Exemplo n.º 1
double umf_hypot (double x, double y)
    double s, r ;
    x = SCALAR_ABS (x) ;
    y = SCALAR_ABS (y) ;
    if (x >= y)
	if (x + y == x)
	    s = x ;
	    r = y / x ;
	    s = x * sqrt (1.0 + r*r) ;
	if (y + x == y)
	    s = y ;
	    r = x / y ;
	    s = y * sqrt (1.0 + r*r) ;
    return (s) ;
Exemplo n.º 2
int umf_divcomplex
    double ar, double ai,	/* real and imaginary parts of a */
    double br, double bi,	/* real and imaginary parts of b */
    double *cr, double *ci	/* real and imaginary parts of c */
    double tr, ti, r, den ;
    if (SCALAR_ABS (br) >= SCALAR_ABS (bi))
	r = bi / br ;
	den = br + r * bi ;
	tr = (ar + ai * r) / den ;
	ti = (ai - ar * r) / den ;
	r = br / bi ;
	den = r * br + bi ;
	tr = (ar * r + ai) / den ;
	ti = (ai * r - ar) / den ;
    *cr = tr ;
    *ci = ti ;
    return (SCALAR_IS_ZERO (den)) ;
Exemplo n.º 3
PRIVATE Int two_by_two	    /* returns # unmatched weak diagonals */
    /* input, not modified */
    Int n2,		/* C is n2-by-n2 */
    Int Cp [ ],		/* size n2+1, column pointers for C */
    Int Ci [ ],		/* size snz = Cp [n2], row indices for C */
    Int Degree [ ],	/* Degree [i] = degree of row i of C+C' */

    /* input, not defined on output */
    Int Next [ ],	/* Next [k] == IS_WEAK if k is a weak diagonal */
    Int Ri [ ],		/* Ri [i] is the length of row i in C */

    /* output, not defined on input */
    Int P [ ],

    /* workspace, not defined on input or output */
    Int Rp [ ],
    Int Head [ ]
    Int deg, newcol, row, col, p, p2, unmatched, k, j, j2, j_best, best, jdiff,
	jdiff_best, jdeg, jdeg_best, cp, cp1, cp2, rp, rp1, rp2, maxdeg,
	mindeg ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* place weak diagonals in the degree lists */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    for (deg = 0 ; deg < n2 ; deg++)
	Head [deg] = EMPTY ;

    maxdeg = 0 ;
    mindeg = Int_MAX ;
    for (newcol = n2-1 ; newcol >= 0 ; newcol--)
	if (Next [newcol] == IS_WEAK)
	    /* add this column to the list of weak nodes */
	    DEBUGm1 (("    newcol "ID" has a weak diagonal deg "ID"\n",
		newcol, deg)) ;
	    deg = Degree [newcol] ;
	    ASSERT (deg >= 0 && deg < n2) ;
	    Next [newcol] = Head [deg] ;
	    Head [deg] = newcol ;
	    maxdeg = MAX (maxdeg, deg) ;
	    mindeg = MIN (mindeg, deg) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* construct R = C' (C = strong entries in pruned submatrix) */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    /* Ri [0..n2-1] is the length of each row of R */
    /* use P as temporary pointer into the row form of R [ */
    Rp [0] = 0 ;
    for (row = 0 ; row < n2 ; row++)
	Rp [row+1] = Rp [row] + Ri [row] ;
	P [row] = Rp [row] ;
    /* Ri no longer needed for row counts */

    /* all entries in C are strong */
    for (col = 0 ; col < n2 ; col++)
	p2 = Cp [col+1] ;
	for (p = Cp [col] ; p < p2 ; p++)
	    /* place the column index in row = Ci [p] */
	    Ri [P [Ci [p]]++] = col ;

    /* contents of P no longer needed ] */

#ifndef NDEBUG
    DEBUG0 (("==================R: row form of strong entries in A:\n")) ;
    UMF_dump_col_matrix ((double *) NULL,
#ifdef COMPLEX
	    (double *) NULL,
	    Ri, Rp, n2, n2, Rp [n2]) ;
    ASSERT (AMD_valid (n2, n2, Rp, Ri) == AMD_OK) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* for each weak diagonal, find a pair of strong off-diagonal entries */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    for (row = 0 ; row < n2 ; row++)
	P [row] = EMPTY ;

    unmatched = 0 ;
    best = EMPTY ;
    jdiff = EMPTY ;
    jdeg = EMPTY ;

    for (deg = mindeg ; deg <= maxdeg ; deg++)
	/* find the next weak diagonal of lowest degree */
	DEBUGm2 (("---------------------------------- Deg: "ID"\n", deg)) ;
	for (k = Head [deg] ; k != EMPTY ; k = Next [k])
	    DEBUGm2 (("k: "ID"\n", k)) ;
	    if (P [k] == EMPTY)
		/* C (k,k) is a weak diagonal entry.  Find an index j != k such
		 * that C (j,k) and C (k,j) are both strong, and also such
		 * that Degree [j] is minimized.  In case of a tie, pick
		 * the smallest index j.  C and R contain the pattern of
		 * strong entries only.
		 * Note that row k of R and column k of C are both sorted. */

		DEBUGm4 (("===== Weak diagonal k = "ID"\n", k)) ;
		DEBUG1 (("Column k of C:\n")) ;
		for (p = Cp [k] ; p < Cp [k+1] ; p++)
		    DEBUG1 (("    "ID": deg "ID"\n", Ci [p], Degree [Ci [p]]));
		DEBUG1 (("Row k of R (strong entries only):\n")) ;
		for (p = Rp [k] ; p < Rp [k+1] ; p++)
		    DEBUG1 (("    "ID": deg "ID"\n", Ri [p], Degree [Ri [p]]));

		/* no (C (k,j), C (j,k)) pair exists yet */
		j_best = EMPTY ;
		jdiff_best = Int_MAX ;
		jdeg_best = Int_MAX ;

		/* pointers into column k (including values) */
		cp1 = Cp [k] ;
		cp2 = Cp [k+1] ;
		cp = cp1 ;

		/* pointers into row k (strong entries only, no values) */
		rp1 = Rp [k] ;
		rp2 = Rp [k+1] ;
		rp = rp1 ;

		/* while entries searched in column k and row k */
		while (TRUE)

		    if (cp >= cp2)
			/* no more entries in this column */
			break ;

		    /* get C (j,k), which is strong */
		    j = Ci [cp] ;

		    if (rp >= rp2)
			/* no more entries in this column */
			break ;

		    /* get R (k,j2), which is strong */
		    j2 = Ri [rp] ;

		    if (j < j2)
			/* C (j,k) is strong, but R (k,j) is not strong */
			cp++ ;
			continue ;

		    if (j2 < j)
			/* C (k,j2) is strong, but R (j2,k) is not strong */
			rp++ ;
			continue ;

		    /* j == j2: C (j,k) is strong and R (k,j) is strong */

		    best = FALSE ;

		    if (P [j] == EMPTY)
			/* j has not yet been matched */
			jdeg = Degree [j] ;
			jdiff = SCALAR_ABS (k-j) ;

			DEBUG1 (("Try candidate j "ID" deg "ID" diff "ID
				    "\n", j, jdeg, jdiff)) ;

			if (j_best == EMPTY)
			    /* this is the first candidate seen */
			    DEBUG1 (("   first\n")) ;
			    best = TRUE ;
			    if (jdeg < jdeg_best)
				/* the degree of j is best seen so far. */
				DEBUG1 (("   least degree\n")) ;
				best = TRUE ;
			    else if (jdeg == jdeg_best)
				/* degree of j and j_best are the same */
				/* tie break by nearest node number */
				if (jdiff < jdiff_best)
				    DEBUG1 (("   tie degree, closer\n")) ;
				    best = TRUE ;
				else if (jdiff == jdiff_best)
				    /* |j-k| = |j_best-k|.  For any given k
				     * and j_best there is only one other j
				     * than can be just as close as j_best.
				     * Tie break by picking the smaller of
				     * j and j_best */
				    DEBUG1 (("   tie degree, as close\n"));
				    best = j < j_best ;
				/* j has higher degree than best so far */
				best = FALSE ;

		    if (best)
			/* j is best match for k */
			/* found a strong pair, A (j,k) and A (k,j) */
			DEBUG1 ((" --- Found pair k: "ID" j: " ID
			    " jdeg: "ID" jdiff: "ID"\n",
			    k, j, jdeg, jdiff)) ;
			ASSERT (jdiff != EMPTY) ;
			ASSERT (jdeg != EMPTY) ;
			j_best = j ;
			jdeg_best = jdeg ;
			jdiff_best = jdiff ;

		    /* get the next entries in column k and row k */
		    cp++ ;
		    rp++ ;

		/* save the pair (j,k), if we found one */
		if (j_best != EMPTY)
		    j = j_best ;
		    DEBUGm4 ((" --- best pair j: "ID" for k: "ID"\n", j, k)) ;
		    P [k] = j ;
		    P [j] = k ;
		    /* no match was found for k */
		    unmatched++ ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* finalize the row permutation, P */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    for (k = 0 ; k < n2 ; k++)
	if (P [k] == EMPTY)
	    P [k] = k ;
    ASSERT (UMF_is_permutation (P, Rp, n2, n2)) ;

    return (unmatched) ;