Exemplo n.º 1
T* SGMatrix<T>::get_column_sum(T* matrix, int32_t m, int32_t n)
	T* colsums=SG_CALLOC(T, m);

	for (int64_t i=0; i<n; i++)
		for (int64_t j=0; j<m; j++)
	return colsums;
Exemplo n.º 2
T* SGMatrix<T>::get_row_sum(T* matrix, int32_t m, int32_t n)
	T* rowsums=SG_CALLOC(T, n);

	for (int64_t i=0; i<n; i++)
		for (int64_t j=0; j<m; j++)
	return rowsums;
Exemplo n.º 3
double* SGMatrix<T>::compute_eigenvectors(double* matrix, int n, int m)
	ASSERT(n == m);

	char V='V';
	char U='U';
	int info;
	int ord=n;
	int lda=n;
	double* eigenvalues=SG_CALLOC(float64_t, n+1);

	// lapack sym matrix eigenvalues+vectors
	wrap_dsyev(V, U,  ord, matrix, lda,
			eigenvalues, &info);

	if (info!=0)
		SG_SERROR("DSYEV failed with code %d\n", info);

	return eigenvalues;
 * @brief syndicate-removexattr entry point
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
   int rc = 0;
   struct UG_state* ug = NULL;
   struct SG_gateway* gateway = NULL;
   char* path = NULL;
   char* xattr = NULL;
   int path_optind = 0;
   struct tool_opts opts;
   uint64_t* times = NULL; 
   struct timespec ts_begin;
   struct timespec ts_end;
   memset( &opts, 0, sizeof(tool_opts) );
   argc = parse_args( argc, argv, &opts );
   if( argc < 0 ) {
      usage( argv[0], "path xattr [xattr...]" );
   // setup...
   ug = UG_init( argc, argv );
   if( ug == NULL ) {
      SG_error("%s", "UG_init failed\n" );
   gateway = UG_state_gateway( ug );
   // get the directory path 
   path_optind = SG_gateway_first_arg_optind( gateway );
   if( path_optind + 1 >= argc ) {
      usage( argv[0], "path xattr [xattr...]" );
      UG_shutdown( ug );
   if( opts.benchmark ) {
      times = SG_CALLOC( uint64_t, argc - path_optind + 1 );
      if( times == NULL ) {
          UG_shutdown( ug );
          SG_error("%s", "Out of memory\n");

   path = argv[path_optind];

   for( int i = path_optind + 1; i < argc; i++ ) {
        xattr = argv[ i ];

        // load up...
        clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts_begin );

        rc = UG_removexattr( ug, path, xattr );
        if( rc < 0 ) {
           fprintf(stderr, "Failed to removexattr '%s' '%s': %s\n", path, xattr, strerror(abs(rc)) );
           rc = 1;

        clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts_end );

        if( times != NULL ) {
            times[i - path_optind] = md_timespec_diff( &ts_end, &ts_begin );

   if( times != NULL ) {
      for( int i = path_optind; i < argc - 1; i++ ) {
         printf("%" PRIu64 ",", times[i - path_optind] );
      printf("%" PRIu64 "@@@@@\n", times[argc - 1 - path_optind] );

      SG_safe_free( times );

   UG_shutdown( ug );
 * @brief syndicate-get entry point
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {

   int rc = 0;
   struct UG_state* ug = NULL;
   struct SG_gateway* gateway = NULL;
   char* path = NULL;
   int path_optind = 0;
   char* file_path = NULL;
   int fd = 0;
   char* buf = NULL;
   ssize_t nr = 0;
   ssize_t total = 0;
   UG_handle_t* fh = NULL;

   int t = 0;
   struct timespec ts_begin;
   struct timespec ts_end;
   int64_t* times = NULL;

   mode_t um = umask(0);
   umask( um );

   struct tool_opts opts;

   memset( &opts, 0, sizeof(tool_opts) );

   argc = parse_args( argc, argv, &opts );
   if( argc < 0 ) {

      usage( argv[0], "syndicate_file local_file [syndicate_file local_file...]" );

   // setup...
   ug = UG_init( argc, argv );
   if( ug == NULL ) {

      SG_error("%s", "UG_init failed\n" );

   gateway = UG_state_gateway( ug );

   // get the path...
   path_optind = SG_gateway_first_arg_optind( gateway );
   if( path_optind == argc || ((argc - path_optind) % 2) != 0 ) {

      usage( argv[0], "syndicate_file local_file [syndicate_file local_file]" );
      UG_shutdown( ug );

   if( opts.benchmark ) {
      times = SG_CALLOC( int64_t, (argc - path_optind) / 2 + 1 );
      if( times == NULL ) {
          UG_shutdown( ug );
          SG_error("%s", "Out of memory\n");

   buf = SG_CALLOC( char, BUF_SIZE );
   if( buf == NULL ) {
      UG_shutdown( ug );
      SG_error("%s", "Out of memory\n");

   for( int i = path_optind; i < argc; i += 2 ) {

       total = 0;

       // get the syndicate path...
       path = argv[i];

       // get the file path...
       file_path = argv[i+1];

       // open the file...
       fd = open( file_path, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, 0600 );
       if( fd < 0 ) {
          rc = -errno;
          fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open '%s': %s\n", file_path, strerror(-rc));
          rc = 1;
          goto get_end;

       // try to open
       fh = UG_open( ug, path, O_RDONLY, &rc );
       if( rc != 0 ) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open '%s': %d %s\n", path, rc, strerror( abs(rc) ) );
          rc = 1;
          goto get_end;

       clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts_begin );
       while( 1 ) {
          nr = UG_read( ug, buf, BUF_SIZE, fh );
          if( nr == 0 ) {
          if( nr < 0 ) {
            rc = nr;
            fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read '%s': %s\n", path, strerror(abs(rc)));

          rc = write( fd, buf, nr );
          if( rc < 0 ) {
             rc = -errno;
             fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write '%s': %d %s\n", file_path, rc, strerror(abs(rc)));

          total += nr;

       close( fd );

       if( rc < 0 ) {
          rc = 1;
          goto get_end;

       clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts_end );

       // close
       rc = UG_close( ug, fh );
       if( rc != 0 ) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Failed to close '%s': %d %s\n", path, rc, strerror( abs(rc) ) );
          rc = 1;
          goto get_end;

       if( times != NULL ) {
          printf("\n%ld.%ld - %ld.%ld = %ld\n", ts_end.tv_sec, ts_end.tv_nsec, ts_begin.tv_sec, ts_begin.tv_nsec, md_timespec_diff_ms( &ts_end, &ts_begin ));
          times[t] = md_timespec_diff_ms( &ts_end, &ts_begin );

       SG_debug("Read %zd bytes for %s\n", total, path );


   UG_shutdown( ug );
   SG_safe_free( buf );

   if( times != NULL ) {

      for( int i = 0; i < t - 1; i++ ) {
         printf("%" PRId64 ",", times[i] );
      printf("%" PRId64 "@@@@@\n", times[t-1] );

      SG_safe_free( times );

   if( rc != 0 ) {
   else {