Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: cache.c Projeto: ares89/vlc
static int CacheSaveConfig (FILE *file, const module_config_t *cfg)
    SAVE_IMMEDIATE (cfg->flags);
    SAVE_STRING (cfg->psz_type);
    SAVE_STRING (cfg->psz_name);
    SAVE_STRING (cfg->psz_text);
    SAVE_STRING (cfg->psz_longtext);
    SAVE_IMMEDIATE (cfg->list_count);

    if (IsConfigStringType (cfg->i_type))
        SAVE_STRING (cfg->orig.psz);
        if (cfg->list_count == 0)
            SAVE_IMMEDIATE (cfg->list.psz_cb); /* XXX: see CacheLoadConfig() */
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < cfg->list_count; i++)
            SAVE_STRING (cfg->list.psz[i]);
        SAVE_IMMEDIATE (cfg->orig);
        SAVE_IMMEDIATE (cfg->min);
        SAVE_IMMEDIATE (cfg->max);
        if (cfg->list_count == 0)
            SAVE_IMMEDIATE (cfg->list.i_cb); /* XXX: see CacheLoadConfig() */
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < cfg->list_count; i++)
             SAVE_IMMEDIATE (cfg->list.i[i]);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < cfg->list_count; i++)
        SAVE_STRING (cfg->list_text[i]);

    return 0;
    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 2
static int CacheSaveConfig (FILE *file, const module_t *p_module)
    uint32_t i_lines = p_module->confsize;

    SAVE_IMMEDIATE( p_module->i_config_items );
    SAVE_IMMEDIATE( p_module->i_bool_items );
    SAVE_IMMEDIATE( i_lines );

    for (size_t i = 0; i < i_lines ; i++)
        SAVE_IMMEDIATE( p_module->p_config[i] );

        SAVE_STRING( p_module->p_config[i].psz_type );
        SAVE_STRING( p_module->p_config[i].psz_name );
        SAVE_STRING( p_module->p_config[i].psz_text );
        SAVE_STRING( p_module->p_config[i].psz_longtext );
        SAVE_STRING( p_module->p_config[i].psz_oldname );

        if (IsConfigStringType (p_module->p_config[i].i_type))
            SAVE_STRING( p_module->p_config[i].orig.psz );

        if( p_module->p_config[i].i_list )
            if( p_module->p_config[i].ppsz_list )
                for (int j = 0; j < p_module->p_config[i].i_list; j++)
                    SAVE_STRING( p_module->p_config[i].ppsz_list[j] );

            if( p_module->p_config[i].ppsz_list_text )
                for (int j = 0; j < p_module->p_config[i].i_list; j++)
                    SAVE_STRING( p_module->p_config[i].ppsz_list_text[j] );
            if( p_module->p_config[i].pi_list )
                for (int j = 0; j < p_module->p_config[i].i_list; j++)
                    SAVE_IMMEDIATE( p_module->p_config[i].pi_list[j] );

        for (int j = 0; j < p_module->p_config[i].i_action; j++)
            SAVE_STRING( p_module->p_config[i].ppsz_action_text[j] );
    return 0;

    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 3
static int CacheSaveModuleConfig (FILE *file, const module_t *module)
    uint16_t lines = module->confsize;

    SAVE_IMMEDIATE (module->i_config_items);
    SAVE_IMMEDIATE (module->i_bool_items);
    SAVE_IMMEDIATE (lines);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < lines; i++)
        if (CacheSaveConfig (file, module->p_config + i))
           goto error;

    return 0;
    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 4
static int CacheSaveSubmodule( FILE *file, const module_t *p_module )
    if( !p_module )
        return 0;
    if( CacheSaveSubmodule( file, p_module->next ) )
        goto error;

    SAVE_STRING( p_module->psz_shortname );
    SAVE_STRING( p_module->psz_longname );
    SAVE_IMMEDIATE( p_module->i_shortcuts );
    for( unsigned j = 0; j < p_module->i_shortcuts; j++ )
         SAVE_STRING( p_module->pp_shortcuts[j] );

    SAVE_STRING( p_module->psz_capability );
    SAVE_IMMEDIATE( p_module->i_score );
    return 0;

    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 5
static int CacheSaveString (FILE *file, const char *str)
    uint16_t size = (str != NULL) ? strlen (str) : 0;

    SAVE_IMMEDIATE (size);
    if (size != 0 && fwrite (str, 1, size, file) != size)
        return -1;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
static int CacheSaveBank (FILE *file, const module_cache_t *cache,
                          size_t i_cache)
    uint32_t i_file_size = 0;

    /* Contains version number */
    if (fputs (CACHE_STRING, file) == EOF)
        goto error;
    /* Allow binary maintaner to pass a string to detect new binary version*/
    if (fputs( DISTRO_VERSION, file ) == EOF)
        goto error;
    /* Sub-version number (to avoid breakage in the dev version when cache
     * structure changes) */
    i_file_size = CACHE_SUBVERSION_NUM;
    if (fwrite (&i_file_size, sizeof (i_file_size), 1, file) != 1 )
        goto error;

    /* Header marker */
    i_file_size = ftell( file );
    if (fwrite (&i_file_size, sizeof (i_file_size), 1, file) != 1)
        goto error;

    if (fwrite( &i_cache, sizeof (i_cache), 1, file) != 1)
        goto error;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < i_cache; i++)
        module_t *module = cache[i].p_module;
        uint32_t i_submodule;

        /* Save additional infos */
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < module->i_shortcuts; j++)


        /* Config stuff */
        if (CacheSaveModuleConfig (file, module))
            goto error;


        i_submodule = module->submodule_count;
        SAVE_IMMEDIATE( i_submodule );
        if (CacheSaveSubmodule (file, module->submodule))
            goto error;

        /* Save common info */

    if (fflush (file)) /* flush libc buffers */
        goto error;
    return 0; /* success! */

    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 7
static int CacheSaveBank (FILE *file, module_cache_t *const *pp_cache,
                          size_t i_cache)
    uint32_t i_file_size = 0;

    /* Empty space for file size */
    if (fwrite (&i_file_size, sizeof (i_file_size), 1, file) != 1)
        goto error;

    /* Contains version number */
    if (fputs (CACHE_STRING, file) == EOF)
        goto error;
    /* Allow binary maintaner to pass a string to detect new binary version*/
    if (fputs( DISTRO_VERSION, file ) == EOF)
        goto error;
    /* Sub-version number (to avoid breakage in the dev version when cache
     * structure changes) */
    i_file_size = CACHE_SUBVERSION_NUM;
    if (fwrite (&i_file_size, sizeof (i_file_size), 1, file) != 1 )
        goto error;

    /* Header marker */
    i_file_size = ftell( file );
    if (fwrite (&i_file_size, sizeof (i_file_size), 1, file) != 1)
        goto error;

    if (fwrite( &i_cache, sizeof (i_cache), 1, file) != 1)
        goto error;

#define SAVE_IMMEDIATE( a ) \
    if (fwrite (&a, sizeof(a), 1, file) != 1) \
        goto error
#define SAVE_STRING( a ) \
    { \
        uint16_t i_size = (a != NULL) ? (strlen (a) + 1) : 0; \
        if ((fwrite (&i_size, sizeof (i_size), 1, file) != 1) \
         || (a && (fwrite (a, 1, i_size, file) != i_size))) \
            goto error; \
    } while(0)

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < i_cache; i++)
        uint32_t i_submodule;

        /* Save common info */
        SAVE_STRING( pp_cache[i]->path );
        SAVE_IMMEDIATE( pp_cache[i]->mtime );
        SAVE_IMMEDIATE( pp_cache[i]->size );

        /* Save additional infos */
        SAVE_STRING( pp_cache[i]->p_module->psz_object_name );
        SAVE_STRING( pp_cache[i]->p_module->psz_shortname );
        SAVE_STRING( pp_cache[i]->p_module->psz_longname );
        SAVE_STRING( pp_cache[i]->p_module->psz_help );
        SAVE_IMMEDIATE( pp_cache[i]->p_module->i_shortcuts );
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < pp_cache[i]->p_module->i_shortcuts; j++)
            SAVE_STRING( pp_cache[i]->p_module->pp_shortcuts[j] );

        SAVE_STRING( pp_cache[i]->p_module->psz_capability );
        SAVE_IMMEDIATE( pp_cache[i]->p_module->i_score );
        SAVE_IMMEDIATE( pp_cache[i]->p_module->b_unloadable );

        /* Config stuff */
        if (CacheSaveConfig (file, pp_cache[i]->p_module))
            goto error;

        SAVE_STRING( pp_cache[i]->p_module->psz_filename );
        SAVE_STRING( pp_cache[i]->p_module->domain );

        i_submodule = pp_cache[i]->p_module->submodule_count;
        SAVE_IMMEDIATE( i_submodule );
        if( CacheSaveSubmodule( file, pp_cache[i]->p_module->submodule ) )
            goto error;

    /* Fill-up file size */
    i_file_size = ftell( file );
    fseek( file, 0, SEEK_SET );
    if (fwrite (&i_file_size, sizeof (i_file_size), 1, file) != 1
     || fflush (file)) /* flush libc buffers */
        goto error;
    return 0; /* success! */

    return -1;