Exemplo n.º 1
VOID Image(IMG img, void * v)
    cout << "IMG = " << IMG_Name(img) << endl;
    for( SEC sec=IMG_SecHead(img); SEC_Valid(sec) ; sec=SEC_Next(sec) )
        if ( SEC_IsExecutable(sec) )
            for( RTN rtn=SEC_RtnHead(sec); RTN_Valid(rtn) ; rtn=RTN_Next(rtn) )
Exemplo n.º 2
VOID ImageLoad (IMG img, VOID *v)
   uint32_t id = IMG_Id (img);
   std::string iname = IMG_Name(img);

   if (id==1)  // this is the first image, extract the path and the name of the executable
      string ename, epath;
      MIAMIU::ExtractNameAndPath(iname, epath, ename);
      MIAMI::MiamiOptions *mo = MIAMI::mdriver.getProgramOptions();
   // print info about the sections in this image, for debugging
   // comment out in production runs
      cerr << "Image: " << iname << ", id " << id << hex
           << " load offser=0x" << IMG_LoadOffset(img)
           << ", low addr=0x" << IMG_LowAddress(img)
           << ", high addr=0x" << IMG_HighAddress(img)
           << ", start addr=0x" << IMG_StartAddress(img)
           << ", mapped size=0x" << IMG_SizeMapped(img) << dec
           << ", has the following sections:" << endl;
      for (SEC sec= IMG_SecHead(img) ; SEC_Valid(sec) ; sec = SEC_Next(sec))
         cerr << "Section " << SEC_Name(sec) << " of type " << SEC_Type(sec)
              << " at address 0x" << hex << SEC_Address(sec) << " of size 0x" 
              << SEC_Size(sec) << dec << "/" << SEC_Size(sec) << " bytes:"
              << " valid? " << SEC_Valid(sec) << ", mapped? " << SEC_Mapped(sec)
              << ", executable? " << SEC_IsExecutable(sec) 
              << ", readable? " << SEC_IsReadable(sec)
              << ", writable? " << SEC_IsWriteable(sec) << endl;