Exemplo n.º 1
SCOTCH_graphMapCompute (
SCOTCH_Graph * const        grafptr,              /*+ Graph to order     +*/
SCOTCH_Mapping * const      mappptr,              /*+ Mapping to compute +*/
SCOTCH_Strat * const        stratptr)             /*+ Mapping strategy   +*/
  Kgraph                mapgrafdat;               /* Effective mapping graph     */
  const Strat *         mapstratptr;              /* Pointer to mapping strategy */
  LibMapping * restrict lmapptr;
  int                   o;

  if (graphCheck ((Graph *) grafptr) != 0) {
    errorPrint ("SCOTCH_graphMapCompute: invalid input graph");
    return     (1);
#endif /* SCOTCH_DEBUG_GRAPH2 */

  lmapptr = (LibMapping *) mappptr;
  if (*((Strat **) stratptr) == NULL) {           /* Set default mapping strategy if necessary */
    ArchDom             archdomnorg;

    archDomFrst (&lmapptr->m.archdat, &archdomnorg);
    if (archVar (&lmapptr->m.archdat))
      SCOTCH_stratGraphClusterBuild (stratptr, 0, 1, 0.0, 0.05);
      SCOTCH_stratGraphMapBuild (stratptr, 0, archDomSize (&lmapptr->m.archdat, &archdomnorg), 0.05);

  mapstratptr = *((Strat **) stratptr);
  if (mapstratptr->tabl != &kgraphmapststratab) {
    errorPrint ("SCOTCH_graphMapCompute: not a graph mapping strategy");
    return     (1);

  if (kgraphInit (&mapgrafdat, (Graph *) grafptr, &lmapptr->m) != 0)
    return (1);
  o = kgraphMapSt (&mapgrafdat, mapstratptr);     /* Perform mapping */

  lmapptr->m.domnmax = mapgrafdat.m.domnmax;      /* Do not free the mapping, as it has been cloned */
  lmapptr->m.domnnbr = mapgrafdat.m.domnnbr;
  lmapptr->m.domntab = mapgrafdat.m.domntab;      /* Update pointer to domntab in case it has changed */

  mapgrafdat.m.parttax = NULL;                    /* Prevent mapping arrays from being freed by graph */
  mapgrafdat.m.domntab = NULL;
  kgraphExit (&mapgrafdat);

  if (lmapptr->parttax != NULL) {                 /* Propagate mapping data to user partition array */
    Gnum                vertnum;
    Gnum                vertnnd;

    for (vertnum = lmapptr->m.baseval, vertnnd = vertnum + lmapptr->m.vertnbr;
         vertnum < vertnnd; vertnum ++)
      lmapptr->parttax[vertnum] = archDomNum (&lmapptr->m.archdat, &lmapptr->m.domntab[lmapptr->m.parttax[vertnum]]);

  return (o);
Exemplo n.º 2
      void run_scotch( Container         &c,
                       MapContainer      &mapping,
                       const std::size_t cores,
                       weight_function_t weight_func,
                       void              *weight )
#if 0
      static_assert( std::is_signed< 
         std::remove_reference< decltype( c.end() ) >::type >::value, 
            "Container must have signed types so that -1 may signify no mapping" );
      raftgraph_t raft_graph;
      get_graph_info( c, 
                      nullptr );
      SCOTCH_Graph graph;
      if( SCOTCH_graphInit( &graph ) != 0 )
         /** TODO, add RaftLib Exception **/
         std::cerr << "Failed to initialize graph!!\n";
         exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
      auto table( raft_graph.getScotchTables() );
      if( SCOTCH_graphBuild( 
            &graph                  /** graph ptr     **/,
            0                       /** base value    **/,
            table.num_vertices      /** vertex nmbr (zero indexed)   **/,
            table.vtable            /** vertex tab **/,
            &table.vtable[ 1 ]      /** vendtab **/,
            nullptr           /** velotab **/,
            nullptr           /** vlbltab **/,
            table.num_edges                 /** edge number **/,
            table.etable             /** edge tab **/,
            table.eweight         /** edlotab **/
          ) != 0 )
         /** TODO, add RaftLib Exception **/
         std::cerr << "Failed to build graph\n";
         exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
      if( SCOTCH_graphCheck( &graph ) != 0 )
         /** TODO, add RaftLib Exception **/
         std::cerr << "Graph is inconsistent\n";
         std::remove_reference< decltype( table ) >::type::print( std::cerr, table );
         std::cerr << "\n";
         raft_graph.print( std::cerr );
         exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
      /** TODO, we can do much more with this arch file **/
      SCOTCH_Arch archdat;
      if( SCOTCH_archInit( &archdat )  != 0 )
         /** TODO, add RaftLib Exception **/
         std::cerr << "Architecture initialization failed\n";
         exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
      /** core are equal **/
      if( SCOTCH_archCmplt( &archdat, cores /** num cores **/) != 0 )
         /** TODO, add RaftLib Exception **/
         std::cerr << "Failed to create architecture file\n";
         exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
      /** strategy **/
      SCOTCH_Strat stradat;
      if( SCOTCH_stratInit( &stradat ) != 0 )
         /** TODO, add RaftLib Exception **/
         std::cerr << "Failed to init strategy!!\n";
         exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
      /** build recursive strategy **/
      if( SCOTCH_stratGraphClusterBuild(
                                   .01) != 0 )
         /** TODO, add RaftLib Exception **/
         std::cerr << "Failed to map strategy graph!!\n";
         exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
      if( SCOTCH_graphMap( 
            &graph             /** graph ptr **/,
            table.partition    /** parttab **/
            ) != 0 )
         /** TODO, add RaftLib Exception **/
         std::cerr << "Failed to map!!\n";
         exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
       * first case is for if we've mapped all vertices, 
       * second is for when some of the kernels are innactive
       * in which case the number of vertices in the 
       * table will be less than the size of c in which case
       * we need to get which vertices (the actual number id
       * from the application) are mapped and to where, the 
       * returned table in mapping must include even the 
       * vertices that aren't active (indicated by a -1) so
       * that the returning loop can be as simple as possible
      if( c.size() == table.num_vertices )
         /** copy mapping **/ 
         for( auto i( 0 ); i < table.num_vertices; i++ )
            mapping.emplace_back( table.partition[ i ] );
         const auto &vmapping( raft_graph.getVertexNumbersAtIndicies() );
         auto it_map_index( vmapping.cbegin() );
         auto table_index( 0 );
         const auto size( c.size() );
         for( auto i( 0 ); i < size; i++ )
            if( i == (*it_map_index) &&  it_map_index != vmapping.cend() )
               mapping.emplace_back( table.partition[ table_index++ ] );
               mapping.emplace_back( -1 );
      /** call exit graph **/
      SCOTCH_graphExit( &graph    );
      SCOTCH_stratExit( &stradat );
      SCOTCH_archExit ( &archdat );