Exemplo n.º 1
/* attach constraints to bodies after reading */
static void dom_attach_constraints (DOM *dom)
  BODY *bod;
  CON *con;

  for (bod = dom->bod; bod; bod = bod->next) SET_Free (&dom->setmem, &bod->con);

  for (con = dom->con; con; con = con->next)
    if (con->master)
      ASSERT_DEBUG (MAP_Find_Node (dom->idb, (void*) (long) con->master->id, NULL), "Invalid master id");
      SET_Insert (&dom->setmem, &con->master->con, con, NULL);

    if (con->slave)
      ASSERT_DEBUG (MAP_Find_Node (dom->idb, (void*) (long) con->slave->id, NULL), "Invalid slave id");
      SET_Insert (&dom->setmem, &con->slave->con, con, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 2
/* pick leaves overlapping the extents */
void KDT_Pick_Extents (KDT *kd, double *extents, SET **leaves)
  if (kd->d < 0) /* leaf */
    SET_Insert (NULL, leaves, kd, NULL);
  else if (extents [kd->d+3] <= kd->p [kd->d]) KDT_Pick_Extents (kd->l, extents, leaves);
  else if (extents [kd->d] > kd->p [kd->d]) KDT_Pick_Extents (kd->r, extents, leaves);
    KDT_Pick_Extents (kd->l, extents, leaves);
    KDT_Pick_Extents (kd->r, extents, leaves);
Exemplo n.º 3
/* receive reactions updated by middle nodes */
static void receive_middle_reactions (DOM *dom, COMDATA *recv, int nrecv, MEM *setmem, SET **midupd)
  COMDATA *ptr;
  int i, j, *k;
  CON *con;

  for (i = 0, ptr = recv; i < nrecv; i ++, ptr ++)
    for (j = 0, k = ptr->i; j < ptr->ints; j ++, k ++)
      ASSERT_DEBUG_EXT (con = MAP_Find (dom->conext, (void*) (long) (*k), NULL), "Invalid constraint id");
      SET_Insert (setmem, midupd, con, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 4
/* read domain state */
void dom_read_state (DOM *dom, PBF *bf)
  BODY *bod, *next;
  int ncon;

  /* clear contacts */
  MAP_Free (&dom->mapmem, &dom->idc);
  MEM_Release (&dom->conmem);
  dom->con = NULL;
  dom->ncon = 0;

  /* read all bodies if needed */
  if (!dom->allbodiesread) read_new_bodies (dom, bf);

  /* mark all bodies as absent */
  for (bod = dom->bod; bod; bod = bod->next) bod->flags |= BODY_ABSENT;

  SET *usedlabel = NULL;

  for (; bf; bf = bf->next)
    if (PBF_Label (bf, "DOM"))
      /* read iover */

      int iover = 2;

      if (PBF_Label (bf, "IOVER"))
	PBF_Int (bf, &iover, 1);

      /* read time step */

      ASSERT (PBF_Label (bf, "STEP"), ERR_FILE_FORMAT);

      PBF_Double (bf, &dom->step, 1);

      /* read constraints merit */

      ASSERT (PBF_Label (bf, "MERIT"), ERR_FILE_FORMAT);

      PBF_Double (bf, &dom->merit, 1);

      /* read body states */

      ASSERT (PBF_Label (bf, "BODS"), ERR_FILE_FORMAT);

      int nbod;

      PBF_Int (bf, &nbod, 1);

      for (int n = 0; n < nbod; n ++)
	unsigned int id;

	PBF_Uint (bf, &id, 1);
	bod = MAP_Find (dom->idb, (void*) (long) id, NULL);

	if (bod == NULL) /* pick from all bodies set */
	  ASSERT_DEBUG_EXT (bod = MAP_Find (dom->allbodies, (void*) (long) id, NULL), "Body id invalid");

	  if (bod->label)
	    MAP *node = MAP_Find_Node (dom->lab, bod->label, (MAP_Compare)strcmp);
	    if (node)
	      node->data = bod; /* body fregments can inherit labels */
	      SET_Insert (NULL, &usedlabel, bod->label, (SET_Compare)strcmp);
	    else MAP_Insert (&dom->mapmem, &dom->lab, bod->label, bod, (MAP_Compare) strcmp);
	  MAP_Insert (&dom->mapmem, &dom->idb, (void*) (long) bod->id, bod, NULL);
	  bod->next = dom->bod;
	  if (dom->bod) dom->bod->prev = bod;
	  dom->bod = bod;
	  bod->dom = dom;
	  dom->nbod ++;

	BODY_Read_State (bod, bf, iover);
	bod->flags &= ~BODY_ABSENT;

      /* read constraints */

      ASSERT (PBF_Label (bf, "CONS"), ERR_FILE_FORMAT);
      PBF_Int (bf, &ncon, 1);

      for (int n = 0; n < ncon; n ++)
	CON *con;
	con = read_constraint (dom, iover, bf);
	MAP_Insert (&dom->mapmem, &dom->idc, (void*) (long) con->id, con, NULL);
	con->next = dom->con;
	if (dom->con) dom->con->prev = con;
	dom->con = con;

      dom->ncon += ncon;

  /* remove absent bodies */
  for (bod = dom->bod; bod; bod = next)
    next = bod->next;

    if (bod->flags & BODY_ABSENT)
      if (bod->label && !SET_Contains (usedlabel, bod->label, (SET_Compare)strcmp))
	MAP_Delete (&dom->mapmem, &dom->lab, bod->label, (MAP_Compare) strcmp);
      MAP_Delete (&dom->mapmem, &dom->idb, (void*) (long) bod->id, NULL);
      if (bod->next) bod->next->prev = bod->prev;
      if (bod->prev) bod->prev->next = bod->next;
      else dom->bod = bod->next;
      dom->nbod --;

  SET_Free (NULL, &usedlabel);

  /* attach constraints to bodies */
  dom_attach_constraints (dom);
Exemplo n.º 5
/* create rank coloring using adjacency graph between processors derived from the W graph */
static int* processor_coloring (GAUSS_SEIDEL *gs, LOCDYN *ldy)
  int i, n, m, ncpu, rank, *color, *size, *disp, *adj;
  SET *adjcpu, *item;
  MEM setmem;
  DIAB *dia;
  OFFB *blk;
  CON *con;

  adjcpu = NULL;
  rank = ldy->dom->rank;
  ncpu = ldy->dom->ncpu;
  MEM_Init (&setmem, sizeof (SET), 128);
  ERRMEM (color = MEM_CALLOC (ncpu * sizeof (int)));
  ERRMEM (disp = malloc (sizeof (int [ncpu + 1])));
  ERRMEM (size = malloc (sizeof (int [ncpu])));

  /* collaps W adjacency into processor adjacency */
  for (dia = ldy->dia; dia; dia = dia->n)
    for (blk = dia->adjext; blk; blk = blk->n)
      con = (CON*) blk->dia;
      SET_Insert (&setmem, &adjcpu, (void*) (long) con->rank, NULL);

  n = SET_Size (adjcpu);
  MPI_Allgather (&n, 1, MPI_INT, size, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  for (i = disp [0] = 0; i < ncpu - 1; i ++) disp [i+1] = disp [i] + size [i];
  for (i = 0, item = SET_First (adjcpu); item; i ++, item = SET_Next (item)) color [i] = (int) (long) item->data;

  m = disp [ncpu] = (disp [ncpu-1] + size [ncpu-1]);
  ERRMEM (adj = malloc (sizeof (int [m])));

  MPI_Allgatherv (color, n, MPI_INT, adj, size, disp, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD); /* gather graph adjacency */

  for (i = 0; i < ncpu; i ++) color [i] = 0; /* zero colors */

  for (i = 0; i < ncpu; i ++) /* simple BFS coloring */
    int *j, *k;

      color [i] ++; /* start from first color */

      for (j = &adj[disp[i]], k = &adj[disp[i+1]]; j < k; j ++) /* for each adjacent vertex */
	if (color [*j] == color [i]) break; /* see whether the trial color exists in the adjacency */
    while (j < k); /* if so try next color */

  for (m = i = 0; i < ncpu; i ++) m = MAX (m, color [i]); /* compute number of colors */
  gs->colors = m; /* record number of colors */

  if (rank == 0 && ldy->dom->verbose && gs->verbose)
  for (i = 0; i < ncpu; i ++)
    int *j, *k;

    printf ("GAUSS_SEIDEL: RANK %d [%d] ADJCPU:", i, color [i]);
    for (j = &adj[disp[i]], k = &adj[disp[i+1]]; j < k; j ++) printf (" %d [%d]", *j, color [*j]);
    printf ("\n");
    printf ("GAUSS_SEIDEL: PROCESSOR COLORS = %d\n", m);

  MEM_Release (&setmem);
  free (size);
  free (disp);
  free (adj);

  return color;
Exemplo n.º 6
static void overlap (void *data, BOX *one, BOX *two)
  SET_Insert (NULL, (SET**)&one->body, two, NULL);
  SET_Insert (NULL, (SET**)&two->body, one, NULL);