Exemplo n.º 1
//! Reads data from a ring buffer.
//! \param psRingBuf points to the ring buffer to be read from.
//! \param pui8Data points to where the data should be stored.
//! \param ui32Length is the number of bytes to be read.
//! This function reads a sequence of bytes from a ring buffer.
//! \return None.
RingBufRead(tRingBufObject *psRingBuf, uint8_t *pui8Data, uint32_t ui32Length)
    uint32_t ui32Temp;

    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(psRingBuf != NULL);
    ASSERT(pui8Data != NULL);
    ASSERT(ui32Length != 0);

    // Verify that data is available in the buffer.
    ASSERT(ui32Length <= RingBufUsed(psRingBuf));

    // Read the data from the ring buffer.
    for(ui32Temp = 0; ui32Temp < ui32Length; ui32Temp++)
        pui8Data[ui32Temp] = RingBufReadOne(psRingBuf);
Exemplo n.º 2
//! Reads data from a ring buffer.
//! \param ptRingBuf points to the ring buffer to be read from.
//! \param pucData points to where the data should be stored.
//! \param ulLength is the number of bytes to be read.
//! This function reads a sequence of bytes from a ring buffer.
//! \return None.
RingBufRead(tRingBufObject *ptRingBuf, unsigned char *pucData,
               unsigned long ulLength)
    unsigned long ulTemp;

    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ptRingBuf != NULL);
    ASSERT(pucData != NULL);
    ASSERT(ulLength != 0);

    // Verify that data is available in the buffer.
    ASSERT(ulLength <= RingBufUsed(ptRingBuf));

    // Read the data from the ring buffer.
    for(ulTemp = 0; ulTemp < ulLength; ulTemp++)
        pucData[ulTemp] = RingBufReadOne(ptRingBuf);
Exemplo n.º 3
//! Reads a single byte of data from a ring buffer.
//! \param psRingBuf points to the ring buffer to be written to.
//! This function reads a single byte of data from a ring buffer.
//! \return The byte read from the ring buffer.
RingBufReadOne(tRingBufObject *psRingBuf)
    uint8_t ui8Temp;

    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(psRingBuf != NULL);

    // Verify that space is available in the buffer.
    ASSERT(RingBufUsed(psRingBuf) != 0);

    // Write the data byte.
    ui8Temp = psRingBuf->pui8Buf[psRingBuf->ui32ReadIndex];

    // Increment the read index.
    UpdateIndexAtomic(&psRingBuf->ui32ReadIndex, 1, psRingBuf->ui32Size);

    // Return the character read.
Exemplo n.º 4
//! Reads a single byte of data from a ring buffer.
//! \param ptRingBuf points to the ring buffer to be written to.
//! This function reads a single byte of data from a ring buffer.
//! \return The byte read from the ring buffer.
unsigned char
RingBufReadOne(tRingBufObject *ptRingBuf)
    unsigned char ucTemp;

    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ptRingBuf != NULL);

    // Verify that space is available in the buffer.
    ASSERT(RingBufUsed(ptRingBuf) != 0);

    // Write the data byte.
    ucTemp = ptRingBuf->pucBuf[ptRingBuf->ulReadIndex];

    // Increment the read index.
    UpdateIndexAtomic(&ptRingBuf->ulReadIndex, 1, ptRingBuf->ulSize);

    // Return the character read.
Exemplo n.º 5
//! Returns number of bytes available in a ring buffer.
//! \param psRingBuf is the ring buffer object to check.
//! This function returns the number of bytes available in the ring buffer.
//! \return Returns the number of bytes available in the ring buffer.
RingBufFree(tRingBufObject *psRingBuf)
    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(psRingBuf != NULL);

    // Return the number of bytes available in the ring buffer.
    return((psRingBuf->ui32Size - 1) - RingBufUsed(psRingBuf));
// UART interrupt handler
// For each received byte, pushes it into the buffer.
// For each transmitted byte, read the next available from the buffer.
void USART2_IRQHandler()
  // TX the next available char on the buffer
    USART_ClearITPendingBit(USART2, USART_IT_TC);
    if (RingBufUsed(&txBuffer))
      USART_SendData(USART2, (uint8_t)RingBufReadOne(&txBuffer));

  // RX and copy the data to buffer
    if (!RingBufFull(&rxBuffer))
      RingBufWriteOne(&rxBuffer, (uint8_t)USART_ReceiveData(USART2));
Exemplo n.º 7
//! Remove bytes from the ring buffer by advancing the read index.
//! \param psRingBuf points to the ring buffer from which bytes are to be
//! removed.
//! \param ui32NumBytes is the number of bytes to be removed from the buffer.
//! This function advances the ring buffer read index by a given number of
//! bytes, removing that number of bytes of data from the buffer.  If
//! \e ui32NumBytes is larger than the number of bytes currently in the buffer,
//! the buffer is emptied.
//! \return None.
RingBufAdvanceRead(tRingBufObject *psRingBuf, uint32_t ui32NumBytes)
    uint32_t ui32Count;

    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(psRingBuf != NULL);

    // Make sure that we are not being asked to remove more data than is
    // there to be removed.
    ui32Count = RingBufUsed(psRingBuf);
    ui32Count = (ui32Count < ui32NumBytes) ? ui32Count : ui32NumBytes;

    // Advance the buffer read index by the required number of bytes.
    UpdateIndexAtomic(&psRingBuf->ui32ReadIndex, ui32Count,
Exemplo n.º 8
//! Remove bytes from the ring buffer by advancing the read index.
//! \param ptRingBuf points to the ring buffer from which bytes are to be
//! removed.
//! \param ulNumBytes is the number of bytes to be removed from the buffer.
//! This function advances the ring buffer read index by a given number of
//! bytes, removing that number of bytes of data from the buffer. If \e
//! ulNumBytes is larger than the number of bytes currently in the buffer, the
//! buffer is emptied.
//! \return None.
RingBufAdvanceRead(tRingBufObject *ptRingBuf,
                      unsigned long ulNumBytes)
    unsigned long ulCount;

    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ptRingBuf != NULL);

    // Make sure that we are not being asked to remove more data than is
    // there to be removed.
    ulCount = RingBufUsed(ptRingBuf);
    ulCount =  (ulCount < ulNumBytes) ? ulCount : ulNumBytes;

    // Advance the buffer read index by the required number of bytes.
    UpdateIndexAtomic(&ptRingBuf->ulReadIndex, ulCount,
Exemplo n.º 9
// UART interrupt handler.
// This is the interrupt handler for the UART interrupts from the UART
// peripheral that has been associated with the remote network processor.
// \return None.
    uint8_t ui8TxByte;

    // Process all available interrupts while we are in this routine.
        // Check if a receive interrupt is pending.
        if(UARTIntStatus(g_ui32UARTBase, 1) & UART_INT_RX)
            // A char was receieved, process it
            // Do this first so it does not get overwritten by future bytes.
            UARTIntClear(g_ui32UARTBase, UART_INT_RX);


        // Check if a transmit interrupt is pending.
        if(UARTIntStatus(g_ui32UARTBase, 1) & UART_INT_TX)
            // A byte transmission completed so load another byte or turn off
            // tx interrupts.
                // We still have more stuff to transfer so read the next byte
                // from the buffer and load it into the UART. Finally clear
                // the pending interrupt status.
                ui8TxByte = RingBufReadOne(&g_rbRemoTITxRingBuf);
                UARTCharPutNonBlocking(g_ui32UARTBase, ui8TxByte);
                UARTIntClear(g_ui32UARTBase, UART_INT_TX);
                // Transmission is complete the internal buffer is empty.
                // Therefore, disable TX interrupts until next transmit is
                // started by the user.
                UARTIntDisable(g_ui32UARTBase, UART_INT_TX);
                UARTIntClear(g_ui32UARTBase, UART_INT_TX);

                // Clear the transmitter busy flag.
                g_bTxBusy = false;

                // callback to the TX Complete callback function
    // Continue to process the interrupts until there are no more pending.
    }while(UARTIntStatus(g_ui32UARTBase, 1) & (UART_INT_RX | UART_INT_TX));

    // Finished.