Exemplo n.º 1
JS_GetScriptTotalSize(JSContext *cx, JSScript *script)
    size_t nbytes, pbytes;
    JSObject *obj;
    jsatomid i;
    jssrcnote *sn, *notes;
    JSTryNote *tn, *tnotes;
    JSPrincipals *principals;

    nbytes = sizeof *script;
    obj = script->object;
    if (obj)
        nbytes += JS_GetObjectTotalSize(cx, obj);

    nbytes += script->length * sizeof script->code[0];
    nbytes += script->atomMap.length * sizeof script->atomMap.vector[0];
    for (i = 0; i < script->atomMap.length; i++)
        nbytes += GetAtomTotalSize(cx, script->atomMap.vector[i]);

    if (script->filename)
        nbytes += strlen(script->filename) + 1;

    notes = SCRIPT_NOTES(script);
    for (sn = notes; !SN_IS_TERMINATOR(sn); sn = SN_NEXT(sn))
    nbytes += (sn - notes + 1) * sizeof *sn;

    tnotes = script->trynotes;
    if (tnotes) {
        for (tn = tnotes; tn->catchStart; tn++)
        nbytes += (tn - tnotes + 1) * sizeof *tn;

    principals = script->principals;
    if (principals) {
        pbytes = sizeof *principals;
        if (principals->refcount > 1)
            pbytes = JS_HOWMANY(pbytes, principals->refcount);
        nbytes += pbytes;

    return nbytes;
Exemplo n.º 2
LCovSource::writeScript(JSScript* script)
    outFN_.printf("FN:%d,", script->lineno());
    if (!writeScriptName(outFN_, script))
        return false;
    outFN_.put("\n", 1);

    uint64_t hits = 0;
    ScriptCounts* sc = nullptr;
    if (script->hasScriptCounts()) {
        sc = &script->getScriptCounts();
        const PCCounts* counts = sc->maybeGetPCCounts(script->pcToOffset(script->main()));
        outFNDA_.printf("FNDA:%" PRIu64 ",", counts->numExec());
        if (!writeScriptName(outFNDA_, script))
            return false;
        outFNDA_.put("\n", 1);

        // Set the hit count of the pre-main code to 1, if the function ever got
        // visited.
        hits = 1;

    jsbytecode* snpc = script->code();
    jssrcnote* sn = script->notes();
    if (!SN_IS_TERMINATOR(sn))
        snpc += SN_DELTA(sn);

    size_t lineno = script->lineno();
    jsbytecode* end = script->codeEnd();
    size_t branchId = 0;
    size_t tableswitchExitOffset = 0;
    for (jsbytecode* pc = script->code(); pc != end; pc = GetNextPc(pc)) {
        JSOp op = JSOp(*pc);
        bool jump = IsJumpOpcode(op) || op == JSOP_TABLESWITCH;
        bool fallsthrough = BytecodeFallsThrough(op) && op != JSOP_GOSUB;

        // If the current script & pc has a hit-count report, then update the
        // current number of hits.
        if (sc) {
            const PCCounts* counts = sc->maybeGetPCCounts(script->pcToOffset(pc));
            if (counts)
                hits = counts->numExec();

        // If we have additional source notes, walk all the source notes of the
        // current pc.
        if (snpc <= pc) {
            size_t oldLine = lineno;
            while (!SN_IS_TERMINATOR(sn) && snpc <= pc) {
                SrcNoteType type = (SrcNoteType) SN_TYPE(sn);
                if (type == SRC_SETLINE)
                    lineno = size_t(GetSrcNoteOffset(sn, 0));
                else if (type == SRC_NEWLINE)
                else if (type == SRC_TABLESWITCH)
                    tableswitchExitOffset = GetSrcNoteOffset(sn, 0);

                sn = SN_NEXT(sn);
                snpc += SN_DELTA(sn);

            if (oldLine != lineno && fallsthrough) {
                outDA_.printf("DA:%d,%" PRIu64 "\n", lineno, hits);

                // Count the number of lines instrumented & hit.
                if (hits)

        // If the current instruction has thrown, then decrement the hit counts
        // with the number of throws.
        if (sc) {
            const PCCounts* counts = sc->maybeGetThrowCounts(script->pcToOffset(pc));
            if (counts)
                hits -= counts->numExec();

        // If the current pc corresponds to a conditional jump instruction, then reports
        // branch hits.
        if (jump && fallsthrough) {
            jsbytecode* fallthroughTarget = GetNextPc(pc);
            uint64_t fallthroughHits = 0;
            if (sc) {
                const PCCounts* counts = sc->maybeGetPCCounts(script->pcToOffset(fallthroughTarget));
                if (counts)
                    fallthroughHits = counts->numExec();

            uint64_t taken = hits - fallthroughHits;
            outBRDA_.printf("BRDA:%d,%d,0,", lineno, branchId);
            if (taken)
                outBRDA_.printf("%d\n", taken);
                outBRDA_.put("-\n", 2);

            outBRDA_.printf("BRDA:%d,%d,1,", lineno, branchId);
            if (fallthroughHits)
                outBRDA_.printf("%d\n", fallthroughHits);
                outBRDA_.put("-\n", 2);

            // Count the number of branches, and the number of branches hit.
            numBranchesFound_ += 2;
            if (hits)
                numBranchesHit_ += !!taken + !!fallthroughHits;

        // If the current pc corresponds to a pre-computed switch case, then
        // reports branch hits for each case statement.
        if (jump && op == JSOP_TABLESWITCH) {
            MOZ_ASSERT(tableswitchExitOffset != 0);

            // Get the default and exit pc
            jsbytecode* exitpc = pc + tableswitchExitOffset;
            jsbytecode* defaultpc = pc + GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc);
            MOZ_ASSERT(defaultpc > pc && defaultpc <= exitpc);

            // Get the low and high from the tableswitch
            int32_t low = GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc + JUMP_OFFSET_LEN * 1);
            int32_t high = GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc + JUMP_OFFSET_LEN * 2);
            MOZ_ASSERT(high - low + 1 >= 0);
            size_t numCases = high - low + 1;
            jsbytecode* jumpTable = pc + JUMP_OFFSET_LEN * 3;

            jsbytecode* firstcasepc = exitpc;
            for (size_t j = 0; j < numCases; j++) {
                jsbytecode* testpc = pc + GET_JUMP_OFFSET(jumpTable + JUMP_OFFSET_LEN * j);
                if (testpc < firstcasepc)
                    firstcasepc = testpc;

            // Count the number of hits of the default branch, by subtracting
            // the number of hits of each cases.
            uint64_t defaultHits = hits;

            // Count the number of hits of the previous case entry.
            uint64_t fallsThroughHits = 0;

            // Record branches for each cases.
            size_t caseId = 0;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < numCases; i++) {
                jsbytecode* casepc = pc + GET_JUMP_OFFSET(jumpTable + JUMP_OFFSET_LEN * i);
                // The case is not present, and jumps to the default pc if used.
                if (casepc == pc)

                // PCs might not be in increasing order of case indexes.
                jsbytecode* lastcasepc = firstcasepc - 1;
                for (size_t j = 0; j < numCases; j++) {
                    jsbytecode* testpc = pc + GET_JUMP_OFFSET(jumpTable + JUMP_OFFSET_LEN * j);
                    if (lastcasepc < testpc && (testpc < casepc || (j < i && testpc == casepc)))
                        lastcasepc = testpc;

                if (casepc != lastcasepc) {
                    // Case (i + low)
                    uint64_t caseHits = 0;
                    if (sc) {
                        const PCCounts* counts = sc->maybeGetPCCounts(script->pcToOffset(casepc));
                        if (counts)
                            caseHits = counts->numExec();

                        // Remove fallthrough.
                        fallsThroughHits = 0;
                        if (casepc != firstcasepc) {
                            jsbytecode* endpc = lastcasepc;
                            while (GetNextPc(endpc) < casepc)
                                endpc = GetNextPc(endpc);

                            if (BytecodeFallsThrough(JSOp(*endpc)))
                                fallsThroughHits = script->getHitCount(endpc);

                        caseHits -= fallsThroughHits;

                    outBRDA_.printf("BRDA:%d,%d,%d,", lineno, branchId, caseId);
                    if (caseHits)
                        outBRDA_.printf("%d\n", caseHits);
                        outBRDA_.put("-\n", 2);

                    numBranchesHit_ += !!caseHits;
                    defaultHits -= caseHits;

            // Compute the number of hits of the default branch, if it has its
            // own case clause.
            bool defaultHasOwnClause = true;
            if (defaultpc != exitpc) {
                defaultHits = 0;

                // Look for the last case entry before the default pc.
                jsbytecode* lastcasepc = firstcasepc - 1;
                for (size_t j = 0; j < numCases; j++) {
                    jsbytecode* testpc = pc + GET_JUMP_OFFSET(jumpTable + JUMP_OFFSET_LEN * j);
                    if (lastcasepc < testpc && testpc <= defaultpc)
                        lastcasepc = testpc;

                if (lastcasepc == defaultpc)
                    defaultHasOwnClause = false;

                // Look if the last case entry fallthrough to the default case,
                // in which case we have to remove the number of fallthrough
                // hits out of the default case hits.
                if (sc && lastcasepc != pc) {
                    jsbytecode* endpc = lastcasepc;
                    while (GetNextPc(endpc) < defaultpc)
                        endpc = GetNextPc(endpc);

                    if (BytecodeFallsThrough(JSOp(*endpc)))
                        fallsThroughHits = script->getHitCount(endpc);

                if (sc) {
                    const PCCounts* counts = sc->maybeGetPCCounts(script->pcToOffset(defaultpc));
                    if (counts)
                        defaultHits = counts->numExec();
                defaultHits -= fallsThroughHits;

            if (defaultHasOwnClause) {
                outBRDA_.printf("BRDA:%d,%d,%d,", lineno, branchId, caseId);
                if (defaultHits)
                    outBRDA_.printf("%d\n", defaultHits);
                    outBRDA_.put("-\n", 2);
                numBranchesHit_ += !!defaultHits;

            // Increment the branch identifier, and go to the next instruction.
            tableswitchExitOffset = 0;

    // Report any new OOM.
    if (outFN_.hadOutOfMemory() ||
        outFNDA_.hadOutOfMemory() ||
        outBRDA_.hadOutOfMemory() ||
        return false;

    // If this script is the top-level script, then record it such that we can
    // assume that the code coverage report is complete, as this script has
    // references on all inner scripts.
    if (script->isTopLevel())
        hasTopLevelScript_ = true;

    return true;