Exemplo n.º 1
static EIO_Status s_VT_Wait
(CONNECTOR       connector,
 EIO_Event       event,
 const STimeout* timeout)
    SHttpConnector* uuu = (SHttpConnector*) connector->handle;

    switch (event) {
    case eIO_Read:
        if (uuu->can_connect == eCC_None)
            return eIO_Closed;
        if (!uuu->sock  ||  uuu->read_header) {
            EIO_Status status = s_PreRead(uuu, timeout, eRM_WaitCalled);
            if (status != eIO_Success  ||  BUF_Size(uuu->r_buf))
                return status;
        return SOCK_Wait(uuu->sock, eIO_Read, timeout);
    case eIO_Write:
        /* Return 'Closed' if no more writes are allowed (and now - reading) */
        return uuu->can_connect == eCC_None
            ||  (uuu->sock  &&  uuu->can_connect == eCC_Once)
            ? eIO_Closed : eIO_Success;
        return eIO_InvalidArg;
Exemplo n.º 2
static EIO_Status s_VT_Wait
(CONNECTOR       connector,
 EIO_Event       event,
 const STimeout* timeout)
    SSockConnector* xxx = (SSockConnector*) connector->handle;
    assert(event == eIO_Read  ||  event == eIO_Write);
    return SOCK_Wait(xxx->sock, event, timeout);
Exemplo n.º 3
const char* CORE_SendMailEx(const char*          to,
                            const char*          subject,
                            const char*          body,
                            const SSendMailInfo* uinfo)
    static const STimeout zero = {0, 0};
    const SSendMailInfo* info;
    SSendMailInfo ainfo;
    char buffer[1024];
    SOCK sock = 0;

    info = uinfo ? uinfo : SendMailInfo_Init(&ainfo);
    if (info->magic_number != MX_MAGIC_NUMBER)
        SENDMAIL_RETURN(6, "Invalid magic number");

    if ((!to         ||  !*to)        &&
        (!info->cc   ||  !*info->cc)  &&
        (!info->bcc  ||  !*info->bcc)) {
        SENDMAIL_RETURN(7, "At least one message recipient must be specified");

    /* Open connection to sendmail */
    if (SOCK_Create(info->mx_host, info->mx_port, &info->mx_timeout, &sock)
        != eIO_Success) {
        SENDMAIL_RETURN(8, "Cannot connect to sendmail");
    SOCK_SetTimeout(sock, eIO_ReadWrite, &info->mx_timeout);

    /* Follow the protocol conversation, RFC821 */
    if (!SENDMAIL_READ_RESPONSE(220, 0, buffer))
        SENDMAIL_RETURN2(9, "Protocol error in connection init", buffer);

    if ((!(info->mx_options & fSendMail_StripNonFQDNHost)  ||
         !SOCK_gethostbyaddr(0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)))  &&
        SOCK_gethostname(buffer, sizeof(buffer)) != 0) {
        SENDMAIL_RETURN(10, "Unable to get local host name");
    if (!s_SockWrite(sock, "HELO ", 0)  ||
        !s_SockWrite(sock, buffer, 0)   ||
        !s_SockWrite(sock, MX_CRLF, 2)) {
        SENDMAIL_RETURN(11, "Write error in HELO command");
    if (!SENDMAIL_READ_RESPONSE(250, 0, buffer))
        SENDMAIL_RETURN2(12, "Protocol error in HELO command", buffer);

    if (!s_SockWrite(sock, "MAIL FROM: <", 0)             ||
        !s_SockWrite(sock, info->from, s_FromSize(info))  ||
        !s_SockWrite(sock, ">" MX_CRLF, 1 + 2)) {
        SENDMAIL_RETURN(13, "Write error in MAIL command");
    if (!SENDMAIL_READ_RESPONSE(250, 0, buffer))
        SENDMAIL_RETURN2(14, "Protocol error in MAIL command", buffer);

    if (to && *to) {
        const char* error = SENDMAIL_SENDRCPT("To", to, buffer);
        if (error)
            return error;

    if (info->cc && *info->cc) {
        const char* error = SENDMAIL_SENDRCPT("Cc", info->cc, buffer);
        if (error)
            return error;

    if (info->bcc && *info->bcc) {
        const char* error = SENDMAIL_SENDRCPT("Bcc", info->bcc, buffer);
        if (error)
            return error;

    if (!s_SockWrite(sock, "DATA" MX_CRLF, 0))
        SENDMAIL_RETURN(15, "Write error in DATA command");
    if (!SENDMAIL_READ_RESPONSE(354, 0, buffer))
        SENDMAIL_RETURN2(16, "Protocol error in DATA command", buffer);

    if (!(info->mx_options & fSendMail_NoMxHeader)) {
        /* Follow RFC822 to compose message headers. Note that
         * 'Date:'and 'From:' are both added by sendmail automagically.
        if (!s_SockWrite(sock, "Subject: ", 0)             ||
            (subject  &&  !s_SockWrite(sock, subject, 0))  ||
            !s_SockWrite(sock, MX_CRLF, 2))
            SENDMAIL_RETURN(17, "Write error in sending subject");

        if (to  &&  *to) {
            if (!s_SockWrite(sock, "To: ", 0)              ||
                !s_SockWrite(sock, to, 0)                  ||
                !s_SockWrite(sock, MX_CRLF, 2))
                SENDMAIL_RETURN(18, "Write error in sending To");

        if (info->cc  &&  *info->cc) {
            if (!s_SockWrite(sock, "Cc: ", 0)              ||
                !s_SockWrite(sock, info->cc, 0)            ||
                !s_SockWrite(sock, MX_CRLF, 2))
                SENDMAIL_RETURN(19, "Write error in sending Cc");
    } else if (subject && *subject)
        CORE_LOG_X(2, eLOG_Warning,
                   "[SendMail]  Subject ignored in as-is messages");

    if (!s_SockWrite(sock, "X-Mailer: CORE_SendMail (NCBI "
                     NCBI_SENDMAIL_TOOLKIT " Toolkit)" MX_CRLF, 0)) {
        SENDMAIL_RETURN(20, "Write error in sending mailer information");

    assert(sizeof(buffer) > sizeof(MX_CRLF) && sizeof(MX_CRLF) >= 3);

    if (info->header && *info->header) {
        size_t n = 0, m = strlen(info->header);
        int/*bool*/ newline = 0/*false*/;
        while (n < m) {
            size_t k = 0;
            if (SOCK_Wait(sock, eIO_Read, &zero) != eIO_Timeout)
            while (k < sizeof(buffer) - sizeof(MX_CRLF)) {
                if (info->header[n] == '\n') {
                    memcpy(&buffer[k], MX_CRLF, sizeof(MX_CRLF) - 1);
                    k += sizeof(MX_CRLF) - 1;
                    newline = 1/*true*/;
                } else {
                    if (info->header[n] != '\r'  ||  info->header[n+1] != '\n')
                        buffer[k++] = info->header[n];
                    newline = 0/*false*/;
                if (++n >= m)
            buffer[k] = '\0'/*just in case*/;
            if (!s_SockWrite(sock, buffer, k))
                SENDMAIL_RETURN(21, "Write error while sending custom header");
        if (n < m)
            SENDMAIL_RETURN(22, "Header write error");
        if (!newline && !s_SockWrite(sock, MX_CRLF, 2))
            SENDMAIL_RETURN(23, "Write error while finalizing custom header");

    if (body) {
        size_t n = 0, m = info->body_size ? info->body_size : strlen(body);
        int/*bool*/ newline = 0/*false*/;
        if (!(info->mx_options & fSendMail_NoMxHeader)  &&  m) {
            if (!s_SockWrite(sock, MX_CRLF, 2))
                SENDMAIL_RETURN(24, "Write error in message body delimiter");
        while (n < m) {
            size_t k = 0;
            if (SOCK_Wait(sock, eIO_Read, &zero) != eIO_Timeout)
            while (k < sizeof(buffer) - sizeof(MX_CRLF)) {
                if (body[n] == '\n') {
                    memcpy(&buffer[k], MX_CRLF, sizeof(MX_CRLF) - 1);
                    k += sizeof(MX_CRLF) - 1;
                    newline = 1/*true*/;
                } else {
                    if (body[n] != '\r'  ||  (n+1 < m  &&  body[n+1] != '\n')){
                        if (body[n] == '.'  &&  (newline  ||  !n)) {
                            buffer[k++] = '.';
                            buffer[k++] = '.';
                        } else
                            buffer[k++] = body[n];
                    newline = 0/*false*/;
                if (++n >= m)
            buffer[k] = '\0'/*just in case*/;
            if (!s_SockWrite(sock, buffer, k))
                SENDMAIL_RETURN(25, "Write error while sending message body");
        if (n < m)
            SENDMAIL_RETURN(26, "Body write error");
        if ((!newline  &&  m  &&  !s_SockWrite(sock, MX_CRLF, 2))
            ||  !s_SockWrite(sock, "." MX_CRLF, 1 + 2)) {
            SENDMAIL_RETURN(27, "Write error while finalizing message body");
    } else if (!s_SockWrite(sock, "." MX_CRLF, 1 + 2))
        SENDMAIL_RETURN(28, "Write error while finalizing message");

    if (!SENDMAIL_READ_RESPONSE(250, 0, buffer))
        SENDMAIL_RETURN2(29, "Protocol error in sending message", buffer);

    if (!s_SockWrite(sock, "QUIT" MX_CRLF, 0))
        SENDMAIL_RETURN(30, "Write error in QUIT command");
    if (!SENDMAIL_READ_RESPONSE(221, 0, buffer))
        SENDMAIL_RETURN2(31, "Protocol error in QUIT command", buffer);

    return 0;