Exemplo n.º 1
/* Creates and returns a new table
   with comparison function |compare| using parameter |param|
   and memory allocator |allocator|.
   Returns |NULL| if memory allocation failed. */
struct avl_table *
avl_create (avl_comparison_func *compare, void *param
            /*struct libavl_allocator *allocator*/)
  struct avl_table *tree;

  //assert (compare != NULL);

//   if (allocator == NULL)
//     allocator = &avl_allocator_default;

#if defined(MIKTEX) && defined(__cplusplus)
  tree = (avl_table *)SMAlloc (/*allocator,*/ sizeof *tree);
  tree =(struct avl_table *) SMAlloc (/*allocator, */sizeof *tree);
  if (tree == NULL)
    return NULL;

  tree->avl_root = NULL;
  //tree->avl_compare = compare;
  tree->avl_param = param;
  //tree->avl_alloc = allocator;
  tree->avl_count = 0;
  tree->avl_generation = 0;

  return tree;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool __stdcall GetMatrixMap(chunk *pChunk)
  // Verify the chunk size
  if ( gwVersion == WARCRAFT2 || gwVersion == WARCRAFT2_EXP )
    // Limit Warcraft II map size
    if ( pChunk->dwSize > (128 * 128 * sizeof(WORD)) )
        return false;
    // Limit Starcraft map size
    if ( pChunk->dwSize > (256 * 256 * sizeof(WORD)) )
      return false;

  // Allocate memory for tiles
  if ( !pwMatrixMap )
    pwMatrixMap = (WORD*)SMAlloc(256 * 256 * sizeof(WORD));

  // Copy the data
  memcpy(pwMatrixMap, pChunk->data, pChunk->dwSize);
  return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
void SetResolution(int width, int height)
  if ( !isCorrectVersion )

  // Resize game screen data buffer
  void *newBuf = SMAlloc(width * height);
  void *oldBuf = BW::BWDATA_GameScreenBuffer->data;
  SetBitmap(BW::BWDATA_GameScreenBuffer, width, height, newBuf);
  if ( oldBuf )

  // Set new screen limits
  BW::BWDATA_ScreenLayers[5].width  = (WORD)width;
  BW::BWDATA_ScreenLayers[5].height = (WORD)height;
  SetRect(BW::BWDATA_ScrLimit, 0, 0, width - 1, height - 1);
  SetRect(BW::BWDATA_ScrSize,  0, 0, width,     height);

  // Resize game screen console (HUD) buffer
  newBuf = SMAlloc(width * height);
  oldBuf = BW::BWDATA_GameScreenConsole->data;
  SetBitmap(BW::BWDATA_GameScreenConsole, width, height, newBuf);
  if ( oldBuf )

  // Recreate STrans thingy
  BW::BlizzVectorEntry<BW::TransVectorEntry> *transEntry = BW::BWDATA_TransMaskVector->begin;
  if ( (u32)transEntry && (u32)transEntry != (u32)&BW::BWDATA_TransMaskVector->begin )
    HANDLE oldTrans = transEntry->container.hTrans;
    SetRect(&transEntry->container.info, 0, 0, width, height);
    STransCreateE(newBuf, width, height, 8, 0, 0, &transEntry->container.hTrans);
    if ( oldTrans )

    // call a function that does some weird stuff

  STransSetDirtyArrayInfo(width, height, 16, 16);

  // re-initialize w-mode or ddraw, this function can do both
  SetWMode(width, height, wmode);
Exemplo n.º 4
BOOLEAN InitializeVirusList (VirusLnk *posVirusLnk)
	VirusLnk *posTemp, *posPrevious;
	UINT32 nIndex;
	posVirusLnk->pPrevious = NULL;

	posTemp = posVirusLnk; posPrevious = NULL;
	for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nGroupTableIndexCount; nIndex++)
		ZeroMemory(posTemp, sizeof(VirusLnk));
		posTemp->u32VirusId = nIndex;
		posTemp->posGroupTbl = GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posVirusTable[nIndex];
		posTemp->osParam.nCount = GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posVirusTable[nIndex].nParamCount;
		posTemp->osParam.pnParams = (UINT32 *)SMAlloc(sizeof(UINT32) * GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posVirusTable[nIndex].nParamCount);
		if( !posTemp->osParam.pnParams )
			return FALSE;
		ZeroMemory(posTemp->osParam.pnParams, sizeof(UINT32) * GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posVirusTable[nIndex].nParamCount);

		posTemp->pPrevious = posPrevious;
		posPrevious = posTemp;
		posTemp->nVirusLength = GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_pnVirusLength[nIndex];

		if ((nIndex + 1) < GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nGroupTableIndexCount)
			posTemp->pNext = (VirusLnk*)SMAlloc(sizeof(VirusLnk));
			if( !posTemp->pNext )
				return FALSE;
			posTemp = posTemp->pNext;
	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 5
char* GetPolyVirusName (UINT32 u32VirusID)
	LARGE_INTEGER			osAddress;
	UINT32					u32VirusNameLength;
	ULONG					ulSize = sizeof(UINT32);
	char*					pchVirusName;

	osAddress.QuadPart = GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nVirusNameTableAddress + (u32VirusID * ulSize /** 2*/);
	CryptSeek(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile, &osAddress.QuadPart);
	CryptRead(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile, &u32VirusNameLength, &ulSize);

	ulSize = u32VirusNameLength * sizeof(char);
	pchVirusName = (char *)SMAlloc(ulSize + 1);
	CryptRead(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile, pchVirusName, &ulSize);
	return pchVirusName;
Exemplo n.º 6
  //------------------------------------------ GET MAP HASH --------------------------------------------------
  std::string Map::getMapHash()
    unsigned char hash[20];
    char hexstring[42];
    std::string filename = Map::getPathName();

    // Open File
    HANDLE hFile = NULL;
    if ( !SFileOpenFileEx(NULL, filename.c_str(), SFILE_FROM_ABSOLUTE, &hFile) || !hFile)
      char szPath[MAX_PATH];
      SStrCopy(szPath, filename.c_str(), MAX_PATH);
      SStrNCat(szPath, "\\staredit\\scenario.chk", MAX_PATH);
      if ( !SFileOpenFileEx(NULL, szPath, SFILE_FROM_MPQ, &hFile) || !hFile)
        return std::string("Error_map_cannot_be_opened");

    // Obtain file size
    DWORD dwFileSize = SFileGetFileSize(hFile, 0);

    // Allocate memory
    void *pBuffer = SMAlloc(dwFileSize);
    if ( !pBuffer )
      return std::string("Error_could_not_allocate_memory");

    // Read file
    DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
    SFileReadFile(hFile, pBuffer, dwFileSize, &dwBytesRead, 0);

    // Calculate hash
    sha1::calc(pBuffer, dwBytesRead, hash);
    sha1::toHexString(hash, hexstring);

    // Free memory and return
    return string(hexstring);
Exemplo n.º 7
BOOLEAN InitializeCleanRoutine (VirtualMachine *posVm, VirusLnk *posVirusLnk, UINT32 nVirusIndex)
	posVm->osCleanVirusLnk.posVirusTbl = GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posCleanVirusTable[nVirusIndex];
	posVm->osCleanVirusLnk.osParam.nCount = posVm->osCleanVirusLnk.posVirusTbl.nParamCount;
		posVm->osCleanVirusLnk.osParam.pnParams = (UINT32 *)SMAlloc(posVm->osCleanVirusLnk.osParam.nCount * sizeof(UINT32));
		if (!posVm->osCleanVirusLnk.osParam.pnParams)
			return FALSE; // Insufficient Resources

	ZeroMemory(posVm->osCleanVirusLnk.osParam.pnParams , posVm->osCleanVirusLnk.osParam.nCount * sizeof(UINT32));

	posVm->osCleanVirusLnk.nVirusLength = GetVirusCodeLength(nVirusIndex);

	posVm->osCleanVirusLnk.pPrevious = NULL;
	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 8
Bitmap::Bitmap(int width, int height, void *pBuffer)
    : wid(static_cast<u16>(width))
    , ht(static_cast<u16>(height))
    , data(static_cast<u8*>(pBuffer != nullptr ? pBuffer : SMAlloc(width*height)))
Exemplo n.º 9
UINT32 LoadVMDatFile()
	SMFile osFile;
	BOOLEAN bResult;
	ULONG nSize ; 
	UINT32 nIndex;	
	nSize = sizeof(TableHeader);
	if(!NT_SUCCESS(CryptRead(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile, &GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader, &nSize)))
		return -1; // Error Reading File
	//dnSeekParam.QuadPart = GetCryptFileLength ( GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile);

	//if(dnSeekParam.QuadPart == 0)
	//	return -1; // Error Getting File Size
	//nSize = (sizeof(TableHeader) + 
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nGroupTableIndexCount * sizeof(VirusTables) + 
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nStateNumberCount * sizeof(StateTables) + 
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nConditionStateCount * sizeof(Condition_State) + 
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nFunctionLength + 
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nConditionExpsLength + 
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nCleanVirusTableIndexCount * sizeof(VirusTables) +			
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nCleanStateNumberCount * sizeof(StateTables) + 
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nCleanConditionStateCount * sizeof(Condition_State) + 
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nCleanFunctionLength + 
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nCleanConditionExpsLength + 
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nCleanVirusTableIndexCount * 2/*3*/ * sizeof(UINT32) +
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nVirusNameLength);

	//if (dnSeekParam.QuadPart != (sizeof(TableHeader) + 
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nGroupTableIndexCount * sizeof(VirusTables) + 
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nStateNumberCount * sizeof(StateTables) + 
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nConditionStateCount * sizeof(Condition_State) + 
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nFunctionLength + 
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nConditionExpsLength + 
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nCleanVirusTableIndexCount * sizeof(VirusTables) +			
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nCleanStateNumberCount * sizeof(StateTables) + 
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nCleanConditionStateCount * sizeof(Condition_State) + 
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nCleanFunctionLength + 
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nCleanConditionExpsLength + 
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nCleanVirusTableIndexCount * 2/*3*/ * sizeof(UINT32) +
	//	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nVirusNameLength))
	//	return -1;

	// Read Group Indexes and Roots
	nSize = GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nGroupTableIndexCount * sizeof(VirusTables);
	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posVirusTable = (VirusTables*)SMAlloc(nSize);	
		return -1;// Insufficient Resources

	if(!NT_SUCCESS(CryptRead(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile, GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posVirusTable, &nSize)))
		return -1; // Error Reading File

	// Read State Routing Table
	nSize = GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nStateNumberCount * sizeof(StateTables);
	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posStateTables = (StateTables*)SMAlloc(nSize);
		return -1; // Insufficient Resources

	if(!NT_SUCCESS(CryptRead(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile, GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posStateTables, &nSize)))
		return -1; // Error Reading File

	// Read Function Binaries
	nSize = GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nFunctionBinariesCount * sizeof(FunctionBinary);
	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFunctionBinaries = (FunctionBinary*)SMAlloc(nSize);
		return -1; // Insufficient Resources

	for (nIndex = 0 ; nIndex < GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nFunctionBinariesCount; nIndex++)
		UINT32 nLength;
		UINT8 byIsChangeContext, byType;
		nSize = sizeof(UINT32);

		if(!NT_SUCCESS(CryptRead(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile, &nLength, &nSize)))
			return -1; // Error Reading File
		GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFunctionBinaries[nIndex].nLength = nLength;
		nSize = sizeof(UINT8);

		if(!NT_SUCCESS(CryptRead(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile, &byIsChangeContext, &nSize)))
			return -1; // Error Reading File

		GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFunctionBinaries[nIndex].byIsChangeContext = byIsChangeContext;
		nSize = sizeof(UINT8);
		if(!NT_SUCCESS(CryptRead(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile, &byType, &nSize)))
			return -1; // Error Reading File

		GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFunctionBinaries[nIndex].byType = byType;
		GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFunctionBinaries[nIndex].pbyExp = (UINT8*)SMAlloc(sizeof(UINT8) * (GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFunctionBinaries[nIndex].nLength - (2 * sizeof(UINT8))));
			return -1; // Insufficient Resources
		nSize = (GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFunctionBinaries[nIndex].nLength - (2 * sizeof(UINT8)));
		if(!NT_SUCCESS(CryptRead(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile, GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFunctionBinaries[nIndex].pbyExp, &nSize)))
			return -1; // Error Reading File
		GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFunctionBinaries[nIndex].nLength = nSize;
	// Read Main Table (Condition - State)
	nSize = GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nConditionStateCount * sizeof(Condition_State);
	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posCondition_State = (Condition_State*)SMAlloc(nSize);
		return -1; // Insufficient Resources

	if(!NT_SUCCESS(CryptRead(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile, GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posCondition_State, &nSize)))
		return -1; // Error Reading File

	nSize = GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nConditionIndexCount * sizeof(ConditionExpression);
	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posConditionExpression = (ConditionExpression*)SMAlloc(nSize);
	if (!GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posConditionExpression)
		return -1; // Insufficient Resources

	for (nIndex = 0 ; nIndex < GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nConditionIndexCount; nIndex++)
		UINT32 nLength = 0;
		nSize = sizeof(UINT32);

		if(!NT_SUCCESS(CryptRead(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile, &nLength, &nSize)))
			return -1; // Error Reading File
		nSize = nLength;
		GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posConditionExpression[nIndex].nLength = nLength;
		GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posConditionExpression[nIndex].pbyExp = (UINT8*)SMAlloc(nSize);
		if (!GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posConditionExpression[nIndex].pbyExp)
			return -1; // Insufficient Resources
		if(!NT_SUCCESS(CryptRead(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile, GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posConditionExpression[nIndex].pbyExp, &nSize)))
			return -1; // Error Reading File

	// Clean Part

	// Read Virus Indexes and Roots
	nSize = GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nCleanVirusTableIndexCount * sizeof(VirusTables);
	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posCleanVirusTable = (VirusTables*)SMAlloc(nSize);
		return -1; // Insufficient Resources

	if(!NT_SUCCESS(CryptRead(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile, GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posCleanVirusTable, &nSize)))
		return -1; // Error Reading File

	// Read Virus Lengths
	nSize = GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nCleanVirusTableIndexCount * sizeof(UINT32);
	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_pnVirusLength = (UINT32 *)SMAlloc(nSize);
	if( !GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_pnVirusLength )
		return -1; // Insufficient Resources
	if(!NT_SUCCESS(CryptRead(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile, GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_pnVirusLength, &nSize)))
		return -1; // Error Reading File

	// Read Clean State Routing Table
	nSize = GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nCleanStateNumberCount * sizeof(StateTables);
	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posCleanStateTables = (StateTables*)SMAlloc(nSize);
	if (!GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posCleanStateTables)
		return -1; // Insufficient Resources
	if(!NT_SUCCESS(CryptRead(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile, GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posCleanStateTables, &nSize)))
		return -1; // Error Reading File

	// Jump from Clean Function Binaries
	dnSeekParam.QuadPart = GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nCleanFunctionLength;
	if ( !NT_SUCCESS (CryptSeekCurrent(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile , &dnSeekParam.QuadPart))) 
		return -1;

	// Read Clean Main Table (Condition - State)
	nSize = GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nCleanConditionStateCount * sizeof(Condition_State);
	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posCleanCondition_State = (Condition_State*)SMAlloc(nSize);	
	if (!GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posCleanCondition_State)
		return -1; // Insufficient Resources

	if(!NT_SUCCESS(CryptRead(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile, GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posCleanCondition_State, &nSize)))
		return -1; // Error Reading File

	nSize = GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nCleanConditionIndexCount * sizeof(ConditionExpression);
	GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posCleanConditionExpression = (ConditionExpression*)SMAlloc(nSize);
	if (!GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posCleanConditionExpression)
		return -1;// Insufficient Resources

	for (nIndex = 0 ; nIndex < GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_osHeader.nCleanConditionIndexCount; nIndex++)
		UINT32 nLength = 0;
		nSize = sizeof(UINT32);

		if(!NT_SUCCESS(CryptRead(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile, &nLength, &nSize)))
			return -1; // Error Reading File
		nSize = nLength;
		GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posCleanConditionExpression[nIndex].nLength = nLength;
		GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posCleanConditionExpression[nIndex].pbyExp = (UINT8*)SMAlloc(nSize);
		if (!GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posCleanConditionExpression[nIndex].pbyExp)
			return -1;// Insufficient Resources

		if(!NT_SUCCESS(CryptRead(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile, GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posCleanConditionExpression[nIndex].pbyExp, &nSize)))
			return -1; // Error Reading File

	return 0;// No Error
Exemplo n.º 10
FunctionBinary* GetCleanFunction(UINT32 nStateConIndex)
	ULONG nSize;
	LARGE_INTEGER dnFuncOffset;
	FunctionBinary * posCleanReturnValue;

	dnFuncOffset.QuadPart = GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posCleanCondition_State[nStateConIndex].nFunctionOffset;
	posCleanReturnValue = (FunctionBinary *)SMAlloc(sizeof(FunctionBinary));
	if ( !posCleanReturnValue )
		return NULL;
	ZeroMemory(posCleanReturnValue, sizeof(FunctionBinary));

	if ( !NT_SUCCESS (CryptSeek(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile , &dnFuncOffset.QuadPart))) 
		return NULL; // Error Seeking File

	nSize = sizeof(UINT32);
	if(!NT_SUCCESS(CryptRead(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile, &posCleanReturnValue->nLength, &nSize)))
		return NULL; // Error Reading File
	nSize = sizeof(UINT8);
	if(!NT_SUCCESS(CryptRead(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile, &posCleanReturnValue->byIsChangeContext, &nSize)))
		return NULL; // Error Reading File

	nSize = sizeof(UINT8);
	if(!NT_SUCCESS(CryptRead(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile, &posCleanReturnValue->byType, &nSize)))
		return NULL; // Error Reading File

	posCleanReturnValue->pbyExp = (UINT8*)SMAlloc(sizeof(UINT8) * (posCleanReturnValue->nLength - (2 * sizeof(UINT8))));
	if( !posCleanReturnValue->pbyExp )
		return NULL; 
	ZeroMemory(posCleanReturnValue->pbyExp, sizeof(UINT8) * (posCleanReturnValue->nLength - (2 * sizeof(UINT8))));

	nSize = (posCleanReturnValue->nLength - (2 * sizeof(UINT8)));
	if(!NT_SUCCESS(CryptRead(GV.pocSMVirusDatFile->m_posFile, posCleanReturnValue->pbyExp, &nSize)))
		return NULL; // Error Reading File
	posCleanReturnValue->nLength = nSize;
	return posCleanReturnValue;
Exemplo n.º 11
//------------------------------------------------- DLL MAIN -------------------------------------------------
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID)
  switch (ul_reason_for_call)
#ifdef _DEBUG
        // Retrieve the initial configuration stuff if not already

        // Get revision/build automatically
        char szDllPath[MAX_PATH];

        DWORD dwDesiredRevision = 0;
        std::string aicfg = LoadConfigString("ai", BUILD_DEBUG ? "ai_dbg" : "ai", "_NULL");
        strncpy(szDllPath, aicfg.c_str(), MAX_PATH);

        if ( aicfg == "_NULL" )
            BWAPIError("Could not find %s under ai in \"%s\" for revision identification.", BUILD_DEBUG ? "ai_dbg" : "ai", szConfigPath);
          DWORD dwDesiredBuild    = 0; // 0 = undefined, 1 = release, 2 = debug

          // Tokenize and retrieve correct path for the instance number
          char *pszDll = strtok(szDllPath, ",");
          for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < gdwProcNum-1; ++i )
            char *pszNext = strtok(NULL, ",");
            if ( !pszNext )
            pszDll = pszNext;
          // Retrieve revision info if it exists
          char *pszLoadRevCheck = strchr(pszDll, ':');
          if ( pszLoadRevCheck )
            pszLoadRevCheck[0] = 0;
            sscanf(pszLoadRevCheck, "%u", &dwDesiredRevision);

          // Remove spaces
          while ( isspace(pszDll[0]) )

          // Open File
          HANDLE hFile = NULL;
          if ( !SFileOpenFileEx(NULL, pszDll, SFILE_FROM_ABSOLUTE, &hFile) || !hFile)
              BWAPIError("Could not load module \"%s\" for revision identification.", pszDll);
            // Obtain file size
            DWORD dwFileSize = SFileGetFileSize(hFile, 0);

            // Allocate memory
            char *pbBuffer = (char*)SMAlloc(dwFileSize);
            if ( !pbBuffer )
                BWAPIError("Unable to allocate enough memory for module \"%s\" for revision identification.", pszDll);
              // Read file
              DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
              SFileReadFile(hFile, pbBuffer, dwFileSize, &dwBytesRead, 0);
              for ( u32 i = 0; i < dwBytesRead && (dwDesiredRevision == 0 || dwDesiredBuild == 0); ++i )
                if ( dwDesiredRevision == 0 && memcmp(&pbBuffer[i], "XBWAPIXREVISIONXSTAMPX", 22) == 0 )
                  i += 22;
                  sscanf(&pbBuffer[i], "%u", &dwDesiredRevision);
                  i += 5;
                }  // if REVISION
                if ( memcmp(&pbBuffer[i], "XBWAPIXBUILDXSTAMPX", 19) == 0 )
                  i += 19;
                  if ( strcmp(&pbBuffer[i], "DEBUG") == 0 )
                    dwDesiredBuild = 2;
                    i += 6;
                  else if ( strcmp(&pbBuffer[i], "RELEASE") == 0 )
                    dwDesiredBuild = 1;
                    i += 8;
                } // if BUILD
              } // for (iterate file)
              // Free memory and close file
            } // buffer was allocated
          } // file was opened

          /* Do revision checking */
          if ( dwDesiredRevision > 0 && dwDesiredRevision != SVN_REV )
            // revision that ai_dll_# for multiple instances was introduced
            if ( gdwProcNum && dwDesiredRevision < 2753 && showWarn )
              char err[512];
              sprintf(err, "Revision %u is not compatible with multiple instances.\nExpecting revision 2753 (BWAPI Beta 3.1) or greater. If you proceed, the older revision of BWAPI will attempt to load its module from ai_dll instead of the multi-instance specification. Do you want to continue anyway?", dwDesiredRevision);
              BWAPIError("%s", err);
              if ( MessageBox(NULL, err, "Error", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING | MB_DEFBUTTON1 | MB_TASKMODAL) == IDNO )
                return TRUE;
            } // revision is old

            if ( dwDesiredBuild == 0 )
              dwDesiredBuild = BUILD_DEBUG + 1;
            char szRevModule[MAX_PATH];
            sprintf_s(szRevModule, MAX_PATH, "%sbwapi-data\\revisions\\%u%s.dll", szInstallPath, dwDesiredRevision, dwDesiredBuild == 2 ? "d" : "");
            HMODULE hLib = LoadLibrary(szRevModule);
            if ( hLib )
              if ( showWarn )
                char msg[MAX_PATH+32];
                char szLoadedName[MAX_PATH];
                GetModuleFileName(hLib, szLoadedName, MAX_PATH);
                sprintf_s(msg, MAX_PATH+32, "Loaded \"%s\" instead.", szLoadedName);
                MessageBox(NULL, msg, "Success", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFO);
              return TRUE;

            if ( showWarn )
              char err[512];
              sprintf(err, "Couldn't find revision module \"%s\" of which the AI DLL was compiled for. Do you want to try using the current revision instead?", szRevModule);
              BWAPIError("%s", err);
              if ( MessageBox(NULL, err, "Error", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING | MB_DEFBUTTON1 | MB_TASKMODAL) == IDNO )
                return TRUE;
          } // specified rev is not this one
          else if ( dwDesiredBuild && BUILD_DEBUG + 1 != dwDesiredBuild )
            char envBuffer[MAX_PATH];
            if ( !GetEnvironmentVariable("ChaosDir", envBuffer, MAX_PATH) )
              if ( !GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, envBuffer) && showWarn )
                BWAPIError("Could not find ChaosDir or current directory for build identification.");

            SStrNCat(envBuffer, "\\BWAPI", MAX_PATH);
            if ( dwDesiredBuild == 2 )
              SStrNCat(envBuffer, "d", MAX_PATH);
            SStrNCat(envBuffer, ".dll", MAX_PATH);

            HMODULE hLib = LoadLibrary(envBuffer);
            if ( hLib )
              if ( showWarn )
                char msg[MAX_PATH+32];
                sprintf_s(msg, MAX_PATH+32, "Loaded \"%s\" instead.", envBuffer);
                MessageBox(NULL, msg, "Success", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFO);
              return TRUE;

            if ( showWarn )
              char err[512];
              sprintf(err, "Couldn't find build module \"%s\" of which the AI DLL was compiled for. Do you want to try using the current build instead?", envBuffer);
              BWAPIError("%s", err);
              if ( MessageBox(NULL, err, "Error", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING | MB_DEFBUTTON1 | MB_TASKMODAL) == IDNO )
                return TRUE;
            return TRUE;
        } // module str was found

        // Do version checking

        // Load the auto-menu config

        // Apply all hacks and patches to the game

        // Initialize BWAPI

        // Create our thread that persistently applies hacks
        CreateThread(NULL, 0, &PersistentPatch, NULL, 0, NULL);

        return TRUE;
  return TRUE;