Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: star.c Projeto: jsyk/snet-rts
 * Star component task
static void StarBoxTask(void *arg)
  star_arg_t *sarg = arg;
  snet_record_t *rec;

  /* read from input stream */
  rec = SNetStreamRead( sarg->instream);

  switch( SNetRecGetDescriptor( rec)) {

    case REC_data:
      if( MatchesExitPattern( rec, sarg->exit_patterns, sarg->guards)) {
        SNetUtilDebugNoticeEnt( ent,
            "[STAR] Notice: Data leaves replication network.");
        /* send rec to collector */
        SNetStreamWrite( sarg->outstream, rec);
      } else {
        /* if instance has not been created yet, create it */
        if( sarg->nextstream == NULL) {
          CreateOperandNetwork(&sarg->nextstream, sarg, sarg->outstream);
        /* send the record to the instance */
        SNetStreamWrite( sarg->nextstream, rec);
      } /* end if not matches exit pattern */

      /* deterministic non-incarnate has to append control records */
      if (sarg->is_det && !sarg->is_incarnate) {
        /* send new sort record to collector level=0, counter=0*/
        SNetStreamWrite( sarg->outstream,
            SNetRecCreate( REC_sort_end, 0, sarg->counter) );

        /* if has next instance, send new sort record */
        if (sarg->nextstream != NULL) {
          SNetStreamWrite( sarg->nextstream,
              SNetRecCreate( REC_sort_end, 0, sarg->counter) );
        /* increment counter */

#ifdef ENABLE_GC
      else if (sarg->sync_cleanup) {
        snet_record_t *term_rec;
         * If sync_cleanup is set, we decided to postpone termination
         * due to garbage collection triggered by a sync record until now.
         * Postponing was done in order not to create the operand network unnecessarily
         * only to be able to forward the sync record.
        assert( sarg->nextstream != NULL);
        /* first send a sync record to the next instance */
        SNetStreamWrite( sarg->nextstream,
            SNetRecCreate( REC_sync, SNetStreamGet(sarg->instream)) );

        /* send a terminate record to collector, it will close and
           destroy the stream */
        term_rec = SNetRecCreate(REC_terminate);
        SNetStreamWrite( sarg->outstream, term_rec);

        /* terminating due to GC */
        SNetUtilDebugNoticeEnt( ent,
            "[STAR] Notice: Destroying star dispatcher due to GC, "
            "delayed until new data record!"
        SNetStreamClose(sarg->nextstream, false);
        SNetStreamClose(sarg->instream, false);
#endif /* ENABLE_GC */

    case REC_sync:
        snet_stream_t *newstream = SNetRecGetStream( rec);
#ifdef ENABLE_GC
        snet_locvec_t *loc = SNetStreamGetSource( newstream);
        if (loc != NULL) {
          int size = SNetLocvecPrintSize(loc) + 1;
          char srecloc[size];
          srecloc[size - 1] = '\0';
          SNetLocvecPrint(srecloc, loc);
                "[STAR] Notice: Received sync record with a stream with source %s.",
        /* TODO
         * It is not necessary to carry the whole location vector in the
         * next stream of a star-entity, only a flag. As a prerequisite,
         * non_incarnates must not clean themselves up!
         * Only incarnates are eligible for cleanup!
         * check if the source (location) of the stream and the own location are
         * (subsequent) star dispatcher entities of the same star combinator network
         * -> if so, we can clean-up ourselves
        if ( sarg->is_incarnate && loc != NULL ) {
          assert( true == SNetLocvecEqualParent(loc, SNetLocvecGet(sarg->info)) );
          /* If the next instance is already created, we can forward the sync-record
           * immediately and terminate.
           * Otherwise we postpone termination to the point when a next data record
           * is received, as we create the operand network then.
          if (sarg->nextstream != NULL) {
            snet_record_t *term_rec;
            /* forward the sync record  */
            SNetStreamWrite( sarg->nextstream, rec);
            /* send a terminate record to collector, it will close and
               destroy the stream */
            term_rec = SNetRecCreate(REC_terminate);
            SNetStreamWrite( sarg->outstream, term_rec);

            /* terminating due to GC */
            SNetUtilDebugNoticeEnt( ent,
                "[STAR] Notice: Destroying star dispatcher due to GC, "
                "immediately on sync!"
            SNetStreamClose(sarg->nextstream, false);
            SNetStreamClose(sarg->instream, true);
          } else {
            sarg->sync_cleanup = true;
            SNetUtilDebugNoticeEnt( ent,
                "[STAR] Notice: Remembering delayed destruction.");
            /* handle sync record as usual */
            SNetStreamReplace( sarg->instream, newstream);
            SNetRecDestroy( rec);
        } else
#endif /* ENABLE_GC */
          /* handle sync record as usual */
          SNetStreamReplace( sarg->instream, newstream);
          SNetRecDestroy( rec);

    case REC_sort_end:
        int rec_lvl = SNetRecGetLevel(rec);
        /* send a copy to the box, if exists */
        if( sarg->nextstream != NULL) {
              SNetRecCreate( REC_sort_end,
                (!sarg->is_incarnate)? rec_lvl+1 : rec_lvl,
                SNetRecGetNum(rec) )

        /* send the original one to the collector */
        if (!sarg->is_incarnate) {
          /* if non-incarnate, we have to increase level */
          SNetRecSetLevel( rec, rec_lvl+1);
        SNetStreamWrite( sarg->outstream, rec);

    case REC_terminate:
      if( sarg->nextstream != NULL) {
        SNetStreamWrite( sarg->nextstream, SNetRecCopy( rec));
        SNetStreamClose( sarg->nextstream, false);
      SNetStreamWrite( sarg->outstream, rec);
      /* note that no sort record has to be appended */
      SNetStreamClose(sarg->instream, true);


    case REC_collect:
      SNetUtilDebugFatal("Unknown record type!");
      /* if ignore, at least destroy ... */
      SNetRecDestroy( rec);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Collector task for dynamic combinators (star/split)
 * and the static parallel combinator
void CollectorTask(snet_entity_t *ent, void *arg)
  coll_arg_t *carg = (coll_arg_t *)arg;
  snet_streamset_t readyset, waitingset;
  snet_stream_iter_t *wait_iter;
  snet_stream_desc_t *outstream;
  snet_stream_desc_t *curstream = NULL;
  snet_stream_desc_t *last = NULL;		// when the paired parallel terminate, it sends the sort_end record to the last branch
  snet_record_t *sort_rec = NULL;
  snet_record_t *term_rec = NULL;
  int incount;
  bool terminate = false;

  /* open outstream for writing */
  outstream = SNetStreamOpen(carg->output, 'w');

  readyset = waitingset = NULL;

  if (carg->is_static) {
    int i;
    incount = CARG_ST(carg, num);
    /* fill initial readyset of collector */
    for (i=0; i<incount; i++) {
      snet_stream_desc_t *tmp;
      /* open each stream in listening set for reading */
      tmp = SNetStreamOpen( CARG_ST(carg, inputs[i]), 'r');
      /* add each stream instreams[i] to listening set of collector */
      SNetStreamsetPut( &readyset, tmp);
    SNetMemFree( CARG_ST(carg, inputs) );
  } else {
    incount = 1;
    /* Open initial stream and put into readyset */
    SNetStreamsetPut( &readyset,
        SNetStreamOpen(CARG_DYN(carg, input), 'r')

  /* create an iterator for waiting set, is reused within main loop*/
  wait_iter = SNetStreamIterCreate( &waitingset);

  /* MAIN LOOP */
  while( !terminate) {
    /* get a record */
    snet_record_t *rec = GetRecord(&readyset, incount, &curstream);
    /* process the record */
    switch( SNetRecGetDescriptor( rec)) {

      case REC_data:
        /* data record: forward to output */
        SNetStreamWrite( outstream, rec);

      case REC_sort_end:
      	/* curstream == last, this is the last branch and the paired parallel already terminates
      	 * increase the level by one because it was not increased by the paired parallel as it should be
      	 * Also later when last becomes the only waiting branch, the collector should terminate. However before terminating, it should pretend that parallel has sent the sort end from all branches
      	if (curstream == last) {			// imply last != NULL, this will be the last branch and the paired parallel already terminates
      		SNetRecSetLevel(rec, SNetRecGetLevel(rec) + 1);			// increase the level by one because it was not increased by the paired parallel as it should be
      	if (last == NULL && SNetRecGetLevel(rec) == 0 && SNetRecGetNum(rec) == -1) {		// if last was not set, and collector receives a sort_end (l0, c-1) --> set the curstream as last
      		last = curstream;																															// from now on, any sort_end from last will be increased level by 1
      		SNetRecDestroy( rec);
      		break;			// ignore the sort_end

        ProcessSortRecord(ent, rec, &sort_rec, curstream, &readyset, &waitingset);
        /* end processing this stream */
        curstream = NULL;

      case REC_sync:
        SNetStreamReplace( curstream, SNetRecGetStream( rec));
        SNetRecDestroy( rec);

      case REC_collect:
        /* only for dynamic collectors! */
        assert( false == carg->is_static );
        /* collect: add new stream to ready set */
        /* but first, check if we can free resources by checking the
           waiting set for arrival of termination records */
        incount -= DestroyTermInWaitingSet(wait_iter, &waitingset);
        assert(incount > 0);
        /* finally, add new stream to ready set */
            SNetStreamOpen( SNetRecGetStream( rec), 'r')
        /* update incoming counter */
        /* destroy collect record */
        SNetRecDestroy( rec);

      case REC_terminate:
        /* termination record: close stream and remove from ready set */
        ProcessTermRecord(rec, &term_rec, curstream, &readyset, &incount);
        /* stop processing this stream */
        curstream = NULL;

        /* if ignore, at least destroy ... */
        SNetRecDestroy( rec);
    } /* end switch */

    /************* termination conditions *****************/
    if ( SNetStreamsetIsEmpty( &readyset)) {
      /* the streams which had a sort record are in the waitingset */
      if ( !SNetStreamsetIsEmpty( &waitingset)) {
        if ( carg->is_static && (1 == incount) ) {		// stat
          snet_stream_desc_t *in = (waitingset != NULL) ? waitingset : readyset;

          /* if last is the only one in the waitingset --> pretends that the already-terminated paired parallel has sent the sort end to all branches
           * Therefore restore the waitingset before terminating (so that a relevant sort_end is sent out) */
          if (in == last)
          	RestoreFromWaitingset(&waitingset, &readyset, &sort_rec, outstream);

          SNetStreamWrite( outstream,
              SNetRecCreate( REC_sync, SNetStreamGet(in))
          SNetStreamClose( in, false);
          terminate = true;
          /* terminating due to GC */
          SNetUtilDebugNoticeEnt( ent,
              "[COLL] Terminate static collector as only one branch left!"
        } else
          RestoreFromWaitingset(&waitingset, &readyset, &sort_rec, outstream);
      } else {
        /* both ready set and waitingset are empty */
        if (carg->is_static) {
          SNetUtilDebugNoticeEnt( ent,
              "[COLL] Terminate static collector as no inputs left!");
        assert(term_rec != NULL);
        SNetStreamWrite( outstream, term_rec);
        term_rec = NULL;
        terminate = true;

    /************* end of termination conditions **********/
  } /* MAIN LOOP END */

  if (term_rec != NULL) {
  if (sort_rec != NULL) {
  /* close outstream */
  SNetStreamClose( outstream, false);
  /* destroy iterator */
  SNetStreamIterDestroy( wait_iter);
  /* destroy argument */
  SNetMemFree( carg);