//	obj: A pointer to the object
//	state: A pointer to the runner controller state which is allowing the object to wall vault
void State_RunnerController_WallVault(GObject* obj, State* state)
	//Get the members of this state
	struct State_RunnerController_Members* members = (struct State_RunnerController_Members*)state->members;

	Vector impulse;
	Vector_INIT_ON_STACK(impulse, 3);

	Vector_Copy(&impulse, members->wallNormal);

	float mag = obj->body->velocity->components[1];

	Vector_Scale(&impulse, -mag * 1.0f);
	RigidBody_ApplyImpulse(obj->body, &impulse, &Vector_ZERO);

	Vector_Copy(&impulse, &Vector_E2);
	obj->body->velocity->components[1] = 0;

	Vector_Scale(&impulse, members->jumpMag);
	RigidBody_ApplyImpulse(obj->body, &impulse, &Vector_ZERO);

//Allows the runner controller to jump if necessary conditions are met
//	obj: A pointer to the object jumping
//	state: A pointer to the runner controller state which is jumping the object
void State_RunnerController_Jump(GObject* obj, State* state)

	//If the object is allowed to jump
	if(State_RunnerController_IsOnGround(obj, state))
		//Grab the state members
		struct State_RunnerController_Members* members = (struct State_RunnerController_Members*)state->members;

		Vector jumpImpulse;
		Vector_INIT_ON_STACK(jumpImpulse, 3);

		jumpImpulse.components[1] = members->jumpMag;

		RigidBody_ApplyImpulse(obj->body, &jumpImpulse, &Vector_ZERO);
//Allows the runner controller to wallrun if necessary conditions are met
//	obj: A pointer to the object which is running on walls
//	state: A pointer to the runner controller state which is allowing the object to wallrun
void State_RunnerController_Wallrun(GObject* obj, State* state)
	//Get the members of this state
	struct State_RunnerController_Members* members = (struct State_RunnerController_Members*)state->members;

	//Get the first collision this object is involved in
	Collision* first = (Collision*)obj->collider->currentCollisions->head->data;

	//If we are not wallrunning yet
	if(members->horizontalRunning == 0 && members->verticalRunning == 0)
		//Make sure this is a wall
		if(first->minimumTranslationVector->components[0] != 0.0 || first->minimumTranslationVector->components[2] != 0.0f)
			//Save the normal
			Vector_Copy(members->wallNormal, first->minimumTranslationVector);

			if(first->obj1 != obj)
				Vector_Scale(members->wallNormal, -1.0f);

			//Determine what kind of wallrun is occurring
			//First get the forward vector of the camera
			Camera* cam = RenderingManager_GetRenderingBuffer()->camera;

			Vector forward;
			Vector_INIT_ON_STACK(forward, 3);

			Matrix_SliceRow(&forward, cam->rotationMatrix, 2, 0, 3);

			//Project the forward vector onto the XY Plane
			Vector perp;
			Vector_INIT_ON_STACK(perp, 3);

			Vector_GetProjection(&perp, &forward, &Vector_E2);
			Vector_Decrement(&forward, &perp);


			//Get dot product of forward vector and collision normal
			float dotProd = fabs(Vector_DotProduct(&forward, first->minimumTranslationVector));
			//If the dot product is closer to 0 we are horizontal running, else we are vertical running
			if(dotProd < 0.75)
				members->horizontalRunning = 1;
				members->verticalRunning = 1;


	//If we are horizontal running
	if(members->horizontalRunning == 1)
		printf("Horizontal Wallrunnin\n");

		//combat the force of gravity
		Vector antiGravity;
		Vector_INIT_ON_STACK(antiGravity, 3);
		antiGravity.components[1] = 9.81f;
		RigidBody_ApplyForce(obj->body, &antiGravity, &Vector_ZERO);

		//Zero downward velocity
		if(obj->body->velocity->components[1] < 0.0f)
			Vector_Copy(&antiGravity, &Vector_ZERO);
			antiGravity.components[1] = -obj->body->velocity->components[1];
			RigidBody_ApplyImpulse(obj->body, &antiGravity, &Vector_ZERO);

		State_RunnerController_Accelerate(obj, state);

	else if(members->verticalRunning == 1)
		printf("Vertical Wallrunnin\n");

		//combat the force of gravity
		Vector antiGravity;
		Vector_INIT_ON_STACK(antiGravity, 3);
		Vector_Copy(&antiGravity, &Vector_E2);

		//go up!
		Vector_Scale(&antiGravity, 9.81);
		RigidBody_ApplyForce(obj->body, &antiGravity, &Vector_ZERO);

		//If we aren't jumping too fast yet
		if(Vector_DotProduct(obj->body->velocity, &Vector_E2) < members->maxVelocity)
			Vector_Copy(&antiGravity, &Vector_E2);
			Vector_Scale(&antiGravity, members->acceleration);
			RigidBody_ApplyForce(obj->body, &antiGravity, &Vector_ZERO);
Exemplo n.º 8
void State_ParkourController_Shoot(GObject* obj, State* state)
    //Get the members of the state
    struct State_ParkourController_Members* members = (struct State_ParkourController_Members*)state->members;

    //Get a reference to the camera
    Camera* cam = RenderingManager_GetRenderingBuffer()->camera;

        //IF we can shoot again
        if(members->shootTimer >= members->shootCooldown)
            //Get the forward vector of the camera
            Vector direction;
            Vector_INIT_ON_STACK(direction, 3);

            Matrix_SliceRow(&direction, cam->rotationMatrix, 2, 0, 3);
            Vector_Scale(&direction, -1.0f);

            //Create the bullet object
            GObject* bullet = GObject_Allocate();

            //Set the appearance
            bullet->mesh = AssetManager_LookupMesh("Cube");
            //bullet->texture = AssetManager_LookupTexture("White");
            bullet->material = Material_Allocate();
            Material_Initialize(bullet->material, AssetManager_LookupTexture("Jacob"));
            //*Matrix_Index(bullet->material->colorMatrix, 1, 1) = 0.0f;
            //*Matrix_Index(bullet->material->colorMatrix, 2, 2) = 0.0f;

            //Create ridgid body
            bullet->body = RigidBody_Allocate();
            RigidBody_Initialize(bullet->body, bullet->frameOfReference, 1.0f);
            bullet->body->coefficientOfRestitution = 0.2f;
            bullet->body->rollingResistance = 0.2f;
            bullet->body->staticFriction = 0.4f;
            bullet->body->dynamicFriction = 0.2f;

            //Create collider
            bullet->collider = Collider_Allocate();
            ConvexHullCollider_MakeRectangularCollider(bullet->collider->data->convexHullData, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f);

            //Position bullet
            Vector transform;
            Vector_INIT_ON_STACK(transform, 3);

            Vector_GetScalarProduct(&transform, &direction, 2.8243f);
            Vector_Increment(&transform, obj->frameOfReference->position);
            GObject_Translate(bullet, &transform);

            Vector_Copy(&transform, &Vector_ZERO);
            transform.components[2] = 1.0f;
            GObject_Rotate(bullet, &transform, 3.14159f);

            //Scale bullet
            Vector_Copy(&transform, &Vector_ZERO);
            transform.components[0] = transform.components[1] = transform.components[2] = 0.5f;
            GObject_Scale(bullet, &transform);

            //Apply impulse
            Vector_Scale(&direction, 25.0f);
            RigidBody_ApplyImpulse(bullet->body, &direction, &Vector_ZERO);

            //Add the remove state
            State* state = State_Allocate();
            State_Remove_Initialize(state, 7.0f);
            GObject_AddState(bullet, state);

            //Add the bullet to the world

            //Set shoot timer to 0
            members->shootTimer = 0.0f;
Exemplo n.º 9
//Allows the parkour controller to horizontally wallrun
//	obj: A pointer to the object attached to the parkourController state
//	state: The parkourController state updating the object
static void State_ParkourController_HorizontalWallrun(GObject* obj, State* state)

    //Get the members of this state
    struct State_ParkourController_Members* members = (struct State_ParkourController_Members*)state->members;

    //Zero downward velocity
    if(obj->body->velocity->components[1] < 0.0f)
        Vector impulse;
        Vector_INIT_ON_STACK(impulse, 3);
        impulse.components[1] = -obj->body->velocity->components[1];
        RigidBody_ApplyImpulse(obj->body, &impulse, &Vector_ZERO);

    //Accelerate along wall
    //Get the projection of the forward vector onto the wall's plane

    //Start by getting for forward vector of the camera
    Camera* cam = RenderingManager_GetRenderingBuffer()->camera;

    Vector forward;
    Vector_INIT_ON_STACK(forward, 3);

    Matrix_SliceRow(&forward, cam->rotationMatrix, 2, 0, 3);
    //Forward of camera is back of object...
    Vector_Scale(&forward, -1.0f);

    //Project the forward vector onto the wall plane
    Vector perp;
    Vector_INIT_ON_STACK(perp, 3);

    Vector_GetProjection(&perp, &forward, members->wallNormal);
    Vector_Decrement(&forward, &perp);

    //Set the Y component to 0 to get horizontal vector along wall!
    forward.components[1] = 0.0f;


    //MAke sure the velocity in this direction is not too much
    float magVelAlongWall = Vector_DotProduct(&forward, obj->body->velocity);

    if(magVelAlongWall < members->maxVelocity)
        RigidBody_ApplyImpulse(obj->body, &forward, &Vector_ZERO);

    //Apply a cohesive force to the wall to make sure you do not fall off
    float mag = Vector_DotProduct(obj->body->velocity, members->wallNormal);

    Vector cohesive;
    Vector_INIT_ON_STACK(cohesive, 3);

    if(mag > FLT_EPSILON)
        Vector_GetScalarProduct(&cohesive, members->wallNormal, -mag);

    else if(mag < FLT_EPSILON)
        Vector_GetScalarProduct(&cohesive, members->wallNormal, mag);
    RigidBody_ApplyImpulse(obj->body, &cohesive, members->wallNormal);

// Create an object in front of the character and fire
// Parameters:
//	GO: The object getting passed in, in this case the character
//	State: Needed to grab members
void State_CharacterController_ShootBullet(GObject* GO, State* state)
	//Get members
	struct State_CharacterController_Members* members = (struct State_CharacterController_Members*)state->members;

	// Camera local
	Camera* cam = RenderingManager_GetRenderingBuffer()->camera;
	// Gets the time per second
	float dt = TimeManager_GetDeltaSec();
	members->timer += dt;

		// Create a net movement vector
		Vector direction;
		Vector_INIT_ON_STACK(direction, 3);
		if (InputManager_IsMouseButtonPressed(0) && members->timer >= members->coolDown)
			//Get "forward" Vector
			Matrix_SliceRow(&direction, cam->rotationMatrix, 2, 0, 3);

			// Create the bullet object
			GObject* bullet = GObject_Allocate();

			//bullet->mesh = AssetManager_LookupMesh("Sphere");
			bullet->mesh = AssetManager_LookupMesh("Arrow");
			bullet->texture = AssetManager_LookupTexture("Arrow");

			bullet->body = RigidBody_Allocate();
			RigidBody_Initialize(bullet->body, bullet->frameOfReference, 0.45f);
			bullet->body->coefficientOfRestitution = 0.2f;

			bullet->collider = Collider_Allocate();
			ConvexHullCollider_MakeRectangularCollider(bullet->collider->data->convexHullData, 0.1f, 2.0f, 0.1f);
			//AABBCollider_Initialize(bullet->collider, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, &Vector_ZERO);

			//Lay arrow flat
			GObject_Rotate(bullet, &Vector_E1, -3.14159f / 2.0f);

			//Construct a rotation matrix to orient bullet
			Matrix rot;
			Matrix_INIT_ON_STACK(rot, 3, 3);
			//Grab 4,4 minor to get 3x3 rotation matrix of camera
			Matrix_GetMinor(&rot, cam->rotationMatrix, 3, 3);
			//Transpose it to get correct direction
			//Rotate the bullet
			Matrix_TransformMatrix(&rot, bullet->frameOfReference->rotation);
			Matrix_TransformMatrix(&rot, bullet->body->frame->rotation);

			Vector vector;
			vector.components[0] = 0.9f;
			vector.components[1] = 1.0f;
			vector.components[2] = 0.9f;
			GObject_Scale(bullet, &vector);

			Vector translation;
			Vector_INIT_ON_STACK(translation, 3);
			Vector_GetScalarProduct(&translation, &direction, 2.82843);
			GObject_Translate(bullet, GO->frameOfReference->position);
			GObject_Translate(bullet, &translation);

			Vector_Scale(&direction, 25.0f);


			//Add remove state
			State* state = State_Allocate();
			State_Remove_Initialize(state, 5.0f);
			GObject_AddState(bullet, state);


			members->timer = 0;
// translate the character and his bounding box.
// Parameters:
//   GO: The game object this state is attached to (Used for translating the bounding box)
//   state: The first person camera state updating the gameObject
void State_CharacterController_Translate(GObject* GO, State* state)
	Camera* cam = RenderingManager_GetRenderingBuffer()->camera;
	//Get members
	struct State_CharacterController_Members* members = (struct State_CharacterController_Members*)state->members;


		// Gets the time per second
		float dt = TimeManager_GetDeltaSec();
		Vector netMvmtVec;
		Vector partialMvmtVec;
		Vector_INIT_ON_STACK(netMvmtVec, 3);
		Vector_INIT_ON_STACK(partialMvmtVec, 3);

		if (InputManager_IsKeyDown('w'))
			//Get "back" Vector
			Matrix_SliceRow(&partialMvmtVec, cam->rotationMatrix, 2, 0, 3);
			//Subtract "back" Vector from netMvmtVec
			Vector_Decrement(&netMvmtVec, &partialMvmtVec);
			//Or in one step but less pretty... Faster though. I think I want readable here for now though.
			//Vector_DecrementArray(netMvmtVec.components, Matrix_Index(cam->rotationMatrix, 2, 0), 3);
		if (InputManager_IsKeyDown('s'))
			//Get "back" Vector
			Matrix_SliceRow(&partialMvmtVec, cam->rotationMatrix, 2, 0, 3);
			//Add "back" Vector to netMvmtVec
			Vector_Increment(&netMvmtVec, &partialMvmtVec);
		if (InputManager_IsKeyDown('a'))
			//Get "Right" Vector
			Matrix_SliceRow(&partialMvmtVec, cam->rotationMatrix, 0, 0, 3);
			//Subtract "Right" Vector From netMvmtVec
			Vector_Decrement(&netMvmtVec, &partialMvmtVec);
		if (InputManager_IsKeyDown('d'))
			//Get "Right" Vector
			Matrix_SliceRow(&partialMvmtVec, cam->rotationMatrix, 0, 0, 3);
			//Add "Right" Vector to netMvmtVec
			Vector_Increment(&netMvmtVec, &partialMvmtVec);

		if (Vector_GetMag(&netMvmtVec) > 0.0f)
			// Get the projection and keep player grounded
			Vector perpMvmtVec;
			Vector_INIT_ON_STACK(perpMvmtVec, 3);
			Vector_GetProjection(&perpMvmtVec, &netMvmtVec, &Vector_E2);
			Vector_Decrement(&netMvmtVec, &perpMvmtVec);

			// Normalize vector and scale
			Vector_Scale(&netMvmtVec, members->movementSpeed);

			//Apply Impulse
			RigidBody_ApplyImpulse(GO->body, &netMvmtVec, &Vector_ZERO);



	// If vector is going too fast, the maxspeed will keep it from going faster, by scaling it by maxspeed.
	if(Vector_GetMag(GO->body->velocity) >= members->maxSpeed)

	// Set position of Camera to the body