Exemplo n.º 1
void CyclRatFunct::showCoprimeCRF(){
// shows *this also with coprime numerator and denominator
// makes only sense if only x[0] appears in the numerator (not checked)


    cout << "--------------------------------------------" << endl << endl;
    cout << "Given form" << endl << endl;
    cout << endl;
    SparsePolyRing R=owner(num);
    SparsePolyRing P=NewPolyRing_DMPI(RingQQ(),symbols("t"));
    vector<RingElem> Im(NumIndets(R),zero(P));
    RingHom phi=PolyAlgebraHom(R,P,Im);
    RingElem f(phi(num));
    RingElem g(denom2poly(P,denom));
    RingElem h=CoCoA::gcd(f,g);
    cout << "Coprime numerator (for denom with remaining factor 1)" << endl <<endl;
    factorization<RingElem> gf=factor(g);
    cout << f/gf.myRemainingFactor() << endl << endl << "Factorization of denominator" << endl << endl;
    size_t nf=gf.myFactors().size();
    for(size_t i=0;i<nf;++i)
        cout << gf.myFactors()[i] << "  mult " << gf.myMultiplicities()[i] << endl;
    cout << "--------------------------------------------" << endl;

Exemplo n.º 2
 const PolyRing& RingQQt(const MachineInt& NumIndets)
   static vector<PolyRing*> QQtTable;
   if (IsNegative(NumIndets) || IsZero(NumIndets)) CoCoA_ERROR(ERR::NotPositive, "RingQQt");
   const long n = AsSignedLong(NumIndets);
   if (n >= len(QQtTable)) QQtTable.resize(n+1); // will fill with NULL ptrs
   if (QQtTable[n] == 0/*NULL ptr*/)
     vector<symbol> IndetNames;
     if (n == 1) IndetNames = symbols("t"); else IndetNames = SymbolRange("t",1,n);
     QQtTable[n] = new SparsePolyRing(NewPolyRing(RingQQ(), IndetNames)); // wasteful copy!!
     RegisterDtorForGlobal(QQtTable[n], &RingQQtDtor);
   return *QQtTable[n];
Exemplo n.º 3
  std::vector<RingElem> BM_QQ(const SparsePolyRing& P, const ConstMatrixView& pts_in)
    const long NumPts = NumRows(pts_in);
    const long dim = NumCols(pts_in);
    matrix pts = NewDenseMat(RingQQ(), NumPts, dim);
    for (long i=0; i < NumPts; ++i)
      for (long j=0; j < dim; ++j)
        BigRat q;
        if (!IsRational(q, pts_in(i,j))) throw 999;
        SetEntry(pts,i,j, q);

    // Ensure input pts have integer coords by using
    // scale factors for each indet.
    vector<BigInt> ScaleFactor(dim, BigInt(1));
    for (long j=0; j < dim; ++j)
      for (long i=0; i < NumPts; ++i)
        ScaleFactor[j] = lcm(ScaleFactor[j], ConvertTo<BigInt>(den(pts(i,j))));

    mpz_t **points = (mpz_t**)malloc(NumPts*sizeof(mpz_t*));
    for (long i=0; i < NumPts; ++i)
      points[i] = (mpz_t*)malloc(dim*sizeof(mpz_t));
      for (long j=0; j < dim; ++j) mpz_init(points[i][j]);
      for (long j=0; j < dim; ++j)
        mpz_set(points[i][j], mpzref(ConvertTo<BigInt>(ScaleFactor[j]*pts(i,j))));

    BMGB char0; // these will be "filled in" by BM_affine below
    BM modp;    //
    pp_cmp_PPM = &PPM(P); // not threadsafe!
    BM_affine(&char0, &modp, dim, NumPts, points, pp_cmp); // THIS CALL DOES THE REAL WORK!!!
    pp_cmp_PPM = NULL;
    for (long i=NumPts-1; i >=0 ; --i)
      for (long j=0; j < dim; ++j) mpz_clear(points[i][j]);

    if (modp == NULL) { if (char0 != NULL) BMGB_dtor(char0); CoCoA_ERROR("Something went wrong", "BM_QQ"); }

    // Now extract the answer...
    const int GBsize = char0->GBsize;
    std::vector<RingElem> GB(GBsize);
    const long NumVars = dim;
    vector<long> expv(NumVars); // buffer for creating monomials
    for (int i=0; i < GBsize; ++i)
      BigInt denom(1); // scale factor needed to make GB elem monic.
      for (int var = 0; var < NumVars; ++var)
        expv[var] = modp->pp[modp->GB[i]][var];
        denom *= power(ScaleFactor[var], expv[var]);
      RingElem GBelem = monomial(P, 1, expv);

      for (int j=0; j < NumPts; ++j)
        if (mpq_sgn(char0->GB[i][j])==0) continue;
        BigRat c(char0->GB[i][j]);
        for (int var = 0; var < NumVars; ++var)
          expv[var] = modp->pp[modp->sep[j]][var];
          c *= power(ScaleFactor[var], expv[var]);
        GBelem += monomial(P, c/denom, expv);
      GB[i] = GBelem;
    return GB;
    // ignoring separators for the moment