Exemplo n.º 1
 * create a serialized version of an mtree
 * @param[in] oh handle of mtree node to detach from the mtree
 * @param[inout] sizeP pointer to size_t value to return length of serialized data
 * @returns pointer to newly malloced buffer of serialized tree data
S *_m_serialize(M *m) {

    uint32_t s_size = SERIALIZED_HEADER_SIZE(m->levels);
    uint32_t levels_size = 0;
    size_t blob_size = 0;

    Mindex i;
    H h = {m,{0,0}};

    // calculate level and blob sizes so we can allocate
    for(h.a.l=0; h.a.l<m->levels; h.a.l++) {
        L *l = GET_LEVEL(h);

        levels_size +=  SERIALIZED_LEVEL_SIZE(l);

        for(h.a.i=0;h.a.i < l->nodes;h.a.i++) {
            N *n = GET_NODE(h,l);

    size_t total_size = s_size+levels_size+blob_size;
    S *s = malloc(total_size);
    s->magic = m->magic;
    s->total_size = total_size;
    s->levels = m->levels;
    s->blob_offset = s_size+levels_size;

    void *blob = s->blob_offset + (void *)s;

    levels_size = 0;
    blob_size = 0;

    for(h.a.l=0; h.a.l<m->levels; h.a.l++) {
        s->level_offsets[h.a.l] = levels_size;
        L *sl = (L *) (((void *)s) + s_size + levels_size);

        L *l = GET_LEVEL(h);
        levels_size +=  SERIALIZED_LEVEL_SIZE(l);

        sl->nodes = l->nodes;

        N *sn = sizeof(Mindex)+(void *)sl;
        for(h.a.i=0;h.a.i < l->nodes;h.a.i++) {
            N *n = GET_NODE(h,l);
            *sn = *n;
            //      raise(SIGINT);

            if (n->flags & TFLAG_SURFACE_IS_RECEPTOR) {
                raise_error("can't serialize receptors");

            if (n->flags & TFLAG_SURFACE_IS_TREE && !(n->flags & TFLAG_SURFACE_IS_RECEPTOR)) {
                H sh = *(H *)n->surface;
                S *ss = _m_serialize(sh.m);
                *(size_t *)&sn->surface = blob_size;
                // orth tree size wasn't included in the original total size so
                // we have to realloc the buffer and increase the size
                // @todo, a better way to do this would have been to serialize the orthogonal
                //        trees ahead of time in the size calculation loop so as not to have to
                //        realloc here, instead we could just copy the tree in
                size_t new_total_size = s->total_size + ss->total_size;
                s = realloc(s,new_total_size);
                s->total_size = new_total_size;
                // reset pointers into the serialized block because of the realloc:
                // blob, sl and sn
                blob = s->blob_offset + (void *)s;
                sl = (L *) (((void *)s) + s_size + levels_size);
                sn = sizeof(Mindex)+(void *)sl + SERIALIZED_NODE_SIZE*h.a.i;

            else if (n->flags & TFLAG_ALLOCATED) {
                *(size_t *)&sn->surface = blob_size;
            else {

            sn = (N *) (SERIALIZED_NODE_SIZE + ((void*)sn));
    return s;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * create a serialized version of an mtree
 * @param[in] oh handle of mtree node to detach from the mtree
 * @param[inout] sizeP pointer to size_t value to return length of serialized data
 * @returns pointer to newly malloced buffer of serialized tree data
void * _m_serialize(M *m,size_t *sizeP) {

    uint32_t s_size = SERIALIZED_HEADER_SIZE(m->levels);
    uint32_t levels_size = 0;
    size_t blob_size = 0;

    Mlevel j;
    Mindex i;
    H h = {m,{0,0}};

    // calculate level and blob sizes so we can allocate
    for(h.a.l=0; h.a.l<m->levels; h.a.l++) {
    L *l = GET_LEVEL(h);

    levels_size +=  SERIALIZED_LEVEL_SIZE(l);

    for(h.a.i=0;h.a.i < l->nodes;h.a.i++) {
        N *n = GET_NODE(h,l);

    S *s = malloc(*sizeP = s_size+levels_size+blob_size);
    s->magic = m->magic;
    s->levels = m->levels;
    s->blob_offset = s_size+levels_size;

    void *blob = s->blob_offset + (void *)s;

    levels_size = 0;
    blob_size = 0;

    for(h.a.l=0; h.a.l<m->levels; h.a.l++) {
    s->level_offsets[h.a.l] = levels_size;
    L *sl = (L *) (((void *)s) + s_size + levels_size);

    L *l = GET_LEVEL(h);
    levels_size +=  SERIALIZED_LEVEL_SIZE(l);

    sl->nodes = l->nodes;

    N *sn = sizeof(Mindex)+(void *)sl;
    for(h.a.i=0;h.a.i < l->nodes;h.a.i++) {
        N *n = GET_NODE(h,l);
        *sn = *n;
        //      raise(SIGINT);

        if (n->flags & TFLAG_ALLOCATED) {
        *(size_t *)&sn->surface = blob_size;
        else {
        *((int *)&sn->surface) = *((int *)&n->surface);

        sn = (N *) (SERIALIZED_NODE_SIZE + ((void*)sn));
    return s;