Exemplo n.º 1
 SColor CVehicleColor::GetRGBFromPaletteIndex ( uchar ucColor )
     ucColor = Min < uchar > ( ucColor, static_cast < uint > ( NUMELMS( paletteColorTable8 ) / 4 ) );
     uchar r = paletteColorTable8[ ucColor * 4 ];
     uchar g = paletteColorTable8[ ucColor * 4 + 1 ];
     uchar b = paletteColorTable8[ ucColor * 4 + 2 ];
     return SColorRGBA ( r, g, b, 0 );
Exemplo n.º 2
CClient3DMarker::CClient3DMarker(CClientMarker* pThis)
    // Init
    m_pThis = pThis;
    m_bMarkerStreamedIn = false;
    m_bVisible = true;
    m_Color = SColorRGBA(255, 0, 0, 128);
    m_fSize = 4.0f;
    m_dwType = MARKER3D_CYLINDER2;
    m_pMarker = NULL;
    m_ulIdentifier = (DWORD)this;
Exemplo n.º 3
CRadarArea::CRadarArea ( CRadarAreaManager* pRadarAreaManager, CElement* pParent, CXMLNode* pNode ) : CPerPlayerEntity ( pParent, pNode )
    // Init
    m_iType = CElement::RADAR_AREA;
    SetTypeName ( "radararea" );
    m_pRadarAreaManager = pRadarAreaManager;
    m_Color = SColorRGBA ( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
    m_bIsFlashing = false;

    // Pop an id for us and add us to the manger's list
    pRadarAreaManager->AddToList ( this );
Exemplo n.º 4
bool CRadarArea::ReadSpecialData ( void )
    // Grab the "posX" data
    if ( !GetCustomDataFloat ( "posX", m_vecPosition.fX, true ) )
        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad/missing 'posX' attribute in <radararea> (line %u)\n", m_uiLine );
        return false;

    // Grab the "posY" data
    if ( !GetCustomDataFloat ( "posY", m_vecPosition.fY, true ) )
        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad/missing 'posY' attribute in <radararea> (line %u)\n", m_uiLine );
        return false;

    // Grab the "sizeX" data
    if ( !GetCustomDataFloat ( "sizeX", m_vecSize.fX, true ) )
        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad/missing 'sizeX' attribute in <radararea> (line %u)\n", m_uiLine );
        return false;

    // Grab the "sizeY" data
    if ( !GetCustomDataFloat ( "sizeY", m_vecSize.fY, true ) )
        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad/missing 'sizeY' attribute in <radararea> (line %u)\n", m_uiLine );
        return false;

    // Grab the "color" data
    char szColor [64];
    if ( GetCustomDataString ( "color", szColor, 64, true ) )
        // Convert it to RGBA
        if ( !XMLColorToInt ( szColor, m_Color.R, m_Color.G, m_Color.B, m_Color.A ) )
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad 'color' value specified in <radararea> (line %u)\n", m_uiLine );
            return false;
        m_Color = SColorRGBA ( 255, 0, 0, 255 );

    int iTemp;
    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "dimension", iTemp, true ) )
        m_usDimension = static_cast < unsigned short > ( iTemp );

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
CClientCheckpoint::CClientCheckpoint ( CClientMarker * pThis )
    // Init
    m_pThis = pThis;
    m_pCheckpoint = NULL;
    m_bStreamedIn = false;
    m_bVisible = true;
    m_uiIcon = CClientCheckpoint::ICON_NONE;
    m_Color = SColorRGBA ( 255, 0, 0, 255 );
    m_fSize = 4.0f;
    m_vecDirection.fX = 1.0f;
    m_bHasTarget = false;
Exemplo n.º 6
CClientCorona::CClientCorona ( CClientMarker * pThis )
    CClientEntityRefManager::AddEntityRefs ( ENTITY_REF_DEBUG ( this, "CClientCorona" ), &m_pThis, NULL );

    // Init
    m_pThis = pThis;
    m_bStreamedIn = false;
    m_bVisible = true;
    m_Color = SColorRGBA ( 255, 0, 0, 255 );
    m_fSize = 4.0f;
    m_pCoronas = g_pGame->GetCoronas ();

    // Pick an unique identifier
    static unsigned long ulIdentifier = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    m_ulIdentifier = --ulIdentifier;
Exemplo n.º 7
CClientCheckpoint::CClientCheckpoint ( CClientMarker * pThis )
    CClientEntityRefManager::AddEntityRefs ( ENTITY_REF_DEBUG ( this, "CClientCheckpoint" ), &m_pThis, NULL );

    // Init
    m_pThis = pThis;
    m_pCheckpoint = NULL;
    m_bStreamedIn = false;
    m_bVisible = true;
    m_uiIcon = CClientCheckpoint::ICON_NONE;
    m_Color = SColorRGBA ( 255, 0, 0, 255 );
    m_fSize = 4.0f;
    m_vecDirection.fX = 1.0f;
    m_bHasTarget = false;
Exemplo n.º 8
CClientRadarArea::CClientRadarArea ( class CClientManager* pManager, ElementID ID ) : ClassInit ( this ), CClientEntity ( ID )
    // Init
    m_pManager = pManager;
    m_pRadarAreaManager = pManager->GetRadarAreaManager ();
    m_Color = SColorRGBA ( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
    m_bFlashing = false;
    m_ulFlashCycleStart = 0;
    m_bStreamedIn = true;

    SetTypeName ( "radararea" );

    // Make sure we're visible/invisible according to our dimension
    RelateDimension ( m_pRadarAreaManager->GetDimension () );

    // Add us to the manager's list
    m_pRadarAreaManager->AddToList ( this );
Exemplo n.º 9
// CGraphStats::Draw
void CGraphStats::Draw(void)
    if (!m_bEnabled)

    CGraphicsInterface* pGraphics = g_pCore->GetGraphics();

    uint  uiViewportHeight = pGraphics->GetViewportHeight();
    uint  uiOriginX = 10;
    uint  uiOriginY = std::min<int>(500, uiViewportHeight - 10);
    uint  uiSizeY = 150;
    uint  uiRangeY = 100;            // 100ms
    float fLineScale = 1 / 1000.f / uiRangeY * uiSizeY;
    float fHalfLineHeight = pGraphics->GetDXFontHeight() / 2;

    // Backgroung box
    pGraphics->DrawRectQueued(uiOriginX, uiOriginY - uiSizeY, uiSizeX, uiSizeY, SColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 128), true);

    // Draw data line.
    for (const auto& dataLine : m_LineList)
        const SGraphStatLine& line = dataLine.second;
        int                   iDataPos = line.iDataPos;
        int                   iDataPosPrev = iDataPos;

        for (int i = uiSizeX - 1; i > 0; i--)
            float fY0 = line.dataHistory[iDataPos] * fLineScale;
            float fY1 = line.dataHistory[iDataPosPrev] * fLineScale;

            iDataPosPrev = iDataPos;
            if (iDataPos == -1)
                iDataPos = GRAPHSTAT_HISTORY_SIZE - 1;

            pGraphics->DrawLineQueued(uiOriginX + i - 1, uiOriginY - fY0, uiOriginX + i, uiOriginY - fY1, 1, line.color, true);

        float fX = uiOriginX + uiSizeX + 2;
        float fY = uiOriginY - line.dataHistory[line.iDataPos] * fLineScale - fHalfLineHeight;
        pGraphics->DrawStringQueued(fX, fY, fX, fY, line.color, line.strName.c_str(), 1.0f, 1.0f, DT_NOCLIP, nullptr, true);
Exemplo n.º 10
// CGraphStats::Draw
void CGraphStats::Draw ( void )
    if ( !m_bEnabled )

    CGraphicsInterface* pGraphics = g_pCore->GetGraphics();

    uint uiViewportHeight = pGraphics->GetViewportHeight();
    uint uiOriginX = 10;
    uint uiOriginY = Min < int > ( 500, uiViewportHeight - 10 );
    uint uiSizeY = 150;
    uint uiRangeY = 100;    // 100ms
    float fLineScale = 1/1000.f / uiRangeY * uiSizeY;

    // Backgrounf box
	pGraphics->DrawRectQueued( uiOriginX,  uiOriginY - uiSizeY,  uiSizeX, uiSizeY, SColorRGBA( 0, 0, 0, 128 ), true );

	// Draw data line.
    for ( std::map < SString, SGraphStatLine >::iterator iter = m_LineList.begin() ; iter != m_LineList.end() ; ++iter )
	    SGraphStatLine& line = iter->second;

		int iDataPos = line.iDataPos;
		int iDataPosPrev = iDataPos;
		if ( iDataPos == -1 )

        for ( int i = uiSizeX - 1 ; i > 0 ; i-- )
			float fY0 = line.dataHistory[ iDataPos ] * fLineScale;
			float fY1 = line.dataHistory[ iDataPosPrev ] * fLineScale;

			iDataPosPrev = iDataPos;
			if ( iDataPos == -1 )

			pGraphics->DrawLineQueued( uiOriginX + i - 1,  uiOriginY - fY0,  uiOriginX + i,  uiOriginY - fY1, 1, line.color, true );
Exemplo n.º 11
CMarker::CMarker ( CMarkerManager* pMarkerManager, CColManager* pColManager, CElement* pParent, CXMLNode* pNode ) : CPerPlayerEntity ( pParent, pNode )
    // Init
    m_pMarkerManager = pMarkerManager;
    m_pColManager = pColManager;
    m_iType = CElement::MARKER;
    SetTypeName ( "marker" );
    m_ucType = TYPE_CHECKPOINT;
    m_fSize = 4.0f;
    m_Color = SColorRGBA ( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
    m_bHasTarget = false;
    m_ucIcon = ICON_NONE;

    // Create our collision object
    m_pCollision = new CColCircle ( pColManager, NULL, m_vecPosition, m_fSize, NULL, true );
    m_pCollision->SetCallback ( this );
    m_pCollision->SetAutoCallEvent ( false );

    // Add us to the marker manager
    pMarkerManager->AddToList ( this );
    UpdateSpatialData ();
Exemplo n.º 12
CVehicle::CVehicle ( CVehicleManager* pVehicleManager, CElement* pParent, CXMLNode* pNode, unsigned short usModel ) : CElement ( pParent, pNode )
    // Init
    m_pVehicleManager = pVehicleManager;
    m_usModel = usModel;
    m_pUpgrades = new CVehicleUpgrades ( this );

    m_iType = CElement::VEHICLE;
    SetTypeName ( "vehicle" );
    m_eVehicleType = CVehicleManager::GetVehicleType ( m_usModel );
    m_ulHealthChangeTime = 0;
    m_ulBlowTime = 0;
    m_ulIdleTime = GetTickCount ();
    m_fTurretPositionX = 0;
    m_fTurretPositionY = 0;
    m_bSirenActive = false;
    m_bLandingGearDown = true;
    m_usAdjustableProperty = 0;
    m_bIsFrozen = false;
    m_bUnoccupiedSyncable = true;
    m_pSyncer = NULL;
    GetInitialDoorStates ( m_ucDoorStates );
    memset ( m_ucWheelStates, 0, sizeof ( m_ucWheelStates ) );
    memset ( m_ucPanelStates, 0, sizeof ( m_ucPanelStates ) );
    memset ( m_ucLightStates, 0, sizeof ( m_ucLightStates ) );
    m_ucOverrideLights = 0;
    m_pTowedVehicle = NULL;
    m_pTowedByVehicle = NULL;
    m_ucPaintjob = 3;
    m_ucMaxPassengersOverride = VEHICLE_PASSENGERS_UNDEFINED;

    m_bRespawnInfoChanged = false;
    m_fRespawnHealth = DEFAULT_VEHICLE_HEALTH;
    m_bRespawnEnabled = false;
    m_ulRespawnTime = 10000;
    m_ulIdleRespawnTime = 60000;

    m_bEngineOn = false;
    m_bLocked = false;
    m_bDoorsUndamageable = false;
    m_bDamageProof = false;
    m_bGunsEnabled = false;
    m_bFuelTankExplodable = false;
    m_bOnGround = true;
    m_bSmokeTrail = false;
    m_ucAlpha = 255;
    m_pJackingPlayer = NULL;
    m_bInWater = false;
    m_bDerailed = false;
    m_bIsDerailable = true;
    m_bTaxiLightState = false;
    m_bTrainDirection = true;
    m_HeadLightColor = SColorRGBA ( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
    m_bHeliSearchLightVisible = false;

    // Initialize the occupied Players
    for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_VEHICLE_SEATS; i++ )
        m_pOccupants [i] = NULL;

    // Add us to the vehicle manager
    pVehicleManager->AddToList ( this );

    // Randomize our color
    RandomizeColor ();

    // Generate a random reg plate
    GenerateRegPlate ();
Exemplo n.º 13
// CGraphStats::AddTimingPoint
void CGraphStats::AddTimingPoint(const char* szName)
    if (!IsEnabled())

    // Start of next frame?
    if (szName[0] == 0)
        TIMEUS endTime = GetTimeUs();
        TIMEUS frameTime = endTime - m_StartTime;
        m_StartTime = endTime;

        // Duplicate data points to make up for missed time
        int Dups = frameTime / 33000;
        if (Dups > 0)
            Dups = std::min(100, Dups);
            for (std::map<SString, SGraphStatLine>::iterator iter = m_LineList.begin(); iter != m_LineList.end(); ++iter)
                SGraphStatLine* pLine = &iter->second;

                float Data = pLine->dataHistory[pLine->iDataPos];
                for (int i = 0; i < Dups; i++)
                    if (pLine->iDataPos > GRAPHSTAT_HISTORY_SIZE - 1)
                        pLine->iDataPos = 0;
                    pLine->dataHistory[pLine->iDataPos] = Data;

    if (m_StartTime == 0)

    // Find existing line
    SGraphStatLine* pLine = MapFind(m_LineList, szName);

    if (!pLine)
        // Add new line
        MapSet(m_LineList, szName, SGraphStatLine());
        pLine = MapFind(m_LineList, szName);
        memset(&pLine->dataHistory[0], 0, pLine->dataHistory.size());
        pLine->iDataPos = 0;
        pLine->prevData = 0;
        pLine->strName = szName;

        // Random color based on line name
        MD5 md5;
        CMD5Hasher().Calculate(szName, strlen(szName), md5);
        uchar* p = md5.data;
        while (p[0] + p[1] + p[2] < 128)
            int f = rand() % NUMELMS(md5.data);
            int t = rand() % 3;
            p[t] = std::min(255, p[t] + p[f] + 1);
        pLine->color = SColorRGBA(p[0], p[1], p[2], 255);

    // Calc timing averaged with previous frame
    TIMEUS NewData = GetTimeUs() - m_StartTime;
    TIMEUS AvgData = (NewData + pLine->prevData) / 2;
    pLine->prevData = NewData;

    // Inc position
    if (pLine->iDataPos > GRAPHSTAT_HISTORY_SIZE - 1)
        pLine->iDataPos = 0;

    // Insert data point
    pLine->dataHistory[pLine->iDataPos] = AvgData;
Exemplo n.º 14
CVehicle::CVehicle ( CVehicleManager* pVehicleManager, CElement* pParent, CXMLNode* pNode, unsigned short usModel, unsigned char ucVariant, unsigned char ucVariant2 ) : CElement ( pParent, pNode )
    CElementRefManager::AddElementRefs ( ELEMENT_REF_DEBUG ( this, "CVehicle" ), &m_pTowedVehicle, &m_pTowedByVehicle, &m_pSyncer, &m_pJackingPlayer, NULL );

    // Init
    m_pVehicleManager = pVehicleManager;
    m_usModel = usModel;
    m_pUpgrades = new CVehicleUpgrades ( this );

    m_iType = CElement::VEHICLE;
    SetTypeName ( "vehicle" );
    m_eVehicleType = CVehicleManager::GetVehicleType ( m_usModel );
    m_fLastSyncedHealthHealth = DEFAULT_VEHICLE_HEALTH;
    m_ulHealthChangeTime = 0;
    m_llIdleTime = CTickCount::Now ();
    m_fTurretPositionX = 0;
    m_fTurretPositionY = 0;
    m_bSirenActive = false;
    m_bLandingGearDown = true;
    m_usAdjustableProperty = 0;
    m_bIsFrozen = false;
    m_bUnoccupiedSyncable = true;
    m_pSyncer = NULL;
    GetInitialDoorStates ( m_ucDoorStates );
    memset ( &m_ucWheelStates[0], 0, sizeof ( m_ucWheelStates ) );
    memset ( &m_ucPanelStates[0], 0, sizeof ( m_ucPanelStates ) );
    memset ( &m_ucLightStates[0], 0, sizeof ( m_ucLightStates ) );
    m_ucOverrideLights = 0;
    m_pTowedVehicle = NULL;
    m_pTowedByVehicle = NULL;
    m_ucPaintjob = 3;
    m_ucMaxPassengersOverride = VEHICLE_PASSENGERS_UNDEFINED;
    m_pHandlingEntry = NULL;

    m_fRespawnHealth = DEFAULT_VEHICLE_HEALTH;
    m_bRespawnEnabled = false;
    m_ulBlowRespawnInterval = 10000;
    m_ulIdleRespawnInterval = 60000;

    m_bEngineOn = false;
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++i )
        m_fDoorOpenRatio [ i ] = 0.0f;
    m_bLocked = false;
    m_bDoorsUndamageable = false;
    m_bDamageProof = false;
    m_bGunsEnabled = false;
    m_bFuelTankExplodable = false;
    m_bOnGround = true;
    m_bSmokeTrail = false;
    m_ucAlpha = 255;
    m_pJackingPlayer = NULL;
    m_bInWater = false;
    m_bDerailed = false;
    m_bIsDerailable = true;
    m_fTrainSpeed = 0.0f;
    m_fTrainPosition = 0.0f;
    m_ucTrackID = 0;
    m_bTaxiLightState = false;
    m_bTrainDirection = false;
    m_HeadLightColor = SColorRGBA ( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
    m_bHeliSearchLightVisible = false;
    m_bCollisionsEnabled = true;
    m_bHandlingChanged = false;
    m_ucVariant = ucVariant;
    m_ucVariant2 = ucVariant2;

    // Initialize the occupied Players
    for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_VEHICLE_SEATS; i++ )
        m_pOccupants [i] = NULL;

    // Add us to the vehicle manager
    pVehicleManager->AddToList ( this );

    // Randomize our color
    RandomizeColor ();

    // Generate a random reg plate
    GenerateRegPlate ();

    // Generate the handling data
    GenerateHandlingData ();

    // Prepare the sirens
    m_tSirenBeaconInfo.m_bOverrideSirens = false;
Exemplo n.º 15
bool CMarker::ReadSpecialData ( void )
    // Grab the "posX" data
    if ( !GetCustomDataFloat ( "posX", m_vecPosition.fX, true ) )
        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad/missing 'posX' attribute in <marker> (line %u)\n", m_uiLine );
        return false;

    // Grab the "posY" data
    if ( !GetCustomDataFloat ( "posY", m_vecPosition.fY, true ) )
        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad/missing 'posY' attribute in <marker> (line %u)\n", m_uiLine );
        return false;

    // Grab the "posZ" data
    if ( !GetCustomDataFloat ( "posZ", m_vecPosition.fZ, true ) )
        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad/missing 'posZ' attribute in <marker> (line %u)\n", m_uiLine );
        return false;

    // Set the position in the col object
    if ( m_pCollision )
        m_pCollision->SetPosition ( m_vecPosition );

    // Grab the "type" data
    char szBuffer [128];
    unsigned char ucType;
    if ( GetCustomDataString ( "type", szBuffer, 128, true ) )
        // Convert it to a type
        ucType = static_cast < unsigned char > ( CMarkerManager::StringToType ( szBuffer ) );
        if ( ucType == CMarker::TYPE_INVALID )
            CLogger::LogPrintf ( "WARNING: Unknown 'type' value specified in <marker>; defaulting to \"default\" (line %u)\n", m_uiLine );
            ucType = CMarker::TYPE_CHECKPOINT;
        ucType = CMarker::TYPE_CHECKPOINT;

    // Grab the "color" data
    if ( GetCustomDataString ( "color", szBuffer, 128, true ) )
        // Convert the HTML-style color to RGB
        if ( !XMLColorToInt ( szBuffer, m_Color.R, m_Color.G, m_Color.B, m_Color.A ) )
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad 'color' specified in <marker> (line %u)\n", m_uiLine );
            return false;
        SetColor ( SColorRGBA( 255, 0, 0, 255 ) );

    float fSize;
    if ( GetCustomDataFloat ( "size", fSize, true ) )
        m_fSize = fSize;

    int iTemp;
    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "dimension", iTemp, true ) )
        m_usDimension = static_cast < unsigned short > ( iTemp );

    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "interior", iTemp, true ) )
        m_ucInterior = static_cast < unsigned char > ( iTemp );

    // Success
    return true;
void CClientWeapon::DoGunShells ( CVector vecOrigin, CVector vecDirection )

    float fShellSize = 0.0f;

    switch( m_Type )
            if ( m_ucCounter == 0)
                fShellSize = 0.25f;
                m_ucCounter = 1;
                m_ucCounter = 0;
            fShellSize = 0.3f;

            fShellSize = 0.25f;

            fShellSize = 0.45f;

    if(fShellSize > 0.0f)
        if ( !m_weaponConfig.bDisableWeaponModel )
            g_pGame->GetPointLights ()->AddLight ( PLTYPE_POINTLIGHT, vecOrigin, CVector (), 3.0f, SColorRGBA ( 220, 255, 0, 0 ), 0, 0, 0 );

            // Note: Nozzle flare lags behind attached object if it is moving, but we can't set attached entity here as it will crash if not a ped
            g_pGame->GetFx ()->TriggerGunshot ( NULL, vecOrigin, vecDirection, true );

            m_pWeapon->AddGunshell ( m_pObject, &vecOrigin, &CVector2D ( 0, -1 ), fShellSize );
        if ( m_Type != WEAPONTYPE_MINIGUN )
            g_pGame->GetAudioEngine ()->ReportWeaponEvent ( WEAPON_EVENT_FIRE, m_Type, m_pObject );

Exemplo n.º 17
bool CVehicle::ReadSpecialData ( void )
    // Grab the "posX" data
    if ( !GetCustomDataFloat ( "posX", m_vecPosition.fX, true ) )
        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad/missing 'posX' attribute in <vehicle> (line %u)\n", m_uiLine );
        return false;

    // Grab the "posY" data
    if ( !GetCustomDataFloat ( "posY", m_vecPosition.fY, true ) )
        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad/missing 'posY' attribute in <vehicle> (line %u)\n", m_uiLine );
        return false;

    // Grab the "posZ" data
    if ( !GetCustomDataFloat ( "posZ", m_vecPosition.fZ, true ) )
        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad/missing 'posZ' attribute in <vehicle> (line %u)\n", m_uiLine );
        return false;

    // Grab the "rotX", "rotY" and "rotZ" data
    GetCustomDataFloat ( "rotX", m_vecRotationDegrees.fX, true );
    GetCustomDataFloat ( "rotY", m_vecRotationDegrees.fY, true );
    GetCustomDataFloat ( "rotZ", m_vecRotationDegrees.fZ, true );

    // Wrap them around 360
    m_vecRotationDegrees.fX = WrapAround ( m_vecRotationDegrees.fX, 360.0f );
    m_vecRotationDegrees.fY = WrapAround ( m_vecRotationDegrees.fY, 360.0f );
    m_vecRotationDegrees.fZ = WrapAround ( m_vecRotationDegrees.fZ, 360.0f );

    // Set the respawn matrix
    SetRespawnPosition ( m_vecPosition );
    SetRespawnRotationDegrees ( m_vecRotationDegrees );

    // Grab the "model" data
    int iTemp;
    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "model", iTemp, true ) )
        // Is it valid?
        if ( CVehicleManager::IsValidModel ( iTemp ) )
            // Remember it and generate a new random color
            SetModel ( static_cast < unsigned short > ( iTemp ) );

            m_usAdjustableProperty = 0;
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad 'model'(%d) id specified in <vehicle> (line %u)\n", iTemp, m_uiLine );
            return false;
        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Bad/missing 'model' attribute in <vehicle> (line %u)\n", m_uiLine );
        return false;

    // Grab the variant data
    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "variant1", iTemp, true ) )
        m_ucVariant = static_cast < unsigned char > ( iTemp );
    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "variant2", iTemp, true ) )
        m_ucVariant2 = static_cast < unsigned char > ( iTemp );
    if ( m_ucVariant == 254 && m_ucVariant2 == 254 )
        CVehicleManager::GetRandomVariation ( m_usModel, m_ucVariant, m_ucVariant2 );

    // Grab the "turretX" data
    if ( GetCustomDataFloat ( "turretX", m_fTurretPositionX, true ) )
        m_fTurretPositionX = ConvertDegreesToRadians ( m_fTurretPositionX );

    // Grab the "turretY" data
    if ( GetCustomDataFloat ( "turretY", m_fTurretPositionY, true ) )
        m_fTurretPositionY = ConvertDegreesToRadians ( m_fTurretPositionY );

    // Grab the "health" data
    if ( GetCustomDataFloat ( "health", m_fHealth, true ) )
        if ( m_fHealth < 0.0f )
            m_fHealth = 0.0f;

    // Grab the "Sirens" data
    if ( !GetCustomDataBool ( "sirens", m_bSirenActive, true ) )
        m_bSirenActive = false;

    // Grab the "landingGearDown" data
    if ( !GetCustomDataBool ( "landingGearDown", m_bLandingGearDown, true ) )
        m_bLandingGearDown = true;

    if ( !GetCustomDataBool ( "locked", m_bLocked, true ) )
        m_bLocked = false;

    // Grab the "specialState" data
    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "specialState", iTemp, true ) )
        m_usAdjustableProperty = static_cast < unsigned short > ( iTemp );
        m_usAdjustableProperty = 0;

    // Grab the "color" data
    char szTemp [ 256 ];
    if ( GetCustomDataString ( "color", szTemp, 256, true ) )
        uchar ucValues[12] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
        char* sz1 = strtok ( szTemp, ", " );
        if ( sz1 )
            ucValues[0] = atoi ( sz1 );

        int i;
        for ( i = 1 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
            char* szn =  strtok ( NULL, ", " );
            if ( !szn )
            ucValues[i] = atoi ( szn );

        if ( i == 3 || i == 6 || i == 9 || i == 12 )
            m_Color.SetRGBColors (  SColorRGBA ( ucValues[0], ucValues[1], ucValues[2], 0 ),
                                    SColorRGBA ( ucValues[3], ucValues[4], ucValues[5], 0 ),
                                    SColorRGBA ( ucValues[6], ucValues[7], ucValues[8], 0 ),
                                    SColorRGBA ( ucValues[9], ucValues[10], ucValues[11], 0 ) );
            m_Color.SetPaletteColors ( ucValues[0], ucValues[1], ucValues[2], ucValues[3] );

    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "paintjob", iTemp, true ) )
        m_ucPaintjob = static_cast < unsigned char > ( iTemp );

    if ( GetCustomDataString ( "upgrades", szTemp, 256, true ) )
        if ( m_pUpgrades )
            if ( strcmp ( szTemp, "all" ) == 0 )
                m_pUpgrades->AddAllUpgrades ();
                bool bTemp = true;
                while ( char* token = strtok ( ( bTemp ) ? szTemp : NULL, ", " ) )
                    bTemp = false;
                    unsigned short usUpgrade = static_cast < unsigned short > ( atoi ( token ) );
                    if ( CVehicleUpgrades::IsValidUpgrade ( usUpgrade ) )
                        m_pUpgrades->AddUpgrade ( usUpgrade );

    if ( GetCustomDataString ( "plate", szTemp, 9, true ) )
        SetRegPlate ( szTemp );

    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "interior", iTemp, true ) )
        m_ucInterior = static_cast < unsigned char > ( iTemp );

    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "dimension", iTemp, true ) )
        m_usDimension = static_cast < unsigned short > ( iTemp );

    if ( !GetCustomDataBool ( "collisions", m_bCollisionsEnabled, true ) )
        m_bCollisionsEnabled = true;

    if ( GetCustomDataInt ( "alpha", iTemp, true ) )
        m_ucAlpha = static_cast < unsigned char > ( iTemp );

    bool bFrozen;
    if ( GetCustomDataBool ( "frozen", bFrozen, true ) )
        m_bIsFrozen = bFrozen;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 18
#define CORE_MTA_HIDDEN_ALPHA       0.0f
#define CORE_MTA_DISABLED_ALPHA     0.4f
#define CORE_MTA_ENABLED_ALPHA      1.0f

#define CORE_MTA_MOVE_ANIM_TIME     600

#define CORE_MTA_STATIC_BG          "cgui\\images\\background.png"
#define CORE_MTA_LOGO               "cgui\\images\\background_logo.png"
#define CORE_MTA_FILLER             "cgui\\images\\mta_filler.png"
#define CORE_MTA_VERSION            "cgui\\images\\version.png"
#define CORE_MTA_LATEST_NEWS        "cgui\\images\\latest_news.png"

static int          WaitForMenu = 0;
static const SColor headlineColors[] = {SColorRGBA(233, 234, 106, 255), SColorRGBA(233 / 6 * 4, 234 / 6 * 4, 106 / 6 * 4, 255),
                                        SColorRGBA(233 / 7 * 3, 234 / 7 * 3, 106 / 7 * 3, 255)};

// Improve alignment with magical mystery values!
static const int       BODGE_FACTOR_1 = -5;
static const int       BODGE_FACTOR_2 = 5;
static const int       BODGE_FACTOR_3 = -5;
static const int       BODGE_FACTOR_4 = 5;
static const CVector2D BODGE_FACTOR_5(0, -50);
static const CVector2D BODGE_FACTOR_6(0, 100);

CMainMenu::CMainMenu(CGUI* pManager)
    m_pNewsBrowser = new CNewsBrowser();

    ulPreviousTick = GetTickCount32();