Exemplo n.º 1
/** constraint activation notification method of constraint handler */
{  /*lint --e{715}*/
   SCIP_CONSDATA* consdata;

   assert(scip != NULL);
   assert(strcmp(SCIPconshdlrGetName(conshdlr), CONSHDLR_NAME) == 0);
   assert(cons != NULL);

   consdata = SCIPconsGetData(cons);
   assert(consdata != NULL);
   assert(consdata->npropagatedvars <= SCIPprobdataGetNVars(SCIPgetProbData(scip)));

   SCIPdebugMessage("activate constraint <%s> at node <%"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT"> in depth <%d>: ",
      SCIPconsGetName(cons), SCIPnodeGetNumber(consdata->node), SCIPnodeGetDepth(consdata->node));
   SCIPdebug( consdataPrint(scip, consdata, NULL) );

   if( consdata->npropagatedvars != SCIPprobdataGetNVars(SCIPgetProbData(scip)) )
      SCIPdebugMessage("-> mark constraint to be repropagated\n");
      consdata->propagated = FALSE;
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPrepropagateNode(scip, consdata->node) );

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Exemplo n.º 2
/** checks whether the given stable set is new
    returns TRUE if the stable is new, 
            FALSE if it is equal to an already existing stable set */
SCIP_Bool COLORprobStableSetIsNew(
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
   int*                  stablesetnodes,     /**< array of nodes in the stable set */
   int                   nstablesetnodes     /**< number of nodes in the stable set */
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata; 
   int i;
   assert(stablesetnodes != NULL);
   assert(scip != NULL);
   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);

   /* sort the set */
   SCIPsortDownInt(stablesetnodes, nstablesetnodes);

   for ( i = 0; i < COLORprobGetNStableSets(scip); i++ )
      if ( COLORprobStableSetsAreEqual(scip, stablesetnodes, nstablesetnodes, 
               probdata->stablesetlengths[i]) )
         return FALSE;

   return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 3
SCIP_RETCODE selectBranchingVertex(
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< original SCIP data structure */
   int*                  vertex              /**< the vertex to branch on */
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
   SCIP_VAR** edgevars;
   GRAPH* g;
   SCIP_Real maxflow;
   SCIP_Real* inflow;
   int a;
   int k;
   int nnodes;
   int branchvert;

   /* get problem data */
   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);

   /* get graph */
   g = SCIPprobdataGetGraph(probdata);
   assert(g != NULL);

   /* LP has not been solved */
   if( !SCIPhasCurrentNodeLP(scip) || SCIPgetLPSolstat(scip) != SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL )
      *vertex = UNKNOWN;
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   edgevars = SCIPprobdataGetEdgeVars(scip);
   assert(edgevars != NULL);

   nnodes = g->knots;

   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &inflow, nnodes) );

   branchvert = UNKNOWN;
   maxflow = 1.0;
   for( k = 0; k < nnodes; k++ )
      inflow[k] = 0.0;
      for( a = g->inpbeg[k]; a != EAT_LAST; a = g->ieat[a] )
	 inflow[k] += SCIPvarGetLPSol(edgevars[a]);

      if( !Is_term(g->term[k]) && SCIPisLT(scip, inflow[k], 1.0) && SCIPisLT(scip, fabs(inflow[k] - 0.5), maxflow) )
         branchvert = k;
	 maxflow = fabs(inflow[k] - 0.5);
         SCIPdebugMessage("new maxflow %f on vertex %d \n", inflow[k], branchvert );
   SCIPdebugMessage("maxflow %f on vertex %d, term? %d \n", maxflow, branchvert, Is_term(g->term[branchvert])  );
   (*vertex) = branchvert;

   SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &inflow);

   return SCIP_OKAY;
/** prints vardata to file stream */
void SCIPvardataPrint(
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
   SCIP_VARDATA*         vardata,            /**< variable data */
   FILE*                 file                /**< the text file to store the information into */
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
   int* ids;
   int i;

   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);

   ids = SCIPprobdataGetIds(probdata);
   assert(ids != NULL);

   SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "consids = {");

   for( i = 0; i < vardata->nconsids; ++i )
      SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "%d->%d", ids[vardata->consids[i]], vardata->consids[i]);

      if( i < vardata->nconsids - 1 )
         SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, ",");

   SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "}\n");
Exemplo n.º 5
/** checks whether a node is in a given stable set, returns true iff it is */
SCIP_Bool COLORprobIsNodeInStableSet( 
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
   int                   setindex,           /**< index of the stable set */
   int                   node                /**< number of the node */
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
   int l;
   int u;
   int m;

   assert(scip != NULL);
   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);

   l = 0;
   u = probdata->stablesetlengths[setindex]-1;
   while ( l <= u )
      m = (l+u)/2;
      if ( probdata->stablesets[setindex][m] == node )
         return TRUE;
      if ( probdata->stablesets[setindex][m] > node )
         l = m+1;
      if ( probdata->stablesets[setindex][m] < node )
         u = m-1;
   return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 6
/** constraint deactivation notification method of constraint handler */
{  /*lint --e{715}*/
   SCIP_CONSDATA* consdata;
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;

   assert(scip != NULL);
   assert(strcmp(SCIPconshdlrGetName(conshdlr), CONSHDLR_NAME) == 0);
   assert(cons != NULL);

   consdata = SCIPconsGetData(cons);
   assert(consdata != NULL);
   assert(consdata->propagated || SCIPgetNChildren(scip) == 0);

   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);

   /* check if all variables which are not fixed locally to zero are valid for this constraint/node */
   assert( consdataCheck(scip, probdata, consdata) );

   SCIPdebugMessage("deactivate constraint <%s> at node <%"SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT"> in depth <%d>: ",
      SCIPconsGetName(cons), SCIPnodeGetNumber(consdata->node), SCIPnodeGetDepth(consdata->node));
   SCIPdebug( consdataPrint(scip, consdata, NULL) );

   /* set the number of propagated variables to current number of variables is SCIP */
   consdata->npropagatedvars = SCIPprobdataGetNVars(probdata);

   /* check if all variables are valid for this constraint */
   assert( consdataCheck(scip, probdata, consdata) );

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Exemplo n.º 7
/** return the number of elements */
int LOPgetNElements(
   SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;

   /* get problem data */
   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert( probdata != NULL );

   return probdata->n;
Exemplo n.º 8
/** returns the number of stable sets / variables */
int COLORprobGetNStableSets(
   SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;

   assert(scip != NULL);
   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);

   return probdata->nstablesets;
Exemplo n.º 9
/** returns the array in which for every node in the preprocessed graph, the related node in the original graph is saved */
int* COLORprobGetOriginalNodesForNewNodes(
   SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;

   assert(scip != NULL);
   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);

   return probdata->new2oldnode;
Exemplo n.º 10
/** returns the array of nodes deleted during preprocessing, length = COLORprobGetOriginalNNodes(), filled with -1 at the end */
int* COLORprobGetDeletedNodes(
   SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;

   assert(scip != NULL);
   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);

   return probdata->deletednodes;
Exemplo n.º 11
/** returns the original graph */
TCLIQUE_GRAPH* COLORprobGetOriginalGraph(
   SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;

   assert(scip != NULL);
   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);

   return probdata->oldgraph;
Exemplo n.º 12
/** returns the number of nodes in the original graph */
int COLORprobGetOriginalNNodes(
   SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;

   assert(scip != NULL);
   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);

   return tcliqueGetNNodes(probdata->oldgraph);
Exemplo n.º 13
/** adds a new stable set, the set must be sorted descendingly, 
 *  attention: you need to check whether it is new before adding it
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
   int*                  stablesetnodes,     /**< array of nodes in the stable set */
   int                   nstablesetnodes,    /**< number of nodes in the stable set */
   int*                  setindex            /**< return value: index of the stable set */
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata; 
   int newsize;
   int i;
   assert(stablesetnodes != NULL);
   assert(scip != NULL);
   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);

   /* the set should be sorted descendingly */
#ifndef NDEBUG
   for ( i = 0; i < nstablesetnodes-2; i++ )
   /* ensure that array is big enough */
   if ( (probdata->nstablesets + 1) > probdata->maxstablesets)
      newsize = 2* probdata->maxstablesets;
      assert(newsize >  probdata->nstablesets + 1);
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPreallocMemoryArray(scip, &(probdata->stablesets), newsize) );
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPreallocMemoryArray(scip, &(probdata->stablesetlengths), newsize) );
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPreallocMemoryArray(scip, &(probdata->stablesetvars), newsize) );
      probdata->maxstablesets = newsize;
      SCIPdebugMessage("Set-array resized: %d --> %d\n", newsize/2, newsize);

   /* alloc memory for the new stable set */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(probdata->stablesets[probdata->nstablesets]), nstablesetnodes) ); /*lint !e866*/
   probdata->stablesetlengths[probdata->nstablesets] = nstablesetnodes;
   probdata->stablesetvars[probdata->nstablesets] = NULL;
   for ( i = 0; i < nstablesetnodes; i++ )
      assert(stablesetnodes[i] >= 0);
      probdata->stablesets[probdata->nstablesets][i] = stablesetnodes[i];
   *setindex = probdata->nstablesets;


   return SCIP_OKAY;
Exemplo n.º 14
/** returns the node-constraint belonging to a given node */
SCIP_CONS* COLORprobGetConstraint(
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
   int                   node                /**< number of the node, for which this constraint assures coloring */
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;

   assert(scip != NULL);
   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);
   assert(node >= 0 && node < tcliqueGetNNodes(probdata->graph));

   return probdata->constraints[node];
Exemplo n.º 15
/** gets the variable belonging to a given stable set */
SCIP_VAR* COLORprobGetVarForStableSet(
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
   int                   setindex            /**< index of the stable set */
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;

   assert(scip != NULL);
   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);
   assert ( (setindex >= 0) && (setindex < probdata->nstablesets));

   return probdata->stablesetvars[setindex];
Exemplo n.º 16
/** execution method of event handler */
{  /*lint --e{715}*/
   assert(eventhdlr != NULL);
   assert(strcmp(SCIPeventhdlrGetName(eventhdlr), EVENTHDLR_NAME) == 0);
   assert(event != NULL);
   assert(SCIPeventGetType(event) == SCIP_EVENTTYPE_VARADDED);

   SCIPdebugMessage("exec method of event handler for added variable to probdata\n");

   /* add new variable to probdata */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPprobdataAddVar(scip, SCIPgetProbData(scip), SCIPeventGetVar(event)) );

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Exemplo n.º 17
/** returns the stable set with the given index */
void COLORprobGetStableSet(
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
   int                   setindex,            /**< index of the stable set */
   int**                 stableset,          /**< return value: pointer to the stable set */
   int*                  nelements           /**< return value: number of elements in the stable set */
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata; 

   assert(scip != NULL);
   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);

   *stableset = probdata->stablesets[setindex];
   *nelements = probdata->stablesetlengths[setindex];
Exemplo n.º 18
/** domain propagation method of constraint handler */
{  /*lint --e{715}*/
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
   GRAPH* graph;

   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);

   graph = SCIPprobdataGetGraph(probdata);
   assert(graph != NULL);

   /* for degree constrained model, check whether problem is infeasible */
   if( graph->stp_type == STP_DEG_CONS )
      int k;
      int nnodes;
      int degsum;
      int* maxdegs;

      nnodes = graph->knots;
      maxdegs = graph->maxdeg;

      assert(maxdegs != NULL);

      degsum = 0;
      for( k = 0; k < nnodes; k++ )
         if( Is_term(graph->term[k]) )
            assert(maxdegs[k] > 0);
            degsum += maxdegs[k] - 1;
            assert(maxdegs[k] >= 0);
            degsum += MAX(maxdegs[k] - 2, 0);

      if( degsum < graph->terms - 2 )
         *result = SCIP_CUTOFF;
	 *result = SCIP_DIDNOTFIND;
   return SCIP_OKAY;
Exemplo n.º 19
/** returns all stable sets */
void COLORprobGetStableSets(
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
   int***                stablesets,         /**< return value: pointer to the stable sets */
   int**                 nelements,          /**< return value: number of elements in the stable sets */
   int*                  nstablesets         /**< return value: number of sets */
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata; 

   assert(scip != NULL);
   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);

   *stablesets = probdata->stablesets;
   *nelements = probdata->stablesetlengths;
   *nstablesets = probdata->nstablesets;
Exemplo n.º 20
/** create linear ordering problem model */
SCIP_RETCODE LOPgenerateModel(
   SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
   SCIP_CONS* cons;
   int i, j;

   /* get problem data */
   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert( probdata != NULL );

   /* generate variables */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &probdata->vars, probdata->n) );
   for (i = 0; i < probdata->n; ++i)
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &(probdata->vars[i]), probdata->n) ); /*lint !e866*/
      for (j = 0; j < probdata->n; ++j)
	 if (j != i)
	    char s[SCIP_MAXSTRLEN];
	    (void) SCIPsnprintf(s, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "x#%d#%d", i, j);
	    SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateVar(scip, &(probdata->vars[i][j]), s, 0.0, 1.0, probdata->W[i][j], SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY,
	    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddVar(scip, probdata->vars[i][j]) );
	    probdata->vars[i][j] = NULL;

   /* generate linear ordering constraint */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateConsLinearOrdering(scip, &cons, "LOP", probdata->n, probdata->vars, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE,
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddCons(scip, cons) );
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseCons(scip, &cons) );

   /* set maximization */

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Exemplo n.º 21
/** display constraints */
void consdataPrint(
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
   SCIP_CONSDATA*        consdata,           /**< constraint data */
   FILE*                 file                /**< file stream */
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
   int* ids;

   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);

   ids = SCIPprobdataGetIds(probdata);
   assert(ids != NULL);

   SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "%s(%d,%d) at node %d\n",
      consdata->type == SAME ? "same" : "diff",
      ids[consdata->itemid1], ids[consdata->itemid2], SCIPnodeGetNumber(consdata->node) );
Exemplo n.º 22
/** adds a variable that belongs to a given stable set */
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
   int                   setindex,           /**< index of the stable set */
   SCIP_VAR*             var                 /**< pointer to the variable */
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;

   assert(scip != NULL);
   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);
   assert((setindex >= 0) && (setindex < probdata->nstablesets));

   /* catch variable deleted event on the variable to update the stablesetvars array in the problem data */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPcatchVarEvent(scip, var, SCIP_EVENTTYPE_VARDELETED, SCIPfindEventhdlr(scip, EVENTHDLR_NAME),
         (SCIP_EVENTDATA*) probdata, NULL) );

   probdata->stablesetvars[setindex] = var;

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Exemplo n.º 23
/** constraint copying method of constraint handler */
{  /*lint --e{715}*/
   const char* consname;
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
   GRAPH* graph;

   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);

   graph = SCIPprobdataGetGraph(probdata);
   assert(graph != NULL);

   consname = SCIPconsGetName(sourcecons);

   /* creates and captures a and constraint */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateConsStp(scip, cons, consname, graph) );

   *valid = TRUE;

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Exemplo n.º 24
/** prints the requested stable set to standart output */
void COLORprobPrintStableSet(
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
   int                   setnumber           /**< the number of the requested set */
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
   int i;
   int j;

   assert(scip != NULL);
   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);

   i = setnumber;
   printf( "Set %d: ", i);
   for ( j = 0; j < probdata->stablesetlengths[i]; j++ )
      printf("%d, ", probdata->stablesets[i][j]+1);
   if ( probdata->stablesetvars[i] != NULL )
      printf("ub = %f", SCIPvarGetUbLocal(probdata->stablesetvars[i]));
Exemplo n.º 25
/** returns the node in the preprocessed graph, that belongs to the given node, returns -1 if node was deleted */
int COLORprobGetNewNodeForOriginalNode(
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
   int                   node                /**< a node in the original graph */
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
   int i;
   assert(scip != NULL);
   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);

   assert(probdata != NULL);
   assert(node >= 0 && node < COLORprobGetOriginalNNodes(scip));
   for ( i = 0; i < COLORprobGetOriginalNNodes(scip); i++ )
      if ( probdata->new2oldnode[i] == node )
         return i;
      if ( probdata->new2oldnode[i] == -1 )
         return -1;
   return -1;
Exemplo n.º 26
/** prints all stable sets to standart output */
void COLORprobPrintStableSets(
   SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
   int i;
   int j;

   assert(scip != NULL);
   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);

   for ( i = 0; i < probdata->nstablesets; i++ )
      printf( "Set %d: ", i);
      for ( j = 0; j < probdata->stablesetlengths[i]; j++ )
         printf("%d, ", probdata->stablesets[i][j]+1);
      printf("ub = %f", SCIPvarGetUbLocal(probdata->stablesetvars[i]));
      printf(", inLP = %u", SCIPvarIsInLP(probdata->stablesetvars[i]));
Exemplo n.º 27
/** domain propagation method of constraint handler */
{  /*lint --e{715}*/
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
   SCIP_CONSDATA* consdata;

   SCIP_VAR** vars;
   int nvars;
   int c;

   assert(scip != NULL);
   assert(strcmp(SCIPconshdlrGetName(conshdlr), CONSHDLR_NAME) == 0);

   SCIPdebugMessage("propagation constraints of constraint handler <"CONSHDLR_NAME">\n");

   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);

   vars = SCIPprobdataGetVars(probdata);
   nvars = SCIPprobdataGetNVars(probdata);

   *result = SCIP_DIDNOTFIND;

   for( c = 0; c < nconss; ++c )
      consdata = SCIPconsGetData(conss[c]);

#ifndef NDEBUG
         /* check if there are no equal consdatas */
         SCIP_CONSDATA* consdata2;
         int i;

         for( i = c+1; i < nconss; ++i )
            consdata2 = SCIPconsGetData(conss[i]);
            assert( !(consdata->itemid1 == consdata2->itemid1
                  && consdata->itemid2 == consdata2->itemid2
                  && consdata->type == consdata2->type) );
            assert( !(consdata->itemid1 == consdata2->itemid2
                  && consdata->itemid2 == consdata2->itemid1
                  && consdata->type == consdata2->type) );

      if( !consdata->propagated )
         SCIPdebugMessage("propagate constraint <%s> ", SCIPconsGetName(conss[c]));
         SCIPdebug( consdataPrint(scip, consdata, NULL) );

         SCIP_CALL( consdataFixVariables(scip, consdata, vars, nvars, result) );

         if( *result != SCIP_CUTOFF )
            consdata->propagated = TRUE;
            consdata->npropagatedvars = nvars;

      /* check if constraint is completely propagated */
      assert( consdataCheck(scip, probdata, consdata) );

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Exemplo n.º 28
/** method for either Farkas or Redcost pricing */
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
   SCIP_PRICER*          pricer,             /**< pricer */
   SCIP_Real*            lowerbound,         /**< lowerbound pointer */
   SCIP_Bool             farkas              /**< TRUE: Farkas pricing; FALSE: Redcost pricing */
   SCIP_PRICERDATA* pricerdata; /* the data of the pricer */
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
   GRAPH* graph;
   SCIP_VAR* var;
   PATH* path;
   SCIP_Real* edgecosts;  /* edgecosts of the current subproblem */
   char varname[SCIP_MAXSTRLEN];
   SCIP_Real newlowerbound = -SCIPinfinity(scip);
   SCIP_Real redcost;   /* reduced cost */
   int tail;
   int e;
   int t;
   int i;

   assert(scip != NULL);
   assert(pricer != NULL);

   /* get pricer data */
   pricerdata = SCIPpricerGetData(pricer);
   assert(pricerdata != NULL);

   /* get problem data */
   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert(probdata != NULL);

   SCIPdebugMessage("solstat=%d\n", SCIPgetLPSolstat(scip));

   if( !farkas && SCIPgetLPSolstat(scip) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL )
      newlowerbound = SCIPgetSolTransObj(scip, NULL);

   SCIPdebug( SCIP_CALL( SCIPprintSol(scip, NULL, NULL, FALSE) ) );

# if 0
   if ( pricerdata->lowerbound <= 4 )
      char label[SCIP_MAXSTRLEN];
      (void)SCIPsnprintf(label, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "X%g.gml", pricerdata->lowerbound);
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPprobdataPrintGraph(scip, label , NULL, TRUE) );
   /* get the graph*/
   graph = SCIPprobdataGetGraph(probdata);

   /* get dual solutions and save them in mi and pi */
   for( t = 0; t < pricerdata->realnterms; ++t )
      if( farkas )
	 pricerdata->mi[t] = SCIPgetDualfarkasLinear(scip, pricerdata->pathcons[t]);
         pricerdata->mi[t] = SCIPgetDualsolLinear(scip, pricerdata->pathcons[t]);
         assert(!SCIPisNegative(scip, pricerdata->mi[t]));

   for( e = 0; e < pricerdata->nedges; ++e )
      if( !pricerdata->bigt )
         for( t = 0; t < pricerdata->realnterms; ++t )
            if( farkas )
               pricerdata->pi[t * pricerdata->nedges + e] = SCIPgetDualfarkasLinear(
                  scip, pricerdata->edgecons[t * pricerdata->nedges + e]);
               pricerdata->pi[t * pricerdata->nedges + e] = SCIPgetDualsolLinear(
                  scip, pricerdata->edgecons[t * pricerdata->nedges + e]);
         if( farkas )
	    pricerdata->pi[e] = SCIPgetDualfarkasLinear(
               scip, pricerdata->edgecons[e]);
	    pricerdata->pi[e] = SCIPgetDualsolLinear(
               scip, pricerdata->edgecons[e]);

   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &path, graph->knots) );
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocMemoryArray(scip, &edgecosts, pricerdata->nedges) );

   if( pricerdata->bigt )
      for( e = 0; e < pricerdata->nedges; ++e )
         edgecosts[e] = (-pricerdata->pi[e]);
   /* find shortest r-t (r root, t terminal) paths and create corresponding variables iff reduced cost < 0 */
   for( t = 0; t < pricerdata->realnterms; ++t )
      for( e = 0; e < pricerdata->nedges; ++e )
	 if( !pricerdata->bigt )
            edgecosts[e] = (-pricerdata->pi[t * pricerdata->nedges + e]);

         assert(!SCIPisNegative(scip, edgecosts[e]));

      for( i = 0; i < graph->knots; i++ )
         graph->mark[i] = 1;

      graph_path_exec(scip, graph, FSP_MODE, pricerdata->root, edgecosts, path);

      /* compute reduced cost of shortest path to terminal t */
      redcost = 0.0;
      tail = pricerdata->realterms[t];
      while( tail != pricerdata->root )
         redcost += edgecosts[path[tail].edge];
	 tail = graph->tail[path[tail].edge];
      redcost -= pricerdata->mi[t];

      if( !farkas && SCIPgetLPSolstat(scip) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL )
         newlowerbound += redcost;
      /* check if reduced cost < 0 */
      if( SCIPisNegative(scip, redcost) )
	 /* create variable to the shortest path (having reduced cost < 0) */
         var = NULL;
	 sprintf(varname, "PathVar%d_%d", t, pricerdata->ncreatedvars[t]);

         SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateVarBasic(scip, &var, varname, 0.0, SCIPinfinity(scip), 0.0, SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS) );
         SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddPricedVar(scip, var, -redcost) );
         tail = pricerdata->realterms[t];
         while( tail != pricerdata->root )
            /* add variable to constraints */
	    if( !pricerdata->bigt )
	       SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddCoefLinear(scip, pricerdata->edgecons[t * pricerdata->nedges + path[tail].edge], var, 1.0) );
	       SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddCoefLinear(scip, pricerdata->edgecons[path[tail].edge], var, 1.0) );

	    tail = graph->tail[path[tail].edge];
         SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddCoefLinear(scip, pricerdata->pathcons[t], var, 1.0) );

   if( !farkas && SCIPgetLPSolstat(scip) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL )
      *lowerbound = newlowerbound;

   SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &edgecosts);
   SCIPfreeMemoryArray(scip, &path);

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Exemplo n.º 29
/** evalutate solution */
   SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
   SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
   SCIP_VAR*** vars;
   SCIP_SOL* sol;
   int* outDegree;
   int* indices;
   int i;
   int j;
   int n;

   /* get problem data */
   probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
   assert( probdata != NULL );
   assert( probdata->vars != NULL );

   n = probdata->n;
   vars = probdata->vars;
   sol = SCIPgetBestSol(scip);

   if ( sol == NULL )
      printf("\nNo solution found.\n");
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &outDegree, n) );
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &indices, n) );

      /* compute out-degree */
      for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
	 int deg = 0;
	 for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
	    SCIP_Real val;
	    if (j == i)

	    val = SCIPgetSolVal(scip, sol, vars[i][j]);
	    assert( SCIPisIntegral(scip, val) );
	    if ( val < 0.5 )
	 outDegree[i] = deg;
	 indices[i] = i;

      /* sort such that degrees are non-decreasing */
      SCIPsortIntInt(outDegree, indices, n);

      /* output */
      printf("\nFinal order:\n");
      for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
	 printf("%d ", indices[i]);

      SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &indices);
      SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &outDegree);

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Exemplo n.º 30
/** add branching decisions constraints to the sub SCIP */
SCIP_RETCODE addBranchingDecisionConss(
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
   SCIP*                 subscip,            /**< pricing SCIP data structure */
   SCIP_VAR**            vars,               /**< variable array of the subscuip oder variables */
   SCIP_CONSHDLR*        conshdlr            /**< constraint handler for branching data */
   SCIP_CONS** conss;
   SCIP_CONS* cons;
   int nconss;
   int id1;
   int id2;
   CONSTYPE type;

   SCIP_Real vbdcoef;
   SCIP_Real lhs;
   SCIP_Real rhs;

   int c;

   assert( scip != NULL );
   assert( subscip != NULL );
   assert( conshdlr != NULL );

   /* collect all branching decision constraints */
   conss = SCIPconshdlrGetConss(conshdlr);
   nconss = SCIPconshdlrGetNConss(conshdlr);

   /* loop over all branching decision constraints and apply the branching decision if the corresponding constraint is
    * active
   for( c = 0; c < nconss; ++c )
      cons = conss[c];

      /* ignore constraints which are not active since these are not laying on the current active path of the search
       * tree
      if( !SCIPconsIsActive(cons) )

      /* collect the two item ids and the branching type (SAME or DIFFER) on which the constraint branched */
      id1 = SCIPgetItemid1Samediff(scip, cons);
      id2 = SCIPgetItemid2Samediff(scip, cons);
      type = SCIPgetTypeSamediff(scip, cons);

      SCIPdebugMessage("create varbound for %s(%d,%d)\n", type == SAME ? "same" : "diff",
         SCIPprobdataGetIds(SCIPgetProbData(scip))[id1], SCIPprobdataGetIds(SCIPgetProbData(scip))[id2]);

      /* depending on the branching type select the correct left and right hand side for the linear constraint which
       * enforces this branching decision in the pricing problem MIP
      if( type == SAME )
         lhs = 0.0;
         rhs = 0.0;
         vbdcoef = -1.0;
      else if( type == DIFFER )
         lhs = -SCIPinfinity(scip);
         rhs = 1.0;
         vbdcoef = 1.0;
         SCIPerrorMessage("unknow constraint type <%d>\n, type");
         return SCIP_INVALIDDATA;

      /* add linear (in that case a variable bound) constraint to pricing MIP depending on the branching type:
       * - branching type SAME:  x1 = x2 <=> x1 - x2 = 0 <=> 0 <= x1 - x2 <= 0
       * - branching type DIFFER:  x1 - x2 <= 1 <=> -inf <= x1 - x2 <= 1
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateConsBasicVarbound(subscip, &cons, SCIPconsGetName(conss[c]),
            vars[id1], vars[id2], vbdcoef, lhs, rhs) );
      SCIPdebug( SCIPprintCons(subscip, cons, NULL) );

      SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddCons(subscip, cons) );
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseCons(subscip, &cons) );

   return SCIP_OKAY;